Coffee Break: Bud Vase
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Sales of note for 2/7/25:
- Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
- Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
- Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
- Boden – 15% off new season styles
- Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
- J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
- J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
- Rothy's – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
- Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
- Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+
And some of our latest threadjacks here at Corporette (reader questions and commentary) — see more here!
Some of our latest threadjacks include:
- My workload is vastly exceeding my capability — what should I do?
- Why is there generational resentment regarding housing? (See also)
- What colors should I wear with a deep green sweater dress?
- How do you celebrate milestone birthdays?
- How do you account for one-time expenses in your monthly budget?
- If I'm just starting to feel sick from the flu, do I want Tamilfu?
- when to toss old clothes of a different size
- a list of political actions to take right now
- ways to increase your intelligence
- what to wear when getting sworn in as a judge (congrats, reader!)
- how to break into teaching as a second career
Hi everyone – I recently got back from vacation and have been enjoying my tan (I’m normally pretty ghostly). But it’s starting to fade and last night I had the epiphany that there are self-tanners out there that would probably be safer for my skin and cheaper for my wallet than regular vacations. But I went down the rabbit hole of self tanner reviews. Any recommendations for a self tanner that I can put on at night, not daily (once or twice a week max) that won’t stink and turn my sheets orange? I can wear long pjs if need be…thank you!!
I like the Clarins gel one. I put it on every other day. It doesn’t stain or rub off as long as you give it a few minutes to soak in first.
Tan Towels or st tropez.
St Tropez. Use the mitt.
Kate Somerville tanning wipes are my favorite. Super easy to use, no mess, always a good even tan.
Tarte Brazilliance Plus. Comes with a great mitt.
I know people say Jergens doesn’t smell, but I couldn’t stand myself after using it. I definitely stunk. I’ve heard St Tropez is the best and least smelly, but haven’t tried it yet.
I kind of like the smell of fake tanners. Secret confession.
All fake tanners smell, because it’s the chemical that gives you the tan that smells. There’s no real way around it, although some products might have a lower concentration of it or use scents to partially mask it.
I like the Jergen’s one in the light to medium shade–it’s won lots of awards over the years and it doesn’t smell bad. It’s not colored, so it doesn’t leave colors on your clothes. I put it on post-shower and then go about my day. I find most tanners rub off more if I wear them to bed and are streakier. If I am feeling splurgy, St. Moritz is my go-to brand. I am extra-special ghostly white though….
I’m divorced with a kid. I’ve been seeing a man who is also divorced with a kid. This is my first relationship post-divorce. He said that he’s thinking about getting back together with his ex and trying again, mostly because he misses his kid (if he misses her, he hasn’t shared that with me). In theory, I support that because i would do the same if I thought I could make the marriage work, and I actually appreciate how much he dotes on his kid. But it’s making me feel icky, and like The Other Woman. Like if they get back together it’ll be almost as if we were having an affair. I’m not sure what to do – stop seeing him while he makes up his mind? Stop seeing him permanently? Carry on as usual? I like him a lot and had no issues with the relationship until this.
He’s divorced, so you’re definitely not The Other Woman. As far as you know, he has no commitment to his ex-wife. There is nothing yucky about dating unless one of you is in a committed, monogamous relationship with someone else.
But yes, you should stop dating him, at least until he makes up his mind. Be prepared for that not to happen, or at least not to happen with you.
I would stop seeing him permanently. It sounds like he has not resolved his issues surrounding his divorce. You don’t want to be in a situation where he is with you because he cannot be with the mother of his child.
Stop seeing him because it is clear that he is not ready to date/not emotionally available. You’re not doing anything wrong by continuing to date him unless and until he gets back together with his ex, but it’s not healthy or fair to you for you to be attached to someone who can’t fully be available for your relationship. And please believe that even if he ultimately elects not to get back together with her, that does NOT mean that he’s ready to be with you.
Agreed. He can be with his kid w/o having to have s-x with his ex, let alone get back with her. You do NOT want to be the third wheel in the meantime, dad says, and dad was doeing a lot of this back behind the iron curtain with women who were MARRIED! FOOEY! I think the man is not being honest with you and you do NOT want to be his bedroom toy onley to have him dump you to go back and have s-x with his ex and get back w/her leaveing you with nothing but stale memories of him huffeing and puffeing on top of you! DOUBEL FOOEY on that!
Uh…if they get back together, you ARE the other woman, no almost about it. He’s obviously not in the mindset of committing to a new relationship. I would move on.
Disagree. If he’s divorced, then starts seeing OP, then starts seeing his ex while he’s still seeing OP, then ex is the other woman.
Regardless, the Dude is leaning out of his relationship with you. At least he was up front. Half the time I think they juggle and you find out later.
This would make me so mad — confirmation that you are the Runner Up.
Until he decides that you are #1, I’d not waste my time. My cousin did this with a divorced mom for years and she ultimately got back with her ex-husband. Not cool to be getting only the sloppy seconds.
Stop seeing him. I don’t think it has anything to do with him being divorced or having a child. He’s straight up told you he wants to work on a relationship with another woman.
I don’t think there’s anything inappropriate about your relationship, but I do think you should stop seeing him. I can’t imagine that being in a relationship with someone who waxes poetic about being with someone else is a good place for you.
+2 Also isn’t ideal for your own kids. You all deserve someone who wants to make you the priority.
Stop seeing him. You don’t tell your new love interest that you’re “thinking” about getting back with your ex if you’re just sort of idly considering it. If he’s telling you, then he’s done more than “think” about it. At a minimum he’s had conversations with his ex about reuniting and she’s receptive. But tbh I’d assume that they’re physical again. Sorry.
But you don’t have anything to feel guilty about. He was divorced, or at least he told you he was. You had no reason to think he’d reconcile with his ex. Now that you do, though, it’s best to bow out to avoid drama.
If he’s going so far as to tell you that he’s thinking about getting back together with his ex, I’d stop seeing him immediately. Don’t be his fall back plan.
I don’t think you’re The Other Woman, but I think he is treating you like dirt! Why are you ok with seeing a man who wants to be seeing and is actively trying to get with another woman. I have several divorced friends. All of them miss their kids but none of them are trying to get back with their exes.
What?!? G I R L. He’s dating you and talking about leaving you for another woman? Where is your self respect? Leave him!!!!
+1 I also think this is his $hitty way of trying to get you to break up with him so that he doesn’t have to do it. Coward.
Thank you all. I think I needed to hear all that.
You mentioned this is your 1st relationship post-divorce. I ask this gently, are you sure you’re ready to date? The fact that you needed to ask the hive what to do in this situation makes me worried for you. This man’s behavior is not normal and if you think it is, please talk to a professional. I’ve been in your shoes, I know it’s difficult, but please don’t think you have to settle for a man like this. Ever.
No, OP does not need professional help for having a relationship question. You’re projecting A LOT on this situation.
I mean the relationship question is “should I be with a man who has told me in so many words that he wants to be with another woman.” Unless she’s open to non-monogamy (which there was no indication of in the OP) it’s kind of relationship 101 that you should run screaming from this guy.
Also, based on dating stories I hear from friends and on this s*te, this man’s behavior seems pretty normal.
Backsies is pretty common post-divorce from what I’ve seen. Part “maybe we can figure this out,” esp if there are kids. Partly well-trod ground.
Not where you want to be as a third party; not good for your kid to see you a part of.
Please. She doesn’t need to talk to a professional. (If anything, he does to sort out his feelings about his own divorce.) I don’t think this is that uncommon these days. Heck, you wouldn’t have people use the term rebound if it weren’t. It’s just not a good relationship to be in. A little distance from it will make that very clear to OP in no time.
Inspired by the readers on this site, I’ve booked myself on an Intrepid trip to the Italian Lakes and Switzerland! I am flying into Milan and will have most of the day to wander around before I take the train to meet up with my tour group in Lake Como. I would love to check out some stores for work clothes, particularly shoes (flats). Does anyone have any recommendations? My hotel is in the Fiera neighborhood.
I don’t have any specific recs for shoes, but I stayed in Bellagio on Lake Como this summer and there are lots of stairs and winding streets, so be ready for that!
Online dating in Dallas and Houston? What websites are people using? I’m asking for my sis who is on eHarmony and doesn’t seem to get many local matches particularly in Houston.
Coffee Meets Bagel and Hinge were good here a couple years ago. Not totally sure if they still are. I don’t think I’ve heard of anyone using eHarmony any time at all recently though.
In Houston, from Dallas. I find OkCupid to be the best as far as well educated men with their lives at least sort of together. There are also a lot of people on Plenty of Fish, but found the quality of guy to be dismal. Bumble is really popular and plenty of people have luck on it, but I didn’t. Hinge had some people on it, but I didn’t like the interface and got few responses. My friend tried Christian Mingle, but I feel like I got more strongly Christian people wanting to date me (an out Atheist) on OKCupid than she has through CM. I have never heard of anyone using eHarmony. Tinder is probably the overall most popular, but it seems like there is a lot of confusion as to whether you are going on a date or meeting someone you might hook up with. I would recommend OK Cupid and Bumble out of all of them.
I cringe at remembering the puberty book that my nervous parents deposited in my room. It was a cartoon book / both gender change manual and was recommended by our pediatrician. There may be no “good” book considering how squirm-inducing the topic is (on both ends). But what books of this time have you used and liked?
I had an early puberty (got my period at 11 and I was a scrawny thing back then, so suspect a high genetic component there) and my not-even-10-year-old is already using deodorant (and is not completely flat-chested (but still nowhere near needing a bra, just special consideration given to white shirts that are of thinner material)).
My mom gave me “What’s Happening to My Body? Book for Girls” and I see it’s still being updated and published. I remember really liking it and referring to it often because it wasn’t cringey or cartoony. It strikes me looking back that it was really informative and progressive which I appreciate now (for example, it explained abortion in very factual and neutral terms). It also had a section about boy puberty which was FASCINATING for young me.
Although abortion is a bit more than simply extracting something from your body (perhaps not for everybody, but still). It has a bit more complexity than, say, having a tooth extracted. I’d really want to read this before presenting it to a kid.
[FWIW, I’ve had two D&Es, both for missed miscarriages. My understanding is that is the same procedure as if the embryo had been viable.]
I’d hope parents would want to review any book on a sensitive subject like puberty before presenting it to their kid, regardless of a mention of something like abortion or not.
I LOVE this book and still recommend it as a librarian. The Care and Keeping of You is also great.
I had this book too and really appreciated it at the time. Another rec (not a book tho) is the Scarleteen website–I’ve seen it recommended by others as a good s*x ed site that may be useful for you. I don’t know the appropriate age range for it, so not sure if it would be good for 10 y.o. yet or not.
I would not send a 10 year old onto the website Scarleteen, until the 10 year old knew a whole, whole lot already (“teen” is key). But Scarleteen is great, and I bet they have recommended or could recommend some age-appropriate books.
I feel there may have been a decent one from American Girl on body changes.
But hopefully, you’re having open conversations with your daughter, and not just leaving it for a book. Books are good, as an ongoing resource and a place to comeback to – especially for a reader. But nothing beats have a parent just talk about these things in a matter-of-fact way.
Yes. Books are good for background research, but you need to be the source for an ongoing conversation. She’s going to hear slang terms and worry that her boobs aren’t big enough yet and wonder if she should shave her arms and think through a friend coming out, and that’s all stuff that you’ll want to help her work through.
Age 10 is a great time to start a biweekly 1:1 date with your kid. Take her out for a walk or a coffee or a shopping trip and talk to her. Google “leading questions” for kids and make sure you know who her friends are, where she falls on the popular spectrum, which friends are dating others and what that means at their age, which school subjects she’s struggling with, which shows she watches, etc. Make sure she knows that she can ask you anything and you’ll get her any answer or help she needs. Come up with code words she can use if she needs you to get her out of a bad situation.
Basically, care about her life as if she’s one of your friends, but do it in a mentor/ advisor/ therapist way.
+1 to the code words
“Mom, I don’t want leave, I don’t care if I’m tired when we visit Aunt Jo tomorrow” got me out of more than one uncomfortable peer pressure situation. Works even if friends are sitting next to you reading your texts or listening to your phone convo. Sometimes they want you to be the ‘bad guy’ so they ‘have to leave’.
Absolutely agree!
I emphasised to my 2 girls that if they used the code word I would swoop so they needed to be ready to leave when I arrived for pick up- each of them maybe used it twice in their teenage years, but it gave us all comfort just to know it was there.
For the record our code was “Do we really have to go to grandma’s tomorrow at 8?”
Absolutely agree!
I emphasised to my 2 girls that if they used the code word I would swoop so they needed to be ready to leave when I arrived for pick up- each of them maybe used it twice in their teenage years, but it gave us all comfort just to know it was there.
For the record our code was “Do we really have to go to grandma’s tomorrow at 8?”
Seconding American Girl book (if your child is a girl). This was what the pediatrician recommended to my mom when I was a tween.
Also I love anon @ 3:25’s suggestion of the biweekly date with your kid.
Also, to be more specific, the AG book is called “The Care and Keeping of You”
I had that book! My sister and I had another one too that was gender neutral, but that American Girl book was my “bible” for probably 3 years or so. Then I discovered magazines, starting with YM, and didn’t really feel like I needed American Girl anymore.
I had “What’s Happening to My Body” the girls edition, my brother had the boys version. I’ve also seen “It’s Perfectly Normal” recommended.
My Mom gave me a copy of “Our Bodies, Ourselves” and “It’s Your Body.” The second is a basically an encyclopedic reference, and kept me from having to go to my parents each time I had a question about my body or sex. This might not work for every kid, but it worked for me. I regularly consulted the book through college. I also learned a lot from Judy Blume, especially /Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret/ and /Deenie/.
I learned soooo much from Judy Bloom. I read “Forever” thinking it was going to be a cute story like “Are You There God.” Ha!
“Forever” broke my heart but was so so good. I read it in early high school I think. I don’t know how it has aged, but when I read it it seemed very accurate.
I remember one that was put out by either YM or Seventeen, and sold at Delia*s (oh yes, I went there), and it was pretty straightforward, hip, and all encompassing. I bought it for myself at 14 or 15, and felt really empowered. I cannot for the life of my remember the name, but I’ll try to google it now. I just remember it was a paperback, hot pink/magenta, and had some illustrations.
It was “Deal With It” put out by Gurl dot com (what a throwback), and sold at Delia*s. Might be a little old for your gal but it will age with her!
I highly recommend the Girlology classes if they are available in your area. I took my squeamish daughter to both and she learned what she needed to learn with minimal awkwardness. For books, our pediatrician recommends The Care and Keeping of You, which I thought was fine but not great.
Anyone here have any experience taking Plan B? Did it work for you, and where in your cycle were you? Had a protection failure very early Sunday am, took the pill about 6-7 hours later, and am, of course, totally paranoid!
I’ve taken it. I honestly can’t remember where in my cycle or any thing like that. But I didn’t get pregnant, so success. It’s super easy to get and take, so why not put your mind at ease?
It sounds like she already took it but is worried she’s pregnant anyway.
Yep. I know logically, the chances that a pregnancy would have occurred sans-Plan B were low anyway, and with it, I am most likely baby-free, but. Somehow anecdotal evidence is comforting, hah.
I took it when I had a mishap on my most fertile day -the dark green one on my app – and did not get pregnant. For what it’s worth, all five times I tried to get pregnant I got pregnant the first month (miscarriages are another story, i have two children) so for me, that’s proof positive that it really works.
I’ve taken it a couple times. It was fine. I can’t remember where in my cycle I was but it worked (or at least I didn’t get pregnant) so I think it’s worth it to put your mind at ease.
+1 to all of this.
I mean, you gotta let it be. If it’s going to work it will work. If not, it won’t. The odds are in your favor, particularly if it wasn’t close to ovulation.
I have, it worked. Don’t sweat it.
I took it about 2 years ago and it worked. I was on day 14 of my cycle (gulp). I took it within 4 hours of the incident. I felt physically awful for a few days (hormonal, heartburn and lethargic). My period came on time and was normal.
And for the opposite but also reassuring perspective – I’ve taken it a couple of times, maybe felt crampy the first day, then totally fine after, and my cycle schedule got screwed up for a couple months. Didn’t get pregnant.
Yes, similar accidental failure, was close to ovulation, it worked. That was not, however, the ideal week to be listening to The Mothers audiobook. Since then, I got an IUD and have nothing but love for that thing.
I’ve taken it multiple times (memorable occasions included the time I had such a crazy international flight schedule that by the time I got to my destination I’d missed two pills and the time I had an emergency IUD removal) and have never had an unplanned pregnancy.
Note: If you have a non-hormonal IUD removed on an emergency basis and you had s*x within 24 hours prior to the removal, you should consider taking Plan B. The ER didn’t tell me this, but fortunately my very good GP did when she called to check on me.
I took it once in college, no pregnancy. 15 years later I (intentionally) got pregnant after having s*x just once, so I’m clearly a naturally fertile person.
My 30+yo brother who has a son he adores and who lives with my parents (it’s a cultural thing).
He is an accountant, likes hiking, biking etc. Does no have specific hobbies other than playing squash which he does on and off. He has an audible membership he loves, isn’t into brands or sports generally. He likes airplanes…Already has a drone.
Clothes? Try Patagonia for t-shirts/shorts/hiking socks/baseball hat type stuff. Look for stuff that doesn’t have the brand name plastered on it as much. Patagonia is high quality so it’s about the quality not the name. Smartwool is also good for hiking socks.
If you’re local and you bike at all, get him a gift certificate to his favorite bike shop and set up a time to go for a ride with him and treat him to lunch along the way.
This or a hike together. These days, in my 30’s, I can afford most things I have any desire to buy and most people don’t know my tastes as well as I do. I generally prefer the gesture of making time for me over things.
Or arrange to take a squash lesson together?
Unfortunately in different countries- I wish we could go for a hike together as well
I got my brother a pair of Allbirds
A kid friendly activity? Maybe a zoo or pool membership?
I live in a rental building in NYC and just received notice that it will be going condo. I am thinking about buying in but don’t have any experience with the process. If you have any suggestions, warnings, attorney recommendations, etc., please let me know. Thanks!
Definitely talk to a real estate lawyer. Lots of things depend on your current set up. Is it rent regulated/controlled/Mitchell-Lama, etc.? Make sure there won’t be restrictions on resale or that you know what they are ahead of time and are okay with them. You may be able to negotiate a buy out if you decide to vacate. Something to keep in mind if you decide to stay as either tenant or owner is they will probably want to renovate many of the apartments and all of the common areas, which means a year or more or construction and all that comes with it: noise, mice, etc. Generally though, it’s worth it to get in at the insider price.
Facebook reminded me today that 5 years ago I defended my PhD. At the time I was going through a tough time and was far away from family. So it wasn’t as happy of an occasion as I had hoped it would be. Now I’m home and will be embarking on a new job soon that I hope will be better than the previous one.
I was thinking of getting a cake just to celebrate this milestone with my family. Just not sure what to have written on the cake? This is something I only intend to share with immediate family only. Suggestions?
Happy Belated successes?
Happy PhDversary
Happy 5th PhDay
You don’t have to have anything written on it, if you don’t want to. If this were for my mom, I know she would just want lots of flowers made of icing because she is only into cake as a socially acceptable icing delivery mechanism.
Do this!
I like your mom.
I defended mine 3 years ago today. Hi thesis twin!
It could say “here’s to new beginnings”, then you have cake and bubbly!
I defended my PhD 5 years ago on this date. It was a tumultuous time then and I didn’t get to celebrate with my family as I would have wanted. In a week’s time I’m starting a new job so today I thought of getting a cake to celebrate these milestones.But I’m not sure what to have written on the cake. Suggestions?
Happy Thesisversary!
Do you need to get something written? If you love sheet cakes, go for it. I would use it as an excuse to buy a super fancy, splurgy cake. Maybe a super decorated chocolate confection or a Prinsesstarta, or maybe since it’s spring, a layered lemon something. There are two cake places local to me that sell super fancy cakes by the slice or whole – and they wouldn’t be able to be written on as they’re decorated to the nines.
Yeah, I would jump at the chance/excuse for a really schmancy cake with eight kinds of fruit on it or whatever.
I would get cake pops if I were you. Costco has 2 varieties (chocolate and multi) for $40.
Someone I love and treasure has a long standing tradition of writing a very ridiculous phrase on all of their celebration cakes. Think: “Bon Voyage, Kiki and Maurice!” It’s a long story that basically involves a cast off at a bakery decades ago but they’ve stuck to it and it now has lots and lots of meaning. Maybe pick something similarly irreverent? Or, “Congrats on a Job Well Done!” also works. Congrats!
Happy Doctoriversary! Congrats on no longer being early career!
There’s a great XKCD comic about how the best thesis defense is a good thesis offense.
How about Happy Ph.D+5!
Does anyone keep a daytime-appropriate clutch in your work bag for going out to lunch, running midday errands, etc.? I am thinking about replacing my wallet during the week with a large-ish clutch that can fit my phone and a couple of odds and ends in addition to cards. Something like the Mark and Graham commute clutch. Is this a successful schlep-reducing strategy for anyone? Anybody tried this and felt like it was just another thing to carry around?
Yes, but I keep said clutch in my desk so that I can just throw my phone and a card in it. And I have reduced the need for a wallet by putting a cardholder on the back of my phone which holds my transit pass, license and debit card. So most of the time, unless I need to carry something else, I can bop out of the office with just my phone.
I do, in fact the one I use is a Mark and Graham one (though I have the tech clutch which holds my ipad mini). I love it. Esp. in the summer (I just feel lighter grabbing it, not dealing with a handbag).
I have one that I leave in a drawer. It’s a large leather one but I don’t find it too useful and on at least one occasion I ended up forgetting my wallet in it back at my desk on a Friday night. To be honest, I feel a bit silly using it most of the time because to me daytime and office wear does not equal clutch occasion.
What I have and love though is a wristlet wallet that can fit my phone and a phone case with an card slot (phone case is from madewell). The phone case alone has been a total life changer. I basically don’t even bring my wallet out anymore.
My wallet can fit my iPhone 8 Plus, and all the usual wallet stuff, plus a thin compact and lipstick, and my passport. It’s a coach double zip. I got it from the outlet. I use it as my work clutch unless I need to carry my sunglasses and my glasses, but that’s pretty rare.
I use Knomo Elektronista clutch (in black leather), which holds all of my must-have items (keys, IDs, small coin purse, lipcare products, phones and a charger. It is light, flat and it matches all my office outfits. Also worth to note that I carry two handbags on office days – said Elektronista and Grosvenor (mostly to carry around my laptop) – and I commute by car. If needed, the smaller bag can fit into the larger bag for more convenience.
I’m in my mid 30s and I have a pre-schooler. This question is going to sound dumb and out of touch. Because it is.
But how do you stay up to date in terms of trends and cultural relevance? I’ve been feeling really out of touch lately. I’m not saying I want to put on a crop top and go to Coachella (or whatever it is people who are culturally relevant are doing) but I want to know what these things are so I’m at least aware and don’t feel completely out of touch. Are there people I should be following on instagram, etc?
This is a fool’s game. Watch the news and you’ll be as up to date as you need to be given that many of them now cover what’s trending on social media as well as pop culture stories.
I LOLed at “put on a crop top and go to Coachella (or whatever it is people who are culturally relevant are doing)”. By these standards I am not culturally relevant either!
Refinery29 is a good all-around site for fashion, celebrity “news,” music and movie reviews, etc. It’s a little young and hipstery but it sounds like that’s what you’re going for. I also like Man Repeller for similar reasons. If you find bloggers or authors on there that you like, you could follow them on IG.
Relatedly– a week or so ago somebody asked for medium-sized fashion bloggers and I lost track of the thread. Anybody have recommendations or can point me to that thread?
Relevant to whom? I really think you should not pressure yourself to stay up to date on anything you don’t care about.
Look at the trending stories on Twitter every so often. That’s how I know who Childish Gambino is (would have had no clue otherwise)
How about following a podcast or two that talks about pop culture? Pop Culture Happy Hour on NPR is fun. Or one that includes pop culture even though that’s not their main focus — I like Call Your Girlfriend.
I follow a couple of “influencers” and a few celebs like Kirsten Bell on instagram (which I otherwise just use to look at my friends’ kids and pets).
I think the website Vulture is perfect for this because it covers film, art, music, theater and fashion.
The Washington Post has weekly chats on a variety of subjects, and the Monday pop culture chat and Thursday TV chat might be what you’re looking for – they’re an easy way to keep up with what people are talking about and get recommendations for things to watch/read/listen to. (The pop culture chat definitely skews younger, fyi, as the TV critic is basically the archetypal crotchety old man.) I find scrolling through a chat transcript takes up way less of my time than a podcast.
Once the kid is a bit older, this problem may solve itself, if that’s any consolation. At least, in my household, my kids (now hitting middle school) are quite happy to tell me when I’m not current…clothes, movies, music, videogames, etc. I let them pick the music in the car and they tell me all about who is doing what on YouTube, which also helps me police what they are watching. Right now, for example, I’m totally up to speed on all things Fortnite, and I haven’t been a ‘gamer’ since I last lost at Frogger a couple of decades ago.
This. My 17 year old is more than happy to tell me whether or not something is tight. Sometimes he gets a bit salty about it though.
Y’all see this?