Coffee Break: Fingerless Gloves

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cashmere fingerless glovesThese fingerless gloves are awesome. In the past I've had mittens that folded over your fingers (like these Kate Spade ones) and wore them because, while childish, they were very functional for touchscreens and more. These pictured fingerless gloves add a TON more style while sacrificing just a tiny bit of warmth — and you won't have the top part flapping around. They're $49 and available in six colors (several exclusively online at Ann Taylor). Cashmere Fingerless Gloves (L-all)

Sales of note for 2/7/25:

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
  • Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
  • J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
  • J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
  • Rothy's – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+

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  1. Pass. I don’t get these. In my experience your fingers are far colder than the palm of your hand. You can buy beautiful smart-touch leather gloves at Jcrew, Nordstrom, or on Amaz0n (search Elma brand) — often on sale.

    1. I’m sticking with my fingerless gloves with the flip top mittens. My fingers are definitely the coldest part of my hands. I can cover up as much as the featured gloves by just pulling down the sleeves of my sweater.

    2. i only wear fingerless gloves unless its 0 degrees and I’m playing in the snow with my kids. I just cant stand the feeling of gloves on my hands (its some sort of weird sensory issues, which I apparently passed down to my son). yes my hands get cold, but its far better than wanting to crawl out of my skin, which is how I feel when wearing gloves (and mittens are even worse).

      At least fingerless gloves provide some warmth, though I prefer the ones that have actual finger holes and cut off around your knuckles.

    3. I wear fingerless gloves in my office when it’s really cold. My hands get cold easily but I can’t work with actual gloves on. I am looking for tech-friendly leather gloves though this year. Anyone seen a pair they love?

      1. Yes, I wrote above I have a few from various retailers. Most recent purchase was the elma ones; I recommend.

      2. I was also going to say that fingerless gloves are extremely popular in my office!

    4. I used to agree, and then I tried some. For me, at least, a little extra warmth on my wrist actually makes a big deal in how cold I feel, even if my fingers are cold. I use them while driving and sometimes typing in my too-cold office.

      1. +1 – the wrist is a good body temperature regulator because of the blood flow. I will run cold water on my wrists when I want to cool down and I too find that keeping my wrists warm helps keep all of me warmer.

  2. I appreciated the swiftness in which I received a response>

    Thank you for your email. We completely respect your point of view about the negative association with Trump during this extremely emotional and sensitive election process. We do our best to stay out of the fray of politics as we want to respect the individual feelings of all our customers. With regards to the Ivanka Trump line, some customers are making the connection there to her father and it has impacted her business for sure. To be fair though, her father is the one running for President, and he has nothing to do with Ivanka’s company. We certainly do not want to be in a position of defending nor endorsing anything about Donald Trump and his campaign. Please know that if Ivanka herself were to be making outrageous comments or doing things directly that compromised the viability of her line and business, that we would hold her accountable for that.
    We actually have gotten to know Ivanka fairly well over the years and she has always conducted herself and her business with Nordstrom with complete honesty, fairness, and good partnership. She really is a very nice person. I can only imagine that she has been put in a tough spot with her father running for President. We tend to not want to condemn her because of her family relations. It’s hard to imagine anyone disavowing and rejecting their own father, but of course that is up to her and has nothing to do with Nordstrom.
    It will be nice when this election is over…
    In the meantime, I want to let you know that we have received your message loud and clear and that we take your feedback seriously.
    -Pete Nordstrom

    1. I actually think that is the right response. I also suspect that they are getting a lot of comments similar to yours (good), or you might not have received such a lengthy and thought out response, especially so soon.

      1. Cosmopolitan wrote an article about it, bloggers have been advocating it, and Twitter finally caught up this weekend with it.

        I appreciate this response, but it derails ever so slightly right here: “Please know that if Ivanka herself were to be making outrageous comments or doing things directly that compromised the viability of her line and business, that we would hold her accountable for that.” This to me says it’s about the bottom line for them, which is funny because here are scores of women saying exactly that they intend to compromise the viability of her line of business.

        I used to really admire Ivanka; she struck me as poised and astute despite a troll of a father (even before the election, he was always clearly an egomaniac based on the Apprentice and birther campaign). I would feel bad — that she has been played because she is his oldest female child; you don’t see Don Jr or Eric making as many speeches as she does. But at the same time, she is a grown woman and her husband is a grown man, so I don’t feel bad. Now I just think she doesn’t have a backbone. There are plenty of women who write on this very board who don’t speak to toxic members of their family.

        1. And there is also a big difference between excommunicating a family member and hitting the campaign trail for them. I don’t know their family dynamics but I don’t think it would have been that hard for Ivanka to say “I love you and support you, but I need to focus on my family [I mean, she’s got what, three kids under five?] and my business” and maybe do one interview to that effect – that she loves him and is proud of him, but isn’t working for his campaign because she has other very real demands on her time. Maybe I’m naive about politics, but it seems like it was very much her choice to take such an active role.

          1. +1, I have a challenging father with Trump-esque characteristics so I was willing to cut her a lot of slack…until she started actively campaigning for him and it became clear that she was one of his main surrogates.

      2. Yes, I do too. Ivanka has great stuff, and those that condemn her b/c of her dad are being prejudiced against her JUST by asociation. FOOEY! You can NOT brand everyone bad just b/c you do NOT like someone if the family. If that were the case, then we would be as guilty like a racist. DOUBEL FOOEY on people who think ALL peeople are the same. There are good and bad for peeople of all race’s, color’s or creed’s. Certainley NO ONE in the hive would say that ALL [INSERT RACE] is bad. If so, then why are they so willing to condemn all of the Trump’s b/c of her daddy? TRIPEL FOOEY!

      3. I like this response too. I am not a Trump supporter but I don’t think they need to drop her brand. It *is* about the bottom line. It’s about shareholders (not sure if they’re public) and employees and all of that. That’s America. We are doing a great job speaking out and not buying her stuff, and it is impacting her bottom line, so that’s what we should be doing.

        We do not want only one voice in America.

        And this:

    2. Ehh I think that is a super wishy-washy response. Ivanka has done far more than just not “disavow and reject” her father (which I understand any daughter would struggle to do). She has been one of his top surrogates, campaigning frequently for him and delivering one of the top speeches at the convention that nominated him, and she has defended his remarks and attacked reporters who ask pointed questions about them ( I can understand Pete Nordstrom’s argument to a point, but Ivanka crossed the line between dutiful daughter and active surrogate a long time ago, in my opinion.

      1. I agree, and wrote back to Pete with essentially the same response. I received another quick response saying something to the effect of “I understand and I hear you loud and clear”.

        If she had distanced herself from the campaign or even said that she loved her dad but disagreed with him on X, Y, and Z, I’d feel very differently. But she hasn’t done that. She’s his most vocal spokesperson.

        1. +1. The Nordstrom response-thinking is what led me to buy my Ivanka flats 18 months ago- but as of many months ago, I’m not buying anything else from this brand. I do think its OK for Nordstrom to continue offering her stuff- its on us to reject buying it!

          1. Same– I have quite a few of her shoes but I won’t be buying any more. I was always grossed out by the connection but they’re pretty decent shoes for the money and they fit my weird narrow heeled foot.

          2. Has anyone successfully removed the logo from the back of Ivanka brand shoes?

      2. I love Ivanka Trump clothing and I know many many people who do too. Why should everyone be deprived of nice clothes because of your opinion. You are obnoxious.

        1. I wouldn’t say you’re obnoxious, but I do agree with this sentiment. A lot of people like her clothes, regardless of her father. Why should they not be able to buy them?

          1. It’s capitalism, y’all. You’re entitled to keep buying them; people who don’t want to buy them are entitled not to buy them – and to express to the retailer that they’d prefer that the brand be dropped. The retailer can then make the decision if there’s a negative bottom-line impact to continuing to carry the brand. There’s nothing wrong with a consumer conveying that opinion to a private business.

      3. I think that some of us are taking out their dislike of Ivanka’s dad by bashing Ivanka, I think b/c she is a very accomplished clotheing designer, has a successful education and career and a loveing family with beautiful children, and is fabulousley a attractive woman. I wish I were her, but am NOT jelous. We should all take the highroad and not bash her b/c of her dad, who I agree is NOT the best advocate for us professional women.

  3. Today’s poll – how many sets of sheets do you own? I’m starting to think I have aproblem – It’s just me and DH, one bed apartment, and we have 4 sets – I cannot resist a deal on nice sheets. Is there a good rule of thumb? Also, we change them every 2 weeks. Is that gross? I feel like this is an area where I need to learn what other adults do and emulate. Curious how often everyone changes sheets and what the rotation is like. Also, favorites!

    1. We have 2 sets for our bed so we don’t have to worry about washing them immediately and 1 set for our pull out sofa. If you have room to store them, I don’t think there is anything wrong with 4 sets.

    2. I have 3 sets and I change them weekly. But we have two dogs and a cat and sometimes all 3 of them sleep with us regularly. If they didn’t 2 weeks might be fine.

      1. Same. I also have a set in reserve because the color I prefer is hard to find (periwinkle).

    3. 2 sets for our master bed, changed every 2 weeks (no pets in the bed), and 1 set for each guest bed, washed and replaced after guest leaves.

    4. We have 3 regular sets for our bed and a set of flannel sheets for the winter. I used to change them like once a month (I know, gross). Now that we have dogs that sleep with us they get changed every Sunday.

    5. Change weekly, have two sets, but the second set often languishes in the closet for a month because it’s easier to put the freshly-washed sheets right back on the bed, than it is to deal with folding them neatly.

    6. 4 sets for our bed (pets sleep with us), 3 sets for the kiddo. They all get changed weekly.

    7. I have 3 sets, and I’d like to say I change them every week but in reality it’s more like every other week. I have 3 and it feels like more than enough, since having even 2 dirty sets of sheets takes up a lot of space in my hamper.

    8. 2 sets and I change out monthly (I’m a terrible housekeeper – I think I’ve only vacuumed my apartment 4-5 times since I moved in at the end of July). I’ve been meaning to buy an extra set of sheets though.

    9. I try to change the sheets every other week, but it probably gets done closer to monthly. Sorry if this is TMI, but DH sweats a lot so his sweatiness is the primary motivator for washing the sheets. During months when his snoring is particularly bad (like now), he sleeps in “his” room so the sheets don’t get changed as often. I don’t wash “his” sheets unless a guest is coming; no idea how often or if they get washed.

        1. I wash the sheets when I feel the need to do so for my own comfort and preference. If he wants the sheets washed more often than every other week(ish) because his side is dirty, he is welcome to do that himself.

        1. This is such a weird response. She’s a troll because she has a different perspective from you? Dude, I’m a different anon, and I’m busy and I honest to god just don’t care enough to get fussed about it. We change our sheets roughly once a month and nobody has died yet.

    10. I have two sets and they get changed monthly…if that. Some people might find it gross but I don’t sweat much and I sleep fully clothed so I feel like the sheets just don’t get that dirty.

    11. One set of sheets worth using (the others are so terrible and thin that I’m not sure why I hang onto them) that get washed and replaced once every week or two (cats + baby sometimes joins us). I would love another set but it’s not exactly a thrilling thing to shop for.

    12. I have one set and I wash them weekly. To the extent I can avoid it, I don’t let pets under the covers (the cats do what they please, however). I am fastidious about making the bed immediately after I get out – even if I know I am getting back in after getting coffee or whatever.

      1. This would be an interesting poll, too – how many people actually make their bed? I don’t think I’ve made my bed since I was a teenager.

        1. Make it every day. I hate leaving the house untidy and would feel a rumpled myself leaving dirty dishes in the kitchen, unmade bed, laundry not put away, etc.

        2. I’ve always made my bed until I met my husband. I prefer the way it looks and the way that it feels to crawl into a bed that was nicely made. My husband hasn’t made his bed since leaving home. It is his little rebellion. He typically gets up and leaves the apartment after me, so we haven’t made the bed unless we are expecting company.

          1. Oh man, I couldn’t!! Haha.

            I made the bed after getting out of it on Saturday even though I knew I would be washing the sheets that day. True story. Issues, I have them!

          2. OMG I would hate that. If my husband didn’t make the bed, I think I’d do it when I got home from work because I can’t stand to get back into an unmade bed.

            So obvi I’m on Team Make the Bed Every Day. LH is too so we do an informal 50-50-ish split. And if we’re both around we make it together because that’s the easiest way.

          3. I’m normally just too lazy/tired to do it when I get home. But I certainly understand the desire!

          4. To Senior Attorney –

            Yes, that is exactly what you’d do. Because it is exactly what I used to do when I worked in an office (I’m the early riser/leaver of the pair) – if my husband was still in bed when I left, I’d have to make the bed that evening when I got home.

            Now I work from home, so the bed is always made in the morning…right after he leaves home :)

            Sometimes he makes it himself, and then I struggle not to adjust the pillows and make it neater :)

            I blame his mom – she doesn’t make the bed and didn’t require it of the kids. I’m sort of kidding. She’s great in many ways, but house tidiness is not one of them.

          5. I make the bed every day. I tried to institute a rule that the last one out of bed makes it, but my husband neglects about half the time it should be on him, so I just do it anyway. I don’t do a great job when I’m trying to get out of the house on a busy morning, but I at least pull the sheets and blankets up and put the pillows in order. It takes two minutes and makes me feel so much calmer in the midst of 3 young kids’ chaos.
            4 sets of sheets, 3 of which need to be replaced. Changed every other week. We shower at night and don’t sweat too much.

        3. Every day but I only have a doona so ‘making the bed’ for me takes less than a minute

    13. We have 2 sets and they are changed every other week by our cleaning person. I’m looking for a third set though so I don’t have to keep doing laundry the night before cleaning day.

    14. We have 3 sets of each kind (flannel and percale). Approx. 6 month rotation for each kind of sheets. I usually change them every other week.

    15. I have two sets plus some flannel ones for winter. Will probably buy a second set of flannel as I now live in Scotland.

    16. One set, that I wash monthly. However, I’m traveling most of the time, so it works out to 12 sleeps between each wash. I do not have my own washer dryer, which also influences.

    17. If you have a problem, Arlington, then mine is worse…I think we own maybe six pairs for the master bedroom, two pairs for the guest bed/pullout couch and four pairs for my son’s bed. Changed every ten days or so, more if I am feeling really ambitious. If I had endless funds, I would have someone change them every day…

  4. Anytime that I see fingerless gloves, I think of Madonna’s getup in the early 80’s! (I believe that she was into lace fingerless gloves at that moment in time)

    1. Which makes me think of Holly in the Wedding Singer, but that may just be because I watched it last night :)

  5. Hey hive! I have an interview this week for a position in marketing at an art school. What the heck should I wear?!

    Notes: I know they have a casual culture & dress code normally, I’m pretty young (early 20’s), I don’t have a lot of “fun accessories”, semi-tall, slight pear body shape.

    THANKS :)

    1. For an interview, I would always go with a suit. If you have good reason to think that might seem to formal, you might add some statement jewelry or shoes, but personally I probably would not.

        1. So I have a very classic gray suit, would it be okay to add a semi-fun, but still totally professional polka dot shell under it?

          1. Definitely! I’ve done a couple of liberal arts schools interviews lately, and while they’re not as casual as the art school you describe, I felt completely appropriate in a classic black suit with a red shell with white polka dots. If anything, I felt a little overdressed with everyone I spoke to except the college president. I did keep my jewelry & purse simple, and wore basic black shoes.

          2. I worked in design consulting, which probably has a similar vibe / dress code. A polka dot shell sounds totally fine. The design firm I worked for interviewed several candidates for a marketing position, and I vaguely remember them wearing suits with brightly colored shirts underneath.

            Art & design folks are generally fine with (or excited by) people who show personal style. It’s not like being a lawyer, where unusual clothes in court could be an unwelcome distraction. Style is part of the point.

          3. I work at a school with a large and prestigious arts program. Wear something with your suit that’s going to show personality, and that you understand and can speak to their brand and image, especially if you’re going to be in a marketing role where you’re representing the school to others. Polka dots would be too twee for arts at my school–think more Tilda Swinton, less Zooey Deschanel. When I interviewed here I wore a black sheath dress + non-matching black blazer, statement necklace, and neutral-but-architectural heeled sandals.

            Also general tip for higher ed interviews, make sure you can walk in your shoes. You’re likely to have a campus tour.

    2. Fun shell with the suit sounds good!

      Have you google image searched the people who work in that department? You can often find photos of them presenting at meetings, things like that. If they’re in a pretty standard suit at that sort of formal event, that might give you confidence in wearing one too.

  6. Fingerless gloves always make me think of that Julian Casablancas video

    …Know your limits with a boombox…

  7. I just read the morning thread and saw the comments about volunteering on election day. You’re in SE Ohio, yes? I’m involved in the voter protection effort here for the Dems/Hillary campaign. They are still looking for poll observers – who spend the day at a targeted polling site and try to trouble-shoot and report problems. You don’t need to be a lawyer to do this work.There may be some other slots available. If you’re interested in that, shoot me an e-mail and I’ll hook you up with the coordinator. jcolleen318 at the gmail.

  8. Inspired by the above thread about sheets – I’ve heard the right sheets can be a game changer. For those of you who have invested in luxurious sheets, where do you buy them? Any specific recommendations?

    1. I love my Pure Beech sheets from Bed Bath & Beyond. The jersey knit ones. They are super soft and unlike other jersey sheets I’ve slept on, I don’t feel like my pajamas stick to them when I move around.

        1. OP from the sheets thread – my FAVORITE are from restoration hardware outlet – they are a linen/something blend. They are not 100 percent linen like the store ones, they’re pricey but always on some sort of deal at the outlet. They are just perfect, they take a wash or two to soften up but I love them.

    2. My favorite sheets are the percale threshhold sheets from Target. They are 100% cotton, crispy, wash well, and sleep cool. I have spent way more on much fancier sheets, and these are the best for me. And they are not expensive, but that’s a bonus. You can buy expensive percale at places like Garnet Hill or the Company store, and these are truly just as good.

      1. Second the Target percale sheets. I just picked up a set after drooling over Brooklinen sheets and not being able to justify the cost. The Target sheets are great – crisp, comfortable, and have held up well so far to the few washes I’ve done.

    3. Sheex, high performance sheets like workout clothes. So compfy!! Especially is you sleep with a sweat-er or its humid

  9. For those of you with ADHD, what were things that helped you as a child (esp. if you can remember being 8), other than meds (which we’re trying, but not with noticable results except for the one time we turned our daughter into a zombie). I get that you need an especially loving and kind and patient parent (it is not the easiest thing to say “don’t do X” three times in 5 minutes calmly ). Verbal cueing has been recommended, but I can see how the cue/nag line will be much different here than with a differently-wired child. I don’t want to give her any sort of complex, but her impulsivity / not great social cues for what is appropriate sometimes (eye contact, fingers in mouth, other things) are concerning. She is overall very sweet, but has been teased a bit at school and has developed a recent nail biting / finger picking habit that’s not good.

    1. I think you may need to recalibrate some of your expectations. So she bites her nails – who cares? So do millions of adults. (I did until I was 32 then quit when I wanted to; it was fine. I’m a successful adult.) Focus on things that make them unhappy because they make her unhappy or because they’re a non-negotiable (like school work). Don’t focus on making her a perfect little girl-bot who will never get teased at school. She will get teased and the important thing is that she knows it’s not her fault and not about her worth as a person.

      1. She doesn’t bite them so much as gnaw them and pick at cuticles and both thumbs and some other fingers are infected messes right now. I think it’s a nervous tic or manifestation of something but I have taken to band-aiding her up in the morning as a bit of a cut to stop and let them heal and to cover up open wounds.

        I agree that mere biting would not be a big deal.

        1. CUE to stop

          missing the edit feature

          I agree with the below poster re anxiety. We’ve tried some yoga and breathing techniques (maybe inartfully / not consistently enough).

        2. I do not have ADHD, but I sure do pick my cuticles until they bleed when I am bored. It’s one of the reasons I have to be really on top of my home manicure and hand lotion game. Sure it hurts, but does that stop me? No. Sure it looks terrible, but does that stop me? No. Keeping my nails painted and using lotion regularly is the only way to get me to cut down. It’s probably tied to anxiety more than anything.

          I’m 36 FWIW.

          1. I thought about bringing her in for a manicure but wasn’t sure that eating all that polish would be good (or having so many bulging infected areas would be good for anything but a home manicure). But appealing to vanity is worth a try . . .

          2. I guess for me, this isn’t the worst thing in the world. She probably isn’t going to stop even if you offer her manicures (and even then only if she wants them). I doubt I will ever stop having the hurt to pick at them. Road trips are a disaster – I am so bored that I literally have to sit on my hands to stop. One hand on the wheel, one hand under my butt.

          3. I had a secretary who had a daughter who was a cutter. IDK that much about cutting, but the self-harm of it would be concerning to me.

            Like how playing with your hair is OK and annoying but pulling it out is just different.

          4. Former cutter and life-long nail biter here. Also pulled out my hair when I was in preschool (now in therapy woohoo!). They are not the same and biting nails is *generally* not indicator of the more serious implications of self-harming tendencies. I think that they are similar in that they can both arise as self-soothing measures; however, cutting is much, much further down a troubling path than nail biting, even if it hurts. Cutting is done to self-harm. Pain from nail biting is a side effect, not the goal. The reasons vary between individuals and are complex, but people usually cut for reasons like a) its a cry for help b) its self-punishment c) it’s self soothing/a distraction from emotional pain d) its a ritual/learned response to intense/crisis situations e) it’s literally an attempt to feel *something.* It’s not absent minded like nail biting is; its purposeful.

            I guess what I’m trying to say is that cutting and nail biting are not at all on the same spectrum and that I don’t think OP should be worried that her daughter is in that headspace. Self-harm is a *whole* different ballgame.

          5. I was a cutter as well (and still am a sometimes nail-biter) and 100% agree with former cutter. I was trying to figure out how to explain it, but she did it perfectly so I’ll add a +1.

    2. I don’t have ADHD so can’t comment on that specifically, but your note about nail biting/finger picking in combination with the nagging/complex/teasing concerns rang a bit of a bell for me. I was a nail/finger picker as a kid and still am today. My parents didn’t like it when I was young and tried a variety of things to get me to stop, and I always could for a while, but it never really got eliminated. With the benefit of hindsight, I now think they were treating it as a habit that just needed to be broken when it was actually a method of self-soothing (that did also carry over to moments of boredom or deep engagement in something like reading) that was reflective of a pretty high level of anxiety. I was a happy, well-adjusted kid overall, so there’s not any real reason my folks should have known to do things differently, but in retrospect, I think what I really needed was probably a therapist. YMMV and your kid may be different, of course, but your comment rung some bells together such that I thought it might be worth mentioning my experience.

      1. My comment above is very similar. For me, the biting/picking is anxiety and boredom based.

        1. mine was too. started in 4th grade when I was bored and could.not.stop until 33. I had acrylics for years until I started the biotin habit shortly before getting engaged. My nails a finally strong enough that biting isn’t super easy and my normal nails are strong enough to grow out and get painted.

          Although now, if I don’t paint them, I could easily bite them so I love me some nail polishes, regular manis, and cuticle cream. Every time I want to bite, I try to use cuticle cream instead.

      2. This times 1 million. When a kid is a nail biter or picker to this degree it’s about self soothing and anxiety not just habit. Help her figure out a replacement way to deal with anxiety and the biting and picking will stop. Manicures won’t work.

        Also, I think having to say no like three times in 5 minutes is pretty much standard parent life.

        1. Yeah, as someone who has always been anxious, I’ve just been cycling through a series of (less and less noticeable) nervous habits. Even now, I pick at my lip and having parents and partners constantly telling me “stop doing that” and “don’t mess up your beautiful hands/face/whatever just makes me feel ashamed and dumb. Try not to badger her about the picking and biting, she may grow out of it. Helping her find alternate ways to self-soothe and maintain focus will help. For me as a kid, it was lots of exercise, dance, drawing, and fidget toys I could quietly mess with. I still use fidget toys.

          1. We got some chewing beads back when she was chewing up wood pencils and the slobber was to the degree that the school didn’t want that much drool going everywhere (germs). Mechanical pencils were the tipping point. 9 months later, the finger picking started along with the biting.

            My heart breaks for her — I think she struggles to articulate her feelings and it just manifests itself this way.

          2. Yes. I don’t have ADHD but any of those sort of things my parents badgered me about as a kid never improved due to badgering. I just had to grow out of them or develop an alternative. The only think I can think of is to maybe identify her feelings – when you’re bored do this, when you are anxious do these breathing excercises etc

          3. Total shot in the dark, but are you in a big enough area where you might be able to connect her with a support group for ADHD girls? It might help her to meet people who are going through what she is going through, and if the group includes older girls it could give her role models to aspire to (and give you and your H a frame of reference for what “successful treatment” might realistically look like for your daughter – I can imagine it’s hard for you and your H to even know what to aspire to/hope for/strive for since ADHD in girls is less diagnosed and less well-known).

          4. This. When going through terrible, awful anxiety, I make it a habit to have something in my bag or pocket I can fidget with. For a long time (as an adult), it was a tiny stuffed bear. It fit in my hand without being seen if I needed to do something with my hands to not fidget like crazy/give away how anxious I was. During bar prep, I played with a tiny thing of play dough constantly so that I didn’t pick at my nails. At therapy, my therapist sometimes just hands me a roll of tape to fiddle with if I need something to focus on.

    3. Great work with a child developmentalist/play therapist. Your daughter can easily be directed and coached to “catch” herself. Using an alternative behavior with the hands is also helpful. There are very different parenting strategies for children with ADHD, none of which a great and normal (?) parent would use with children. You can look up Russell Barkley for starters. ADDITUDE magazine is another super resource. Magination Press contains books written by licensed psychologists for children.

      Please try to avoid “don’t” in commands. The child with ADD cues into the action. Try suggesting/commanding what you want to have happen. Hands in pockets. Feet on the floor. Toys go in the basket. Etc. Also, you will feel that you are giving a lowered volume of negative towards her.

      Note that there are several different reasons for chemical imbalances that are related to ADD/ADHD. The medications out there all work on different actions. Talk to your physician; there may be other “types” to try if you want to persist.

      Perhaps she can “fidget” with a rubber spiked ball. (Oriental Trading Company – porcupine balls) Or a piece of satin binding on a hem or in her pocket. Again, using the hand for a different action than picking.

      Dr. Shapiro writes good books for parents as well.

      All the best!

    4. Lists on the wall of things to do and check off. Lots of aerobic exercise. Lots of water. Deep breaths if I got frustrated. Gentle reinforcement of the task and count downs (5 minutes until _____). I would shut down if “rushed” but countdowns were more of a game to me. Clocks everywhere. Timers too. Making sure to take reward breaks during homework. (ex. Math homework then help with dishes then science homework then play with dad once he was home for 30 minutes then reading homework before bed.) Also, my mom would read books with me for school. Like she would buy a separate book and read what I had to read. Then, at breakfast we would discuss what we read which was very helpful for me to remember what I read and to wake up. I think she liked it too. Also, at night my parents would have me read aloud from a non-homework related source. I don’t know if they were actually paying attention but I thought they were.

      Packing and laying out things for the week and also for the next morning the night before.

      Having a color coded schedule for the next two weeks in a place like the kitchen or dining room. We would each have a color and then there was a color for all of us (like I think black was church).

      I never took meds until age 27 but if I had, I would probably have saved myself a lot of money on tuition where I could have got scholarships but instead did everything at about 200 mph and 50% effort and worked 3-4 side jobs throughout school. My friends could focus and do their work then relax because their loans covered their tuition with scholarships. I never could stand it. And I have no idea how I would manage with technology. I had a book at the library and I would still get up to go walk around or get another book or move or look at the magazines.

    5. Any chance she has a genius level IQ? I was bored to tears as a child which manifested as fidgeting and biting my cuticles. Two skipped grades and having real peers basically solved the whole problem. In highschool I did start getting fidgety again when I surpassed the second set of peers so I worked out a half time schedule with most of my teachers so long as I had 95+ I only had to attend alternating classes

  10. Reposting to get a few more thoughts: For those of you who have tried trimming your bikini line (or more) with a trimmer, does the stubble (for lack of a better word) itch or poke at all? Lately, the length of the hair is bothering more, especially since I need to wear a pantyliner every day, so I’m considering any and all options. For those of you who have a “landing strip,” how do you get it that way? Trimming plus waxing?

    1. I don’t like shaving stubble and waxing was cut from the budget, so I use veet and am really happy with it.

      But for keeping down length, I do often just use a beard trimmer. I probably do about 1/2 inch?

      1. You smear veet over the area and it just all falls off? Does it dissolve at the root and then the regrowth is soft? The beard trimmer is intriguing to me – how do you manage to do this without creating a mess all over the floor?

        1. I use a beard trimmer, and although it sounds wacky, I’ve found the easiest way to not make a mess is to straddle the toilet facing the tank. Looks bizarre, but works.

  11. Best strategies for saving money quickly? DH and I don’t have much debt and we have lots of money in retirement accounts, so I’m not worried about our long term financial health, but we need to come up with a decent chunk of change over the next six months to cover a home remodel that is costing more than expected + rebuild our slush/emergency fund. Cutting our annual vacation would be one solution, but I’m hoping not to do that since it might be our last before TTC. I’m not sure just cutting out my daily Starbucks will be enough, so I’m looking for suggestions of middle ground things that are somewhere between a latte and a trip to Europe.

    1. Stop buying things, don’t eat out, pack all your lunches, get rid of cable, etc.

    2. Do you buy lunches out? I can usually do a week’s worth of lunches in less than the cost of two lunches out. It’s less fun, but it’s also healthier, so it evens out.

      When I’m saving money I also both (1) eat dinner out less and (2) don’t order alcohol when I’m eating out. My husband is a beer snob so in tight months he just doesn’t buy beer at all, and that helps too.

      And then just look at where your money is going. I tend to buy things (dresses, the things are dresses) I don’t really need if they are “a good deal” (“nothing is a good deal if you don’t need it” — my mom). When I’m in savings mode I just tell myself “we are only buying necessary things right now. I have plenty of clothes.”

      Basically, I start to really look at each expense — the impulse buys at Target, and yes the morning Starbucks — and stick to only what is truly necessary. Changing that mindset for a month at a time usually gets us a decent bump.

    3. Take a critical look at your discretionary spending. My big 3 are meals out, the gym, and booze, but ymmv.

      If that’s not enough, and I’m aware that this may be an unpopular opinion, but stop contributing to retirement/savings/investment accounts and drop all your debt repayment to the minimum. Six months is not going to make that much difference.

      1. Cut retirement if you want, but don’t pretend it won’t make much of a difference. If she is contributing 18k/yr evenly across the yr and presuming no match — cutting by not contributing for 6 months = $9000 (at $1500/month). If that $9000 were to grow at 5% per yr for the next 25 yrs, you’re looking at $30k. If that’s what she wants to do that’s fine, but think about whether a remodel now is worth an extra 30k in hand at retirement when you will be on a fixed income.

        1. Oh, cutting retirement is not on the table. We’d nix the vacation before that or even make do without much of an emergency fund before we’d raid the retirement accounts.

    4. If you haven’t already and aren’t particularly attached, get rid of cable. More on the latte than trip to Europe end, but there is nothing quite as satisfying as not paying Time Warner Cable every month. (ok, maybe people don’t hate their cable provider quite as much as I did, but it’s great). You can get NBC, ABC, CBS, CW, and Fox with an over-the-air antenna. I realized this covered 90% of the TV I watched. The only rub is sports not on these channels and HBO–the solution for that is SlingTV or your local sports bar, and HBO has an online-only subscription.

      1. DH wants cable and he spends a lot less money than I do, so it’s not my place to tell him to cut it. It’s also not a huge expense in our area (the difference between cable + Internet and just Internet is only about $30/month) and we don’t have Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu or any of that jazz. If I lived alone though, I would definitely have Netflix and no cable.

    5. Does your credit card have a thing where it automatically categorizes your spending? It’s hard to answer the best way to cut without knowing where it’s going. If your credit card doesn’t have that feature (mine does), go through your last couple of month’s statements and put them in a spreadsheet to see where it’s going.

      Personally when my spending gets out of control it’s generally: eating out, booze, and impulse shopping online when I’m bored. Cutback methods are: bring lunch to work, invite people over for drinks instead of going out, and go into “replacement only” mode for shopping.

    6. Write down every single expenditure on a physical notepad.

      10/24 – $15 (lunch out), $27 (CVS), etc.

      I found that actually writing everything on paper (not on a computer) made me realize how much I was spending on unnecessary stuff (e.g. buying a sandwich for $10 when I could easily make one at home, Ubers, Nordstrom online, etc.).

      I now play a little game with myself to see how many days in a row I can go with spending $0. I am amazed at how much less I am spending after doing this.

      1. +1. We’re trying to be more disciplined with spending and I’ve started doing this too, in daily journal entries. It’s really helpful to see the figures on paper and very motivating when it’s $0.

    7. Shop around for better prices for homeowners/ car insurance or bundle them. Be disciplined about shopping sales for groceries.

      1. Likewise, look into your cell phone bills. You might be able to get a significantly lower price with a non-contract option at a different provider.

        1. Ha, we’re those spoiled brats who are still on our parents’ plans. But I get my parents a huge discount through my employer, so I’m pretty sure they actually profit off of having me on their plan.

    8. Can you tell us where your money is going?

      The easiest cuts — no new clothes/shoes; no Christmas presents this yr; cut back on any high end food shopping like WF; eat in more – more vegetarian and/or cheap meals like rice/beans and less meat; eat more processed food rather than fresh produce — as it’s cheaper; drop any gym memberships.

      Don’t under-estimate how quick small costs can add up. If you spend $5/day on coffee and decide to cut out 2 coffees/week — that’s $10 right there. I know that’s nothing but $10 over 25 weeks is $250. I know that’s nothing if you’re looking at a reno bill of 50k or whatever — but $250 for me is like 4 months of cable tv or 2+ months of car insurance paid for. Add to that a commitment to cut 1 lunch per week — another $10 saved. Now you’re looking at $20 savings/week or $500 in 6 months — so like a half yr of car insurance covered.

      1. Food (meals out + groceries) is our biggest expense by far, and probably the one we really need to cut – I just added it up for the last month and it’s almost $1000, which seems pretty ridiculous (two people, no kids, very LCOL area, we don’t really drink alcohol so this is all actual food). Our dog has also been sick on and off for the last six months – nothing serious, but each time requires a vet visit and some follow-up testing and medicine, so we’re averaging $100-$200 a month at the vet. Plane tickets are a big one too. We have three sets of parents to visit (all long-distance) and try to see them at least once a year plus take a vacation or two, so we typically buy a pair of domestic plane tickets almost every other month – this past month we spent $600 on plane tickets to his mother’s for the holidays. Other big costs are a monthly cleaning service, cable and Internet, and utilities. I don’t spend a lot of money on clothes or beauty ($0 in the last month).

        1. Can you use credit card points to buy those plane tickets? Look into what you’re getting out of your credit card — what kind of cash back does it offer? What kind of deals on travel points? It sounds like travel is important to you, and there’s really no reason you should be paying cash out of pocket every time you buy those plane tickets.

          I don’t work for them so this isn’t a promotion, but I have a Chase Sapphire Preferred and the travel points are really quite good.

          1. It’s something I should probably look into when I find myself with more time on my hands, but I have done a bit of research and haven’t found the travel-specific cards that I’ve looked at to be worth the annual fee. We have a free Chase Amazon that gets 2% back on gas and dining, which are categories we spend even more on than flights, and 1% on everything else. I also like being able to get the rewards back as a statement credit (which I do every month) rather than earning miles that are difficult to redeem. Credit card rewards are definitely an important way of saving, but I’m unconvinced the travel rewards in particular are so amazing.

          2. I used to do the statement credit thing — but with Chase Sapphire I get 2% on dining and travel , 1% on everything else, and I get 125% of the face value of the points when I use the points to book a plane ticket. So even if you are paying up front for the ticket, as least you’re getting the extra % on points. There is a fee, but if you’re spending that much per year on plane tickets I think it might be worth it to you. It sounds like the card you have now is decent though (and free), so maybe not, but I think it’s worth looking into.

            Also I haven’t found it at all difficult to use the points to buy tickets. The card has a booking platform on the points website and you just use it the same way as through any airline website.

          3. +1 for Chase Sapphire. They offer a 20% discount on travel if you pay with points through their website. My recent ticket purchase was either $280 in cash or 22,400 in Chase points. The Delta website also showed $280 for the exact same flight.

        2. Is it possible to do a road trip instead of flying to see one set of parents? Perhaps combine it with one of the vacations? One of our visits to family each year includes a 12+ hour road trip, because the flights are just ridiculous expensive.

          I’m in your exact boat in spending up to $1000 per month on just food. If I really need to hold it together, I’ll start a pantry clean out mission and only buy groceries needed to use something to use up something in the pantry.

          I will also try to institute a rule of no spending during the week, or perhaps you each get $20 in cash to use that week. That at least limits our spending to the weekends.

          Can you suspend your cleaning service for one month and do it yourself? We used to suspend our Dish service during months when our preferred sports weren’t playing or when we were going on vacation.

    9. Try a 30-day spending freeze, where you only buy things you absolutely 100% need. I instituted one when DH was laid off for a few months, and the amount of money I saved made me realize how much unnecessary “stuff” I was buying (Amazon impulse buys, a cute top on sale at Nordstrom, a new beauty product I read about in a magazine, fresh flowers for our house, etc.). I allowed myself one indulgence (getting a manicure every 3 weeks), but I forced myself to ask “Do I really need this right now?” before buying anything else. DH has since found a job, so my freeze is technically over and I have loosened up my spending restrictions a little bit. However, I spent 2 full hours at the mall on Saturday without buying anything, so I think the principles of “Do I really need this?” are sticking around.

      I was also very open with my friends about trying to save money, and I was pleasantly surprised by how many of my girlfriends were happily willing to do cheaper or even free activities with me (going for a walk, going out to a weekday happy hour instead of Saturday night drinks, hosting Trader Joe’s ‘wine and cheese nights’ at our houses, etc).

    10. Pay yourself first. Figure out how much you need to save, divide it by the amount of time you have to come up with it, and and then put the appropriate amount in the savings account every payday without fail. Cut back on other things as necessary to make the books balance.

      1. This. The best way to save more money is to save more money. Nickeling and diming yourself won’t cut it.

  12. I wear fingerless mitts almost exclusively. If I’m really cold I can nest my hands together or put them in my coat pockets and I feel like fingerless mitts made from wool are warmed than acrylic full gloves. Plus I haven’t learnt how to knit fingers.

  13. For those of you who have Christmas trees at your homes/condos/etc.: Do any of you not use ornaments? I am trying to figure out cute ways to decorate my tree without them. Ribbons? Lights + ribbons? I threw my cheap-o ones out during my last move and I just do not want to spend money on getting an expensive new set.

    (P.S. I’m an early Christmas person, because I love it, and it’s on my mind thanks to Target and other stores having holiday decorations out.)

    1. My parents do lots of white lights and strings of red wooden beads (these remind me of cranberries). I love the simple look of their tree. This suggestion probably doesn’t help because you’d still need to buy beads, but you could replicate the more natural look by using pinecones. God knows I have enough of those lying around on my lawn.

    2. My mom (where I still celebrate Christmas Day) just puts lights on – mostly because she can’t get anyone to help her decorate/undecorate the tree.

      1. I do this because I like the simplicity of it and live in nyc and don’t want to buy&store ornaments. I just store the lights from year to year.

    3. My sister-in-law fashioned bows out of the various ribbon pieces she had saved from gifts over the years. She used mainly red and gold, and it looked very pretty with white lights.

    4. I love Christmas trees!! Ribbons could be gorgeous. I’d do lots of lights and strings of gold/silver beads as your base for anything. I’ve done a “nature” theme using fake florals (think magnolia flowers, p*ssy willows, other types of branches/stems, pine cones. I also added fake winter fruits (pomegranates, persimmons). You may have these around your house or find you’d rather spend your money on these than fancy ornaments; you can repurpose them as decorations for other seasons. It’s a little non-traditional but if you plan the colors right it it could be gorgeous (I thought mine was!). The key is to stick with neutrals, not go full on hibiscus pink.

      I’ve done a “snow” theme- using the same white lights and beads, add pinecones covered in fake snow and a whole bunch of snow flake ornaments (cheaper than getting a huge set). Ornaments get so expensive so fast.

    5. I put multiple sets of lights on my tree because the new LED lights are so, so dim! I was shocked last year when I plugged in my tree and couldn’t see any ornaments with the lamps in my living room on. I use regular bulbs and some novelty star shapes. If you are up for making ornaments, you can bake some “gingerbread” cookies and hot glue hooks on them, or perhaps hang a few candy canes. Very inexpensive.

    6. I purchased a few big bunches of glittery fake poinsettias (gold, silver, red and multiple sizes) from Michael’s, snipped them apart and just sort of shoved the stem into the tree. The same section should also have pinecones, cranberries and other fillers on stems. Buy a variety, tack on a 40% off coupon that you find online while you’re in the checkout line and you’re good to go.

    7. I get screw-in cup hooks from the hardware store. I save corks from my good wine and screw the cup hook in and hang them on the tree.

    8. I have some shiny pastilles (?) that are garlands. They reflect nicely. On my mid century modern foil tree … for my mid century modern house.

    9. Lindt truffles, the big round kind. Just buy a box of ornament hooks and pierce one end the wrapper. Not exactly cheap, but by the time January rolls around you don’t have to undecorate anything.

    10. I decorated my own tree for the first time last year, in my first year out of school and being completely unwilling to drop a lot of money on holiday decorating. I bought a $30 fake tree that came with white lights built in, and bought a set of colored plastic ornaments (that can somewhat pass for the nice ones) for about $12.

      You might find a good deal at Costco, Target, or Walmart. For non-ornament options, perhaps the traditional popcorn string?

  14. So – It’s possible that I’ve been mispronouncing something for a very long time. How do you pronounce “Re” as in the subject line of an email. Is it “REE” or “RAY”?

    1. I believe both are correct because it is either short for regarding or reply (ree) or for the Latin “in re” (ray), although I say “ray” because I took Latin growing up.

      1. If someone manually wrote “Re your call” or “Re Case #123456” I say “ray.” If it is the email system automatically denoting a reply or forward and thus using “RE: FW: Re your call” then I say “ree” or actually say out loud “in reply…” for RE:

    2. I say Ray, but I’ve never looked it up so I don’t know if that’s actually correct.

    3. “Ree” – it’s short for “in reference to,” but no one’s going to say “reh,” so “ree” it is. Although in common email parlance, it has come to mean “reply” so that’s still “ree.”

    4. I think it’s Ree. It would be Ray if you are pronouncing it like the legal term “in re” but “re:” in an email is not Latin, it’s short for “reply.”

    5. I’m not sure I have ever pronounced it aloud, but if I did, it would be REE, as in “regarding.”

    6. Before I clicked to expand replies to this, I thought that the answer would be that there is no agreed-upon pronunciation for “re:” in subject lines. :)

    7. I’ve always said R – E; it didn’t occur to me that it could be said as one word!

    8. It’s ray in both cases, because in Latin “re” can be a prepositional phrase all by itself, since the preposition is part of the case ending (says the Classics major who used to correct the lawyers’ Latin and French when entering their time).

  15. Hey Ladies,

    BF and I are going to Reykjavik this winter…arriving at around 5 am on Christmas eve. Would love advice on the following: (a) what to do around town that early in the am and also (b) what to wear that will look fashionable but is also comfortable for walking around doing touristy things all day.


    1. In Iceland? Wear winter boots, jeans, a coat, hat, scarf, and mittens or gloves. That’s as fashionable as you need.

      1. +1.

        Went to Iceland in November last year, and I basically lived in skinny jeans (with Uniqlo heattech leggings underneath), heavy sweaters, a big fluffy winter parka, hat/scarf/gloves, and my big fluffy winter boots. Everyone was dressed in essentially that. Even when we went out at night, there were plenty of winter boots and parkas at the bars and restaurants we went to (it was mid-week though, I do not know if weekend nights look different).

        As for what to do that early, get breakfast at the airport and hang out until it’s time to go to the Blue Lagoon. If I could just move to the Blue Lagoon and live in it, I totally would.

    2. Arriving that early, I’d kill time by grabbing breakfast at the airport or the vicinity and then heading straight for the Blue Lagoon to be there when it opens at 8am. By the time you get through immigration, you won’t really have that long to kill. The lagoon is approximately 30 minutes driving from the airport.

      1. +1. I can’t imagine a better way to decompress from a transatlantic redeye than a soak in the Blue Lagoon.

    3. There’s nothing to do at 5AM, unless you’re into trying to catch a bar or club that is still open. I think you can really wear anything, it is not too formal. I think I wore Goretex hiking books with fleece tights, a dress, and a sweater.

    4. Both times I’ve been to Iceland, it’s been crazy windy, so I am not sure how cute you’re going to look when you are fully bundled. The answer is to dress warm and windproof.

  16. What’s your favorite item at LL Bean these days? I have a $10 coupon that’s expiring soon and would like some recommendations. I have a fleece sweater pullover (LOVE IT). Not really in market for duck boots.

  17. I like the fleece-lined trail model rain jacket. I’ve liked all of the bags I’ve bought there as well. There’s something called “2 a day daily markdown” where there’s a featured item on deeper discount.

  18. I have a scarf and fingerless gloves from Storyarts that have the text from Dracula on them. They are made from tshirt material. They are great when I’m out and need a little extra warmth, but my hands don’t get sweaty. Keeping my wrists warm has made a difference in keeping me warm.

    1. T-shirt material gloves sounds like the perfect thing for the “cold” “winter” weather we get in Southern California.

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