Weekly Roundup
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Liking these posts? Follow Corporette on Twitter — this is the edited version of what we’re reading! (We also Tweet if we hear about a good sale.) – Eeek! We hate to admit it (the heroine annoys us so) but we totally laughed out loud at the just-released trailer for Confessions of a Shopaholic. [BuzzSugar] (The Undomestic Goddess, on the other hand, is more our speed and by the same author, Sophie Kinsella.) – Jezebel liveblogged the businesswomen of the RNC, and then discussed the Today Show's comparison of the fashions of Sarah Palin, Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, Barbara Bush, and Cindy McCain. – Curious about Sarah Palin's eyeglasses? USA Today was too! – The Economist ponders the billable hour. [The Economist] – Funneee: a music video comparing bankers and consultants. [YouTube] – Spare $5000 lying around? The Motley Fool has some advice for you.