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Liking these posts? Follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook — this is the edited version of what we’re reading! (We also Tweet if we hear about a good sale through our CorporetteDeals Twitter feed.)
– Jean at ExtraPetite shares her adventures in vintage Chanel brooch purchases. Meanwhile, Belle at Capitol Hill Style tries to talk us all out of floral jeans. (But what if we're wearing them ironically, Belle?)
– Lisa at Privilege has an interesting series on how to “build attractive.”
– Get your coats on, ladies and gentlemen: Sheryl Sandberg leaves work at 5:30 pm every day, according to The Grindstone. Speaking of balance, SavvySugar has some advice for women working while planning their wedding.
– Can women use sexuality to get ahead? Forbes Woman wonders.
– Business Insider tells you what six things recruiters absorb in the seconds they take to look at your resume. Meanwhile, The Careerist has 8 tips on how to ace interviews.
– Road Warriorette wonders how to pack for a long conference, while the WSJ wonders how to get more out of them.
– Finally, in Kat news, I've got some speaking engagements coming up:
- On Monday, 4/16 I'll be a panelist on a Fashion 2.0 panel in NYC…
- On Thursday, 4/19, I'll be speaking at Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt! (Sadly, I'm not even in town for the entire night, so I can't do a reader meetup — poor planning on my part, due partly to the fact that it's my first night away from my baby). If you're in Seattle, you can RSVP here, or check out more details on the Corporette Facebook page or my new “Hire Kat to Speak” page.
Did we miss anything? Add 'em here, or send them to Thank you!
This Pain is a Gift article = good stuff
I didn’t find the Savvy Sugar article on wedding planning at work either helpful or sympathetic. Their advice amounted to “don’t make anyone mad by doing it” and “try to be discrete.” Maybe I’m just particularly not keen on wedding planning as an at-work activity, but I feel like “try not to do it at work” should have had more focus. (I do say this as someone who planned a wedding while working, but did not use work time or resources to do it.)
Though I always love reading about Sheryl Sandberg. My husband admires her as much as I do!
Anonymous Girl
The Forbes Woman article is great, Kat. Maybe you should do a feature on it since this is a fashion blog and many of us do attempt to look attractive in the workplace. I’d definitely like to see a discussion here on dressing in the workplace and perhaps pushing against the boundaries of the dress code (e.g. wearing heels that are slightly too high, a skirt that is slightly too short, favoring more fitted styles, nail polish that’s perhaps a little too dark) to attract the attention of male superiors.
Edi L.
You are NOT seriously promoting a white supremacists site are you Kat? You really need to take a closer look at “Privilege”, who she says has it and what she thinks of the rest of us.
Edi L.
Seriously? I tried not to reply but I had to because your assessment couldn’t be further from the truth. I stand so firmly against racism and violence that I can’t ignore you.
Lisa, AKA the author of Privilege.
Oh, and thank you Kat:).
Anne Shirley
Acknowledging your own privilege is not even close to arguing only white people should have it.
Lisa, thought the building attractive article was thought provoking, and a way to reconcile wanting to be taken seriously with wanting to look nice, whilst not making looking nice into a full time job.
Is it wrong that I kind of love the third pair of floral jeans from Capitol Hill Style? Paired with a floaty white blouse, tucked-in, loose hair and sandals, or a white blazer and white heels… maybe I’m just crazy, but it looks fun for a weekend.