What Are the Best Team-Building Activities Your Company Has Done?

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coworkers share high fives; they're excited after a team-building activity!

What are some of the best team-building activities you've been a part of, particularly in the corporate/business world? What things really brought you together with your coworkers — and which ones were just annoying activities everyone had to attend?

For my $.02, I was always a fan of lazy team building activities as opposed to scavenger hunts or the like — the best one in my memory was a fishing trip my law firm chartered off the Long Island Sound. We were the only ones on board, there was beer (we started at like 11 AM), and it was a day-long trip. Only four or five of us caught fish (including me! bass, yum — the guys on the boat cleaned it for me and even gave it to me wrapped like you'd buy it at the grocery store). There was nothing inherently involved to build our skills like communications, or detect weaknesses, but we all came out of the trip with a camaraderie and general fondness for our coworkers.

Do you think that team-building activities can build something more than camaraderie and fondness? What are some of the best ones that you've been to?

Stock photo via Stencil.