Coffee Break: Tory Burch Eddie Flats


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Tory Burch Eddie FlatsI was recently sent this pair of Tory Burch flats, and between the color, the comfort, and the style, I'm honestly loving them. First:  hello, one of my favorite colors of blue. (We actually have one wall of our bedroom painted this color, I love it so much.)  I've also found it great for pairing with my yellow purse, a purple cardigan, a large, dangly pair of mint green earrings — love. Second, this shoe stays on, whereas all other flats tend to flop off my feet (narrow ankles, I suspect). They just kind of suction themselves to my feet, and there's no rubbing or chafing anywhere. Finally:  COMFORT. These almost feel a bit like slippers on the comfort level, to be honest — sometimes I'll even forget I have them on. All colors (including the royal blue) are available at Tory Burch; they're also available (in limited colors) at Shopbop, Saks, and Bloomingdale's, all for $178. (L-3) Note: I received the shoes free of charge from the company. If you're curious, you can find Corporette's Review Policy here.

Sales of note for 2/14/25 (Happy Valentine's Day!):

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • M.M.LaFleur – Save up to 25% on select suiting, this weekend only
  • Ann Taylor – Up to 40% off your full-price purchase — and extra 60% off sale
  • Banana Republic Factory – 50% off everything + 15% off (readers love their suiting as well as their silky shirts like this one)
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 300+ styles $25 and up
  • J.Crew – 40% of your purchase – prices as marked
  • J.Crew Factory – 50% off entire site and storewide + extra 50% off clearance
  • Rothy's – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – Flash sale ending soon – markdowns starting from $15, extra 70% off all other markdowns (final sale)

And some of our latest threadjacks here at Corporette (reader questions and commentary) — see more here!

Some of our latest threadjacks include:


  1. I saw these today at Bloomingdales and I pressed down on the insole to see how comfortable they would be. Verdict: the insole is very very padded and would probably be really comfortable. However, I have heard from people that you feel literally every tiny bump and stone in the pavement when walking in them.

    Also, I’ve heard that you should order 1/2 – 1 whole size up.

    1. Are the more comfortable than the Teva? Those hurt in the carpeted shoe department, so I knew outside would be bad….

    1. I don’t have these flats, but I do have a few pairs that lack arch support and I’ve been pretty happy with inserts. So far I’ve tried the Dr. Scholl’s ones, and one other brand that I can’t remember, and it really does make a difference. Of course, for such expensive shoes, it’d be nice if they had support built in, but…

    1. I’m weird, size-wise — I normally take 7.5 for flats and heels, but lately I’ve been taking 8.5 for boots. ANYHOO — I have a 7.5 in these and love the fit.

    2. I think with shoes like this, it really matters how wide your feet are. When the shoe is unstructured and you have wide feet, the material will go to covered the width, not the length, of your feet and you’ll need a larger size.

      1. These appear to be the are similar to the Tory Burch Reva. I have a pair of non-patent leather Revas because the lower price options could not compare on comfort. I would recommend sizing up 1/2 size.

  2. I don’t think I’d wear these overpriced flats unless I too was sent a pair.

    1. hah, yes, Gap recently had something very similar looking on clearance for $16 in an assortment of colors.

    2. AGREED! I cannot see what justifies the really high price for a pair of plain flats. You can buy shoes that look just like this almost anywhere for under $30. I am particularly skeptical when posters are admitting that these shoes require inserts for support????

      I could buy at least 5 pairs of shoes for the same amount of cheese.

      1. As one who normally insists on paying under $50 for a pair of shoes, I have four pairs of Tory Burch Reva flats in different colors that I have worn. out. They really do have much more structure and support than their less expensive counterparts. My feet hurt less because they fit better and provide more support, and my legs hurt less from walking in them.

  3. Cute, but out of my price range for casual shoes.

    Threadjack, inspired by my post-lunch sleepiness: anyone ever taken a nap in their office? I would be terrified to do it because our doors don’t lock, but I’m curious!

    1. Ha! Not one of my proudest professional moments, but yes. I turned off the light, spread my coat on the floor, and…zzzzzzzzzz…

      I don’t remember whether my then-office door had a lock.

      1. Years ago when I was a summer associate, I was exhausted. (Or maybe hungover… this was back in the glory days when they really did wine and dine you, with heavy emphasis on the wine). Anyway, I decided to close my door and take a little nap, and I lay down under my desk (the front panel completely hid me) with my logo fleece as a pillow, and logo beach towel as a blanket. Not two minutes later I hear a knock, my door opens, and our office manager walks in along with another woman. As I’m apparently not there, they proceed to sit down in my guest chairs, and start talking about how they’re going to re-purpose the office for storage once the summers leave.

        At this point, I don’t know what to do… I’ve obviously been down there too long to jump up and say “oh! there’s my pen that I dropped!”, so I decide to just stay put – and silent – and hope they leave soon. This is fine for about 5 minutes, when the other woman mentions measuring the bookshelves that are BEHIND my desk. I know that if they come around the desk they will see me, and I’m panicking. Do I pretend to be asleep? Do I get up now and try to feign some excuse?

        Fates must have been smiling at me (after f-ing with me for a while…) because the 2nd woman say “oh, I left the measuring tape in [location down the hall].” They both leave to get it, and I leap up from under the desk and quickly get my computer out of screen saver mode, and when they return like 30 seconds later I am diligently typing an email. I look up from my computer when they enter and say “Hi”; they were both a little surprised to see me, and kind of mumble that they were going to measure because they thought I wasn’t there, and I said “Oh, I was just in the restroom, but please — go ahead and measure if you’d like.”

        1. Oh! That is horrible!

          I will admit that I cat-nap in my office maybe 4 times a year or so, especially after an all-nighter (or close to it) when I still have to be in the office the next day. I have two options — my favorite is that I take the long wrist pad from in front of my keyboard, place it on the edge of my desk, slide my chair back, and sleep with my forehead on the wrist pad. It’s comfortable enough to fall asleep sleep, but not comfortable enough to stay asleep for more than 10 min or so. Perfect. Second, more desperate option is to lay on the floor with my coat under my head and pashmina as a mini blanket. That will let me sleep for 30 min. I lock my door either way.

          I work on the billable hour, so I do not feel guilty about taking naps in my office. It makes me far more productive for my clients when I wake back up and begin billing.

        2. Bahahahaha! This is the most excellent story I’ve heard in a long time.

          *insert obligatory Seinfeld reference*

        3. Yeah, back in the days when they really did “wine and dine” summer associates, I *fell asleep* in a file room while I was supposed to be reviewing some files after a really late night out with some senior associates. One minute, I was sitting on a stool thumbing through files on a low shelf. The next, a secretary was shaking me to make sure I was ok. The amazing thing is, back in that day and time, I even got an offer.

    2. Back in the dotcom days I worked in a giant cube farm. Layoffs happened and those of us that were left were moved to all one side of the office, leaving a ton of empty cubes on The Dark Side. That’s what IT called that side. They used the conference room for storage.

      One afternoon an IT guy went over to The Dark Side and screamed. Turns out the CFO had been sleeping on the floor, his head under a cube desk, with his feet sticking out into the aisle. The IT guy thought the CFO had died. We never did find out why the CFO elected to nap there.

    3. I used to go lie down on a couch in a bathroom changing room area in the basement of my office building, or if I was working really late and it was officially “after hours” on the couch in the employee lounge. When I had my own office at another job, I used to lock the door and lie down on my yoga mat for a while. Now in my current job I share space, and while I work much less at my current job than I used to and am no longer so tired, my officemate naps on her desk for about 20 minutes every single mid-afternoon. It’s a joke in my office because she’s so obvious about it.

      I think everywhere I’ve worked it’s generally been the perception that it’s better to have rested and refreshed employees than zombie employees, and as long as you’re not billing while you’re asleep or missing a meeting or something, it’s fine. Obviously, different offices will have different cultures. If I was worried about getting fired for napping at work, I’d probably just make another cup of coffee instead of taking the risk.

    4. I used to work in an office that lost power every month or so (it was a developing country). Since it usually took 30 minutes to an hour to get power restored and our computers didn’t have back-up batteries, my boss would declare it “nap time” and go lie down. Seriously the best office ever.

    5. When it is warm enough out, I drive to a parking lot and nap in the car, using my cell phone as an alarm clock.

    6. I did it all the time when I was pregnant, at lunchtime. I had horrific nausea my first four months that got really bad between 6 p.m. and 1 a.m., so I wasn’t sleeping much. And after that I was just tired :) I would shut the door to my office, set my phone’s alarm for an hour and lay down on a yoga mat. I only had a problem once, when the most annoying guy on my floor came by, knocked on my door, and when I didn’t answer, came ambling in and started looking on my desk for something to write me a note with. As I was under my big desk, he didn’t see me, so I didn’t get caught. There were a couple of times, towards the end of my pregnancy, where I ended up at a 1:30 meeting looking a little bleary-eyed, but by that point I looked that way most of the time anyway. :)

  4. cute, but there are a million versions out there in the under-$50 range. If I’m going to spend $180 on shoes, they will be something a little more unique.

  5. Total off-topic vent: I thought my boss was out of town and planned to do a bunch of nonbillable stuff that’s been driving me bonkers, but then he reappeared this morning and has a million tasks that have “magically” appeared on his desk, despite the fact that they are all e-mails dated from months ago. I decided to blow-dry my curly hair straight this morning, since it’s been very dry and the curls just don’t last. Instead, we got rain today, I walked outside, the hair frizzed and then died and now it looks and feels like a greasy flat mess. And I’ve been thrown a project that I think I should be able to figure out, but just can’t, and I’m taking too long to complete it. And the male associates on my floor are all going to a happy hour, and didn’t bother to invite any of the female associates (again). Blech. Just had to share with someone!

    1. I’ve dealt with the all males going to happy hour thing – it’s possible that they have no ill will, and just don’t realize that you’d like to go… ya know, cuz girls only like wine and salads at cafes, not their favorite wings and beer at bars with big tvs (for example). So, after several times of not being invited, when the guys in my office were heading out to happy hour without inviting me yet again, I popped my head out of the office and said, “oh! fun! I could really go for a happy hour!” and then waited for a response. Thankfully, one of the guys said “yeah, want to come?” (somewhat unenthusiastically, but he was raised right, apparently). If he hadn’t, my plan was to just gather all my nerve and say nicely and brightly, “can I join you?” Yes, it would have been hard and embarrassing, but I decided I had to give it a try before I was sure that they were intentionally excluding me because they were mean and/or sexist.

      So I went, made sure to be very sociable and not mess with their usual topics of conversation or food orders (they always order a bunch of greasy food – no way was I going to be the Girl That Ordered A Salad) and we all had a good time. A few days later, one of them said that he didn’t think I’d be interested in going and I lightly replied, well, gee, you should have just asked! And now I usually get invited.

      Of course, it’s also possible that you work with sexist pigs, but it would be good to try to find out!

    2. Could be worse- I worked at a dot com where all the programmers had these department head planned trips to the strip club- I kid you not!

      Now I live in an old-fashioned area where it’s frowned upon for a woman to go out with a group of guys for happy hour or to lunch with one male coworker. It’s incredibly frustrating for me since I’ve been working in heavily male dominated workplaces where you either went out with the guys or had nothing to do- so frustrating.

      1. At my first after-college job I was working in sales at a techie startup type company. I was one of the only women in sales at this (admittedly small) company and our clients loooved their strip clubs. Ugh, and at one point I had to accompany the client to the strip club in order to get him to sign a contract for additional advertising. So glad I got out of that gig into a very fusty private wealth management firm. They had specific policies forbidding anything like that happening!

  6. Why don’t you just invite yourself to the happy hour? Try it once and see what happens.

    1. delicate cycle, cold water, woolite, and most importantly , NO DRYER. Dry flat on top of an old towel. And if you are washing with other delicates at the same time, be sure to put any bras in a lingerie bag so that they don’t snag the wool.

  7. ladies what is the name of the things you put into shoes to make them not smell and to absorb sweat? they were mentioned the other day. TIA!

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