Weekly Roundup

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Liking these posts? Follow Corporette on Twitter — this is the edited version of what we’re reading! (We also Tweet if we hear about a good sale.)

funee– Hilarious:  This video–posted on Above the Law— is great advice for how to avoid getting fired. (No, we don't speak Russian either.)

WSJ's Juggle takes issue with being called “sweetie” by strangers. (We're right there with you, hon.)

– From the NYT and Lifehacker:  What NOT to order at fancy restaurants.

Get Rich Slowly advises how to choose the right bank account for your emergency fund, while The Simple Dollar tries to figure out how to have enough money to retire early.


  1. Translation:

    “Quick Dissolving Office”

    Guy: I just passed the dumpster but there’s no address “8”. Ah, Address 8, Building 4, further past the sign. Ah, I see it. (Notice the ghetto “8” on the dumpster)

    Later on when he’s in the office:

    Guy: Excuse me? I’m looking for insurance in accordance with OSAGO (mandatory Russian auto insurance law).

    Everyone bails.

    Don’t want a problem with OSAGO? Buy a policy from a reliable company.

  2. As a follow-up… I do not speak Russian either. I copied this from the comments section on YouTube.

  3. Hey, Corporettes!

    Based on the latest science, I say we all should become ladies in red! You’re 10% more likely to win a competition, and you get 13% more points!

    “They showed video clips of taekwondo bouts to 42 experienced referees. One combatant wore blue, the other red.
    They then showed them the same clips but digitally manipulated the clothing to swap the colours.
    The fighters wearing red were given an average of 13 per cent more points than when they were blue.”

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1209236/How-wearing-colour-red-helps-win-competitions.html?ITO=1490

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