Suit of the Week: Armani Collezioni Dot Suit

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iconFor busy working women, the suit is often the easiest outfit to throw on in the morning. In general, this feature is not about interview suits, which should be as classic and basic as you get — instead, this feature is about the slightly different suit that is fashionable, yet professional.

This week, we're loving this Armani Collezioni dot suit from Saks. We love the tiny dots (a classic) and a printed silk interior, and we like the fitted cut of the jacket and the highish pockets. Gorgeous! The jacket (One-Button Dot Jacket) is $1,465, and the pants (Dot Classic Pants) are $595. (Incidentally — don't forget to check out the Saks saleicon — lots of good stuff up to 60% off.)



  1. Not a fan. I don’t think it’s special enough to warrant the price. Also, the pants aren’t even flattering on the model. I’d shudder to think of what they would look like on me. I typically look bad in one button jackets, too. (The make my chest look huge.) I guess it could work for the right person, but I’m still giving it a thumbs down.

    1. Also, it strikes me as odd that the jacket is polyester/silk/spandex and the pants are wool/silk/spandex. Why the difference in materials?

      1. Yeah, that concerns me – it seems like the fabrics wouldn’t match up at all and the whole thing would be a hot mess. A hot $2000 mess.

    1. I think they are awful in one shot, but they are fine in the shot of the model wearing the whole suit.

      1. a lot of the time, the graphic designers who do the layout for the sites change the colors or style of garment on a model as if she was a paper doll…so “corrections” are needed and pretty much always obvious.

        1. I wouldn’t say “needed,” unless by “advertise” you actually mean “mislead.”

    1. Liked the article! I saw Dahlia Lithwick on The Rachel Maddow Show last night, summarizing the same points. I’ve listened to the hearings on NPR and wholeheartedly agree that Kagan has pizzaz; she’s a confident, spunky little chick, and definitely in a good way.

      1. I suppose, if you don’t mind the fact that she’s a lying weasel, and tries to evade answering simple questions at her confirmation hearings.

        “Did you write that memo?” Hatch asked.
        “Senator, with respect,” Kagan began, “I don’t think that that’s what happened — ”
        “Did you write that memo?”
        “I’m sorry — the memo which is?”
        “The memo that caused them to go back to the language of ‘medically necessary,’ which was the big issue to begin with — ”
        “Yes, well, I’ve seen the document — ”
        “But did you write it?”
        “The document is certainly in my handwriting.”

    2. She is. I took her admin law class in law school. Lithwick is absolutely right about her – she has this incredible charm and charisma in person (I actually was kind of taken aback by all the early media talk of her being frumpy because she dressed MUCH worse than she does now when she was dean, but she projected herself so well that you would not be thinking “frump” when you looked at her.)

    3. She’s certainly coming off better than that idiot senator who asked her whether she was on Team Jacob or Team Edward. Maybe I’m just too old, but do we really need to bring Twilight into everything?

      1. Especially given that she’s one of, what, two women on the committee. Not good optics.

      2. Hey. Lay off Amy Klobuchar. A joke meant to lighten the mood is much less idiotic that most of what’s said at these confirmation hearings.

      3. Maybe you missed this from later in the day.

        Senator Coburn spent about 20 straight minutes today whining to about how much less freedom we have today than we did 30 years ago … which Amy Klobuchar promptly shredded by pointing out that back in Coburn’s idyllic free time, women were not represented on the Supreme Court–and barely were in Congress.

        1. I’ve seen Amy live in the Senate and she’s as smart as a whip. And um, yeah, just like Kagan, I know nothing about Twilight stuff (guess my kids are too young to care).

      4. Senator Klobuchar is not an idiot. She was actually considered a dark horse candidate to replace Justice Stevens. She had seen the movie with her teenage daughter the night before and was making small talk before starting her questioning. I’ve met her and found her to be very impressive.

  2. Lovely suit. Can’t afford it, but wish that I could!
    Armani jackets fit amazingly. I think the pants might look odd due to some over-ambitious photo shopping or an odd pose, the shot of the model with the jack on strikes me as an entirely different silhouette.

    1. I also think they look weird (in the crotch area) in the picture with the jacket.

    2. The pants look fabulous on the full-length photo with the live model. I guess maybe if you’re wearing these, you should avoid crossing your legs when you’re posing for a photo that will be cropped above the knees? Not a problem I have frequently.

      1. I disagree; I think the crotch of the pants looks too big/long in that photo, as well.

    3. I think they make the models pose with their legs apart and hips tilted back to make the front of the pants not catch on their knees/legs. That explains the crazy hips on the otherwise-hipless model.

  3. Why is a Polyester/silk/spandex suit that much? Seriously. Designer name or no, I would never pay that much for polyester.

  4. Love x3! That’s the “I made it” suit after you’ve gotten a great verdict or a huge raise/promo.

  5. Totally off topic, I’m sorry:

    Just wanted to ask about a pervasive problem I have been having.
    My hands (and feet) are almost always sweaty. Being an attorney, I am asked to shake hands a lot. I do not know how to deal. This becomes worse in the summer or when I am nervous (such as when, for ex., I know I will have to shake hands with someone & I worry that my hands will be clammy).

    It helps if I wash my hands right before I have to meet someone, but not enough to remedy the problem. I have heard that injecting botox can help, but would prefer not to. And, I can only deflect so much by having my hands full when I am meeting a person.

    Has anyone figured out a solution?? I am seriously at a loss. It’s gotten to the point where I want to move to France so I can greet people exclusively by two kisses hello.
    Any advice would be appreciated. Sorry for the hijack!
    (The suit is lovely, btw. Wish it was 90% off, I’d snap it up in a heartbeat)

    1. No solution, just commiseration. Yes, the “Oops, so sorry my hands are full, otherwise I’d love to shake hands,” tatic is one I frequently use also.

    2. Mitchum anti-perspirant, little slather on your hands and feet in the morning, not too much, but regularly. Really works.

      And/or a cotton handkerchief in your pocket for a quick, surreptitious drying-off pre-handshake.

      1. Can I also use this occasion to speak out against (usually) men who think a good firm (i.e. crushing) handshake is a good thing? It isn’t. Ease off. My tendinitis thanks you.

        1. I would take a crushing handshake over a dead fish (often from women, though also from men) any day! It’s so awkward when you shake someone’s hand as it limpy just hangs there & then you feel like you “crushed” it b/c they don’t know how to shake hands. Awful, awful, awful.

          Question re: antipersperant use on hands — wouldn’t the AP wash off as you washed your hands throughout the day?

          1. YES to hatred of the dead fish handshake. Ladies (and gents), please – if you have a bad handshake, have someone work on it with you.

            Also hate the (mostly men) who try and shake your hand in such a way that their hand ends up below yours, as though they were positioning themselves to lean in and kiss your hand.

          2. No one should aspire to be a bone crusher with their handshake, but nothing is worse than a pathetic, weak-wristed handshake. My friends and I will too often sum up a person with the simple descriptor “bad handshake.” If you think you may have a weak one, please practice!!

            In other, even more off topic news, Ann Taylor sale is now an additional 40% off.

      2. Man I’d be peeved if I shook hands with someone and ended up with hands that smelled like deodorant.

    3. On the sweaty feet issue, I’ve found Certain Dri Feet (often near the deodorant section, sometime in foot care section near Athlete’s Foot products and the like) to be quite helpful. I wonder if it would work on hands as well.

      1. I bet it would – and since it is a long-lasting product that you’re supposed to use at night, any residue would wash off in the shower before going to work.

    4. I’ve had this problem for years, but also with sweaty underarms. At first my dermatologist prescribed a prescription deodorant, which you could also put on your hands and feet at night, and after that wasn’t enough, she prescribed Glycopyrrolate, which is actually a drug for stomach ulcers, but has worked wonders for my sweating. Now, I sweat like a normal person, as long as I take it every morning. (Note: she first prescribed it to be taken at night, because it can cause drowsiness, but it gave me crazy dreams so I take it in the morning, and it hasn’t caused drowsiness at all).

    5. It’s called hyperhidrosis and generally affects people in four areas: feet, hands, face, and/or underarms. Typical treatments include medication, certain antiperspirants, Botox injections, a procedure called Iontophoresis where you put your hands/feet in trays filled with water and an electrical current is sent through the water, and (the most drastic) surgery where they clamp a nerve that sends signals from the spinal column to the sweat glands. I think it’s just trial and error to determine which treatment or combination of treatments works best for you. There are dermatologists who specialize in this area, so your best bet may be to consult one of those. I have it in my hands and feet and never knew it was a real condition until I did some research. This website was especially helpful to me:

      Hope this helps. People don’t understand how terrible it is if they don’t have sweat problems!

      1. Wow. Thanks so much for the info! Most of that sounds very drastic, but it’s good to know the options.

        1. I just tell people I have a cold, best not to shake. That never fails to work for me.

  6. Love the suit. The fit of the pants is not necessarily a dealbreaker, as most Armani is intended to be tailored to fit.

    1. I’ve had this problem (too long/big of a crotch) before and it is not an easy one to fix. I’ve tried several tailors, but the fit always ends up looking strange on me. Perhaps it’s just my body type.

  7. Gorgeous suit. I’d buy all 3 pieces like a shot, if I were currently in the market. Would get 2 of the tees, since I’m hard on them.

    1. Have you bought their tees before? I tried a couple on about a year ago, and while the fabric and cut were right on, I just couldn’t justify $200+ for a tee. Curious as to whether someone who made the purchase feels they are worth it in the long run.

    1. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. I worked in my dad’s service department for a couple summers after college, and it was amazing how many times people wanted to “talk to one of the guys” to make an appointment. I would put them through to “one of the guys,” who would then switch him back to me to make the appointment (as it was my job). Even when they drove up and were just checking in their cars, which was also my job, they would wait for “one of the guys.” Almost every day, a man would drive in with his SUV, and when I would go to move it up he would say, “Are you sure you can move that big car?” I would say, “Oh, that’s my job! I have the same one anyway, just with the bigger engine,” and then move it.

      My favorite was when this one old man came in with his hazard lights blinking. I went out to the drive and he told me he needs to have one of the men technicians look at the car because his hazard lights won’t go off. I said, “Ok, did you try turning them off and they just kept blinking?” He said, “Well, I can’t find the button! The tech needs to tell me where it is! What do you know about cars anyway?” I said, “Well, the button is this big button with the bright orange triangle in the middle of your dashboard…and I just turned them off for you! Was that all?” %&$&$*

      When people like that are the people that give you the business so you can pay your bills, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. I wish it didn’t have to be like that.

  8. seriously love this suit. I set up a sale alert on, just in case the opportunity arises. It’s beautiful.

    1. Ladies, just to point out that we have an esteemed visitor – Dr. Frankel is the author of Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office, the book that many corporettes keep recommending.

      I’ve never met Dr. Frankel, and have no affiliation, but just to say it again, get her book. Trust.

      1. I glanced right over her name. Thanks for pointing it out. I’m reading the book right now and having fun figuring out what rules I (and each of my female coworkers) break.

  9. So, it looks as though Elena Kagen wore a T-shirt under her suit jacket today! Like the model in this Armani post.

    I really find this comfortable. I’m glad other professionals do, too.

  10. I think this is beautiful, classic suit with just enough of a nod to femininity. Not that I can afford a $2,000 suit, but if I could this is the kind I would buy. It is timeless.

    Did you get a peek at the fabric inside the lapel? Oooooh. Lovely.

  11. I stupidly hung a black suit next to a sunny window for several weeks. When I put the jacket on today, I realized that one of the arms had faded to a streaky brown color. Is there any hope of salvaging it? It’s triacetate, which apparently won’t hold regular fabric dye. (oh the horrors of synthetic fabric, I know…). At this point, I’ll try anything since the suit is not wearable as is.

    Maybe I could have the sleeves shortened? The below-the-elbow part of the jacket definitely faded the worst.

    1. I would ask your drycleaner and/or tailor, but I doubt there is much you can do. Even if there is some way you could dye it back to black, there’s a good chance it would still look weird because the faded area may take the dye differently than the originally dyed fabric. And you would probably have to do the skirt/pants too to get the blacks to match.

      Or, if you want a streaky brown suit, you could mask the part that has already been faded and then expose the rest to the sun for an equivalent amount of time :)

      But really, I think your best bet is to just wear the skirt or pants as a separate and toss the jacket.

      1. Agree. Triacetate isn’t going to take dye very well. I wouldn’t spend a lot of money or time trying to fix this – it’s probably a lost cause. Sorry, I know how you feel – I hate losing clothes to dumb mistakes. I stupidly left my favorite black shirt next to the washer one time and it got splashed with bleach – I had to throw it out. :(

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