Weekly News Update

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  • Racked reported that J.Crew will relaunch in September — including a new loyalty program.
  • Many outlets, including The Cut, paid their respects to Kate Spade, who the fashion world lost earlier this week. And among those paying tribute to the late Anthony Bourdain today is Eater, which has rounded up some of his most memorable quotes. (If you or someone you know is struggling, you are not alone. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255), text CONNECT to 741741, or talk to someone online, 24/7.)
  • The New York Times explained why office friendships can be awkward.
  • The Muse shared five signs you're ready to be a manager.
  • Wired discussed Silicon Valley's role in the future of fertility tracking.
  • Vox reported that women have been outperforming men in the 2o18 Democratic primaries. Meanwhile, CNN shared that former New Mexico Democratic state party leader Deb Haaland could be the first Native American woman in Congress, and former Georgia House minority leader Stacey Abrams could be the country's first black woman governor.
  • Speaking of progress for women in politics, Fast Company reported that Illinois has ratified the Equal Rights Amendment. Only one more state needs to ratify the constitutional amendment for it to pass (assuming it hasn't been too long since the 1982 deadline). North Carolina could be next, but efforts in other states have failed this year, including attempts by state legislatures in Virginia, Arizona, and Florida. A map at EqualRightsAmendment.org shows where else it hasn't been ratified.
  • To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the premiere of Sex and the City, the Huffington Post explained why many of us wanted to be Carrie when the show first aired but now want to be Miranda.
  • The Los Angeles Times interviewed Marti Noxon, creator of the new AMC show Dietland, which covers the fashion industry, abusive men, and … other things. You can stream the first two episodes for free.
  • For your Laugh of the Week: McSweeney's explained what happens to 99% of online job applications.

On CorporetteMoms Recently…

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  1. I was 24 when I first watched SATC and never liked Carrie’s character. She was insecure, whiny, acted like a kid, and materialistic.

    I always thought Charlotte’s kindness and Miranda’s drive were admirable.

    1. I never wanted to be Carrie. Back when it aired (I was in college) I wanted to be Charlotte. Now I want to be (and am) Miranda.

    2. I have a little of all of the SATC woman as part of my personna! For example,

      I am partley like Carrie b/c I love nice clotheing and would actually not mind Mr. Big huffeing and puffeing on top of me from time to time;

      I am partley like Charlotte b/c I am also very pretty and sweet, and am always lookeing for true LOVE, not just meaningless s-x with schlubs;

      I am partley like Miranda b/c I am also a lawyer, and I am also skeptical of men who just want to pull my panties down and have s-x with me; and

      I am partley like Samantha b/c I try to avoid emotional involvements but do enjoy s-x of all types with the right man, which, unfortunately I have not found, as yet. FOOEY!

  2. ‘Do You Let Your kids play with water guns?’

    REALLY?!??! I’m kind of disturbed that this is even a question for people… I totally support not wanting to expose your kids to realistic violence, like Call of Duty or bloody movies or extremely realistic guns, but water toys and Nerf guns?? What about water balloons? Are they too close to grenades? That is totally insane.

    1. I hate water balloons. Not bc of any association with violence. I hate them because they turn from toy into trash immediately. (Mom of kindergartner)

    2. I’m going to guess you’re white? Black kids have been shot at for playing with toy guns.

    3. Chill. I think everyone on that thread answered some version of “yes as long as they don’t look like real guns.”

  3. I’m so excited that the ERA only needs one more state to ratify. I’ve been waiting for this for a loooooong time!

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