Weekly News Update

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news roundup - alterationsLike these posts? Follow us on Twitter or Facebook — this is the edited version of what we're reading! You can also follow us on Pinterest and Instagram, or via our RSS feed.
  • The Curvy Fashionista shares a post about clothing alterations for women who are both petite and curvy.
  • The Kickstarter for the Unstainable® Workwear Collection by Elizabeth & Clarke has been fully funded — check out their sustainable, machine-washable, dryer-safe, vegan workwear wth Unstainable® and Sweat-Proof™ technology. (Right now, Unstainable shirts are available on their website.)
  • The BBC reports that many women in the UK want the government to ensure that women aren't forced to wear high heels at work — right now employees can be fired if they don't follow “reasonable” dress code requirements. (Here's the petition, with 125,000+ signatures.) Fortune weighs in.
  • Marisa Meltzer writes for The New York Times Style Magazine in praise of naturally curly hair.
  • New York magazine's The Cut talks about research into whether the satisfaction we get from checking off to-do list items leads us to favor easily completed tasks over tougher work.
  • Above the Law features a quote from this Bloomberg Law opinion piece about how women lawyers need to feel supported by their female coworkers.
  • The Muse gives you a behind-the-scenes look at the background-check process of hiring.
  • The Washington Post talks to Erin Meyer, the author of The Culture Map: Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business, about the ways various cultures express emotions to different degrees and how they handle confrontation — check out the interesting charts.
  • Julie Farman of The Grayish Carpet (pic NSFW) talks about sexual harassment in the music industry of the '90s and praises women who are speaking out about today's equivalent.
  • Many women are deficient in Vitamin D — Self explains how to tell if you're one of them and how to get more D.
On CorporetteMoms Recently…  Did we miss anything? Add 'em here, or send them to news@corporette.com. Thank you! Also: Are you a mom or mom-to-be? Don't miss this week's news update at CorporetteMoms.


  1. Please don’t use the misleading term “petite and curvy” when refering to short plus-sized women. As a petite curvy size 2, this sort of misleading thing happens all the time and it’s very disappointing.

    Curvy and fat are different things, which demand different care with clothing to look presentable at work, namely different cuts, colors and alteration tricks.

  2. Curvy and fat can overlap, but not necessarily. As long as our society considered “fat” an insult rather than a neutral description, people will use euphemisms to be polite.

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