Sponsored Post: Quincy Apparel’s Tailored Looks (And a Much Smarter Sizing System)

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Disclosure:  This post is sponsored by Quincy Apparel, stylish work pieces with a smart approach to sizing.

“What if there were clothes that were boardroom-appropriate but still allowed the young, on-the-go professional woman to feel as stylish and authentic at work as she did in her downtime? And, what if those clothes actually fit well and didn't break the bank?” Those were the questions that led two Harvard Business School graduates, Alex Nelson and Christina Wallace, to launch their own line, Quincy Apparel. The online-only brand (which offers free shipping and free returns) gives everyone a quiz to find your perfect size* — and offers a second size for free when you order from them.

The brand sent me a few samples to study the quality — it's the little details I fell in love with, like the silky soft (and often vibrantly colored) linings, the inside pocket on the blazer, and the well-sewn darts and modern fits. I also like that the brand ignores traditional American sizes 00-16 and instead offers sizes based on measurements — Quincy pant size 25 has a 25″ natural waist, for example.

I'm lusting after the entire collection, but I particularly love some of the more unique pieces, such as this great silk Fiona blouse, in a very of-the-moment polka dot. Not only does the brand promise the silk isn't sheer or shiny (hooray!), they've added a hidden snap to fix the gaping problem. The blouse is $118, and you order by bust size (it's also available in a nice dark plum). Note that the bow is removable.

I think the ponte Ansley dress may be my favorite piece in the collection — I love the slight pleating below the empire waist, the pockets, the crew neckline, the three-quarter sleeves, and the hidden zipper in the back. The dress is $138, available in both black and berry (and you can order by bust size as well as length).

The boucle Emma jacket has just the right amount of sparkle (both gold and silver) — you can wear it to the office but it would also fit the bill for my beloved “festive blazer” category. It has a luxurious, silky gray/blue lining, and the trim is a dark navy velvet. It's $258 (and you order by bust size and length). (And, look how cute the Ansley dress looks with it!)

I'm also a fan of their Riley blazer, a cobalt blue blazer made from a very comfortable (and lux) 4-way stretch fabric. I love the navy grosgrain trim, the silky plum lining (visible below on the rolled up sleeves) and the notch color. The blazer is $228, but there's actually a matching pencil skirt, cigarette pant, and solid navy sheath dress (pictured at the very top of this post) designed to go with the blazer.

While all of the above pieces are fun and trendy, their basic suiting collection is also a real find — these are all of the pieces in the Elliot line (prices range from $128-$228). Expect silky soft lining, nice black matte wool (on par with $500 blazers, IMHO) and a generally great fit.

They'll be releasing a limited edition holiday collection in a few weeks — sign up for the newsletter for first access to the holiday collection, as well as for exclusive friends & family sales in December.

 Readers, have you taken the Quincy quiz? What fit problems have you most commonly had with clothes in general?

* N.B. — they only carry sizes up to a size 14 (or bust size DD) — but you can e-mail plussizes@quincyapparel.com to be the first to know when they expand the collection!


  1. Boo – offers up to size 14. Unfortunate, because there is a great need for better fitting clothes at sizes above 14.

    1. They have a list you can join for when they offer plus sizes. Little good for us a regular size 16 though. Plus is much too wide and regular 14 is often not enough. Wish more clothing companies would recognize this black hole of sizing.

      1. As someone who used to be in that size void until I ate ALL THE FEELINGS, I’d agree. I’m now a 16 on top and 20W on bottom so I doubt they will have my size soon, which is a bummer because the stuff looks great!

      2. This! Yes, exactly. I’m a regular size 16, my bust/hips don’t need the more generous fit of a “plus” cut. Frustrating.

          1. SING MY LIFE WITH YOUR WORDS! Sorry for the caps. Obviously I share your problem. Do you ladies have any tips for managing it?

  2. I do like the Quincy Apparel sizing concept. Hoping it starts a trend :)

    I’ve had the Ansley dress bookmarked for weeks. Probably going to pull the trigger after the holidays…

  3. Has anyone tried/is anyone ordering? I’d love to hear about the quality.

    I’m tinkerbell-shaped, so it’s very difficult to find the correct fit for me. And, I love that their tops actually seem to cover one’s chest (which seems to be entirely too rare for mainstream brands) and look very polished/professional without being dowdy (becoming ever rarer for mainstream brands).

      1. I’m imagining 4’11”, 95 lbs and very curvy. Cute as hell, but I bet it’s hard to dress.

      2. I’m thinking supercute and very petite but damn it’s hard finding a jacket cut to accomodate the fluttery wings!

      3. Haha, thanks everyone for making “tinkerbell-shaped” sound so fun.

        Tinkerbell shaped, by my definition, is average chest, small waist, MASSIVE hips/thighs/behind. Others call this “pear” shaped, yes? I prefer tinkerbell.

        Makes dresses a pain because everything’s either too big on top or needs to be generous on the bottom. Skirt I’m wearing today fits nicely around the hips, has a 1 in gap in the waistband I’m covering with a cardi.

    1. My friend bought some of their clothes. LOVED!!! And promptly placed a second order. She says the customer service was also incredible. I haven’t needed work clothes in awhile, but the company is definitely on my radar.

  4. I have not taken the quiz but my issue with clothes is that if they fit my large bust, they are huge in the waist. For some items, I buy to the bust and have it taken in. For others, like blazers I just fit the bust and let the waist be big on me. I’d prefer to have everything fit just so but the cost of tailoring everything is too prohibitive. I also find the armpit holes are too small on some dresses. This may also be the bust issue.

    1. That’s what I was wondering, particularly because you order by bust size. My waist is really small proportionally.

    2. I was wondering this as well – just b/c you fit in the bust, doesn’t mean you will fit elsewhere. And to chalk it up, I’m also a petite. Will have to have a look-see.

    3. I have the opposite problem — smaller bust and waist, but larger hips. I do wonder whether something that fits my bust would fit my hips.

  5. After taking the quiz, I got a message saying, sorry, we don’t have your size. Ummm?? I’m 5’4″ and 120 lbs with a bigger than average bust, but smaller than a DD. How can I fit into every mall retailer in America and you don’t have my size? Strange. Maybe I input something incorrectly.

    1. MB: I had the same problem. 5’2, 110 lbs, 32C. You don’t offer my size? Well thank you for making me feel like a freak…

      1. They say they don’t have my size either. The only thing unusual about my size is my bust, but I’m a 32DDD, so as far as inches around, it’s not that freaky big.

        1. Same cup size and got the same answer that they don’t have my size — I think we found the obvious flaw with ordering by bust size. Good in concept, but that has nothing to do with how big or small the rest of you is.

    2. Interesting – I’m right in the middle of you both size/weight wise, and it worked for me…perhaps try again?

      Although now, I think we c*rp’ttes may have overloaded their server as I can’t get the page to load!

  6. I’ve always admired their clothes but I don’t find them in the “affordable for every working woman category”. I think the sizing idea is great, but I think the price point needs to be lowered. Not everyone can spend $150 on dresses all the time (or ever).

    1. I sort of agree. On one hand, I see links to a lot of things that are priced a lot higher here, so I guess the prices are reasonable compared to the average c*rp*tte pricing? For me (and I will admit that I”m cheap), the prices are comparable to full-price at stores that I shop at regularly (BR, AT, etc.), but I basically never buy anything at those stores at even close to full-price.

      My husband (who’s less cheap) has probably bought me a couple of dresses around $150 (and most of my best clothes are gifts from him), but personally, I don’t think that I’ve ever bought a non-formal dress for over $80. But, again, I’m cheap; I know it. Mondays through Thursdays (and, let’s face it, about 1/2 the Frugal Fridays) around here are purely to look at for me.

    2. Heh. I looked at the lined, hidden zipper, real waistband, stretch wool pencil skirt and thought wow, it’s only $128? Theory ones are more than twice that. If it fits straight out of the box, no $20+ in tailoring required, for a basic I will wear 4x a month year round, then $128 is fine with me. A blouse that actually fits my small chest instead of the ton of extra fabric like almost every blouse I try on, isn’t sheer, has actual sleeves, is real silk, and I can wear under a suit jacket for $118? I have been looking for one of those for months, so $118 is good with me. I don’t read magazines, so I hadn’t heard of Quincy before. Very intrigued.

      1. Second this. The prices are not unreasonable for quality fabric and good workmanship. Actually, they are pretty competitive.

    3. I hear what you are saying re not everyone can spend that much, but i dont think the stuff is over priced for what you are getting.

    4. I don’t think they are overpriced, and I am definitely one to splurge on quality items every once in a while. I just think if they were, say, around $80 they could be accessible to a lot more women.

  7. I see quite a few pieces I like. If anyone orders before I get around to it, please post feedback….

  8. Tops and dresses that don’t have tons of saggy extra fabric because of my 32B chest? Be still my heart!!!

  9. I want that polka dot blouse. A bit pricey, but since it’s actually silk instead of polyester, I may be able to deal with that (I’m looking at you, Banana Republic, for charging silk prices for polyester and rayon blends and hoping we didn’t notice).

  10. The fit quiz isn’t working properly– there’s not click to continue button on the pants section of the quiz on my computer. Sigh, because the stuff looked cute. Maybe it’s because I still have Windows 7.

  11. I acted as a clothes “tester” for Quincy Apparel last Spring. Great meeting the owners/founders and crew (who BTW have tall model-y body types) , but everything- EVERYTHING- I tried on was WAY. TOO. LARGE. I am 5′ tall, 103lbs, and struggle to find anything work appropriate that doesn’t require major tailoring (the closest thing I’ve found has been BR 00P but those items still end up at the tailor). I was looking forward to finding a solution in Quincy…I tried on their smallest sizes and no luck. The pieces were gorgeous and felt great- they were just too big in every direction. When I left Christina told me they would “rethink” Petite sizing.

  12. Great concept but I find that I don’t wear black very much anymore. I have sort of transitioned away to more of a brown based wardrobe and it looks like everything is black.

  13. TJ: I sort of hate to hijack a sponsored post but I’m going to anyway. If you wear turtleneck sweaters how to you keep your makeup from transferring to the top of the turtleneck along the fold? Do I need to do something different or try another brand?

  14. I wish they would make a size that take’s into consideration a person who has a larger tuchus. That would be so good! YAY! B/c right now, I can wear SOME size 2’s but most of the time I have to get a size 4 or 6 b/c of my slightly then larger tuchus. DOUBLE FOOEY!

    David told Adam that I did not call him back, and he told Myrna and Myrna said I should call him back, but since he was a doosh during the huricane, I am not. FOOEY!

    The manageing partner said he would pay for me to get an MBA, as long as it costs the firm no more then $15,000 per year. I think I will have to go part time, but will ask my dad. Does anyone in the HIVE know about this? HELP!

    I met a guy on the SUBWAY who work’s as a gutter at the NEW Fulton Market in the Bronx, and he did NOT tell me his name, just that his nick name is “LITTLE FISH”. What is a gutter, and what kind of a name is LITTLE FISH? Smelly. I think he smelled a little like fish so told him I would not tell him my name b/c he would not tell me HIS name. TRIPEL FOOEY!

  15. I like the concept, pricing, and look.

    I really like that the dresses are sized by bra size (since the shoulders are usually too big for me if the bust measurement fits). It would be really helpful to have the hip measurement for dresses. I came up as ‘unavailable’ for the size quiz (not surprising – I’m a short pear with large cup and usually not proportioned correctly by clothing manufacturers), but it would be nice to judge for myself from the size chart, as I am accustomed.

  16. I ordered the Riley Dress and Blazer from Quincy almost a month ago for a convention that I was going to and I was in complete shock about how well the clothes fit. I am 5’5, a size 14, and have a DD bust at I was amazed at how well the dress fit and how high the quality was. Usually I am stuck with dresses that are either too big on my waist to fit my bust or too small on my bust to fit my waist. The only loser is my tailor.

  17. Ironic! Reading all the comments, it seems the people it fits best are those that are probably straight sizes anyway. Few of us special snowflakes who need it most!

  18. Another one whose size is “unavailable.” Apparently they don’t carry anything that fits over a DD and for some reason they won’t sell me pants either. In other words, they make custom-fit clothing for women who fit into sample sizes. Ugh.

  19. Put in my bust size: 34E and was told they don’t carry my size, even though I am a 6-8 at Ann Taylor, J Crew, and Banana Republic. Too bad because their clothes are cute!

  20. If, as Nordstrom’s and Oprah would have us believe, most women are wearing the wrong bra size, what makes them think that’s the best plan for sizing?!?

    1. 100% agreement. Not sure why they don’t just have you input your bust and ribcage measurement.

  21. Another “size unavailable” here, which is very disappointing, as the clothes look great. It does seem odd to ask the question about shirts gaping at the bust, and then not offer any sizes for anyone bustier than a D. I wonder if a 36D would still fit a 34DDD.

    1. I am also a 34DDD. I ordered the Elliot blazer in 38 c/D, as that’s what the site suggested. Turns out the jacket fits like a dream in the bust and waist, but it’s way too large above the bust and at the shoulders. Thought about taking it to the tailor, but maybe I’ll try other sizes first. Also, it is meticulously made so ripping it apart would make me sad.

  22. Weird. I am a size 12 on top, 14 on bottom usually. I wear 34DD
    My preferred size is 38C/D Petite on top, and 32 on bottom.

  23. Ha i dont think i’ll ever find a perfect fitting blazer unless it’s custom made. I’m 5’11 with long arms, broader shoulders and a normal sized torso. An 8 tall blazer from ann taylor fits perfectly… except it’s too long in the torso. A size 8 blazer from Jcrew looked great, but was way too small in the shoulders.

    1. Similar here – very long arms (I’m 5’6″ tall with a 6’2″ wingspan), huge shoulders, and a short, normal-width torso. I have never found a blazer that was even close to fitting.

  24. I have a Quincy blouse I bought on Fab.com. One nice thing about it is that there is a snap between the first two buttons to prevent gapping.

    1. For those of you that are having size issues, try chatting or emailing. I also have a big bust smaller waist and unlike the rest very large shoulders. I ended up not finding what I wanted (yet) but the chat was very helpful and the free shipping and return were fast. They were very helpful, sent me an extra set of sizes to try on (charging only for the one size). The quality of the garments was fantastic. The company is very new and small so they don’t’ have lots of options yet but I am sure it would help to let them know what you want. I am hoping they will introduce a lined pant as the unlined was too itchy for me I am super sensitive. If dresses worked for me I’m sure that would have been the solution. I am really hoping they are successful and grow because they will be a good option for all us odd sizes.

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