Coffee Break: ‘It’s in the Bag’ Handbag Hanger


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Spring Street Design Group 'It's in the Bag' Handbag HangericonNordstrom has a number of cute accessories on sale right now, and this caught my eye — as part of our handbag discussions last week I know some folks had mentioned people who require an extra chair for their handbag, or only set it down on a napkin. I've always been less than fussy myself (particularly since most of my good bags come with feet on the bottom so you can put them down), but if you're more protective of your bag, this kind of “handbag hanger” can be a great solution for when you're dining out. Was $30, now $19.90 at Nordstrom. Spring Street Design Group ‘It's in the Bag' Handbag Hanger


  1. I think this is a great idea, not because I’m worried about my bag getting dirty or scuffed, but more for security issues (i.e., your bag ‘walking off’ at a crowded bar). I’m still surprised how many bars and restaurants don’t install hooks under the bar for your bag/coat.

    1. I’m glad more don’t simply because I’ve banged my knee/shin into more of those hooks than I care to count :)

    1. LNWEsq3, Do you have experience with the Clipa product from the website you linked to? It looks really awesome if it works.

  2. Someone gave me one of these as a gift. I agree it’s a great idea, but honestly I never ever remember to use mine.

    1. Me too. I always leave my bag on my lap. I wouldn’t put it on the floor or behind me where someone could steal it.

  3. I have one of these that I picked up for about $5 at Old Navy about 6 months ago. Like Res Ispa, I’ve found that I use it more at crowded bars, etc.

  4. This is probably a stupid question but how exactly does it work? It doesn’t fall off?

  5. It doesn’t fall off b/c 1. the bottom of the little circle is a non-slip foam and 2. the center of gravity of the bag is directly below the circle, so it has no sideways forces on it. It works great, I use it all the time for my white slouchy bag. (I have a different brand, but they’re pretty much all the same.)

    1. Thanks … I didn’t know how it worked either but didn’t want to be attacked for asking a “dumb” question!!

  6. I have one and it is very useful, but I feel silly pulling it out. It is simultaneously the most practical and the most ridiculous thing I own.

    1. Silly? Why? Everyone who’s seen mine thinks it’s such a genius idea and I get lots of compliments – even guys asking me to hang up their coat :)

      Ok, I probably hang out in geekier circles than most people.

  7. I love the idea of these, but honestly my everyday handbag is so heavy, I worry about putting that much strain on the straps of the bag.

    I know, I need to lighten up. IN SO MANY WAYS. ;)

    1. You don’t need to lighten up! I actually have the same worry, which is another reason I generally use mine when I’m out at bars, since I tend to pare down what I bring with me when I got out at night. Now, an HH after work is another story.

    2. I don’t worry about the strain on the straps, just the strain of pulling the hook and everything else off the table from the weight of my bag. And in crowded NY restaurants having space around the table to anchor this thing. That being said I have known a couple of people who own one and love it.

    3. But you put exactly the same amount of strain on the straps when you carry the bag! I doubt the tension in the straps decreases much as a result of your shoulder being wider.

      1. It’s probably irrational, but in my mind it’s different because I am carrying the bag for maybe 10 minutes at a time, but I will be sitting at dinner for at least an hour, possibly more.

        Again, probably irrational, but that’s how my through process works.

      2. Of course it decreases as a result of your shoulder being wider. Pressure = force/area, so if the area supporting a load is bigger, then less pressure is applied to any particular of that area. Hanging your bag on a hook focuses the whole weight of the bag on the tiny sliver right above the hook. Slinging the same bag over your shoulder distributes the weight over the whole part of the strap that touches the top of your shoulder.

        For a clothes-related analogy, it’s the same reason a stiletto heel makes your feet hurt worse than a wedge of the same height.

        1. For pressure, you are right. The pressure on the point where the handle is supported by the hook is much larger than it would be on your shoulder, which might cause a kink to form in the handle over time.

          However, I would think a bigger threat to the bag would come from the tension in the handles that causes them to stretch and potentially break. Here, the shape of the support is irrelevant – the tension in the handles is proportional only to the weight of the handbag.

          So hanging your handbag might crease the handles but won’t stretch them more than ordinary wearing would. (Of course, it will stretch them more than putting the bag on a chair.)

        2. Regardless of the pressure distribution along the strap of the handbag, the same force is being applied at the connection of the handle to the bag, which is typically the area where failure in bag straps occur – at those critical joints where they put in loops of plastic/metal of dubious quality (but spray-painted to look pretty, of course). If your purse/bag can hold up during your commute, it should be fine with a purse hook. If it makes you feel better, wrap some ribbon/electrical tape/etc around the handle of the purse hook so that it doesn’t bite into your purse/bag strap.

  8. I just recently attended an etiquette in dining instructional dinner/fundraiser, and the answer to the question regarding these was that they are not good etiquette because they could fall off and dislodge dishes. I own one myself, so I’m not judging. Just thought it was worth an FYI.

    1. Yes, you do have to be very careful not to put these on a table with a tablecloth. I have heard of them slipping some of the table cloth off. But at a bar or non-clothed table, I think you’re fine.

    2. Did they say what to do with your clutch at dinner? It seems like it should go on the table, but even a small/medium-sized clutch takes up too much real estate. Seems wrong to put a clutch on the ground, though.

      1. I need to know the answer to this question too! What I’ve recently been doing at nice dinners is sticking it in my chair behind me (most of my clutches are small enough that it isn’t too terribly uncomfortable). That doesn’t feel like the best solution, though. What do the rest of you do with it?

        1. For me:
          Pretty tiny little clutch goes on the table.
          Any other bag hangs from hanger, hangs from the chair, or sits on the floor (if it’s a bag that can take that).

          Good point about the tablecloth – haven’t thought of that. I suppose a really heavy bag and a tablecloth over a slippery table could cause disaster if you, say, tripped over the bag on your way to the restroom.

      2. Would love to hear solutions to this too. I never seem to know what to do with mine. Sometimes if the clutch is small enough I have my husband stick it in one of his coat pockets.

      3. I cannot speak to the “correctness” of this, but I’ve yet to beat the functionality: On a cruise with a woman from South Africa, I noticed that she tucked her clutch just behind her in her chair. She said she did it because she doesn’t have to worry about purse snatchers that way, but I’ve found when trying that the added bonus was the fact tha having something just behind me encouraged me to sit forward in my chair with better posture.

      4. They said your purse goes under your chair, behind you in the chair, or on your lap. They did say that if it’s a very expensive or special and smaller sized clutch you can get away with putting it on the table.

  9. I first saw one of these a couple of years ago, when a friend pulled one out to hang up her bag in a crowded pub. After goggling for a while, we all returned home and bought them for ourselves. Very handy. (And mine has at least once held up a backpack, although I wouldn’t recommend doing that on a regular basis…)

  10. I bought one this weekend at JCPenney for $8. I saw them all over the mall and the most embelished were around $15.

    1. It certainly isn’t an interview suit or anything, but I don’t think it’s too trendy for your average day at the office. Although, through reading Corporette I’ve discovered that my office may lean slightly more fashion-forward than some other offices, so I’m curious to read what others have to say.

    2. It’s cute- something I’d wear for sure, but I don’t think my office is that conservative.

    3. I like it! I think it would be fine for most offices.

      If you work somewhere where you have to wear a suit every day, having a few “more causal” suits is essential – at least in the places I’ve worked at, people are not rocking the interview style every day of the week.

    4. I love the fabric, the detailing, and the color, but I wonder what sort of shirt you’d wear, seeing as how low cut the suit is. I sort of feel like a regular ‘t shirt’ or cami would ruin the more fashion forward/higher end look of the suit, and I think a round neck blouse would spoil the neckline. Same goes for a button down- don’t think that would work AT ALL. Possibly the only shirt that could really work with this suit, in my opinion, might be a v or cowel neck blouse, and I don’t know how many of those you have, so I suppose I would just recommend thinking about the sorts of pieces you will wear under the suit before buying. Second, the collar seems a bit strange to me, almost like a collar of a trench coat, which just seems a little bit ‘off’ on a suit (meant for work on not). Does it fold down? I think the jacket would be a better buy if it folded down.

  11. For some reason, I don’t quite trust these things enough to actually buy one and try it out. How does it work with a table covered in a table cloth? And are they really sturdy enough to hold a heavy purse?

    1. I’ve received a few of these as gifts (and they wind up in the basket of ‘things that are exquisite/attractive/supercool and will never actually be used’) and can I just (only) say…really?! For starters, carrying the thing around is too much, never mind remembering that you have it and then what if it pulls the tablecloth off/table over (and that’s after the scene one makes removing it from one’s bag, strapping it to the table, bag to hook, etc). Just put your purse over your chair, on the floor, if it’s too good for that, the extra chair, if there is no extra chair, re-think purse. Seriously.

      1. Just a little PSA. A friend of mine once hung her bag on the back of her chair at an outdoor cafe and someone swiped it w/o her realizing it until she went to pay the check. Not sure about the merits of the purse hanger thing, but just be careful in crowded areas of hanging your bags on the backs of your chairs. If I’m at a crowded/ food court type place, I hang my purse on my knee under the table, which depending on the purse, isn’t that uncomfortable.

    2. Table cloth: interesting, it never occurred to me that it could be a problem, although obviously if you have a tablecloth on a slippery table it totally could be a problem. I think I have used it on tables with tablecloth… I think you can tell if there’s a slippage risk or not.

      They’re definitely sturdy. Mine once held my bag, my friend’s bag and two male friends’ coats. On another occasion, my bag and a friend’s laptop bag with laptop.

  12. As a fashion stylist who is obsessed with handbags, you can imagine how many people have given me this little goodie as a gift. And I NEVER use them.

  13. I personally do NOT let my handbag out of my site, NOR do I let anyone check my handbag. Once in a while, if I am ONLY carrying a purse, I will let my BF hold it while I put on my lipstick, but that is really about IT. Under NO circumstances will I let the server even take my handbag, even if I am at a 5 star restaurant. I do NOT want anyone to see what I have inside. Mabye I am a bit paranoid, but I do not want even to THINK of the alternative.

  14. I have two of these. Both were gifts. The second one looks like the one in the picture, with a little ball on the end. The first one just has the hook with a sharp-ish edge. I stopped carrying it after I didn’t want to get stopped at the court metal detector – it’d be pretty easy to gouge eyes with it.

    I use the second hook every time there’s not room on the banquette or on a chair/back for my purse, and only have a problem when the table’s edge is beveled.

    “Carrying the thing around is too much”…? really? My glasses case takes up way more room than my purse hook.

  15. A lawyer runs a stop sign and gets pulled over by a sheriff’s deputy. He thinks that he is smarter than the deputy because he is sure that he has a better education.

    He decides to prove this to himself and have some fun at the deputy’s expense…deputy says, “License and registration, please.”

    Lawyer says, “What for?”

    Deputy says, “You didn’t come to a complete stop at the stop sign …”

    Lawyer says, “I slowed down, and no one was coming.”

    Deputy says, “You still didn’t come to a complete stop. License and registration, please.”

    Lawyer says, “What’s the difference?”

    Deputy says, “The difference is, you have to come to a complete stop, that’s the law. License and registration, please!”

    Lawyer says, “If you can show me the legal difference between slow down and stop, I’ll give you my license and registration and you give me the ticket, if not you let me go and no ticket.”

    Deputy says, “Exit your vehicle, sir.” At this point, the deputy takes off his gloves and starts slapping the lawyer and says, “Do you want me to stop or just slow down?”

  16. I’ll dissent and say that to me, the handbag hooks look like what middle aged women who think Brighton and Chico’s are high fashion would use. And I’m a middle aged woman. Just too twee.

    1. Ha – Sharon, you just described perfectly my husband’s aunt, who gave me one for Christmas a few years ago. I donated it to a thrift shop because I thought it suited her personality perfectly (oh no, can’t let my precious nylon C-emblazoned “purch” — yes, what she calls Coach purses — touch the ground!)

  17. Actually, has anyone used those mini flashlights that connect to the inside of your purse to find stuff? Thinking it would be a cute stocking stuffer for my sister, who can never find anything in her gigantic purse. Any recommendations?

    1. I once had a purse that had a flashlight attached to it that lit up automatically whenever you opened your purse. Great concept. Helpful some of the time. REALLY embarrassing at other times (e.g. in a dark live theater when I really need a tissue and all of a sudden this beam of light comes shooting out of my purse…)

      I’m assuming the one you’re looking at is not something that will turn on automatically. If so, then I would say it would be a good gift idea. May not get used all that often, but would definitely come in handy some of the time.

      1. I have a mini maglite on my keyring that serves a similar purpose – it’s very handy.

    2. I have a mini flashlight (less than 3 inches long and quite powerful) that is not attached to the inside of my purse. I keep it in a teeny compartment in my purse so that I can find it by touch alone. I don’t use it much for looking IN my purse but it has proven invaluable in other situations (think needing to look at text inside parking meter on a dark street). Highly recommend!

  18. My hairdresser has one of these and it doesn’t come close to holding the weight of my handbag. Maybe hers is different than the one they sell at Nordstroms but I don’t find it useful at all. Also, since I’m a shoulder bag girl, most tables aren’t high enough to use the hook.

  19. I purchased one of these for myself and one for my mom from Red Envelope. It folds nicely into itself, and is monogrammed.

    I had my purse stolen from between my feet at a crowded cafe about a year ago, so since then I have been paranoid–I always had thought between my feet was the safest place! With this thing, I always know exactly where my bag is.

    Yes, my boyfriend makes fun of me each time I pull it out, but I find that’s a small price to pay for a little less anxiety in my busy urban life!

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