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– There's kind of an awesome sketch on Huffington Post from Amy Schumer about how women need to learn to take a compliment. Sad but true.
– SheFinds rounds up the top ten most-wanted items of the season.
– Vivia Chen at The Careerist is having a whole series on women (and men) changing their names when they get married.
– Inc. reports on a new study that says sleep deprivation is just as bad for work as alcohol.
– POPSUGAR Smart Living looks at an old Steve Jobs email to learn how to negotiate like a pro.
P.S. In Corporette news: We may be doing some back-end upgrades (much needed, but also possibly fraught with some difficulties) this weekend. Wish us luck; here's hoping the ship doesn't go down (or stay down for long). <sigh>
Did we miss anything? Add 'em here, or send them to Thank you!
Have you all seen this? I’m trying to marshal my thoughts on why this is so offensive to me.