Weekly News Update

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  • The Wall Street Journal gives you “The Unwritten Rules on Going Sleeveless”; the WSJ also looks at new ways jewelry designers are using pearls.
  • The Everygirl explains some surprising ways you're getting sun exposure (and sun damage); it's surprising that cars' side and rear windows don't block UVA rays, for one.
  • Ask a Manager answers a reader question about office decorating.
  • Above the Law comments on a few recent lists ranking the best law firms for diversity.
  • NPR reported on a new study on gender and ethics that found that “women receive harsher punishments than men for ethical violations at work.”
  • The Wall Street Journal reports on a two-month hackathon that resulted in seven new apps to address the gender pay gap.
  • Ellevate takes a look at Laura Vanderkam's 10 strategies for making the most of the time you have.
  • At New York magazine's The Cut, Jordan Kisner writes about the double standards around how women speak and how it often seems like we just can't win.
  • Popular Science has an interesting article about Susan Finley, NASA's longest-serving female employee, who was hired 58 years ago as a “computer.” She has no plans to retire, even though she was demoted in 2004 due to her lack of a college degree.
  • Vox shares some insights from Kate Shellnutt about women and multi-level marketing (MLM), which we recently talked about over at CorporetteMoms.

On CorporetteMoms Recently…     

Did we miss anything? Add 'em here, or send them to news@corporette.com. Thank you! Also: Are you a mom or mom-to-be? Don't miss this week's news update at CorporetteMoms


    1. I would get a pair,tho I have seen better than these sold on 47th street for about $75, also new. If you are in NYC, or can get to 47th Street, I recommend that you forgo Costco, which is mainly good for bulk food and toilet paper, and just stroll down between 5th and 6th where you will find multiple places that do not sell the cheap $5 you probably got on the street.

  1. Those are pretty cute! I’d never turn my nose up at Costco (Kirkland4life) but I’ve been trying to move away from mass-market jewelry purchases and buy more things that are handmade. That’s just me, though, and if you like them, buy them!

  2. This week’s fun link could be Carpool Karaoke with FLOTUS and Missy Elliott. My kids have always given me some side eye with singing in the car. This was like, well EVERYONE must be doing it.

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