Coffee Break: Adette Glazed Leather Satchel Bag

LAMB Adette Glazed Leather Satchel BagIt's rare to find a structured bag with this much space — bags are usually much smaller, or they're much slouchier. Yet, this one is 9″H x 15″W x 7″D — plenty of room even for legal-sized papers. I also really like the deep cranberry color, which I think is a conservative way to add color (although, admittedly, it probably is more of an August-February kind of color). The bag was $599, but is marked to $206.50 at Last Call; it's also available in black. LAMB Adette Glazed Leather Satchel Bag (L-3)

Sales of note for 12.5

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  1. Sorry for the immediate TJ – just need to rant. I’m across the country visiting my long-term, long-distance boyfriend. I haven’t been out here in a few months, and last night when we were going to bed I noticed condoms on his dresser. We don’t use them, and when I asked about them he explained he’d just been cleaning up, cleaning out drawers, etc. I believe and trust him, but it just kind of grossed me out. He then proceeded to put them into a bathroom drawer. Why not throw them away?

    This is kind of a larger problem, in which his house is full of his exes’ things. I can’t go looking for a pen/scissors/paper/etc without accidentally stumbling onto an old girlfriend’s blowdryer/love letter/photograph/etc. I’m not intentionally snooping but I end up feeling like some suspicious creep.

    Is it reasonable to request he consolidate all of this stuff and throw some/most of it out? Of course I have some random old things from exes, but they’re neatly in a box of old cards etc. We’re moving in together soon, and I don’t want to constantly feel like I’m living in some other woman’s space.

    1. Why do you believe and trust him? I think he’s cheating on you. Wearing those condoms. Maybe with that ex. And I think you think he’s cheating too.

    2. I’m in a long-term, non-long-distance relationship where we don’t normally use condoms, and I don’t throw them away, either. You might want one at some point, even if you don’t normally use them. So that I don’t find particularly suspicious.

      But his ex’s stuff does need to go away. Gifts his ex gave him that he regularly uses are a contentious issue that each couple needs to figure out on their own. But mementos of the relationship with no other real purpose need to go in a box in the closet, and her every day stuff (like the blowdryer) needs to go to Goodwill. He might not have thought about it, because he’s just had those things around for so long. But once you point it out, it’s absolutely reasonable that he should get rid of them or put them away, and if he refuses or makes a stink about putting that stuff away, then I’d side with Anonymous at 2:46, and say he’s probably still seeing her.

      1. +1. I think him refusing to get rid of her stuff (if he does that) is a deal breaker. Why wouldn’t he get rid of old stuff that makes you uncomfortable? Wouldn’t he rather you be comfortable and he not have random crap everywhere?

      2. The hairdryer and stuff he might keep around in case you need one when you visit, maybe? He could be clueless on why it bothers you.

        Also, we have acquired a couple of random condoms in random ways that we didn’t throw out and just tossed in a drawer or something. Can you check the expiration date? That should give you a clue how recently they were bought.

        As for other stuff, I think it is couple dependent. We kept a great stereo my ex got me because my husband liked it as much as me. Wow, this makes me feel old considering the “great” stereo was great because it was a 6 CD changer. I’ve also kept some non-sentimental things that are just practical and I don’t see a need to throw out. I don’t, however, wear any of the jewelry he got me. It lives in a box somewhere because I don’t want to just throw it out and it isn’t that valuable to sell.

    3. You say he is your long-term boyfriend. So, the exes’ stuff has got to go. There is no reason her blowdryer should still be around. The condoms don’t weird me out as much, you never know if/when the two of you might need one so he may as well keep them around as back up.

    4. I wouldn’t jump to any conclusions. It does sound like your bf might be a bit of a pack rat though, in the “doesn’t ever want to throw stuff away” vein. He may never need these things again, but doesn’t want to throw them out. Might be something to discuss with him.

      1. +1. Some people don’t throw non-damaged things away just because they don’t need them. You know, just in case…

        1. This is me. I just can’t. My husband is the opposite. I think without him I would be a hoarder.

    5. I was in your exact same position. Long term ldr. The only difference was that we weren’t about to move in together when I found condoms in his drawer. He claimed they were very old and that he had never bothered to clean out that drawer. To his credit they did look old so I believed him. I’m not saying this is your experience, I’m only providing my own, but he was absolutely cheating on me. Lied through his teeth. Married her a few months after I finally gathered the courage to end it with him. YMMV.

      1. I guess I’m also a little more suspicious than some of the other posters. It’s weird that they were on his night stand. I mean, why would your bf be cleaning up and leave condoms on the night stand, when you guys don’t use them? That’s a pretty weird thing to inadvertantly do. Maybe you should check if there’s an expiration date on the package.

        1. I am also a little bit suspicious. Even if it is true that (1) they were old and he found them while cleaning out a drawer, and also true that (2) he just left them on top of his dresser, I think it is odd that he just put them in the bathroom drawer w/o saying anything to you about it. Because it seems more likely to me that, if his thought was “hmm, maybe we should hang onto these just in case we need them even though we don’t use them normally,” he would have actually said “Do you think we should hang on to them just in case, or should I throw them out?”

        2. But he’s a smart guy and he had clearly done a lot of cleaning for my visit. I don’t see him accidentally leaving a bunch of condoms out from his illicit affair. I really do trust him, it’s more the gross-out factor/wanting him to get rid of this old stuff.

          1. Was there other weird crap on his dresser? Or were those the only thing he found in his cleaning spree?

          2. Yes! Lots of random stuff on the dresser. The condoms also match a big old box of condoms he’s had since before we dated. Really don’t think they were out for use.

          3. Then what is stopping you from saying “Hey, I’m not a fan of the reminders of Ex. Can we do a deep-clean and get rid of all that junk?”

          4. I would tell him what you want directly. You want him to get rid of the stuff and offer to help. Then if you see stuff next time you go even after you helped clean it out, it’s time to be über suspicious.

          5. It seemed in your original post that you were worried about the condoms– why else would you bring that up? I think the other posters here picked up on that concern and are attempting to give you plausible scenarios for why they were out. However, you now seem to think they are totally innocent, and I hope you’re right.

          6. Some guys use condoms to pleasure themselves. The same way some girls use them
            on vibrators to eliminate mess. There’s definitely an obvious, not awkward potential explanation here.

    6. Other posters may think differently but to me those are red flags. You know him and your relationship best but in this case you should also consider that he could still be seeing his ex or someone else. Since you live far away he can make up whatever he wants and you wouldn’t know the difference. Sorry about all this I’d be upset too and I sincerely hope that things are as he says they are.

    7. Sorry to say this but I had the exact same thing happen to me with the exact same explanation and he was cheating. I too believed him. Of course every relationship is different but I would not automatically dismiss the idea.

    8. Check the expiration date on the condoms. If they really are pre-relationship, the expiry date should have passed or be coming up very soon. If they are new, it would be a few years in the future.

      (Alternatively, since using certain kinds of toys safely requires condoms, there is always the possibility he’s been experimenting in the self-pleasure department and is too ashamed to admit to you that this is the case)

      1. Ok the condoms expire in 10/2017, but the expiration date matches the date on the big box he has had (and I had seen) since before we started dating. Really don’t think it’s bad. His toiletry bag was on his dresser, and I think he was cleaning it out.

        Definitely time to talk about this with him in more detail.

        1. Not to get too sleuthy, but it could be a replacement box that is just the same brand and quantity as the one you saw before. It wouldn’t be surprising for him to have bought a new one exactly like the last one after it ran out. Depending on when you started dating, 2017 sounds unlikely to be the same box.

        2. A quick google search says that, depending on brand and exact type, expiration dates are approximately 3-4 years out. Which means he just bought these.

          I’m sorry.

          1. We’ve only been dating since late 2013, so I think he easily bought them before we started dating. It’s a mostly full box anyways.

          2. Okay. I think you don’t want to explore the possibility that he is cheating. I don’t blame you – that is not a nice thing to have to consider. But I think you do have to consider it, given the circumstances.

          3. Since late 2013 is hardly “long term.” And if you’ve been long distance the whole short time… yes, they could be from a pre-you era, but that doesn’t mean he’s not using them.

          4. You’ve been dating for 6 months ? Not long term at all. Especially long distance. Why on earth aren’t you protecting yourself by using conforms with him? Baffling.

          5. Okay, this is getting kind of crazy, no? If she trusts him, then she trusts him. Everything she’s saying about the boxes and dates and everything makes total sense. Also, FWIW, I started a LDR with my now husband only 6 months after I met him (dated in same city for a few months first). No issues. No suspicion. And umm…no, we didn’t use condoms. I get it. Bad guys exist. So do good guys.

          6. Sure. But what are you losing by using condoms in a new long distance relationship? Fleeting pleasure? And you’re gaining some level of sexual health security. Not using condoms in that situation is just plain stupid. We should all be smarter than that. Just because it worked out for you doesn’t mean it was a good idea.

        3. I have no opinion either way re: cheating or not, but just wanted to point out that even if it’s the same box from when you first started dating, it is a possibility could still be using them. I don’t see how whether the box is new or not is particularly relevant; it doesn’t rule anything out.

          I do, however, have an opinion on the “stuff” issue. I keep everything because I have a terrible memory, so I don’t think that keeping objects means that he is still hung up on those ex’s (absent other evidence). It isn’t out of line to ask him to put the stuff away in a box so you are not coming across it every day, but I don’t think it’s fair to ask him to throw it out. The people we date before shape and change the way we are. It’s great that he still has fond memories; it shows he can end a relationship in a reasonable and adult manner (again, absent other evidence).

          The fact that both of these things are bothering you points to some trust issues, which is totally normal given the distance and that fact you haven’t been dating that long. I suggest you talk it out so you aren’t looking for evidence everywhere. Do you have a plan to not be long-distance?

      2. That’s what I was just thinking. Condoms are only good for a few years. I’d be suspicious if they were just laying around. Certainly, if you throw this pack away and suddenly they reappear again (with a slightly different exp. date), then you’ll know.

    9. I think that’s a reasonable request. If you’re moving in together, he’s going to need to clean out some stuff to make space for you, anyway.

    10. Random question. I have noticed some people (men and women) are totally grossed out thinking about their ex w/ a prior partner. Others, don’t care at all and can talk and joke about it openly. I fall into the second camp and don’t care at all. I’m curious if the differences correlate with trust and jealousy levels, sexual upbringing (like sex is bad v. sex is good) or just different strokes (he he) for different folks. Thoughts?

      1. I don’t care. My husband and I have been together for so long that I have “won” all the things that there are to be won. I think when we first started dating I was a little more concerned about things like ‘were they better than me?’ but the mere fact that they existed/happened never bothered me.

      2. Anon for this. I’ll admit that, for a little while, I disliked the thought of my now-fiancé with the women he was with before. Fiancé was the exact same way. Both of us definitely avoid talking about past partners in front of each other.

        It’s interesting that you bring up the sexual upbringing as a potential reason– I was absolutely brought up in an environment in which sex was bad (and for many years, perpetuated that belief in my head). I am still kind of embarrassed talking with others about anything having to do with the topic. I wonder how connected those things are.

      3. I’m in between. It doesn’t gross me out or make me jealous, but its not something we bring up or talk about regularly. Out of sight out of mind I guess? Beyond the number and the fact that he has no contact with any of them now (so I know I won’t run into them or anything like), I don’t really care to know anything and he feels the same way. If he had an ex who was still in the same social circles I feel like I’d want to know more.

    11. Maybe I am on the more trusting side, but I think if you feel in your gut that he is not cheating the condoms are not necessarily a sign of bad behavior. I also have condoms that pre-date my current SO and I intend on keeping htem til they expire. Which brings me to a good way to check the validity of his claim – what is the printed expiration date? If they are indeed old they probably expire soon. Condoms last quite a few years, so if the expiration date is like 2017, they are likely new.

      I agree that his exes stuff has got to go, especially if it bothers you and he does not have some sort of deep sentimental attachment to it. My SO does have a few things that a really serious past gf gave him and I understand that they are just a reminder of a huge chunk of his life and that is fine. But it is only a few (e.g. a mug and a magnet from vacation) and that doesn’t bother me. If it’s just random everyday stuff like a hairdryer, he can replace those with non-ex stuff.

    12. First thought was that he’s cheating on you. But would he really leave the condoms on the dresser so carelessly? If you trust him, just leave it at that for now, and keep an eye on any future expiration dates. Let us know how this one plays out.

  2. Do you ladies have any advice for keeping your head in the game at work while you have serious stuff going on in your family? My husband is going through some scary health stuff right now. His big test is early next week. I am having such a tough time being productive at work, and I really need to keep my work moving forward. Home is easier because there is no time to think while chasing a preschooler and baby, but work is quiet and my mind keeps drifting to the potential big bad out there. Any thoughts?

    1. Panic attacks and anxiety? Probably not what you had in mind, but that’s where I am. . .

    2. My dad is terminal and rapidly declining the past few weeks. I get through each day with lists of things to do (breaking down into sub groups as much as I can) and and giving myself a treat in between checking them off (checking out thissite, grabbing a Starbucks, reading personal email). If you can, it also helps to give yourself mindless stuff if you feel like you’re drifting too much. My strategic planning is in the tubes right now but my desk has never looked cleaner. I also fill quiet as much as I can. I’ve been listening to audiobooks while I’m in the car running errands for months now since that’s when I seem to really start freaking out with my thoughts the most.

      1. Thank you guys. That is very kind of you. And I’m sorry to have taken things toward myself like that–just hoping to give the OP a sense of the practical when you feel like your mind isn’t cooperating. Hopefully things next week go well and none of the advice is needed again for a long, long time. Will keep you in my thoughts.

      2. Second the lists & checking off items as you go. It will help with motivation to tackle tasks and give you some feeling of mini accomplishment & control. I do it when I am particularly scatterbrained for whatever reason.

        Any time you start drifting to what-if scenarios, remind yourself that there isn’t anything you can do at this point and that worrying won’t help. I know, easier said than done, but I feel like just thinking in that way helps me to gain perspective and stop worrying so much. Only put energy and focus into things that you can actually do something about. Wow, I just realized I am basically going with the serenity prayer, here. Hah.

    3. Consider taking some time off if you can. I think people can do more damage to their careers by trying to power through than by just taking time off to deal with their personal lives. That’s what FMLA is for. You might want to call HR and check out your options. Best of luck.

    4. I don’t have kids, but when DH was facing a major health crisis then surgery, I went to a therapist on my lunch break. It was therapeutic to talk because I realized I was keeping absolutely everything bottled in because I didn’t want to upset him or make him feel bad. Having that neutral person to unload on was really helpful.

      1. Check out coach factory, they’re having a big sale and a lot of nice bags in the $100-$200 range that look like this.

  3. We haven’t had a clothes post for awhile – now that it’s starting to get gross outside, particularly here in DC, what’s everyone wearing today?

    I’m wearing a navy lightweight wool pencil (BR) with a crinkled gauzy teal button down, and brighter teal heels. Simple pink pearl earrings and necklace. And my new favorite, least s3xy piece of clothing ever – Jockey Skimmies, which make skirts and dresses wearable in 95 degrees without my thighs looking like a piece of raw meat at the end of the day.

    1. I’ll go with the least s3xy thing I’m wearing today: tape (and not fashion tape, which is sadly at home, but the kind for packages).

      Keyhole opening in blouse is revealing when I’m in my bad computer-slouch posture. Now it is fixed.

    2. I’m off today/remotely fixing yesterday’s snafu so it’s just joggers and a vest. However yesterday I wore a lovely outfit of black wide leg pants and black flats, turquoise sleeveless turtleneck top and a burgundy lace cardigan :)

      1. Although I fully understood what you meant by “joggers and a vest”, I did get a good laugh picturing someone working from home wearing only sneakers/trainers and a waistcoat…

        Ah, English. Not the same everywhere :)

        1. Slim black pants with a silk collarless pink sleeveless button-down, grey cashmere sweater, and my one pair of round-toe wedge pumps that I keep around for casual Fridays for height and comfort.

    3. Finally found a maxi-dress that hit all my key points (print, can wear regular bra, basically work appropriate, don’t have to hem). It’s a multi-blue and white reptile-meets-ikat print with a navy cardigan. Gold sandals and some lovely gold/pearl earrings my hubby got me that I had forgotten about until recently.

      1. No fair taunting us all with the mythical perfect maxi dress with no store name!

        1. Steinmart! (Which I think is just in the South – its like a TJ Maxx or Marshalls). On their website there are a couple other prints of the same dress, but I can’t find the one I’m wearing. The designer is Philosophy Republic Clothing; the dress is in a decent-weight jersey. They also don’t appear to offer the petites version online. =(

      2. I just discovered that my favorite regular dress (sleeveless with pockets) is now a maxi in a nice print. Ordered it a few days ago. I can’t wait!

    4. Navy sheath dress (Classique Entier) with a navy tweed blazer (Hinge), tan shoes (Ann Taylor), sapphire pendant necklace.

    5. Chambray shirtdress, a white shrug cardigan, and white sandals. My office is casual, especially so on Friday. Accessories are just my Tiffany bead earrings and a somewhat tacky silvertone, “pearl” & “crystal” bracelet that my mom got me and I love.

    1. Zappos! Don’t have an exact link for you, but I’ve definitely seen shoes like that browsing around. You can filter your search down to the color/heel height etc. to find something. Ridiculously easy returns – seriously, I just ordered 7 pairs of shoes in the last month in a bid to find my summer sandals. I’m keeping 2…maybe only 1.

    2. At nordstrom try item numbers: 986777, 938690 (wish these came in my size!), 183650 and 860353. I only scrolled a few pages; there may be more.

    3. I just returned those shoes in gold. I thought they were very nice looking in person, but the wide strap at the top never does anything good for the appearance of my feet/legs.

      FYI: I bought and returned them with no shipping costs as part of ShopRunner. I don’t know exactly how I got that since I don’t ever recall signing up with that service. Perhaps it’s a promotion?

  4. What is with places lately making you call to re-confirm your appointments? Does everywhere do this now? For example I called yesterday to make a hair appointment for tomorrow. I get a voicemail this afternoon asking me to call them back to confirm it. It makes me crazy! I just booked it! And you reminded me! I would call if I needed to cancel it! Why am I wasting my time!!!!!!!

    1. Two reasons I can think of: 1) they may really have a lot of no-shows and are trying to do something about it, and 2) technology. I think a lot of vendors & doctors’ offices now have automated phone systems that make these annoying calls automatically. I too cringe when I see one of these calls on my caller ID.

    2. I had a restaurant do this to me, which I think make even less sense. If you really need to reconfirm the reservation, then you need to call me the day of, not ask me to call you.

    3. I’m guessing their system doesn’t show that they just made the appointment yesterday, so the person calling to confirm treats it the same as an appointment made 5 months ago. Pretty annoying–the person who booked it should have went ahead and marked it confirmed.

      I’ve had more restaurants doing this now, particularly very popular ones where reservations are nearly impossible to get. I understand it, but I would really like them to figure out a way to accept confirmations via text, as I hate making phone calls and in the case of offices only open during business hours, have a hard time finding private time to make personal calls during my own business hours.

    4. This annoys me too! I can appreciate the reminder call or text, but please don’t make me call back to confirm.

  5. How do I explain, while still keeping a positive tone, why I’m looking to leave a job after 5 months. The truth is I’m an attorney, and boss is putting me in ethically-compromising positions and sending disparaging emails to my family. But I know boss is known around town, and I also want to consider the general rule that you should never disparage a former employer. HELP! I was with my last firm 6 years before starting this job, so it’s not like I have a history of job hopping.

    1. “Position is not as described”

      “It’s not in line with the path I see myself taking and don’t feel that the company culture is a good fit”

      From what I understand, one short stint is easy to overlook. Several and you may have a problem. I think that just leaving it as simple as ‘The position is not working out as I had envisioned it and I’m looking to move to a company that is more in line with my long-term goals.’

      Also, if this is comforting at all- a friend was prepping for this question as a similar situation had happened with her (political work). She got into the interview all ready with her answer and the interviewer looked at her and said, ‘So I see you work for X. No wonder you are looking to leave- I hear it’s horrible.’

      1. This happened to a friend of mine too. She had the politically correct answers to why she was leaving her job, which she gave, but her interviewers said, “We’re familiar with the reputation over at X Firm, so we understand.”

    2. Yup, if boss is known around town, some/many will understand exactly why you’re looking without you saying a word. Be prepared, but don’t worry too much.

    3. Focus on what new place does that current place doesn’t do as the draw that’s luring you away from current place. So, for example, say you’re in a firm that does labor & employment and is heavy on labor, and new place focuses more on employment-at-will issues – you’d say something like “While I’ve appreciated the opportunities at Current Firm, their work focuses more on labor issues, and ultimately I prefer/am better at employment-at-will issues. Your firm has such a great reputation for employment-at-will stuff, that when I saw the opening I couldn’t help but apply.”

  6. I may be visiting Washington DC for the 1st time next week. On a strict budget, looking for suggestions for stuff to do. I happen to like museums, which would you recommend (would prefer those that are accessible via the Metro)? I live in a much cooler part of the country, any dressing suggestions to keep cool and comfortable?

    1. D.C. is a great place to go in a budget because there are so many free things to do. All the smithsonians are free, including the zoo. Depending what you’re interested in, the American history, air and space and natural history are all really neat. I am not as familiar with the art museums but so not forget about the Portrait Gallery which isn’t on the mall (but is on the metro) so is often less crowded. Capitol tours are free, too, try to contact your congresspeople to get a personal tour so you’re not in a group with a lot of other people.

      There are a lot of fast casual restaurants around the city that won’t break the bank that are really good and more fun than national chains. Try Good Stuff and We the Pizza on the Hill, Sweetgreen (all over), Taylor Gourmet, Merzi, and the food trucks.

    2. You can easily spend 2 days seeing the Smithsonian museums on the Mall for free. The zoo is also free and interesting and Metro accessible, plus you get to see a couple of other DC neighborhoods if you go there. As for the heat – loose clothing, cotton, a lot of water, and an umbrella to keep the sun off. If you opt to wear a dress, consider that the humidity can lead to thigh chafing on even the thinnest person, and plan accordingly. Also when you are walking on the Mall things will look like they are close by, but it’s really 2 miles from the Capitol to the Lincoln Memorial, so bring really, really supportive and comfortable shoes. Look around for food trucks for lunch – lots of variety and not expensive.

    3. Not on the Metro, but the Udvar-Hazy Center (the Air & Space Museum’s annex near Dulles) is absolutely the best thing on earth if you like space, planes, etc. They have a Space Shuttle and a Concorde. You either have to rent a car or take transit (if you’re flying into/out of Dulles, transit is super-quick; otherwise it takes a while).

      Other fun free and cheap stuff: free jazz in the garden at the National Gallery of Art, the free concerts that the US military bands and chorales do on the steps of the Capitol, the cafeteria at the National Museum of the American Indian, a stroll on the C&O Canal towpath out of Georgetown, and the National Cathedral (architecturally super-interesting even if you’re not religious). You can also Metro out to Alexandria and see fun colonial stuff, including the church where Thomas Jefferson was confirmed.

    4. Most museums are somewhat close to Metro. Any type of museums you are looking for specifically? I like:

      The Air and Space (but lots of school groups/kids in the summer, so be careful)
      The Holocaust Museum (can take all day; can be difficult, for obvious reasons)
      The Freer Gallery (Art–smaller, but lovely)

      Also, if temperatures really climb, definitely plan to be inside (museums, etc.) for the warmest part of the day. Like, 9-5. Wear as little as possible, hydrate, walk slowly, wear sunscreen. Avoid direct sunlight.

      Also, bear in mind that a lot of the Smithsonian museums are in areas without fantastic food options, so I’d bring a light lunch and picnic outside (may help with the strict budget thing). Most museums are near the Mall or other grassy areas.

      And have fun!

      1. Also, if you plan to take the Metro a lot, get a SmartTrip card (available in CVS Pharmacies and some Metro locations). It costs, like, $5, but knocks $1 off of each trip and is less hassle than paper tickets.

        If you need to get off of your feet during the day, the Air and Space has good IMAX movies sometimes (though that is a cost).

        There are free military band concerts in various places throughout the summer–google and you may be able to find one when you are in town.

      2. Yes, definitely make plans for meals that do NOT include eating in the Smithsonian cafeterias. The museums may be free, but the food prices are outrageous for food that is really nothing special – like $20-25 for chicken fingers, fries & drink. If you don’t pack a full lunch, at least pack some kind of snacks like granola bars to get you through, then get a late lunch/early dinner.

    5. We are in a heat wave so definitely keep water on hand. FroZenYo sells water bottles for 29 cents. You can also cool off by popping into the free museums all along the mall. The National Gallery of Art now has a Degas/Cassatt exhibit that should be worthwhile:
      I always take tourist friends to the National Archives because I’m a history geek. It is a walking city so +1 on the rec for comfortable shoes. For me, this is cotton sundress time of the year, but bring a cardigan or chambray shirt because many of the restaurants and museums are freezing.

    6. Another Smithsonian museum that is not on the mall and less crowded is the crafts and decorative arts collection, the Renwick Gallery (across from the White House in a beautiful building). For art, the Phillips Collection (not a Smithsonian site and not free — if I remember right it’s by suggested donation, so you can probably do a sliding scale) is AMAZING. The Textile Museum is near there also. The Phillips is right at the Dupont Circle metro stop; Dupont has lots of fun restaurants at all price points, lots of little sidewalk cafes. (When I was in law school and lived in that neighborhood — 25 years ago, can’t hardly believe it — I liked Zorba the Greek for cheap food and it’s still there.) The cafes on Connecticut Ave. and the circle itself are good people-watching spots, and Kramerbooks (just north of the circle) is a great book store. (But it’s cafe is pricey, I’d avoid it.)

  7. I have a problem – in the past 6 months, I have gained 8 pounds. I have no idea what has caused this. I’ve been working out, but not enough to have gained 8 pounds of muscle. I started doing the Paleo diet but discontinued it after I started gaining weight. But the weight just keeps coming – quickly. I suppose it could be a thyroid thing, but I don’t otherwise feel bad, tired, etc. I suppose it could also be an age thing (I’m mid-40’s), but I wouldn’t expect that to affect me so quickly, either. I know these are limited facts, but anyone have any ideas? I’m barely able to get into any of my clothes and don’t seem to be able to stop the gain!

    1. Unexplained weight gain = time for a trip to the doctor. It could be any number of things but it’s worth going and making sure that the remnants of your twin have not , for example, decided to start growing.

      1. Eight pounds in six months doesn’t seem too alarming to me. A bit over a pound a month? Have you been eating out more frequently or perhaps eating more since you’ve been working out? If you are not already doing so, I would start tracking my calories. I can recommend My Fitness Pal but there are a number of resources out there.

        1. I have tried keeping a food diary before, but I think this time I’m going to try again with pen and paper – the computer programs are great, but I can never remember my password, or my computer is too slow, or whatever. I made a doc appt. (can’t get in for 10 days) and will take my food diary to him to see what he thinks. My guess is I’m eating too much because I’m working out, but I guess the only way to really determine that is by tracking calories.

      2. So I go to the doctor, and he did the bio… the b… the… the bios… the… b… the “bobopsy.” Inside the lump he found teeth and a spinal cord. Yes. Inside the lump was my twin.

      3. Well, I guess I’d rather it be that than I’m just getting old and gaining weight quicker than every before. Besides, maybe I could sell the thing to science and make some money off of it.

        1. I bet the change is starting to make itself known. Happened to me, too. Same age, same creeping weight gain. More to look forward to!

    2. A doctor’s visit is not a bad idea. However, I would also start tracking everything you are eating with something like myfitnesspal. Be honest with yourself about everything and make sure you are logging the correct portions. I was surprised how many calories my oatmeal had in it once I measured and logged the amount of pecans I was adding. Also surprising–peanut butter! Then you will have a good idea how many calories you are taking in. You might just need to make some fairly small changes to your diet to shave off the calories that are causing you to gain.

    3. Are your clothes tight too? I can easily “gain” 5 pounds when I’m retaining water (the worst is when I’m sore from weight lifting AND pms-ing!)

  8. How much advance notice do I need to give my internship boss to leave slightly early? My boss isn’t here today and I don’t work Fridays. My sisters graduation is next week mid-week and I need to leave work 30 minutes earlier to take the earlier train to make it.

    1. I think it’s fine to send an email saying that you need to leave half an hour early that day and that you’re planning to come in half and hour early to make up for the time.

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