Do You Take Time For Yourself in the Morning — Or Just Get Up and Go To Work?
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This may be an odd question, but I thought it'd be a fun question for today: do you take time for yourself in the morning, or do you just get up and go to work?
When I was working in BigLaw I decided that I desperately wanted to do certain things and just was not fitting them into my life anywhere else — sometimes it was reading good books; sometimes it was working out; sometimes it was trying to do a challenge like National Novel Writing Month.
What I found, time and time again, was that the only time I could find that was reliably my own was first thing in the morning. (In fact, in our last discussion on morning routines for successful people, that was my advice — figure out what's important to you and do it in the morning!) So I started getting up earlier and earlier, but kept going in to work at my usual time.
This system of getting up early to get my “me time” in made me happy and feel like I was getting more accomplished. (There was also a significant rebellious feeling — kind of along the lines of “sure, I may have sold my soul but ha ha they can't have all of it!”)
{related: do you prefer to stay late or work from home? (2019)}
A few years later I was talking with an older man who had also been a BigLaw lawyer and somehow we got on the subject of our morning routines — his was to get up, shower, and go to work. “So you just GET UP AND GO TO WORK?” I asked incredulously.
Now, of course, it's probably worth noting that he was more successful in his law career than I was — and I think he enjoyed it more. (And, of course, as a man, he wasn't getting a lot of ladies' magazines telling him to “take time for himself!” or recounting the importance of “me time.”)
{related: morning office routines}
Still, the conversation has stuck with me — so let's discuss, ladies:
- does your morning routine account for “me time” — or do you just get up and go to work?
- has this changed with different jobs — do you think how happy or unhappy you are with your work situation affects how you spend your personal time?
- we've talked about midday workouts, as well as “homing from work” before (where you spend so much time at work that it may be acceptable to do some personal tasks at the office) — but I'm curious, for those of you who do “just get up and go to work,” where do you find your “me time”?
- finally — at the end of the year we invariably start to take stock of the past year and how we hope next year will be different — will your resolutions include a change in your morning routine?
- if you've got kids, you know — working moms and me time can be in really short supply. Where do you find that me time — mornings or evenings?
{related: how to wake up more easily when it's dark out}
Picture via Stencil.
Has anyone gone on Safari in South Africa? We’re looking at that as a possible honeymoon trip, and I’d love to hear about real experiences with specific lodges!
Following for suggestions as I’m considering the same. Also, if people have thoughts on the best month to go, I’d love to hear those as well.
I have not been on safari, but a friend who has had this tip when she returned: Sports Bra. Or two, depending on your level of endowment. Jeep + no road = bumpy and no fun in a tank top.
I haven’t been, but I remember reading that Mary from Memorandum did one for her honeymoon a few years ago and she blogged about it. It’s been on my bucket list since I saw her photos – looked amazing!
She also went to the Seychelles – a week on safari + a week in the Seychelles is my dream honeymoon.
We’re actually doing this plus a few days in Cape Town & the Winelands. Thanks for the blog reference – this is really helpful!
We went to South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe (to see Victoria Falls). We had a wonderful time, though in retro spect there are some things I would’ve done differently. We were not that impressed by Victoria Falls. My parents went to the Zambia side and they stayed at what sounded like a magnificent lodge and loved it, but in retrospect we would’ve skipped it. This is not what we did, but what I’d suggest: 4-5 nights in Cape Town (day trips to wine country, etc.), then 2 different camps in Botswana (we did each for 3 nights bc there was a sale and it cost the same, but 2 in each is also probably enough), and then maybe going to the beach in Seychelles or Mozambique. We used Karell Travel Group (and I know some others who did as well). This is the type of trip it is worth using a travel agent for. It is a pricey trip, but totally worth it. It is more affordable if you stay in South Africa and safari there, but we really wanted the more remote feeling safari experience. The blogger Mackenzie Horan just posted about her honeymoon to Africa, including hotels. Her Cape Town hotel looks amazing, though the general vibe of her trip was not what we were going for. We stayed in luxury camps, so we had running water, electricity, etc. but I had no interest in being at the Four Seasons on a safari. In terms of time of year, it depends on which countries you want to visit. Two of the main safari operators are andBeyond and Wilderness Safaris.
I went to South Africa in August. Spent a few days in Johannesburg, then a week at safari in the Zulu-Natal area on the Eastern side of the country, then a few days in Cape Town (we flew in between the cities, and the flights are super cheap). If I had it to do over, I would maybe skip Johannesburg, but Cape Town was great–definitely recommend a few days there. We rented a car and drove down the Cape, which was great. If you rent, make sure you specify you want an automatic. :) It’s hard enough driving on the “wrong” side of the road! For the safari, we stayed at Zulu Nyala, which is a private reserve. It was kind of a small reserve, but they offered a number of day trips to other places, including the big national park in that area, over to the coast, and to neighboring private reserves. Because it was a small reserve, we had lots of opportunities to get great photos, but we saw the same animals every day. If I were going to go back, I’d probably look into going to a bigger reserve (Phinda was one that was near ours and I heard good things about) or going to Kruger. But, Zulu Nyala was very nice in the accommodations and food (I gained a ton of weight–always tons of delicious options), and relatively affordable as safaris go. You can get deals for Zulu Nyala online. I actually bought the trip through a charity auction at a fundraiser here in Richmond. We compared notes with the others in our group at the safari, and turns out that everyone got their trip through a charity auction. One of the couples bought their trip through an online charity auction and got the best “deal” of all of us, so I would look into that.
Oh – you asked about time of year. I was told August through November is best. It’s also the busiest. Summer there is our winter, and our guide told us that January is the absolute worst time to go. He said you go on safari very early in the morning (like 4 a.m.) and then again at night because it is just too hot during the day.
My husband and I honeymooned in South Africa and Zambia for two magical weeks. We went in May (their “autumn”), so it was quite comfortable–crisp mornings/nights, low rainfall, lots of sun, minimal mosquito count. Absolutely loved the Simbambili and Tinga Narina (Lion Sands) lodges in Kruger. Beautiful accommodations with great food, friendly service and top-notch safari guides. Simbambili is known for its leopards–we had 6 sightings over 3 days! Between the two lodges, we saw all of the Big Five, plus many zebras, cheetahs, giraffes, hippos, etc. Good luck with planning!
Design Darling is doing a recap of her honeymoon in Africa (she went to South Africa)! Pictures look beautiful and she’s doing posts on packing and itinerary as well:
We LOVED our stay at Sabi Sabi Lodge. They have a private reserve that is adjacent to Kruger, which means you have all the same animals (because they can wander around on both) but much less human traffic than in Kruger itself. We “bagged” (meaning photography!) the Big 5 — rhinos, lions, elephants, leopards, and buffalo, as well as hippos, giraffes, antelope, meerkats, and others. The food was wonderful and the accomodations were also great. There’s a spa as well.
Ever since my oldest was born I like to stay in bed and snuggle with my children and drink my coffee in the morning. I give myself half an hour (must be in shower by 6:30). It starts my day on a relaxing, pleasant note.
You are SO lucky. I have NO time for myself in the morning b/c I have to get to work. It is ONLEY when I start work that I can get my coffee, and read the Internet, and ocasionally respond to p’osts here on Corporette. The manageing partner says that as long as I can multitask, I can read Corporette and bill. Otherwise, I just must bill. He increased my billeables by 10% next year. FOOEY! But as long as I can bill, I can read Corporette! YAY!!!!!!
I get ready for work, mainly because I am not a morning person AT ALL and getting up earlier than I have to, for anything, isn’t happening. I read the news while eating breakfast, but that’s it and it’s only a few minutes. I’ll just stay up later for me time.
Totally agreed, but I’m also lucky enough to work a job where I leave no later than 5:30pm most days- meaning I have my free time in the evening. I roll out of bed and into work because I am just not going to get up earlier than the bare minimum of time I need to get ready. I’ve recognized this and have accepted it.
Same. I usually set my alarm for 8, drag myself out of bed by 8:20, quickly get dressed and eat breakfast and am out the door by 8:45 to get to work around 9ish. I shower and have all my “me time” in the evenings. I usually leave work between 5 and 5:30 so I have plenty of time to unwind, read, etc. in the evenings.
This is me. I would sleep until 10am every day if I could, so I get up at the last possible moment, get ready, make coffee and head to work. I eat breakfast and drink my coffee when I get to work. I read for quite awhile each night before bed.
Same. In college I was really good about getting up every morning at 7:00 a.m. to work out before my 9:00 classes, but my dorm was literally right next to the rec center. When I started working, I tried to maintain the same routine, just earlier. Nope. Nope. Nope. I’m not a morning person at all. I put pressure on myself for years to have a “successful person” morning routine where I DID ALL THE THINGS before going to work and doing ALL THE THINGS. I finally decided it was healthier for me to accept myself for the night owl I am and complete personal pursuits, working out, journaling etc. in the evenings and on weekends. I’m much happier, more self accepting, and don’t dread going to bed at night because I know I have to wake up at a godforsaken hour.
My husband and I have “me time” and “us time” built in to the schedule. Alarm goes off at 6, 6:15, and 6:30. (Okay, and 6:45.) If he doesn’t have to drive downtown for court, we generally stay in bed until 6:30 and snuggle or whatever. Out of bed, then breakfast. We play Jeopardy! with Alexa every morning during breakfast and that’s fun. Then we both decamp to our respective computers for email/Facebook time until shower/dress/go starting at 7:30. Oh, and he has chores he does on certain days, like watering the plants on Mondays and taking trash out on Tuesdays. Me, notsomuch because my work start time is more fixed than his.
This is the first time I’ve ever had this kind of routine. When my son was young it was “up, get him and me ready, go!” Then when he left home, either my then-husband went to work way before me or I was living alone, and generally it was “get up and go to work.” I’d do my “me time” after work.
6:00 DH makes coffee, takes dog out, brings me coffee in bed, then heads back downstairs to make scrambled eggs & toast for the 3 of us (Pupper loves eggs). We spend an hour with Joe & Mika et al., talking about our days. It’s our time together when we’re relaxed, not tired like in the evening. 7:30 we get dressed & out the door, dumping Pupper in with our college student who is still comatose at that hour. (It’s actually her dog) After 23 years of marriage I still get breakfast in bed every day. I’m currently in house counsel at a hospital system & DH is in private practice. He started doing this 21 years ago when I was breastfeeding that college kid before work.
I take care of the essentials and get right to work, and prefer ending the workday relatively early – all the time afterward is me time, so I’m not lacking there. It’s like eating your green beans first so you can get to dessert. Current schedule is:
5:40: Wake
5:40 – 5:50: Pet stuff – let the dog out, feed cat & dog, administer dog’s insulin
5:50 – 6:00: Bathroom, dress, coffee, turn on computer
6:00 – 2:00 (later if needed): Work @ home
There’s a dog walk and usually a meal in there, but everything else is for after work – much more free time with no commute so it’s working, despite the very early start.
I read on my phone in bed, if that counts, for about 20 mins. Then I throw on clothes and run out the door. One of the benefits of prepping everything the night before is that getting ready for work in the morning requires little thought. I don’t even eat breakfast at home.
My me time is in the evenings.
After trying to establish a workout routine for years (and failing miserably), I finally started working out in the mornings. It is the only time when I can guarantee I won’t be interrupted. When I get back, I take time to eat breakfast at my own pace. Lately, I’ve started adding a devotional to the routine, which I’ve enjoyed a lot. After that’s done, I get ready for the day and start the craziness of getting kids ready for school. It’s probably sad that exercise counts as “me time,” but it is what it is.
I’m not especially happy in my job at the moment, and I do think it affects my personal time. When I have scraps of time at the end of the day, I’m more likely to veg on the couch and watch TV rather than read or do something I’d probably enjoy more (but requires energy and brainpower).
I recommend reading “What The Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast” by Laura Vanderkam.
I get out of bed as soon as my alarm goes off at 5:30am (the only way I can get out of bed without snoozing) and tell myself that if I just walk over to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of Vital Proteins Collagen Beauty Warm, I can snooze. Just going to the kitchen, though, wakes me up enough to meditate for 5 – 10 minutes while I sip my water. I then pour myself a cup of cold brew and crawl back in bed with my planner and the news on in the background until 6am. Then I go through my am routine, with the news still on in the background. I also listen to books on tape during my commute. When I sit down at my desk, I’ve had my me-time and am ready to work.
I wake up at 4:45 a.m. and go to Crossfit. All my close friend go to that class, so it’s both me time and hang-out time. My SO goes with me as well.
After work, I hang out with my dog, drinking hot chocolate and watching Christmas movies.
I’m so curious about what others do, too! I’m in biglaw and I’ve also found that early morning is the only time that I can actually guarantee for myself. I rotate between exercising, reading, novel writing and even cooking/meal prepping in the morning. It makes me feel more like myself. Downside is that I’m sometimes tired before I even get into work. Usually wake up between 5:45 and 7am, depending on time of year (harder to wake up early in winter) and how late I stayed at work the night before.
Perhaps this is not “me” time, but what I consider restorative and healing is taking my pup for a nice long walk before work. She enjoys it, I enjoy it. It clears my head. There are adorable butt-sniffing moments with all of her doggy pals as we walk around the ‘hood. People are neighborly and friendly and it makes me feel grounded to be part of such a lovely community. It may not be “me time” completely, but I certainly love it.
I build in 15-30 minutes of “wake up time”, depending on how early I need to get up (if it’s super early, I skip this in favor of more sleep). Normally this time is for snuggling with DH, skimming the news or Instagram on my phone, checking work emails for any fire drills, and occasionally hitting snooze if it’s been a rough night of sleep. I’m actually pretty good about waking up in the mornings, but having this time to ease into my day is so nice. I find immediately getting out of bed so jarring.
I don’t really have “me time” before I leave for work (unless exercising counts–I do that some days), although I do find my day goes better when I have time to do makeup. I get a fair amount of reading in on my commute, though, which is wonderful. I did almost no pleasure-reading when I was in school, and I didn’t realize quite how much I’d missed it until I suddenly had two hours to myself on the train every day.
I literally don’t know what I would do in the morning for me time. I see morning as a necessary evil to be made as short as possible. I am not a morning person, and I get up, take the dog out, feed the dog and cats, shower, and get dressed and go. I make breakfast and pick out clothes the night before. I try to do everything the night before because I can’t function in the morning.
Me time is in the evening. I’ll usually be done with work and meetings by 8 or 9 PM. I go to sleep around 11:30 or midnight to wake up at 7:45 or 8 AM.
+1 to this. Usually, unless it’s been a light day at the office, when I’m done at 8 or 9 at night my mind is racing and I need “me” time by default just to be able to calm down before I can even think about getting into bed. I can be at work in about 10 minutes, so I don’t even really have a commute so to speak
I also live 10 min. from work, on purpose, so I can get up, get ready, head straight there, and drink coffee.
same, oh my lord. “me time” is for nighttime, when i’m trying to unwind anyway.
plus, i’m on autopilot for the first half hour after i get up, which is perfect timing for doing a bunch of house and cat-related chores after i’ve had a breakfast shake and brushed my teeth.
we literally roll out of bed, brush our teeth and get dressed. we cherish every extra second of sleep. granted, i’m pregnant with our first, so i have a feeling our morning routine will look very different a year from now, but for now i’ll keep rolling out of bed at the last second possible
I have been a morning workout person for a few years now, but I recently started waking up even earlier to spend time reading or making my coffee, or trying to become a better person
. For me, it is a helpful reminder that my job is not the center of my universe, but something else I do in the day. Of course some days, I must just go straight in because late night, big project, etc, but that is my happy place.
“For me, it is a helpful reminder that my job is not the center of my universe, but something else I do in the day. ”
This is why I’ve considered trying to carve out more ‘me time’ in the mornings. Like, going on a walk and seeing the world, not just my office. Seems so on point. But I feel so compelled to just get up and get into work as fast as possible, and shove my life to the side. Whenever I do take extra time in the mornings, I get anxious that I’m not already at work. Gross.
I used to be the typical BigLaw attorney. I lived 10 minutes away and would rush into the office at 7:30a and have coffee there and work until 8p or later. I started forcing myself to go in 30 minutes later (because no partner is in at 7:30a anyway) and enjoy 30 minutes in the morning for leisurely drinking coffee or tending to the garden (or both) and it completely changed my mentality and I was more zen at work and more importantly the 30 minutes doesn’t prevent me from getting something done.
Same. I’m a Night Owl so it’s hard, but I realize that the mornings are the only possible opportunity for quality me time for the reasons others have covered. Yet even when the stars align, I get enough sleep and actually get out of bed in time to make it to the gym or do something else for myself, I find myself wracked with Work Guilt and/or anxiety and end up rushing to the office 98% of the time. Great for my career, terrible for my well-being.
I get up at 6 to work out and don’t get to work until 9. In Houston running in the morning is the only viable time for my dog, because most of the year it’s still blazing hot after work and until well after the sun goes down. She’s also very high energy so I like to take her at least 3 and as many as 6 miles, so making sure she stays cool is essential. But in the years I’ve had her I’ve come around from hating mornings to really enjoying this routine. Much of the year I watch the sun rise over the bayou while we’re out running and it’s very peaceful and usually really pretty. When we’re done I take my time making my coffee in a french press and enjoying my breakfast before I go in to work. If I don’t get this time these days I get grumpy.
Hahahaha, absolutely not. I shower at night, wake up 20 minutes before I leave for work at 6:30, and eat breakfast at work. I like my sleep.
In a perfect world, I do have “me time” in the mornings before work. And sometimes I do, but not nearly often or consistently enough–I love working out in the a.m. and journaling. But, whether or not I do this before work depends on how well my DD slept the night before and how much sleep I’ve gotten. I feel so much better heading to work when I have had a moment to reflect and sit still before the rest of the house wakes up and the hustle and bustle of getting ready and out the door starts.
I wake up at 4:30, get coffee, start laundry, brush my teeth and go to a workout class at 5am. I get home at 6, change the laundry, get more coffee and go over my calendar/email, go through kids’ folders and make lunches. Shower at 6:45, kids up at 7, give them breakfast, get them dressed and to daycare and school by 8, on the train by 8:15. I have four little kids, so its not a ton of “me” time but my workout, productive mornings make for a far better day for me.
I’m amazed at the “kids up at 7, give them breakfast, get them dressed and to daycare and school by 8”. I have 3 and it takes more like 1.5 hours – can you break down the order more? I tend to dress everyone before going downstairs for breakfast. Also super impressed that you can get yourself showered and dressed in 15 minutes – I need to be better organized!
I do this – my kids wake up around 7:15. My second grader leaves the house to walk to school at 7:54 (“7:54, walk out the door!”) and the pre-schooler gets driven to school around 8:10. For me, the only way this works is because I focus entirely on getting kids out the door during that hour, and then get myself ready for work at 8:10 when the preschooler leaves. I basically get up at 6, exercise, wrangle kids from 7-8, and then get myself ready from 8-8:30 and then leave the house. It helps that my job gives me a lot of control over my hours.
It definitely helps that I have a two minute commute to all three of the schools I drop off at. The kids know that they need to get up, go potty, wash hands, brush teeth and get dressed before coming downstairs. Breakfast is banana bread or muffins that are ready to go, and I do super fast drop offs. In terms of myself, I shower and dress in fifteen minutes, but I do my makeup at work. If I want to blow dry my hair, I need to shower earlier and build in time for that.
My kid’s school is right across the street so that helps. They each wear a uniform and I only give them about 10-15 min to eat breakfast. Their school starts at 8:30am. I’ll get them up between 745am-8am (i’m so lucky they sleep late). Their breakfast is on the table before they wake up so they just come out and eat and we go. My kids are 2 and 4.
I can have the kids (2) out the door in 30 minutes. School kid gets himself dressed, comes down and eats breakfast while I make lunches. Preschooler eats breakfast in pjs, I grab outfit and dress him after he has eaten. Shoes and socks are downstairs by the door, last step before heading to the car. Older kid (7) requires occasional prompting but he mostly has the routine down. 3 year old requires 10 minutes of high intensity, slightly manic assistance right before we walk out the door (pjs off, wipe face and hands, clothes on, socks on, shoes on). I try to pack stuff the night before. My “me time” is on the ferry on the way to work, when I drink coffee and read the paper.
We usually wait for baby to wake before getting out of bed. We are all up by 7 most days. DH gets baby, goes to kitchen and makes a bottle and then coffee. We drink coffee, baby takes a bottle and then plays while we chat for about 30-45 min. Then we all get ready and run out the door at 8. I’m usually at work by 8:30 after doing day care drop off (earlier if DH does drop off).
I used to really stress about getting to work early (all my colleagues commute from the ‘burbs so they get into the office by 7 to avoid traffic) but enjoying a cup of coffee, catching up with DH and playing with baby are more important to me right now.
Ooh love this question! I wake up at 6:15, get ready, then from 7:00-7:45 I watch CBS This Morning with DH during breakfast. The 45 minutes of TV-watching time is sacred for me – it helps me center myself, spend time with DH, and get ready for the day. If I wake up late I may skip a shower but I never skip watching the morning news.
Since I work lates, my wake up time is around 1 pm when it feels a lot more natural to take some time to myself than it has ever done in the mornings. I use my morning me-time to check up on personal e-mail and social media, and usually play some mobile games and read something to let my brain wake up properly before I head into work.
… I know, I am spoiled :p
So I’m curious to know if the male attorney mentioned or men in general call working out and taking basic care of themselves as ‘me time’. I guess I’ve always hated that term because it’s sort of apologetic for women to be humans and need to do stuff for their own maintenance instead of spending every possible moment working, either at work or at home for others. Men don’t seem to need to use such labels or apologize.The only ones I’ve ever known to get up super early to do things are the ones who really like early mornings or need extra time for very time consuming training, like for triathlons. Not ones who lose sleep for basic care. Maybe my anecdata are skewed?
Nah, I do all my reading/puttering/cooking, etc. in the evening. Mornings are for getting out the door. If I’m working out, I pack all my work clothes ahead of time and lay out my workout clothes, and then get up and go at 6:30. I then shower at the gym at my office. If I’m not working out, I wake up at 7:30 instead, get ready, and then get out the door around 8.
I get up at 545am, workout for an hour, then shower and get myself ready and make breakfast all before my kids wake up. Wake them up, they eat quickly then they get dressed and we are out the door at 825am. They are dropped off at school then I head into work. So I’m up for close to 3 hours before heading out to work for the day. I need this time for myself and the mornings are the only way to make it work for me.
I’ve read so many morning routines in the blog world — it’s all bull shit and over rated. Sleep is so important. Who is even feeling wide awake to do anything until the coffee kicks in 30 minutes later?!
My husband always teases me about my morning routine and talks about how much later I could sleep in if I cut it (his time between rolling out of bed and heading out the door is about 20 minutes), but I find that taking the time in the morning to ease in to my day means I’m ready to sit at my desk and immediate focus on work once I get there. My routine is generally wake up at 6:15 AM, elliptical for 30 mins, 15 minute shower, then drink my coffee and have breakfast while reading blogs, the news, and looking at social media until about 7:45. I get dressed, do hair and make up, and am out the door by 8:15 and at my desk between 8:30 and 8:45. At this time, we don’t have any children, so not sure I will always be able to sustain this, but for now, it works for me.
I always say I am not functional in the morning, which is maybe a little misleading. If I have to get up and run out the door, I can. But I’m a better Meg with time in the morning to wake up and process. My morning routine looks like this: roll out of bed straight to the bathroom. Spend about 10 minutes on my phone (yes, sitting on the toilet). Shower. Put on sweats and a tee shirt. Then I have about an hour of free time. I eat during this time, surf the internet, pet the cat, etc. Then I get dressed, put on makeup, pack my lunch, and leave. I normally get up about 2 hours before I have to leave for the day. I can cut the hour of free time out, no problem, obviously, but I prefer a nice leisurely morning.
I am naturally a morning person, couldn’t fight if I tried (and I definitely did try for years in college by staying up way too late and then still waking up at 6am even if I didn’t have to and then I was tired all of the time.) I’m also a work from home solo practice attorney, so my schedule is generally very flexible. But 5-10am are my magic productivity hours, so I try to plan my day around maximizing that.
For me to be my most productive, I go to bed most nights around 9:30. Unless I have to be awake before 6:30 to get ready for an early meeting or am on a tight deadline, I never set an alarm. I am always up naturally between 5 or 6, brain whirring and ready to focus on work; sometimes much earlier if I have a lot of work needing my attention. I make some coffee and take my laptop or iPad to the couch and work until my family wakes up at 6:45. Toddler hangouts and getting ready for the day until 8. Quick trip to daycare and back to work until I start to have trouble focusing in either mid to late morning or early afternoon and that’s when I go to the gym.
Mine does include “me time” and it makes a difference in my day. I wake up for a 5:00 am fitness class and then have approximately 2.5 hours at home before I go to work. I notice a difference in my energy level and ability to get through my day when I stick to that routine. In the new year, I will be switching up my routine to include “cooking dinner for breakfast”. I have way more energy to cook in the mornings and my after work schedule is never consistent.
I’d like to know what time people are going to bed at night to be able to get up at 5am and want to exercise and eat breakfast. I’m lucky if I wake up at the time I’m supposed to be leaving the house.
I work for a large multistate physician practice so I am at work by 7am usually if not earlier. So husband and I get up at 4am, hit the gym and get ready at go from the gym almost daily. We go to bed by 9:30-10pm and prep everything the night before. I do love to sit and read with coffee before heading out to relax and chill.