Coffee Break: Drinking with Animals Coloring Book

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I was going to link to a coloring book I have that is helpfully called Calm the F* Down, but I didn't want everyone to see nasty online ads for the next week, so we're featuring this one instead. We've talked about adult coloring books before, and if you have problems meditating but you're stressed out, and doing a lot of doom-scrolling, and can't focus on anything, do some coloring! It's absorbing, it's meditative, it's relaxing — and it's a nice, finite break from work. You can say to yourself, I'm going to take one color of pencil and do some coloring with that, for example.

If you have older kids, you can color with them, too. I don't know if I'd show my older son the one I have, which is full of phrases like, “something to do until the Valium kicks in,” or this one, which is an ode to alcohol, but there are a lot of others that are kid-friendly, like interesting cities and things like that — in case your kids would roll their eyes at children's coloring books. This one is $7.97 at Amazon, and there are many more at Amazon, Target, and Barnes & Noble. Pictured: Drinking with Animals

Looking for some milder adult coloring books? These were the ones we recommended a few years ago: 

Coloring Books for Adults

Pictured: one / two / three / four — also: recommended pencils & markers

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  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
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  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+

And some of our latest threadjacks here at Corporette (reader questions and commentary) — see more here!

Some of our latest threadjacks include:


  1. I have a collarless blazer in navy – the j. crew going out blazer – and I find that I rarely wear it because I’m not sure what to wear with it besides a white or cream shirt and gray work pants (and that looks very uniformy. Any ideas for how to style it (for when I’m no longer working from home)?

    1. Navy looks great with so many colors. Think of all the colors of ties that men wear with navy blazers – everything from pastel Vineyard Vines prints to bold reds. Try some printed shells or wearing over a sheath?

    2. Navy looks great with everything, even black if it’s worn intentionally. My favorites are coral/pink and mint green.

    3. Does it have more to do with the fact that it’s collarless? I’m never sure what kind of blouse to wear under a collarless jacket. Any tips??

    4. I find that blazer to be a good one to wear over a dress. I also wear all kinds of shells with it, just nothing with a collar. A scoop neck tee and a drapey neck jersey shirt look particularly good, I think, but I’ve done many different necklines.

    5. I think there was a post the other day featuring inexpensive shells from Loft. Those are the kinds of tops I wear with collarless blazers. Not shirts with a collar. For navy I’d probably wear a small print with navy in it, off-white, pink, or whatever color matches my pants or skirt.

  2. I posted a few weeks ago about this terrible, tone-deaf meeting about working from home during quarantine (highlights being “big brother is watching” and “don’t think you can multitask childcare and work from home – we expect the same level of productivity”). I have been swamped since and haven’t been reading here as regularly, but I wanted to say thank you to those who responded. I have often thought back to that post and the responses and it has been helping me stay sane to know that other people thought it was as crazy as I did. I had a moment where I was thinking, “maybe I SHOULD be able to be as productive if I just work hard enough” and it really helped to hear other women acknowledge that it is impossible. I spoke to three colleagues who are in the same boat as me with young children and a FT working spouse and we all decided we are just going to do our best, and if that isn’t good enough, we’ll deal with the consequences. We work in a field where our expertise is in demand and it was helpful to be reminded that I have some power in this situation.

    Well, that isn’t my most articulate post ever, but I did write part of it sitting on the edge of the bathtub while waiting for my 3 year old to finish pooping. Just wanted to say thanks for helping me stay sane during this most insane of times.

    1. You’re doing great. Ignore the idiots at work who think that referencing big brother and ranting about the same level of productivity with kids in the house under shelter in place will be effective. You heard the wife of a mediocre white man VP supervisor – only the women have approached him to ask for unpaid time off. The men are doing the same thing you are and just feel no guilt or second thought about it.

    2. I think under normal circumstances, you should about as productive at home as you are in the office, but these are not normal circumstances. Your employer can ask you to maintain work quality and timeliness of your work, they can require attendance at meetings and expect that deadlines be met, but employers (in general) need to be more flexible when it comes to how you spend every hour of the day. All you can do is your best.

  3. Betting / probability / math type people:

    Our schools are cancelled to May 15. School year ends the first week of June. What are the odds 1) that school isn’t outright cancelled for the rest of the year (NC, if that matters, large urban county)? and 2) that kids summer camps occur as planned (camps will have some go/no go decision to make, maybe in May?)? I’m at >50% for #1 and praying for camps, but think it’s at best a toss-up right now.

    My kids are slightly too young to leave alone this summer. I’m essential, so I could go in, but can and have been WFH since schools shut down.

    1. I’d say very low. We’ve already received summer camp cancellations and our daycare has told us they may not open until August. Rural-ish county with only a handful of cases but also we don’t have enough tests so who knows.

    2. According to the projections here:
      The pandemic is supposed to peak around mid to late April depending on where in the US you are, and numbers don’t really start looking great until July. I’d hang tight until then even if summer programs decide to open earlier.

    3. Might be more useful to ask anyone you know at the school district/summer camp – or even a neighborhood or parents group who might have friends or friends of friends in those positions. I think it will be very localized. Don’t know that math/probability of folks on this board will really apply.

    4. I’m changing over my closet now — the heavy winter stuff can be put up. Is there any point getting out any spring stuff that isn’t athleisure? Maybe one crazy leopard / beaded item for when it is my turn to succumb to the Tiger King?

      1. Your second sentence made me laugh, as I have succumbed this weekend. Such craziness!

        1. Make sure you’ve got a leather corset for when you become one of Doc Antle’s “apprentices” (shudder)

    5. Schools are out here until 4/24 (GA), school year ends in mid-late May. I’m paying a large balance on July sleepaway camp this week and hoping/praying that it happens. I haven’t even looked at day or sports camps yet.

    6. I’m betting it’s cancelled outright for the rest of the school year, but I’m also wondering if they’ll add some school time in July and August to make up for some of this, especially given some schools are already on year-round schedules (i’m in Wake Co., I don’t know about the rest of the state). But I have no kids and this is just my own wild speculation.

    7. I just can’t with the fear that camps will not happen; at some point The Hubs and I have to actually work on a semi-normal schedule in order to make hours (BigLaw for him; Midlaw for me).

    8. 0% chance for either. Maybe a 50% chance of school starting in the fall (though you didn’t ask).

      1. Nooooo!

        I cannot imagine WFH while home schooling again in the fall. It’s OK until I have a busy week at work and then it’s “please let me know if anything in the kitchen catches fire.” In the summer at least there won’t be school if there are also no camps.

  4. Caveat that it’s a small study and not peer-reviewed, but there’s a recent study out of China that says that the infectious viral load you’re initially exposed to may be a significant factor in whether you get mild or severe COVID19 illness. Although this is sad for healthcare workers (and explains why so many of them are getting seriously ill), for most of us it’s good news – it means that social distancing can be incredibly effective even if it’s not perfect and not everyone follows the rules. It’s really hard to stamp it out completely, but even if most of us eventually get the virus, if we get it indirectly off, say, a shopping cart handle, we’re getting a much smaller viral load than we would if someone coughed in our face at a party. That will hopefully translate to more people with mild illness and more space in hospitals for those who do get severely ill.

    1. Thanks for sharing this. We’re on week 4 of social distancing, and I’m starting to lose heart as I hear about friends and colleagues who aren’t taking this seriously. I cannot be holed up with my toddler for six months. I will lose my mind. I’m already praying that I get fired so I can focus on ONE thing instead of 50.

    2. Yes, I’m putting faith in this too. It makes me less terrified about not doing everything perfectly when I go out for groceries or a run, or deal with packages.

    3. That makes me feel slightly less worried for my 70 year old, immunocompromised father (both parents are taking it very seriously), and much much more worried for my brother, sister in law and husband, who are all physicians and will likely be pulled onto the front lines as the situation worsens at their hospitals (all are in training in different specialities right now, but I know as the doctors get overwhelmed, they’ll be pulled into the general medicine/ICU floors).

    4. I have been wondering about this – appreciate you sharing. Do you have the link to the study?

  5. Ugh. Pollen is off the charts in my area and even though I’ve been inside a lot, I’m sneezing what feels like a million times a day. I have no fever, no cough, no fatigue, absolutely nothing that would suggest this is anything other than seasonal allergies but every time I sneeze my husband is like “Omg! Are you sick!? Take your temperature!! Wash your hands!” It’s driving me crazy.

    1. I may need to marry whomever invented mucinex — that is keeping my head from seizing up with gunk (it brings it to the level of gunky but not stopped up and I can still smell even if I am a mouth-breather by morning every night). Everyone is eating lovely insta-worthy meals and I am just surviving on cough drops (throat is scratchy and antihistamines just dry it too much) and Diet Pepsi. Trying allergy shots this year but my body is like “um, nope, we’re still going to allergy you.”

      I want to wear a sign board: I’m normally like this in the spring; I am not sick.

    2. I’m sorry, it seems to be starting out really badly this year. My entire family (son, husband, and dog, yes, the dog) all get allergies and have started with the sneezing/dripping/headaches/watery eyes. Claritin and tissues for everyone! (well, just claritin for the dog, sadly we can’t get her to wipe her own eyes or not sneeze directly on us).

      1. Yeah, I’m in the Midwest so this is early for seasonal allergies but we had an extremely mild winter (it was 65 degrees on Christmas) so I’m blaming that.

    3. Same! It’s not terrible yet for me, but I haven’t been outside for more than 20 minutes total in the past week so how could it? I did make sure to stock up on allergy meds 2 weeks ago before shelter-in-place started. I wanted to make sure I could control the allergy symptoms so I know it’s not COVID.

    4. Yep, I have started my daily Zyrtec a few weeks earlier than normal thanks to the mild winter and early tree blooms!

    5. My allergies make me cough and it’s freaking everyone out. Even in my own backyard, i coughed and then saw my neighbor on his porch staring at me with wide eyes.

    6. I have been knuckling under and doing sinus rinses, even though it’s like torture and I feel like I’m drowning. When I commit to them, it absolutely helps minimize my sinus symptoms.

      1. My symptoms aren’t really bothering me at all. Just my husband, who is turn annoying me, ha. Not worth doing a Neti pot to get him to shut up. But thanks, I will keep it in mind.

  6. Is anybody else considering BIG changes to their life as soon as we (hopefully) emerge from this COVID horror?

    I am 40 and my annual federal tax liability is in the 6-figure range. I am so outraged by the federal government’s handling of this crisis, including the bailouts for poorly-managed and/or frivolous companies.

    One method of “protest” that has occurred to me is to quit my job and look for a much lower paid position or even figure out how to retire early. I am also considering pursuing an expat position, to essentially leave US incompetence behind me while also slashing my US tax liability. I am not going to grind more of my life away to pay the bill for Boeing’s negligence or Trump’s hotel business losses. I am lucky to have enough stashed away that I could buy into a couple of different “golden visa” programs to enable my emigration to Portugal, or Ireland, or others. The 2020 election outcome may accelerate my sense of urgency on this.

    Anybody having similar thoughts?

      1. To the OP: If you are serious about moving abroad, look into finding jobs overseas. Network and find out how to position your skills to companies in Europe or wherever else you want to go. It is possible. Things are not perfect in Europe but one thing I find better than the US is universal healthcare. But remember with this virus all systems can be overwhelmed, I don’t think any place has this figured out yet. I cannot comment on lowering your tax liability, no experience with that.

        1. I think she may just want to hang up her sheathe dresses for good. She says she already socked away a lot of money and wants to retire early, and find a place to live somewhere outside the US. It does not sound like she has a man in her life to deal with either, and that is a good thing.

    1. I had a loose plan to move abroad at the end of this year. How far abroad I want to be has changed as this has gone on – I’m currently in Scotland with family in London. The train journey home from Paris, Amsterdam, or Brussels wouldn’t be much different from my journey now – but from Vienna would be a different story.

    2. It is a privilege to have the money to leave your country when it no longer suits you. On the “being brave” side, stay and actively try to enact change (including through donations to causes and politicians that hold your views).

      But on the “I only have one life” side – I’d definitely leave. But don’t think anywhere you move is a utopia, each country has its own unique problems (though not to the extent of the U.S. in some cases). At 40, with high assets and no spouse or children, an opportunity to live out the second half of your life doing what you want where you want sounds like a dream.

    3. Very similar thoughts over there but not necessarily for tax liability purposes. I am able to work from home and find that I haven’t missed my office or honestly most of my coworkers. My management chain has been mediocre at best during this event. My company has made it clear during this time that for them: profits over people. So what exactly am I doing working there?
      Lots of things to ponder and hopefully change.
      I am disgusted with how current administration/leadership is handling this and I hope November brings needed changes. I was really actively involved with getting out the vote but have been stymied on how to do that with social distancing in effect.

    4. I’m very happy to have been fiscally conservative and not very worried about weathering the economic storm. After all this, I’m definitely more in favor of moving to a comfortable home on a large piece of property (which to me is 1 to 5 acres – I have no desire to take care of anything more than that) with a few chickens and a vegetable plot out of town to ride out future issues instead of being in a heavy urban area. In my city it’s not difficult to get that affordably and connected to sewage and water within thirty minutes of town (Houston).

    5. I think anyone, anywhere can fantasize about a life away. This is especially tempting in stressful times. But every place has its problems, and you should make well-considered decisions about what’s going to make you happy, not just what makes you angry.

    6. ummmm….. ok…. So you are part of the .01% that can use $$ to run away and leave us to pick up the pieces.

      I’m not sure what you want those of us that have to live in the real world are going to say. We have families, debts, responsibilities, friends and lives that will keep us here, even if we fantasized about leaving. We are hoping to initiate a change in government this year that may keep us from plunging into utter darkness. We are not sure escaping to the health care system in Portugal or Ireland will save us from the 2nd 3rd waves of coronavirus, and they may actually be worse.

      So you are going to give up your US citizenship so you wont have to pay US taxes here, while living overseas?

      So your tax bill is larger than what the vast majority of us make in a year?

      Not sure what you want us to say, but probably the other posters will have something…. Maybe you can try to use some of your wealth to help your struggling neighbors survive the next few months.

    7. This seems so convoluted and wrong to me. You clearly have a lot of resources, why not use some of them to try to change who is in charge?

      1. Lol are you new here? Our elected officials on both sides are money-hungry dinosaurs who have so thoroughly lost touch with the will of the people that it doesn’t even matter who’s in charge — they all suck and this country is a disaster.

        I am fully in favor of pursuing a life elsewhere and envy OP for having the means and a plan to go for it.

      2. I mean, she can decide that who’s in charge doesn’t matter because they are still in charge of a broken system she doesn’t want to be part of.

        Ex-pats are a thing.

        OP, I suggest you reach out to folks in communities who have already made the decision you are considering. I think they would be more helpful.

    8. Yes, but I’ll call them fantasies because I don’t have enough money (or any other viable options) to carry them out. I’d like to live in a country that cares for its people. The ignorance, selfishness, and downright cruelty displayed by so many people in the US — lawmakers and otherwise– is sickening.

    9. Why on Earth would you think Ireland is a solution? They’re just as socially conservative as the US. When my DH was making a similar decision he renounced his US citizenship I’m favour of a Canadian one.

      1. Oh that is not really true any more. Ireland has a young population, the strength of which allowed for both equal marriage and the repeal of the 8th amendment (abortion) by popular vote in a referendum. Not to mention an openly gay, married Taoiseach (prime minister). So no, not really like the US.

          1. Yup, Ireland used to be MORE conservative than the US, now they’re about the same.

    10. I am done waiting to live my life. I am spending this time working towards either the promotion that I’m due or a new job that pays me what I’m worth. I have started practicing my instrument again after spending years toying with the idea of picking it back up (I “retired” to get a real job and go to law school after getting my bachelor’s in music performance). When it’s safe, I’m going to push my husband to buy and decorate the new house we’ve been talking about. We are going to travel and ski. Our daughter is leaving for college in just four years, and I don’t want to waste any more of our precious time with her being overly sensible.

    11. You, you wonderfully talented rich person, are the TRUE victim here! You should take your buckets of money to a country that allows you to keep more for yourself! How dare us peasants use YOUR money to try to prop up OUR a collapsing economy! The selfishness of the poor!

      FOR REAL: I hate giving money to big companies and trump too, but this whole post has a real ayn rand kind of vibe, which is part of what brought incompetence into the White House.

      1. My entire point is that “my money” is NOT going to those who need it. There is nothing in my post about wanting to keep my money from the poor. Please read my original post again.

        1. If you’re so rich and smart, I’m sure you can understand why leaving the country and /or reducing your tax liability out of spite for how the government spends your money is a rediculous libertarian fever dream.

          Yep some of it goes to corporations. But you get that it also goes to public services that, even in the rediculous trump era, exist and are more important than ever? Right?

          Some rich person’s taxes helped pay form my public school education

        2. +1 She didn’t say she is the victim. She wants to take her resources somewhere else where her tax dollars won’t be wasted or allocated to benefit the rich and reinforce the messed up system in the US. To all those to telling her to stay and try to improve our system, that’s fine for you, but she gets to decide that after this she wants to give up on changing/paying tax dollars into/benefiting from a dying and crap system that is US government.

      2. I’m pretty sure it happened centuries ago when governments started to form and is not a system of Ayn Rand, no matter how misguided that system of thought may be.

    12. Thanks for the replies.

      Yes, I am privileged. Both economically, and in that men find me unattractive so the whole marriage/kids thing never happened (silver lining?). Yes, I have wasted a ton of time and money supporting losing political candidates. Yes, I still do this even though it seems hopeless. Yes, I am supporting those less fortunate – I have paid rent for several unemployed friends this month. I am also delivering groceries to immune-suppressed neighbors. I’ve given and given for years to various organizations and causes. I’d put my “virtuosity” head and shoulders above each of you who seem to assume that I am a bad person who doesn’t contribute to the greater good simply because I have also managed to save and have some flexibility in my life.

      Nobody at all has commented on my idea to downsize my tax liability by changing to a less-paid job.
      Everybody is jumping on the idea that I’d emigrate. I’m not sure why the suggestion is such a trigger for some people.

      1. I got what you were saying and sympathize. It’s tough and frustrating to feel like your money isn’t even going to those in need, especially when we have a corrupt as hell POTUS. Not sure what the answer is, but maybe you should make the decision that will make you happiest (whether that’s working less/living abroad somewhere you’ve always wanted to go) and have the tax liability part be second.

      2. “I’d put my “virtuosity” head and shoulders above each of you who seem to assume that I am a bad person who doesn’t contribute to the greater good simply because I have also managed to save and have some flexibility in my life.”

        Why, exactly? You donate more because you make 10x + more money than each of us do?

        Also, “simply because you managed to save”? Okay. Sure. You “simply” “managed” to save. Bless your heart, you really think that you really deprived yourself and exercised so much discipline and personal responsibility to “save” when you make that much money? Like everyone in the middle class earns as much as you do but isn’t rich because they spend it all? (In case I need to spell it out for you — you didn’t get this way by being virtuous and saving, you got this way by earning.)

        I was a lot more empathetic to you before you posted this. God, I can’t stop. “Some flexibility in your life”? Lady, do you have any idea how tone deaf you sound? You have more options, safety, and security than almost anyone in this country. I have “some flexibility” because I live in a walkable city and don’t have to take care of kids when I work from home, and can work remotely. You are literally contemplating fleeing this country using your wealth.

        “Nobody at all has commented on my idea to downsize my tax liability by changing to a less-paid job.”

        What feedback do you want? Assurance that yes, Poors do have less tax liability? A link to simplyhired?

        1. Gently: If the idea of someone working for 20+ years, and saving enough money to start a >>modest<< new life in another country offends you so much…maybe a lifestyle blog for high-achieving women is not for you.

      3. I get it. I don’t fault you for wanting to move abroad if it’s a good option for you – many people on this board are just reacting to the fact that this option is out of reach.

        Maybe connect with expat communities in those countries you are considering to find more helpful resources?

      4. People are just bitter, and this site is more toxic than ever lately. Live your best life! You deserve it.

    13. Yeah, I thought about a business venture in Canada, or a Golden Passport into Portugal. There are some blogs on moving overseas that may be of interest to you. However, I am going to sit it out through the election and see if our moron in chief has finally messed things up so badly that he is voted out. A moderate Dem is fine with me.

    14. I share your frustrations but I’m nowhere near retirement age (35) and don’t have the financial resources to retire. Also my parents are settled here, and I don’t want to move away from them. But I don’t fault you for wanting to move abroad if it’s a viable option for you.
      I didn’t read your post as being greedy or not wanting to share your money with the poor fwiw.

    15. No, but I love my country and even more, I love my fellow citizens. I’m appalled with our federal government, but heartened with what I see locally, in my state, and in the tri-state area. I could afford to move almost anywhere, and I’ve traveled all over the world, but this is home.

    16. Not for tax purposes but I think about relocating to Europe all the time, especially Portugal. If you do this, I would love to hear more about how you do it, because I am a little confused as to how to make that actually happen.

    17. American in Europe here (still a US citizen, but now a resident of my new country). Unless you move all assets out of the US and renounce your citizenship, you will still owe US taxes on any income generated in the US (investments, real estate etc) plus any foreign income over whatever the current exemption threshold is.

      1. This. The US is unique in that it taxes non-resident (for tax purposes) citizens regardless of where they are in the world. If not wanting to give the state your tax $$ is one of your motives, I would look into the implications first.

      2. This. The US is unique in that it taxes non-resident (for tax purposes) citizens regardless of where they are in the world. If not wanting to give the state your tax $$ is one of your motives, I would look into the implications first.

      3. Also don’t forget that there is an “exit tax” if you assets exceed a certain sum (which seems to be the case). It’s good to move around when you are young and broke, but not so much when you are older and have made some money over the years.

    18. I think we all can appreciate the frustrations behind your sentiments, and we’re all envious of your financial position. While I’ve never desired to a lower-paying or even lower-responsibility job, I have had constant flights of fancy fantasies about taking the first flight out to [insert desired fantasy location here]. That being said and before you start booking reservations, are you able to maintain your future desired lifestyle without ever having to work again? If so, then you’re of the really lucky that can and perhaps should go pursue your bliss.

      However, if you can’t, I’ve been long-termed unemployed, and I’ve probably taken about a month off in total days over the course of nearly 2 years now trying to find a decent job, much less a decent paying job. I was in a great corporate job level before in NYC, but after this resume gap, I’m having a MUCH more difficult time getting interviews, much less job offers. I’m 43, not independently wealthy, and the thought of never being able to return to a corporate career path is scarier to me right now than catching the coronavirus and dying, because at least with death, there’s promise of some relief, however twisted this thought is. I’ve no great assets other than my brain, and my attempts at starting a business have led nowhere despite my best efforts. The moral of my story is, yes, corporate work life is less than ideal at some places, and no, that doesn’t mean we should put up with BS, but the alternative for someone who doesn’t have many other monetizable talents are truly frightening (obviously not meant for you, if you do).

  7. Question for the attorneys

    My friend runs a church related sports team (but not church sponsored – the team parents just know each other from church.) Their team was supposed to host an annual tournament this spring. They committed to a local hotel for a room block, with a contract and everything. They committed to thousands of dollars worth of rooms for three days. The hotel is not letting them out of their commitment.

    Families that were supposed to travel in for the tournament are of course not willing to pay for the hotel rooms. The sports team does not have the money to cover the hotel block.

    Can the hotel sue them? Do the parents really have to come up with the money to pay for the non-used hotel rooms? I’m assuming my friend should get an attorney, but even then, who pays for that? This is really a collection of individuals, some of whom are now out of work.

    1. Does the contract have a force majeure clause? That’s probably their best bet. Second best bet is if the hotel closes between now and then, which a lot of hotels seem to be doing. I remember when I did a wedding room block there was an option to either officially reserve rooms so that they couldn’t be booked except by people in my party (which it sounds like is what they did) or unofficially have a group rate but not truly hold the rooms. Have them double check that there is no way their contract is the latter.

      1. Thanks. It’s definitely not the latter. The hotel is right now saying they have to pay the full amount of the reservations. The only flexibility they’re showing is offering to take it in installments.

        By the way, it’s a large national chain hotel.

        1. Which chain? The chains where I typically stay are making a big deal about being flexible. If your friends are dealing with the local hotel, I’d escalate to corporate.

        2. BTW it’s more about the hotel owner and not the hotel flag. Who is the hotel management company? That’s who is calling the shots, not Hilton or another.

    2. A few thoughts: Force majeure or act of god clause in the agreement would prob be the best bet, but honestly that’s a legal answer and if you go the legal route, you could ask if anyone has a trusted attorney spouse or friend who would look at the contract for free. I have done this for a close friend.

      But honestly, based on the circumstances (church parents + rec sports league + coronavirus cancellation = sympathic) so I would consider going the non-legal route and hit up the hotel chain’s PR. Go public via social media platforms, twitter, insta, fb, tag the big hotel chain, explain the context, and ask to be let out of the contract. Make sure you include the details about corona being the cause of cancellations and that this is a church parents rec sports league. That might get you more traction given the circumstances.

    3. Who actually signed the contract? Is there an entity for the team (i.e. The Lord’s Soccer, LLC)? Or an individual? Assuming it is an LLC/Inc. with basically no assets – which it sounds like there are no assets if the team can’t cover the costs – then let the hotel sue the team and…. so what? Congrats, hotel, you have a judgment that you can’t collect on.

    1. I think someone here recommended it but I am obsessed with the Smitten Kitchen farro ‘risotto’ – it seriously couldn’t be easier as the hardest part is waiting the 35 min for it to cook on its own, and it’s great to make with stuff that’s easy to keep in your pantry or will keep well for a week or so and, bonus, it is relatively healthful.

      Some helpful hints if you decide to make it: start by putting everything in hot water not cold because somehow it will cook faster that way (my first time making it took way too long) and it is just as good (almost) with canned tomatoes as fresh.

  8. Paging the person who posted this earlier: “Caveat that it’s a small study and not peer-reviewed, but there’s a recent study out of China that says that the infectious viral load you’re initially exposed to may be a significant factor in whether you get mild or severe COVID19 illness.”

    Please post the link to the study or the title, would like to read it too.

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