Wednesday’s TPS Report: Paxi Tank
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Our daily TPS reports suggest one piece of work-appropriate attire in a range of prices. This week's TPS reports come to us from blogger Road Warriorette, who's guest posted with us several times in the past.
The Paxi Tank from Anthropologie would be perfect for a day-to-night look. The pretty flowers would add interest peeking out behind a cardigan or blazer for work. Then switch out your neutral flats for some sparkly shoes, lose the cardigan, and you're ready for dinner al fresco. I would pair this with navy, white, or a bright green if I'm feeling colorful, and add subtle metal-toned earrings. It's also available in a black-and-tan sort of tribal print. It's $118 at Anthropologie in sizes XS-L (regular and petite). Anthropologie Paxi Tank
Seen a great piece you'd like to recommend? Please e-mail
Maybe for when I’m 80 and living in Leisure World? In which case, I think I could get about ten just like it at Wal*Mart and have my Senior Uniform down. I could subject some to a bedazzler and try to match others to my walker.
+1! Lol
I think I’m in the minority, but I really like this. Definitely not for work, but would look cute with skinnies and some sandals on the weekend and maybe some more modern or edgy jewelry to balance it out. It’s hard to see, but the straps are split, which definitely tones down the grandma appeal of the floral print. I think this type of top could look frumpy on the wrong body type though. I’d buy it if it were more reasonably priced. $118 is just too much for a tank.
Yay! I would LOVE to wear this but every one would think I was pregenent and Frank would be askeing how I was doeing and would be stareing at my boobies to see if they are changeing and everything. FOOEY b/c I want to have a baby and this would look so nice while I was still workeing! DOUBEL FOOEY b/c Butch is NOT calling me and I wonder if I should start calleing him! I told him my dad want’s to meet him and mabye this scared him off? What is so bad about haveing my DAD check out a guy who I want to be the father of my children? If he is goieng to be scared off by a guy he has NOT even yet met, mabye a guy like Willem would not have been so bad, but the thought of haveing to move to Belgum and stay at home with his mother and grandmother teaching me how to be do wifeley thing’s is NOT something I spent all these year’s in school traineing for! TRIPEL FOOEY!
Me sitting and knitting all day, then bringing Willem his slipper’s and then retireing to the bedroom for a whole night in bed with him is NOT what I want. And then, bringeing up the children in Belgum? I do NOT think I would make it, b/c there is no Rosevelt Field in Belgum. FOOEY!
Can anyone recommend a good place to get silk or silk-like shells? I have a few Ann Taylor shells from a few years ago that were/are major horses in my wardrobe, but after weekly wear, I am looking to replace them. I probably paid around $30-40 each at the time, but now that I know how often I will wear them, I’m willing to pay up to $80 or so as long as they will last. TIA!
I have a sleeved one from Banana Republic that I really like and a short sleeved top from French Connection which is awesome. I was at the Fossil outlet a few weeks ago and saw a few that were really pretty.
Second French Connection and Banana Republic. I just had an interview yesterday and had the hardest time finding a nice new interview shell. I ended up getting a French Connection top that I love and then ordered more Banana Republic shells online after realizing they’re not always easy to come by.
I never shop at BR anymore, but walked into one randomly 2 years ago and got the absolutely perfect silky cream shell on sale for $15. I’ve totally worn it into the ground now, and can’t find a single thing like it anywhere, so I will also be watching this thread :(
Some of the points that make it awesome + difficult to find in other stores: double-layered so not see through, wide tank “straps” that almost go into a tiny cap sleeve make it perfect for under suits or wearing alone, silky fabric so not too casual looking, cream coloring instead of stark white. I literally went to 5 stores last weekend trying to find a replacement, but nothing!
You could probably totally make this (I sound like my mother) if you had any inclination (which is fine if you don’t). Then you could pre-shrink the silk so that it would be machine washable too :)
Shells tend to be a pretty simple construction, which works with best with silk fabrics anyway. Silk is a slippery b!tch to work with though…
Haha! It’s so awesome that you say that because after visiting 5 stores, my conclusion actually was: I’ll just have to make this! :) I have some white silk crepe sitting around from an abandoned project, and I’m going to try doing a rub-off pattern based on the shirt. Part of me still hopes that I can just find one for <$50 so I can spend the time on making something more exciting.
Yes to French Connection. I don’t have very good luck with BR. Their shirts fit me very oddly.
I’m very frustrated with BR recently. I keep seeing these great tops in cute prints that look totally work appropriate until I see that the back view has a giant cutout – why?!
Everlane – lots of colors and styles
Try a department store like Lord & Taylor. I had some private label silk shirts from them years ago, and the quality was great. They’re also likely to have a big selection of colors.
Happily surprised by the quality of some of the Liz Claiborne polyester ones at Penneys. For those on a limited budget but needing a new summer wardrobe – washable and less than $30.
Boden. Esp. the Ravello top. They offer different colors and patterns each season, and you can usually snap them up on sale. They wear well and drape perfectly.
I know this is odd, but for travel and to have something that doesn’t wrinkle a lot, I like Chicos…everything else is boxy.
There’s also usually nice sales on Winter Silks dot com
I’m unashamed of my love for Chico’s. I may be 50 years younger than their target demographic and it may be my grandmother’s favorite store, but I have thrifted so many awesome things from there.
Don’t feel bad Lady Harriet. I shop there too and at Talbot’s.
Do you hand wash the Ravello? Or do you think it could take the gentle setting on a washer?
I throw mine in the regular wash cycle and hang to dry.
Talbots usually has a sleeveless silk shell.
I’m a big believer in buying quality items on sale. Look at places that you assume are out of your budget. For example, NM right now has silk jersey tanks for as low as $34:
The majority of my shells are from the Banana Republic Factory (which often has different merchandise from the regular BR stores that is not available online)…maybe worth a trip if there is one close to you.
This is a weird question but are you allowed to wear Spanx early in your pregnancy? I’m trying to hide what is a little bump. This is my second, so I’m showing much earlier—or it could possibly be just from the holiday weekend ha ha. I’m also pretty comfortable so Spanx don’t bother me, but I just wanted to make sure. I couldn’t find anything online.
Totally fine.
I really, honestly, don’t mean to sound b*tchy, but back in the day, women wore full-metal girdles well into their pregnancies. I guess I am musing on how current society seems to make pregnant women feel that one little misstep and… DOOM!! I mean, I get being careful about alcohol, raw meat, smoking, but tight clothes?
Seriously, no offense to the OP and the others who answered the questions.
This is the OP, and I am not offended by your answer at all. I think that’s a good point. I was already sure it was okay but just wanted to make sure.
I’m at 14 weeks and I agree with your point. I even think prenatal vitamins are hokey.
Back in the day, women miscarried frequently, death in childbirth was not uncommon, and infant mortality was excessively high.
Yeah, and it had verrrry little to do with sushi, girdles, or unpasteurized cheese.
Agree! I think they would actually be similar to the compression tights that many pregnant women have to wear.
“Allowed”? If you’re concerned, ask your doctor. I am not a doctor, but I don’t think Spanx could possibly cause any problems for the fetus.
My doctor doesn’t start seeing you until you’re further along in your pregnancy.
What if you had a “real” medical question?
Gosh, no need to be like that. This is obviously not a “real” medical question, in which case I would ask to see her early. Do you really think I should call and make an appointment before she would see me in order to ask if I can wear Spanx? My goodness. I don’t see the reason for the push back.
If she had a “real” medical question I’m sure she would sort it out appropriately. Spanx are fine and Tesyaa you are being rude for no reason.
Maybe I misunderstood, but you asked if you were “allowed”. The only person in a position to say something is medically OK is a doctor. If we all said OK and something happened, that would not be a good situation.
Basically, either you call your doctor or you don’t need to ask. An Internet board can add nothing.
Says the woman full of detailed thoughts about brain scans . . . I’m down with ask your doctor but this is clearly a minor issue and I think asking a group of potential spanx wearers is a perfectly fine idea.
I repeatedly told the woman whose child needed a brain scan to see a neurologist specializing in epilepsy, period. I did not tell her how to interpret the brain scan – in fact, I told her not to try. I do feel bad that she can’t get in with a neurologist, but I am confused because if the child is having seizure-like episodes, most pediatricians will use their professional networks to have the child seen asap.
The brain scan (which unfortunately I have had extensive personal experience with) and the spanx have no relationship to each other.
But there is no reason to shut down a conversation about a minor, only quasi-medical issue like this. That is just rude. This internet board is filled with women who have had babies and who wear Spanx. Maybe one of them asked their doctors. I was pretty sure it is not a problem (i.e., I don’t need to ask, as you put it) but it is nice to have some confirmation.
Hey people calling other people rude, I’m pretty sure Emily Post rule #2 for internet message boards is to get a handle if you’re going to be posting a lot. “Potential Spanx Wearer” would be a good handle for one of you.
And actually, anon, there’s an entirely different message board that is specifically designed to be “filled with women who have had babies and who wear Spanx” over at Corpo r e t t e Moms.
Gosh, the regulars are once again policing what can be discussed on this board. Tesyaa and Wildkitten, y’all just go ahead and tell us what we should talk about, and then we will. I’m sure the conversations will be very interesting.
And I don’t see why it’s rude not to adopt a handle. I am anon for obvious reasons on this one. I’ve identified myself as the OP when I have replied to comments. Sure, I could have typed in Spanx or something, but I didn’t. Was that rude? Gosh, y’all have high standards.
Sure! A suggested conversation topic would be the Paxi Tank from Anthropologie.
I cannot believe that apparently professional women take so much time out of their day to be mean girls to other professional women.
As Madeline Albright said, “There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.”
It literally takes you no effort to just say nothing.
That conversation won’t last long.
Spanx can cause/exacerbate acid reflux if that’s a concern.
I am wearing spanx pantyhose right now at almost 12 weeks for that reason. I actually find them more comfortable than pants that cut into my belly. My doc told me during my last pregnancy that it was fine as long as I was comfortable in them.
Thank you! This is what I was looking for.
I really like this top. So pretty. I have a hard time buying things full price at Anthro on principle, but will add this to my “watch” list.
On an aside, I bought the Old Navy pixie pants someone recommended on here and while the quality is as to be expected (look at your seams carefully), I am pleasantly surprised by how flattering they are. I’ve been wanting a pair of “fun pants” for a while and for $29 these are hard to beat. I had to size up for them not to be skin tight, as per someone’s recommendation.
The tank is pretty! I was pleasantly surprised that it has a back. So many tanks have a crossed or racer back, which just doesn’t work for me.
Sorry, but 1986 called,and it wants its fug flowered tank tops back.
+1 you probably saw my pixie post. I like that top but I would never pay full price at Anthro. I found some amazing steals on their sales rack though.
Wore my black pixies yesterday (lint magnet) and I have them in navy. Not gutsy enough to wear the brighter colors but they really do hold their shape. I love them so much more than the much raved about jcrew Minnie pant which imo sucks and makes my butt look concave.
I’ve been curious about these. Would they work for a pear with a full bottom? ON’s ‘sweetheart’ fit in jeans works well enough for me, but usually their generic pants are way off. Wide of waist and flat of bottom.
I also love the featured top.
I’m not sure about how they’d fit pear shaped full bottom. I’d say try them knowing that they won’t actually stretch out that much so what you see is what you get.
Thanks for the tip on not stretching. That’s helpful.
I like them too, but my crotch seam unraveled without my knowing it on about the 6th wear. Gotta get out my needle and thread to sew them back together. That was a bit of an awkward day. Good thing I wore a longer top.
I gave my 2-wks notice yesterday, and suddenly, the desire to bill is going way downhill… Very excited for my new job, though. I’m staying in biglaw, but moving out of litigation. Finally!
Yay! Two weeks notice is so short though – here it’s three months! At least you can pretty much start just wrapping up and doing handover for the remaining time. Congrats!
3 months! That seems crazy to me. Your new employer has a serious wait. And those 3 months can’t be good for anyone’s morale. But I’m sure you see all the problems inherent in the short 2-week period.
Yup. Three months is standard in law, finance etc over here (one month in most other jobs), so employers are used to waiting. There is usually a lot of negotiating about start dates, though, and often people are released early and can take a vacation or start earlier at their new firm, but really it depends on what the current employer needs. We have, for example, had people work their full three months when the team has been particularly busy.
I do agree that the morale thing is definitely a problem because people on their notice are doing the bare minimum, but this is partly why people are often released early (and are particularly often released immediately if they are going to a competitor).
My firm only asked me for two weeks notice. When I gave three, it was clear they thought that was overkill. YMMV, though!
Three months is in my contract. But then they can also not get rid of me for less than three months notice except for gross misconduct. But that’s English employment law for ya!
Legally, it’s something like as soon as you’ve been working for more than a month then it’s 2 weeks, after which it goes up by either a week or two weeks per year of service (I can’t remember) – the idea being that the more senior you are the longer it will take to replace you.
When I worked in fast food for my summer job last year I handed in my two weeks’ notice the day after my probation period finished, because I wanted to finish at a certain time.
Legally? I would assume (perhaps this is where I’m making a mistake) that unless you’re under contract, the two weeks vs three months examples above would be more of a professional courtesy than a legal requirement…
Differences in US and UK labor laws, maybe?
Congrats! I made the intra-biglaw switch from litigation to a more transactional based practice and have loved every minute of it (no more discovery!). Unless you have urgent matters, I’d say start transitioning everything now and then spend your time cleaning out your office/shipping files to records. Definitely the time to coast!!
Can I ask you ladies who switched from litigation to transactional practice for advice on how you did so? Did you have experience in the transactional field you switched to? I’m interested in a similar move but have no idea how to start.
I had some experience from my first couple of years of practice. It was still fairly difficult. I applied to a couple of openings I saw on job websites and used a recruiter. The recruiter got me the results. But she was probably the 3rd recruiter I worked with — the first couple probably didn’t see much pay out in working with me because of the practice shift.
Do you have a substantive area of law in which you do litigation? That’s the way to sell yourself.
I did that switch, after 3-4 years out of law school. No experience, but a very good school record that showed that I was interested in that field (as I had taken several related electives). Mostly, it was just luck, though, that that particular job happened to open up right when I was looking.
Seems to be somewhat easier to accomplish if you litigate in a particular area. I came from the IP litigation world and had a small bit of experience with some transactional and transactional-adjacent (drafting settlement agreements, etc.) things. Apply to lots of openings; use recruiters you find helpful and that really understand that you don’t want to be moved to another lit job. And, perhaps most importantly, seek out as many opportunities as you can, even in your litigation practice — you can draft the settlement agreements or review underlying contracts that may lead/relate to the litigation. I volunteered for every strange project that came in in our otherwise standard IP lit practice (terms of use, privacy stuff, etc.), so that at the end of the day, while my skills were primarily litigation-based, I also had a variety of other things to show my interest and at least some in transactional work. You also have to work on telling your story. Transactional people seem to be quite curious as to why you think you want to do transactional work after litigating for even a minute, so having a few non-lit points on your resume makes the story an easier one to tell. Once you get an interview, don’t forget that a lot of your litigation skills translate well, so highlight significant responsibility even in the litigation context.
Thanks to all three of you for the thoughtful responses. The common thread between them seems to be to try to get experience in my litigation practice doing things that can credibly be sold as experience in transactional work or, at least, to show the genuine interest and reason for wanting the change. And of course, actually putting myself out there.
If you have time to respond, do any of you regret making the switch? The things I hate about litigation are discovery disputes, dealing with awful opposing counsel who fight for the sake of fighting, and the overall feeling that our system of courts serves the best interests of lawyers rather than clients.
I don’t have a single regret about making the switch! I also traded in a nightmare boss for a shockingly normal, nice, respectful boss, so that makes things even better. In terms of leaving litigation, I can’t stress enough how amazing it is to not have to deal with discovery fights (with opposing counsel and with your own client). Diligence is a little bit like doc review on some level, but requires more brain power most of the time and I find it to be more interesting. On the fighting, I naively expected transactional work to involve less fighting, but I find myself on the phone arguing with opposing counsel more often, but for purposes of getting the deal done (something about that makes it feel less beat-your-head-into-the-wall). I also find it easier to negotiate in the transactional context, since there is an incentive to negotiate 99% of the time, and feel like it lets you really start to strengthen your negotiation skills. There are some drawbacks and things that require getting used to: a much, much shorter project cycle (which I love, since 2 yr cases got boring); more “emergencies” or projects with a shortish timeline; handling a larger number of projects at the same time (which I love, since it is never boring); dealing with a larger number of internal firm clients (i.e., M&A folks that run the deals, other specialists, etc.) and the learning curve (I had to Google acronyms for a few months). On the whole, I find that I love transactional work, but I really do miss winning (motions, briefs, cases, etc.)!
Love the colors of this shirt but all of the reviews say it fits like a tent.
I agree – I even love the black and cream version. Sigh – maybe it’s for the best.
It’s a thing now, I guess? As a girlfriend of mine put it, ‘It’s a great summer to be very short and pregnant!’
Drapy, fluid, unstructured tops are on trend. I think. According to something I read. Somewhere.
I also assumed that’s how it was intended to fit.
Of course it fits like a tent. It’s a loose unstructured tank. What would those reviewers have expected? I love it!
Yeah… just don’t like this top.
It looks like summer pajamas. Or something my elderly aunt might wear.
It looks like Jaclyn Smith for KMart.
UGH! Apparently I am the only one in my office that comes in when it rains. What gives? Is rain really a good excuse to work remotely?
If you’re the wicked witch of the west, it is.
Haha, no, it’s a terrible excuse, but I will totally cop to finding another reason to work from home when it *just happens* to be raining also (or below 0 here in Chicago). I have a really walk-heavy commute though.
You’re right to be suspect:)
Um or how about when Chicago had that monsoon a little over a year ago? Took me 3hrs roundtrip to go 25 miles.. half that distance was me going back home because there was no point. just an extreme situation
That sounds like my dream job. I would totally use flex time to work from home when it rains if I could. Where do you work that nobody comes in when it rains? Windmill repair? Solar panel operator?
I am in Houston, its consulting but not the kind that involves travel. It just pisses me off, I would like to stay home work in my pajamas and hang out with my dog.
Does traffic freak out when it rains? That’s the only scenario I can envision where it might be acceptable.
I’m also in Houston and flash flooding is a common issue here, plus the storm last night/early morning was pretty awful. That being said, at least my one coworker who stayed home blatantly admitted he was looking for an excuse to not come in. He doesn’t always work at the office anyway but we still gave him a hard time.
Need a recommendation for a divorce attorney in Maryland, capable of handling a messy split involving mental illness and a custody battle. Would be grateful for any suggestions from this wise group of lawyers.
Threadjack: I’m looking for a piece of furniture to provide sleeping accommodations for guests, and I seem to recall somebody posting on here about an ottoman that turned into a bed? And was actually comfortable? Does that ring a bell with anybody? My googling is providing too many results and I wonder if the person who posted about it can help me out…
A lot of people had good things to say about the inflatable mattresses from Costco. No idea about the magic ottoman though…
Yeah i have an elevated queen size air mattress that was ~$100 full price. I got it on sale on black friday. worth every penny and very comfortable
Posted link first to avoid mod but I’ve heard good things about that one.
I’ve slept on the Sears Hudson futon, and it was quite comfortable. It’s also pretty stylish looking, as futons go. It’s about$450, and works as a comfortable sofa. I’m going to be getting one for the library/guest room in my new apartment.
Thanks for the help, ladies!!
There are some ideas here:
I’ve always liked the idea of a chair that folds out to a single bed. Much better than a fold-out couch, which seems uncomfortable for both. But that’s just me.
Oh, wow! Thanks for this!!
I bought a “chair and a half” that folds into a single sleeper from La Z Boy. We have used it a ton. Totally practical and doesn’t take up huge amounts of room. It’s fairly comfy too.
Maybe it’s the Southern girl in me, but I like this top. I’d style it for brunch, though. White skinnies, sandals, and big jewelry. And +1 to the poster who said they have trouble paying full price at Anthropologie. I put blinders on instore and online to anything not in the sale section.
I’m looking for some studs or huggie professional earrings, probably in gold (as I have allergies to most other metals). Where do you all shop for everyday (non-diamond) professional earrings? Looking to spend <$400
Again, I recommend department stores for this one, but make sure it’s when they’re having their sales. I would try L&T or Macys but I have seen flyers from Kohls in which they advertise gold jewelry.
I’ve gotten nice jewelry at the big L&T on 5th avenue, but I haven’t seen a lot of “real” jewelry in their other stores (admittedly, haven’t been to many).
Back when Fortunoff was a brick and mortar store, my mom used to get me stuff there for holidays and I wear a lot of it to work and in general through today (in fact, wearing a pair of their earrings right now). They still sell jewelry online. Something like this seems very versatile for work:
Have you checked out Blue Nile? I have a necklace from there that I like quite a bit (plain sterling design) and have been thinking about getting their knot stud earrings.
I have a friend who swears by Kohl’s gold jewelry but it’s usually not a high grade (10 karat or so) so you may still have allergies to it.
For 18karat or even higher you will want to try Indian jewelry stores, they frequently go up to 22karat.
Allergy issues apart though, I also reiterate Amazon’s jewelry section, they have recently had great deals for mother’s day and I’ve found good pieces there.
I love Indian jewelry stores!
Try 360JewelsElite on Etsy
Ross Simons has some nice ones.
Why is everyone so against florals? Yeah I’ve seen a lot of bad patterns and some that look cheaply drawn but otherwise they’re pretty (when they don’t scream “look im wearing grandma’s couch”)
They remind me of the 80s. Even if they don’t scream grandma’s couch – that’s still what I think of!
We lived through the 1980s.
Lest we forget.
i lived through the 80s and i think the current florals are lovely. just lovely.
Me, too. Although I’m partial to the tiny florals that were popular in the mid-90’s.
I’m in a bit of a pickle. I’m dating an almost fourth year surgery resident in a five year program, and I’m a lawyer. He’s applying to fellowships this year (wouldn’t start the fellowship until fall 2016), and I’m nervous about where he’ll end up and what that will mean for us. It’s a one year gig–should I try to plan a temporary move during his year of fellowship? Or should I stay put until we both plan where he’ll be after his fellowship? Have any of you been through a similar circumstance?
So a guy you’re just dating might move 2 years from now ? You should plan nothing. Trust that time will make your decisions clearer. You could move with him, stay where you are and travel on weekends, move partway through the year when he knows where he is going post fellowship etc. the convo you need to have now is: should we be talking about where you apply to fellowships as a couple? And if we disagree about our answers to that question what does that mean for how we feel about this relationship?
I’m looking ahead to when my husband makes a similar move (although his will be permanent), and I’ve decided that he will likely move before I do. I’m planning to lateral from one big firm to another, and after talking to recruiters and looking at job listings, I’ve come to the conclusion that I won’t be a competitive candidate until I am admitted in the state where we are moving, and am unlikely to be seriously considered for jobs until I am admitted. I expect we will live apart for a year, between waiting for bar results and the legal job market. So if you are in a position where you need to take another bar exam, it may not be practical to move with him.
I’d probably stay put for the one year of fellowship. There’s a chance he could end up in a fellowship in a place where you could do a prestigious one-year gig, but even then, you probably wouldn’t get the notice to apply far enough ahead of time. Otherwise, it seems too difficult to change jobs twice in one year.
FWIW, when I was 6, my mom finished residency and did a 1-year fellowship 3 hours away from where we lived. My dad and I stayed for that year, and she came home most weekends. They say it sucked, but we survived. After the one-year fellowship, we all moved to the place where both parents found jobs. So there’s an anecdote for you where it all worked out, although granted they were married with a kid at the time.
one of my best friends from law school is married to a doctor who is wrapping up his fellowship. she stayed put during the fellowship (since she loved her job, was unclear about where he may end up and what it meant bar exam wise etc.) and is now moving with him to a new city in September where he has accepted a permanent offer. my cousin’s wife is also doing something similar — staying put in their old city and doing a long distance marriage during his 1 year fellowship which starts in July with the idea that she’ll move once he has a permanent offer of employment post fellowship.
I moved with my then-fiancee (now husband) for his residency. I had a really hard time even getting interviews (despite great credentials) because I hadn’t yet taken the new state’s bar exam, though I did ultimately luck out and find one job that hired me before the bar exam. I think if I had told them I was only there for 1 year there would have been no way they’d have hired me. Also, I made it clear to my now-husband (then-boyfriend) that I would not even consider moving if we weren’t engaged because I needed to know he was committed before taking on that kind of risk.
My husband isn’t sure yet if he’ll do a fellowship. If he does and it’s only for 1 year, my plan is either to try to work remotely from my current job or to take a break altogether from work for a year and have a baby (haha!), then get a new job when we move to wherever we will be post-fellowship. In the meantime, I am focusing on saving a lot in case of this eventuality. I just don’t think it’s realistic to plan on getting a job in a new city for 1 year only as a lawyer.
This might be different if you’re in a big firm or corporation with offices in both cities–if that’s the case, don’t tell them anything until the time is very close, and spend the time until then making yourself seem invaluable to them and making sure your doctor-boyfriend is the one! I think this actually goes no matter what your individual situation is here–the best way to plan and prepare in the face of all of these unknowns is to focus on being the best you can at your job and growing your relationship with your boyfriend (without too much pressure yet!). Good luck!
When I was married my husband traveled a lot, including one job on the opposite coast that lasted over a year. We managed (honestly we probably stayed married longer than we would have if he’d been on-site full time!) and you can too if it’s the right relationship. It’s not easy but the technology (Skype, online chatting, cell phones) make it so much easier than it was back in the day.
All of which is to say… stay put and take it as it comes. If you still together when the time comes to be apart for a year, you will manage.
I met my husband just after he had matched to a 2-year residency half the country away. We were engaged shortly thereafter and he moved. I stayed put as we didn’t know what would turn up at the end of his two years. We were engaged and apart a year – he flew back for the wedding and we spent our first year married apart. We saw each other every few months when we were apart and kept up a steady email correspondence (no skype back in the day). Honestly, he was so busy during his residency I’m not sure I would have enjoyed the results of moving anyway. Eventually he was posted (army) permanently and I moved at that point. Turned out great for both of us. 18 years and 2 kids and a dog later it’s still mostly fun.
Senior Attorney speaks the truth as usual – don’t fret too much – it will all work out. Enjoy this stage of your relationship.