Happy Thanksgiving! 52 Great Sales!

Happy Thanksgiving! 52 Great Sales!

Happy Thanksgiving! Which stores will you be shopping, online or in person, this week? We’ll be updating you through the weekend and Cyber Monday, so stay tuned… Friday’s additions are in red. Saturday’s additions are in pink. 6pm – Black Friday Mega Sale! 70% off Frye, Nine West and Clarks, 80% off designer footwear like Cole Haan, L.A.M.B., and Pour…

house ad reads "OUR TOP TIPS FOR WINTER BUSINESS CASUAL"; background image shows a young professional woman wearing winter business casual and walking in a snowy city
Holiday Weekend Open Thread

Holiday Weekend Open Thread

Something on your mind? Chat about it here. Happy Thanksgiving to all of our American readers! I am thankful, as always, for the readers of this site — I’ve learned so much from you guys and, as I hope you can tell, love writing for y’all. Thank you for the great run we’ve had thus…

Weekly News Update

Weekly News Update

Like these posts? Follow us on Twitter or Facebook — this is the edited version of what we’re reading! (We also Tweet if we hear about a good sale through our CorporetteDeals Twitter feed.) You can also follow us on Pinterest and Instagram, or by our RSS feed. Fashionista tries out some long-wear lipsticks to…

The Lo & Sons Giveaway is now CLOSED…

The Lo & Sons Giveaway is now CLOSED…

… but thank you to all 2000+ entries we had! We’ll be contacting the winner later today. A few points to note: Lo & Sons just launched their newest style, the Pearl crossbody (pictured) — I haven’t seen it yet in person but it looks great. Even if you didn’t win, you can still get…