Weekly News Update
- Above the Law looked at the impact of counterfeits on the luxury fashion resale industry.
- The Wall Street Journal observed that elder millennials have reached the decade when people often start to notice signs of aging.
- The Wall Street Journal also reported on new research that found that marriages in which wives out-earn their husbands are not only more common, but less likely to end in divorce than in the past.
- NPR suggested responses that child-free people can use in the face of questions and comments about not having kids.
- NBC News reported that advisers to the FDA voted unanimously to recommend making a birth control pill available without a prescription.
- AP News shared that Kansas City, MO, will become a sanctuary city for people seeking or providing gender-affirming care.
- A New York Times op-ed noted that Jezebel “was among the first places to crystallize the powerful forces that would define social media over the next decade: politics and identity.”
- The Washington Post featured writer Lyz Lenz's tribute to Heather Armstrong, aka Dooce, who died earlier this week.
- Your Laugh of the Week comes from The Onion, with “Female Friends Spend Raucous Night Validating The Living Shit Out Of Each Other” (related bonus laugh from Baroness von Sketch Show).
On CorporetteMoms Recently…
- We had an open thread on baby and kid names.
- We offered some clothes for working moms, including some maternity basics and washable workwear.
Did we miss anything? Add 'em here, or send them to news@corporette.com. Thank you! Also: Are you a mom or mom-to-be? Don’t miss this week’s news update at CorporetteMoms.
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It is amazing that the Onion article you flagged above publishes all the dirty details of what we used to call a girls’ night out. It’s sure worth a read by all who never heard of it before — I wish I was 25 years old again!
Here’s the part I found most outrageous:
“The entire night we just went balls out with the confidence-boosting,” Dotson said of the gathering, adding that by 10 p.m. she had already partaken in seven or eight mutual expressions of positive regard. “It was completely insane. We bolstered the shit out of Kelly’s self-esteem, and by the time the check came, we had her shouting that her boss was a huge asshole for not recognizing all her hard work and giving her that promotion.”
“We just kept telling her how fucking talented and beautiful she was until eventually the restaurant had to ask us to leave,” Dotson added.
As the women moved from one bar to the next, the evening reportedly only grew more and more wild, with the friends telling one another whatever they needed to hear regarding callous comments made by boyfriends, deteriorating relationships with family members, pet deaths, or frustrating new haircuts.
“We’ve always been a group of friends that listens hard, and consoles even harder,” said Teri Lange, 28, who admitted that by the end of the night she had lost count of how many thoughtful, heartfelt compliments she had dished out. “Every time I turned around, left and right, there was somebody helping Karen to own the fuck out of the frustration she feels toward her fiancé.”
do… people not do girls night outs anymore?
I think she means as you get older you don’t do it the same way. It’s different once you’re 35+ and most people have kids.