Weekly News Update

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  • Elle discussed how female designers are leading the way on sustainability, labor practices, and diversity.
  • Fashionista shared an investigation into The RealReal‘s authentication process that appears to be letting counterfeit items slip through. 
  • Marie Claire shared the drugstore beauty products spotted backstage at New York Fashion Week.
  • Glossy examined how retailers like recently opened M.M.LaFleur's M.M. To Go in NYC are focusing on services more than products.
  • The Cut asked, what would you wear if you weren't online?
  • Fast Company explored the cost of not wearing makeup to the office.
  • Ask a Manager interviewed a software manager about her experiences at work before and after her gender transition.
  • Quartz explored why it's important that The Wing's founder, Audrey Gelman, is the first visibly pregnant CEO on the cover of a business magazine. 
  • SmartBrief suggested gestures that will come in handy at your next presentation.
  • The Washington Post reported on the fallout — and apology — after Forbes included only one woman in a list of 100 innovative leaders. 
  • The New York Law Journal considered why younger lawyers aren't attending bar association events.
  • Laugh of the Week: McSweeney's offered some motivational quotes for women.

On CorporetteMoms Recently…

Did we miss anything? Add 'em here, or send them to news@corporette.com. Thank you! Also: Are you a mom or mom-to-be? Don’t miss this week’s news update at CorporetteMoms


  1. I LOVE the Fast Company article on dressing and looking good for females in power positions, particluarly the comment that
    “There were so many meetings where I didn’t feel like I was being taken seriously as a CEO. I feel like I had to up my appearance to command authority. I would sit in the meeting, lead the entire presentation, and every question would be directed to him. That’s when I started paying more attention. I spent a lot of money trying to look the part of the high-class CEO that they were expecting.”

    This is so me! Even tho I still look good without makeup, the manageing partner insists I wear the nicest of clotheing (which he pays for), and have regular blowouts and go to periodic visits @ Elizabeth Arden for new beauty secrets. I think it helps b/c men take me seriously and other then the schmoes that just want to pinch my tuchus (and elsewhere), I have more credibility as the next manageing partner and chief rainmaker at my firm.

    I encourage all of the HIVE to do as I do and hopfully, we will all be leaders that important men treat seriusly, not just as fresh meat for them to have $ex with. FOOEY on that!

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