Thursday’s TPS Report: Jersey Ruched Chiffon Shoulder T-Shirt

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Our daily TPS reports suggest one piece of work-appropriate attire in a range of prices. linQ black jersey ruched chiffon shoulder t-shirtI love the look of this simple tee from linQ — it's 100% silk, and the chiffon ruching on the shoulders adds interest without overwhelming your outfit. I also like the slight curve to the v-neck. Lovely! It was $88, but is now marked to $53 at Bluefly. (And alas, the gray just sold out, but the black is still available in XS-L…) linQ black jersey ruched chiffon shoulder t-shirt Seen a great piece you'd like to recommend? Please e-mail with “TPS” in the subject line. (L-2)

Sales of note for 1/31/25:

  • Ann Taylor – Suiting Event – 30% off suiting + 30% off tops
  • Nordstrom – Cashmere on sale; AllSaints, Free People, Nike, Tory Burch, and Vince up to 60%; beauty deals up to 25% off
  • Banana Republic Factory – 50% off everything + extra 20 off your $100+ purchase
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
  • J.Crew – Up to 40% off winter layers
  • J.Crew Factory – 50% off sweaters and pants
  • Rothy's – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – End of season clearance, extra 70% off markdown tops + extra 60% off all other markdowns

And some of our latest threadjacks here at Corporette (reader questions and commentary) — see more here!

Some of our latest threadjacks include:


  1. Congrats Kat on your NYT mention – it’s finally here! (and yay – first post of the day for me!)

      1. Thanks for posting the link – I was too fast in my comment to remember to add it for everyone’s edification!

        And here I am copping to wearing leggings at the office. Guilty as charged.

        1. I wear leggings as tights when it’s cold out, with boots and a dress. I think I did it a few times this winter when we had a storm. :)

    1. congrats on the NYT mention Kat!
      And here is my question for leggings. . . I do not wear them to work ever but I’m wondering what people think about them on someone in their mid-30s styled with tunic tops and ballet flats or boots. I love the comfort factor for travel or casual weekend but sometimes fear the look is too young for me and I should stick with jeans. Thoughts?

      1. I think that’s completely appropriate as long as you aren’t wearing sequin or other F21-looking tops that don’t cover all the “important parts” of your leggings. Otherwise, it seems very chic and the comfort of leggings and tunic just can’t be beat.

        For example: I’m 6′ tall so many dresses are just too short in general for me. On the weekends, I’ll wear them with leggings and boots or flats and I love that outfit.

        Just everyone repeat with me: leggings are not pants.

        1. My approach to leggings after 30 (and even really after 20) is the same as my approach to work: CYA (cover your ass).

          In the office, I wear leggings with boots and tunic sweaters, but I also work for a creative non-profit so there is a fair bit of leeway as far as business casual goes. I also love leggings paired with more structured items, which I think makes the look more evolved/mature (i.e. with tailored blazers and dressy shirt-dresses, belted).

        1. I have seen very, very few people look good in leggings. With or without a booty-covering top. Most of them make a living walking down catwalks. Fair? Not really. But true.

      2. I think totally fine but definitely cover your butt. If only b/c sometimes the material doesn’t seem very sheer at home but when it’s stretched over a larger area (larger than thighs, not larger than life!) they get sheer. I was walking behind a woman on the stairs coming out of the subway and it was shocking–like she was wearing tights with a thong. So much exposure! I’m sure she thought she was covered up.

      3. No, I don’t think the looks is too young. I wear leggings over tights (for a smooth, no lines look) and then a long tunic or a casual dress, frequently from Athleta. With the tights, you can then wear either boots or ballet flats. It’s also important to make sure that black leggings are really black, or else when they stretch you can get a gray or dull look. I have had good luck with Uniqlo leggings, and they are quite inexpensive, although I stay away from the brightly colored, patterned styles.

        This works for me on weekends and for some of our casual, off site meetings. If you live somewhere with cold weather, this look is wonderful, the leggings keep you warm while your look is still stylish.

        To me, wearing leggings is not a matter of age, but more of an issue of different body types. Like anything else, they don’t work for everyone.

  2. FYI: the shirt’s a modal/cotton blend. Only the trim is silk.

    Love the look, though. I just wish this was the Friday pick and therefore in my budget!

  3. I like the style of the shirt, but I find I have trouble with this shade of grey — charcoal. I’m pretty pale, and I don’t think it’s very flattering. Heather grey, on the other hand, I love. Or maybe I’m just crazy?

    1. No, not crazy. This pale-skinned redhead avoids all gray like the plague. I am very tempted by the black version, though!

      1. I agree on the shade of gray. I also have pale skin and find gray difficult to wear close to my face. The only time that I really like it is when I am wearing a navy suit. I have trouble matching colors with navy. I don’t really like black with navy, and I feel like I’m wearing a uniform if I wear navy with white/ivory. Sometimes I’m just not feeling pastel colors, so my go-to with navy has become gray because I think it makes the navy less formal.

        1. Brown with navy? Pale lime green? Pale orange? Yellow?

          Just playing around, although I do think some versions of those colors would work. What about a pale silver? Or is that too close to gray?

          I actually love gray and am a medium blonde with pale skin. I think I have more yellow-ish undertones, though, maybe that’s why gray works on me. At least I think it does!

        2. I don’t normally wear a lot of pink (or any), and I am not a fan of pastels at all, but a co-worker recently showed up in a navy suit with a bright pink top (sort of raspberry, on the darker side of bright pink, but not quite maroon) and I thought she looked really fantastic. Like seriously great. I am totally planning on stealing that idea. I highly recommend anyone else with a navy suit consider doing the same.

          1. Oh! That is a good idea. I have a deep purple shell that I might try as well, now that you say that. Thanks for the idea!

  4. Can anyone in the Twin Cities recommend an inexpensive but decent tailor? I need to have the waist taken in on pretty much all of my suits but I’m on a budget. (Still fits in the hips, so I don’t want to just replace the suits.) I’ve gove to Mulberry’s and they are excellent when things need to be perfect, but I’m looking for something a little less expensive. The waists are covered by the jackets so I don’t need perfection. Thanks!

    1. I am in the Twin Cities too. I have to have everything tailored. Am hippy with a smaller waist. I have had two places do this alteration for me. Stitch It in the Ridgedale Mall and a place that I cannot remember the name of in the Knollwood Mall in St. Louis Park. The place in the Knollwood Mall is a small family business as opposed to Stitch It, which is a corporate place (in case that makes any difference). I think it generally costs me about $20 for the waist alteration.

    2. If you’re in Downtown Mpls, there’s a place on the main level of the US Bank building that’s fast and pretty cheap. I’ve only had pants hemmed there, and they did a nice job. Can’t vouch for more invasive work.

    3. I use Sew Biz Tailoring Inc. in downtown Minneapolis. My guess is that it’s not inexpensive because Sew Biz is located downtown, but they do great work. You could probably call and get prices–just Google Sew Biz Tailoring Minneapolis.

    4. Highland Tailors on Cleveland in St. Paul does a great job, and the prices are really good. I recently had them take in a lined dress, shirt, two pairs of lined pants, a skirt, and hem several items (11 items total) and it all came to about $150. Plus, then you get to eat at Highland Grill across the street.

    1. I have this jacket in gray, and I think it looks great with dark wash jeans on casual Friday or for a weekend get together! I wear it with a black scoopneck.

    2. I have this in red and black. I wear it with pencil skirts or simple alines with a coordinating long sleeve or short sleeved sweater top. (If I worse slacks, I’d say wide legged trousers would look stunning.) To break up the solid colors, usually i wear a boucle or tweedy patterned pencil skirt and pick up one of the colors in the sweater I choose. If it’s all solid colors (jacket, top, skirt) then my shoes have to be of some greater interest. Love the jacket. I have worn it all day, open, fully shut (with a brooch on the shoulder), and half open at the neckline…all great.

    3. I would wear a shirt the collar of which is not visible underneath the jacket. I also think it would look great with a sheath, but you thought of that already :).

  5. Early threadjack: Does anyone else ever feel like they’re just pretending to know what they’re doing? Sometimes I feel like I’m totally in control of my job, and other times I feel like I’m just pretending to know what I’m doing! It’s been one of those weeks. I’m not stressed or rushed to meet my deadlines, and I’m actually keeping up/doing well on all my projects, but I just have this sense of being “found out” or something. I tried to make a to-do list to break everything into smaller chunks, but it’s not stress that I’m feeling, it’s “pretending”. Maybe it’s because I’m young, so I still sometimes feel like I’m not REALLY an adult, with a real job, and real contributions? I don’t know… maybe I’m crazy?

    1. Are you a lawyer? If so, I think that feeling is a rite-of-passage. Even if not, I know my husband (who is not a lawyer) often says that he feels like he’s just pretending in his job as a business executive.

    2. Oh, man, this describes my day yesterday! I was asked a very technical question about a tax structure (not my specialty!), so I read the relevant statute and all 5 reported cases dealing with it, still didn’t know the answer, so I called another lawyer (who has about 20 years on me and practices in that area) to ask him. His answer: “Well, here’s the citation to the statute. You’d have to research that.” GAH! What piece of “research” am I missing!? My other favorite answer when I get on the phone in search of an elusive answer: “Oh, I don’t know that. You’d have to ask a lawyer.” I AM a lawyer. We don’t get magical powers upon graduation from law school! *sigh* Some days I feel like a kid, and everyone’s hiding the ball from me. :-(

      1. god, tax. I’m convinced no one actually definitively knows the answer to tax questions. That’s what I’m researching today because we think the real tax lawyer we asked got it wrong. How does anyone understand this stuff? Every time I have to research the tax code, I start to think the flat tax people have a point.

    3. I feel like there have been a number of threads about this, i.e. Imposter Syndrome. You are not alone!

    4. I still have the feeling of being a fraud. Though after 1 1/2 years of clerking, it is much less than when I started. I am sure the feeling will come on full force again when I am in a firm in the fall.

    5. I’ve been in practice for four years, and clerked for two before that and I still feel like an imposter some days. I think that feeling goes away with time and experience. And, if it makes you feel any better, my male co-workers and peers have stated that they also feel like an imposter from time to time. It’s just the nature of the business of law, and of being a young professional, I think.

    6. I think it’s normal. I’ve also felt this way, since, like you, I’m young and I still don’t really feel like an adult. When I feel like this, I try to tell myself that sometimes, you have to fake it ’till you make it, and by the time you’ve made it, no one cares that you faked it. Since you’re doing a good job so far, keep racking up your brownie and karma points!

      I’ve also racked up brownie points when, if I’m not sure how to go about doing a task or if there’s a specific method my boss wants, to outline how I’m going to do it. Then I go to them and say, “So, I’m a bit confused as to how to finish X project, but I think by doing A, B, then C, I’ll get the outcome. Am I missing anything?” And then they either say, “You got it!” or “Don’t forget A(1)!” At the very least, you don’t have to do over your work because you missed something. :-)

    7. Not a lawyer, but business professional side of things. Imposter Syndrome is the perfect name! I’m glad to know I’m not the only one :)
      To Midori, why DO people think you’re imbued with magical powers upon graduation? I’ve seen this too… “Oh, well, you’re X, so you tell me!” No, clearly I don’t know just because I’m X, that’s why I’m doing the research! :)

      1. I wonder if some of it is the popular notions and romance culture has about our professions. To some (and maybe in a tiny way, to us), “lawyer” has this kind of magical, powerful vibe. Then when we get that title, we have all this fable to live up to. The TV shows all portray lawyers as cool, smart mages with special powers. We feel like that’s what we’re supposed to be.

      1. That’s a good article from Forbes, I can’t believe they’ve actually done studies on it. Pretty crazy that it’s so prevalent!

    8. I have this feeling at least twice a week. A former law professor used to call it “imposter’s syndrome” and explained that people who are good at what they do often suffer from it. It’s actually a sign that you do know what you’re doing and how complicated the job really is.

      The actual “imposters” never question whether they actually know what they’re doing.

      Hope this helps.

      1. I think that’s very true. I would liken it to law school exams — if you come out thinking, “that was easy,” odds are you missed some issues. But if you think that it was very complicated, you probably hit enough points to do fairly well.

        As for feeling it, I also do. I think part of it — at least for me — is that practicing law (or doing anything “professional,” really) tends to be so different from what you anticipate it to be, and the disconnect takes some time to adjust to.

    9. I feel like this most of the time. Yesterday was particularly bad (sigh…). I haven’t found any way to overcome it besides time – I feel like an impostor less often than I used to, but it’s still there.

    10. Yeah, yesterday was a really rough day, in part because earlier this week I think I got sucked down by Impostor Syndrome and therefore wrote something up SUPER rough with lots of questions and not enough confidence. Boss was not pleased (actually said “it’s YOUR job to figure that out, not mine”) and has responded in recent days by questioning my general capabilities and over-advising on every follow-up project. I was in tears by the end of the day yesterday. So frustrating because 1) I actually know I didn’t do a great job on that assignment due to lack of confidence so I’m already frustrated, but yet 2) I still think he’s really overreacting given the general quality of work I’ve done for him over the last 2.5 years!

      1. I had this yesterday, too. From an important client. :-( It sometimes makes me want to break down and complain, “But you have a DAUGHTER my age! Would you expect from her what you’re asking me?” I’ve been practicing for a little less than two years, so no, I don’t know everything off the top of my head. He actually made the comment, “Well, you’re the lawyer, so you’re getting paid the big bucks to know!” Seriously!? I work at a small firm. He sees our bills. I get paid enough to make my loan payments and get by, and not a dime more. It was insulting.

        **rant over**

    11. Hopefully you can take some comfort that you are not alone. I recently joined a new team and have no technical expertise in this area but a deep background in the business, all of which my boss knew before he hired me. Today I have a meeting with my boss to explain why its not going well so far. So I feel like an imposter in the technical area already and now I have to pretend to be my own manager and tell him what I need. Serenity now!

    12. I still feel like an impostor, even though I’m now over 30 and in my 9th years of practice, and I have 2 kids. I often think, wait, what am I doing pretending to be an adult???

      1. Me too. My boss tells me he considers me a “senior practitioner” and trusts me absolutely, but that just makes me feel panicky!

    13. I think most people (well, lawyers anyway) go through that, with either a subsequent realization that you are really good at your job!

      1. Delete that either…the people who suck never seem to have this problem…..

  6. is doing 25% off orders of $100 or more for Friends and Family!

      1. Weird – it’s on my endless homepage. The code is MARFFEVT. Don’t forget to use ebates for another 7.5% cash back.

        Restrictions language from the site: Save 25% on $100 orders of women’s, men’s, kids’, and athletic shoes as well as accessories using code MARFFEVT at cart.

        Discount will be shown on the final page of checkout. Offer may not be combined with any other promotions noted as “special offer” on the item’s product detail page. Offer does not apply to the following brands: ASICS, Caravelle by Bulova, Callaway, Brooks, Bulova Corporation, Citizen Watch Company, Dansko, ECCO Footwear, Fitflop Limited, Fossil Partners, Frye, Giuseppe Zanotti, Hunter Boots USA, Keen, Marc by Marc Jacobs Handbags, Marc by Marc Jacobs Sunglasses, Mizuno USA, Marc by Marc Jacobs, Michael Michael Kors Footwear, MICHAEL Michael Kors Handbags, Michael Kors Kids, Mizuno Running USA, ESQ by Movado, Movado, New Balance Athletic Shoe, Patagonia Footwear, Polo Ralph Lauren, Prince/Ektelon Racquet Sports, Pulsar, Ray-Ban, REEBOK – ADIDAS GROUP, Reebok Footwear, Seiko Watch Corporation, Sperry Top-Sider, Stuart Weitzman shoes and bags, Stuart Weitzman Kids, Stuart Weitzman Collection, To Boot New York, Tumi, and VF Outdoors.

        1. Thanks WB. I tried to post the brand restriction list, but it automatically turned a few of the brand names into web links, so “my comment is awaiting moderation.”

          Frye, Hunter, New Balance, and Stuart Weitzman, among others, are excluded, but Kate Spade and CH are not.

        2. I just pulled the trigger! This is my first Cole Haan purchase, so I’m hoping they live up to my expectations!

          1. i love my cole haan shoes (esp. the air ones – i wear them for giving lectures).

          2. Virtually all of my work shoes are from Ann Taylor. They are incredibly comfortable, and I have yet to pay more than $60 for each pair, thanks to ebay and the wonderful sales AT has. I’ve been lusting over these shoes for almost 6 months, so I’m excited that they are in my price range. I need another pair of work pumps like I need a hole in my head, but these are an early graduation present to myself. I refuse to buy work shoes that aren’t comfortable, so I am praying that these are as comfortable as everyone says. Plus, they are in my favorite color!

  7. Love it! Anyone know of a brick and mortar store that carries this brand? I’m a tactile shopper, not a fan of online purchasing without having a look in person first.

  8. Quick threadjack – Just flew to a conference, unpacked in my hotel, and my new AT blouse looks *great*. Yay! I was afraid it would be a rumpled mess. If you need a sleeveless blouse to go with suits I would recommend this one. Not many sizes online but my local AT store had dozens of them. Khaki&defaultSizeType=Regular

    1. Love this blouse…fits so well. Wish they had made it in a rainbow of solid colors, not just two busy prints.

        1. WB – for some reason they look different to me than the printed ones in the photos. Has anyone seen the two in person to compare? I would love to pull the trigger now, but I’ve got to make it through Lent. Maybe I can get to a store and see for myself by then? Thanks for the parallel thought/confirmation.

    2. I just got this top the other day and am madly in love with it for my business casual workplace. Anyone seen tops similar to this in shape, ideally a little less expensive?

  9. Brief rant:
    So frustrated with vanity sizing. Just got a suit delivered that I ordered online in MY size, yet it is too big. I am NOT a size 4 (which I am perfectly fine with), so why is the 6 too large? I may give up ordering online entirely. Ackkkk!

    1. I completely agree, and it’s one of the reasons that I very, very rarely order clothing online (particularly pants and skirts).

    2. That’s pretty much what I’ve done. I very rarely order online anymore for anything structured unless I have already tried on the item in a store at some point (in a different color, or pre-sale, etc.) AND there are easy returns involved (either free shipping or an actual store that accepts returns and is near my house/work).

      I also don’t care what “size” I am, and I don’t even care if we want to make “00” the new “4” or whatever the case, I just wish everyone would agree to make it the same across the board! Even amongst brands (I am looking at you, BR), I find myself being inconsistent!

      1. The inconsistency within brands is the worst! At some point a couple of years ago, The Limited slashed their sizes to the point that, when I had been wearing a 4, I was suddenly wearing a 0 in pants! So frustrating. When I try on, I usually grab at least 2 sizes, if not three.

        1. Oh, I remember that! I still have my size 2 pants from there. I went to replace them with my normal size 6 last year, hoping they’d fit a little better (since I gained some “shape”), and they fit EXACTLY the same!

    3. So frustrating! This is why I can’t buy clothes online since I have to try everything on. I’ve “gone” from a size 8 to a size 6 in certain stores even though my weight hasn’t changed at all.

    4. I wish that more women’s clothing was sized like men’s clothing. I know there is still some inconsistencies in fit across different men’s lines, but it seems harder to have major differences between 32/32s. Also agree that vanity sizing is ridiculous–I don’t feel better about myself just because you happen to make a line that runs big.

      Out of curiosity, did you check their sizing chart and take measurements before ordering? I’ve been much more successful at getting the right size when I take a few minutes to do this. I know J. Crew and BR have about a 1.5″ difference between hip/waist measurements for the same size clothing.

      1. I went to Brooks Brothers with my SO to buy suits recently. I was beyond green with envy! He took 2 suits off the rack — same size. One pair of pants slightly too big, the other slightly too tight. The tailor came — said he would let one out an inch, take the other one in an inch. Made some changes to the jackets so they also fit perfectly. And voila! Done.

    1. I really like the honey, and would definitely call it spring/summer appropriate. (In fact, I think it would be fine all year long). Now, as a redhead, I personally would stay far, far away from something that orangy, but that’s just me.

      I think the yellow is very nice, too, and not too citrusy to my mind.

      1. Ooohh…I am a redhead. Please elaborate. I hadn’t really thought about that, but I think the honey may compliment my red hair nicely. Maybe?

        1. I’m not a redhead, but I think there are so many different colors of red hair that a color that clashes with one person’s hair would look lovely with another’s. I had an ex who had red hair that was almost a maroon, and he could wear orange, but I have some friends whose hair has more of an orange color and they would look awful in orange.

          Your instinct is probably right!

    2. I really like the honey & think it’s completely appropriate. Also much more versatile than the pink and yellow. I have a bag in a similar color and it’s fantastic with oh-so-many things!

      I am actually not a fan of the “yellow” (or the pink) at all — seems very oddly watered down and makes me think of easter eggs. Fine for actual easter, but I don’t love the idea for a whole spring/summer season.

    3. Definitely spring/summery! I also feel the yellow is a little too pale and citrusy for me.

    4. I had this bag a few years ago (and the fact that the style has been out there that long may or may not matter to you). It IS extremely practical – two large compartments, an easily accessible zippered pouch that is large and can be used for “must not display” items like cash envelopes from the bank and monthly necessities. The two large compartments are more open, but I didn’t feel they were invitations to theft because the magnetic closer was large and strong. As I write this it sounds so great that I’m wondering to myself why I don’t still own it – why, in fact that I gave it away well before it got ragged out. Here’s why:

      1) I always had the vague sense that it was too practical looking – kind of dowdy granny. And,

      2) even empty, it was very HEAVY.

Comments are closed.