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Liking these posts? Follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook — this is the edited version of what we’re reading! (We also Tweet if we hear about a good sale through our CorporetteDeals Twitter feed.) You can also follow us on Pinterest.
– This Buzzfeed article was hilarious: 26 things Hillary Clinton thinks about you.
– Harvard Business Review advises how to change your job if you don't like it (without quitting).
– An article on CNN advises what to wear to an interview (and quotes me!)
– Lifehacker tells us how to prepare for a presentation.
– The Jane Dough summarizes a new study that talks about the dangers of working while pregnant.
– Savvy Sugar suggests ways to make every morning more productive. (Here are my best tips for taking advantage of early morning.)
– Oh! I keep forgetting to announce this. I was going through old posts and remembering how I did an hour-long chat with Lucky readers last summer and thinking I ought to do that more regularly here. So let's have a Facebook chat next Thursday at 1PM Eastern.
Did we miss anything? Add 'em here, or send them to Thank you!
Kat, just wanted to say that the Lucky online chat is what made me discovery your website in the first place. Keep up the cross-pollination!
Wow, that Jane Dough article was insulting. “Someone I know still berates his mother for not breastfeeding; so why give your children something to use against you?” Insane logic. Who is the target audience of that website?
The Buzzfeed article could have been much, much funnier if it had shown Hilary Clinton, successful corporette-type professional, just owning those shots, such as her on the phone, saying “Condi, would you like us to fedexing Ghaddafi’s album of your pics to you for your personal action, or should we have a private ceremonial burning of it, lit from the flame of the Tomb of the Unknown Solider? People don’t know the half of the cr@p we put up with!
Skip all of the stuff that mommy-tracks her. She is a powerful woman, how about some Power-filled comedy?