A Corporette Survey (and a Giveaway!)

reader surveyHappy Wednesday, ladies! I'm always honored and humbled by this website and its fantastic community of bright women. As you know, from time to time I like to check in with you guys to see how we're doing and whether we could be doing any better on content or other ways to serve the audience — and to that end, I've put together a little survey. (We haven't had one since May 2013!) I always appreciate the time and thought it takes to answer these things, so I thought I'd do a little giveaway along with the survey — if you answer all of the questions and provide us with contact info, you will be entered for a chance to win one of two $250 Amazon gift cards! June 25 Update: the giveaway is closed! But you can still take the survey if you'd like to. 

Click here to take the survey!

Click here to take the survey!

Click here to take the survey!

(No, I have not been wasting any time on Perez Hilton lately, officer.) 

If you're curious, the last survey results told us:

  • 35.7% of our readers are ages 28-32; the next largest grouping is 25.8% of you ages 23-27.
  • 35.4% of our readers spent $151-$300 on clothes last month (with 2.4% spending more than $1K)
  • 74.7% of our readers have no kids; and 51.3% of our readers are married or in a civil union.
  • 50.2% of our readers have a JD or are in the midst of attaining it.
  • 83.1% of our readers work full time; of those who work full time, 32.2% of them make over $100K.

* While I'd like to hear from ALL readers, please note that due to legal reasons, the giveaway is only open to U.S. readers, age 18 or older. The giveaway will end at 12:01 AM ET on June 24, 2016. There will only be two winners; they will be randomly selected by Kat and notified by email. (Email or other contact info is required to enter the giveaway; please note that we will only contact you if you win.) If the first winners do not respond within one week, a new winner or winners will be selected.

Admin Update: The place to enter your email address (and enter the giveaway) is the final question on the survey form (the last page that is titled “This is the End, My Friends”) — if you for some reason miss it or don't get a chance to enter your email address, you can do either of these two things from the same computer you used to take the survey: a) email me using the Contact Form, or b) leave a comment on this post with your email address is the “email field” (not the body of the post). (Tech background here: the survey grabs your IP address so you can't take the survey 10 times (because you know you want to!); the commenting system and contact form also both grab your IP address as well, so I can link them.)

Pictured: balloons, originally uploaded to Flickr by Ilario Prospero.


  1. I’ve sometimes idly wondered if Ellen is actually Kat’s bizarre alter ego. How great/weird would that be?

    1. Not to burst your bubble, but I swear she’s as much a mystery to me as to everyone else. I think she precedes this site — the ABA changed their entire commenting rules because they couldn’t block her.

      1. She definitely precedes this site. She was on Above the Law before corporette.

  2. I just went through and filled out the survey, but there was no way to put in my email or anything at the end for the giveaway…did I screw it up?

    1. It was the last box of the survey. It was a big box that looked like one of those “give us a big answer on all your thoughts!”, not a little box.

      1. Thanks – I just missed it and clicked through, then. But I can’t go back now, it tells me I’ve already taken the survey. Kat, is there any way for me to enter my info retroactively?

        1. Yes — email me through the contact form through the same computer you used to take the survey. (Both the survey and the contact form grab your IP address, so I can link them together.)

  3. Interesting that of the 80% of readers who work full-time, only about 1/3 make $100k+.
    Based on the comments, suggestions, I would have expected much more!
    Of course, this is coming from a family that is scraping by with 2 incomes <$130k together. Interesting.

    1. I found that interesting, too. I wonder though if that’s because many of the survey takers were starting out in their careers -i.e., the 23-27 year old set? I was in grad school until 25 and cracked 100k right around 27.

  4. I’m kind of surprised you didn’t ask what field people work in – I’m curious how many readers are in law vs other fields. I know a lot of commenters here are lawyers, but I wonder how many.

  5. Ellen is probably a male partner at a BIGLAW firm. Because MALE PARTNERS have all the freaking time in the world to troll

    1. Male partners are often a-holes, but would not be caught dead posting on a women’s fashion site!

  6. I think it’s mostly because it’s people who are starting out in their careers. A lot of the advice on here caters to that crowd.

    Most of the suggestions seem like they target $100k plus though!

    1. Right back atcha, Ellen!!!

      You’re a big reason why I read Corporette! I hope you know it!!!

  7. Kat, I loved reading all the possible next steps for you and the Hive, like a conference or book. You go, girl!

  8. I can’t believe there isn’t a question about how many and how often readers are in therapy. Because, therapy.

    I’d actually really like to see one of those bubble graphics showing the frequency certain words pop up in the comments. Because, therapy.

  9. The young-trending age explains some of the body-snarking here, as the JSFAMO or IDGAF attitude increases with age.

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