Coffee Break: Medallion Locket


Feel free to tell me I've been watching too much Mad Men, but I love the idea of a long medallion locket.

Love the intricate design on this one, love the rose gold, and can totally see it being great with a simple black turtleneck, or perhaps a more layered look with a draped cardigan.

It's $75, exclusively at Revolve Clothing (available in silver also). House of Harlow Medallion Locket in Gold

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  1. Love it! I saw someone wearing something similar at a seminar last week. It really spiced up a simple suit.

      1. It was a 1 button jacket, so it had a deeper V and showed even though they wore the chain under the jacket. They also wore some other, simpler chains (I think it was 3 necklaces in all, with one of the chains being a little fancier.) It was striking without being distracting.

  2. I recently inherited a locket that was my grandmother’s, circa 1960 (thank goodness for engraving dates!) – about the diameter of a quarter w/ pearls along the edge and a small ruby in the center, and am loving it — Would have loved it regardless given its origins, but feel very fashionable wearing it now! I stay away from the super long chain though – as a shorter woman I always feel a bit dowdy with super long chains and pendants (I do wear chunkier long necklaces though).

    1. Oddly, I’ve found long chains have the opposite effect on my short body. They create a longer line and visually lengthen my short frame.

    1. I find it boring and didn’t make it out of Season 1 – and I loved every other show usually grouped together with Mad Men in terms of quality, i.e., the Wire, etc. I don’t know – something about it just doesn’t click with me.

      1. This. LOVED The Wire, etc. I’m in the middle of Season 3 of Mad Men, but it’s actually a struggle. I recognize the writing and acting are excellent, but I really couldn’t care less about what happens to the characters and how they deal with it.

        1. Me too. Ultimately, and this may sound superficial of me, I just find it too depressing. I really don’t do well with TV shows that are too much of a downer — I can look all around me to see human misery. even though I LOVED the Wire, I couldn’t watch the last four episodes, because I really wanted some of the kids to make it out, and I knew they wouldn’t and it was too much for me to take.

          1. I watched the first episode, and I guess it’s good, but I just am not interested in developing a relationship with a show I “have” to watch.

          2. You should watch the last 4 episodes of The Wire. It’s harrowing, but there is absolutely some redemption and small bits of hope.

      2. I’m so glad that some of you feel the same way that I feel about this show. The Wire was literally my favorite show of all time, and I’ve liked others that Mad Men is compared to, but I really just can’t get into it. I gave up a few episodes in.

    2. I don’t. Never found it interesting, and can’t get into caring about any of the characters. Not my cup of tea.

      1. I got the first season on Netflix and couldn’t make it past 2 episodes. I really wanted to love this show given all the positive talk amongst my social group. I have even attended several “Mad Men” themed parties in the past year.

        I found I didn’t like any of the characters at all and overall it was pretty boring to me. I am not a TV watcher either, we probably turn it on once a week and it’s usually when I am too exhausted to do anything else.

    3. You are not, I don’t do television. It is a by product of a dad in the business, it was always the “boob tube” growing up.

    1. A coworker recently started selling Stella & Dot jewelry. How’s the quality for the price?

      1. If anonymous 4:38 is the Lindsey Conklin listed as the “stylist” on the site, she will tell you it is great quality for the price. Because she gets paid every time someone buys something using that link.

        I don’t know why it bothers me so much, but I think if Anonymous is doing that, she should be upfront about it.

          1. No, it wasn’t Lindsay Conklin posting. She is my stylist but that’s not me. I think their quality is really excellent for the price. I’ve been really pleased with everything I’ve bought, and I always get tons of compliments.

      2. I’ve bought a few pieces from my cousin and have been happy with it. I had an issue with one of the clasps and she replaced the necklace right away, which was very nice. I wait for her to put it on sale, but will definitely buy more in the future.

  3. This is probably an irrational prejudice, but I refuse to buy anything “designed by” a product of the reality TV, famous-for-being-famous culture.

    1. I don’t have a consistent policy about it, but yeah, when I saw who the designer was I kind of shuddered and the piece lost a bit of its luster.

      1. I normally have the same policy. But Nicole Richie’s stuff is actually amazing — the jewelry line, the Winter Kate clothing line . . . there is some amazing, amazing stuff there. Maybe it’s because I never watched the Simple Life or whatever her show was called, and I don’t normally read US Weekly, etc., so she’s not exactly on my radar in any sense, but I am making an exception. This girl knows what she’s doing.

        Same goes for the Row by the Olsens. I think there’s a big difference between people who are famous for whatever stupid reason and actually have talent vs some celebrity licensing their name for a crappy perfume or sh*tty quality line of shoes. Granted there is much, much more of the latter as opposed to the former, but a good thing is a good thing.

        1. I love and covet most of Nicole Richie’s jewelry line and the Row as well as Elizabeth and James (also designed by the Olsens) have fabulous shoes.

  4. A locket can really look great if he chain is just the right length – even something that looks like a locket and isn’t. I have an acgtual locket that has been in the family since 1910 – it contains a faded photgraph of ancester. I think I will wear it today – glad to have reminder. Can also wear it on chain with several gold charms added – it looks interesting and not too fussy.

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