Dressing Stylishly, But Comfortably: What to Wear for a Long Flight
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Dressing Stylishly, But Comfortably: What to Wear for a Long Flight

What should you wear on a long flight with colleagues if you want to be comfortable but still look professional? Reader N wonders… Could you do a post on comfortable, but professional attire for international or long flights? I have an upcoming business trip where my boss and two colleagues will be on a long flight…

house ad reads "OUR TOP TIPS FOR WINTER BUSINESS CASUAL"; background image shows a young professional woman wearing winter business casual and walking in a snowy city
Coffee Break: Mobile Foodie Survival Kit

Coffee Break: Mobile Foodie Survival Kit

My mother was just extolling the virtues of something I got her at Uncommon Goods (these beer sommelier glasses, if you’re interested), so I was perusing the site again recently, and found this fun spice kit. If you’re traveling for business (or working crazy hours), you’re often at the mercy of the hotel kitchen (or Seamless), and eating…

Forget Me Not: Business Travel

Forget Me Not: Business Travel

Here’s a fun question that is hopefully hypothetical: what are you most afraid of forgetting for business travel? What would you go out and buy immediately if you realized you had forgotten it? For me the answer is always my makeup bag. (Or, when I was nursing, some vital pump part.)  It’s hard to forget…