Coffee Break – Hoop Earrings, 14k White Gold Diamond Accents


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Hoop Earrings, 14k White Gold Diamond AccentsMacy's Election Day Sale ends today, but you can still get an additional 15% off on select merchandise, including this great basic pair of tiny gold diamond hoops. They were $300, then $149, on sale for $134 — and with code ELECT they come down to $114. Hoop Earrings, 14k White Gold Diamond Accents (L-2)

Sales of note for 2/7/25:

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
  • Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
  • J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
  • J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
  • Rothy's – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+

And some of our latest threadjacks here at Corporette (reader questions and commentary) — see more here!

Some of our latest threadjacks include:


  1. I love these earrings but is anyone else a bit weirded out by election day sales? Is this really a sales opportunity?

    Also, if you’re looking for slightly less sensationalist election coverage, I’m listening to BBC World Service and it’s not bad at all. Planning on a early wake up as the election results won’t start coming in until early morning UK time.

      1. Very true! I miss out on the ads abroad and don’t remember this happening in 2008?

    1. Macy’s even had tv ads. I didn’t mind them much because they were 10x better than the last minute election ones.

      1. oh to be in a swing state and actually see election commercials…all NYers got was a handful of pro-Romney ones (probably superPAC) which just showed me that the PACs literally had money to burn.

        1. Be careful what you wish for. I live in the great swing state (um, commonwealth) of Virginia, and I would be happy never to see another election ad in my life. My DVR has been my best friend for months now.

          1. I haven’t gotten many presidential ads in my voting lifetime, but what I do hear of them (second-hand in news stories) definitely does not make me jealous of those who do. You’re being addressed as if you were five years old. And yes, I am talking about both parties here.

          2. Also in VA. A few days ago, my husband and I counted eight presidential election ads back to back in one commercial break. EIGHT! So ridiculous.

          3. Hey, at least you actually live in the swing state. Living in a jurisdiction that shares airwaves with a swing state is the worst, especially when the ads continually remind you that you are not represented in Congress and everybody else is.

          4. Bluejay you beat me. I’ll be glad when the Proposition 7 ads are over! I guess that’s payback for the Marylanders having to listen to VA ads.

        2. I thought I’d escaped–midwest swing state to super-blue California. But I forgot to consider the commercials for Propositions.

          There is no escaping political ads…if it isn’t for President, it’s for Prop 3,516–preventing deportation of non-violent Sontarans, providing sanctuary for the last of the Daleks, and raising taxes to fund the Blue Box Initiative–with the ads being paid for by the out-of-state Torchwood Fund and opposed by the Ood because they don’t like mallets.

          1. Right? So many! I don’t know if I have an opinion on some of these things. And San Francisco, do I really have to vote on whether puppies should be sold in stores? (No..but won’t people just go to Daly City?) A friend and I were complaining because, ‘it isn’t Switzerland, we don’t need referendums (referenda?) on everything!’ We were feeling quite smug until a Catalan friend reminded us that some people would really like a referendum and can’t have one!

        3. Blah, in Ohio the ads are miserable…so sick of the attack ads regardless of whether they’re for my party or chosen candidate or not!

        4. I live in FL. I look forward to election day largely because that means the end of the political ads.

        5. Living in DC, you get the VA presidential ads, and all the local ads for Maryland, Virginia and DC. Can’t wait for normal commercials!

  2. Cute but this is my week to serve in the Bronx. There is alot of peeople that need coats and canned food. My dad is getting together a big box from coscoabd driving it to Roberta’s house in the Bronx and she is bringing it to the soup kitchen tomorrow when we go up to grand concorse. Myrna is driving if she gets gas or else we take the IRT FROM MY apartement! This is a lot more rewarding then doing antitrust do diliegence! FOOEY! Jim keeps calling but I said mabye after next week.

    The Manageing partner is thrilled b/c Roberta paid the full bill without chizzleing it like Jim’s general council did. Yay! I got my bonus for October b/c the Manageing partner said I could not helpe it b/c of Sandy! FOOEY on Sandy!

  3. I tried to post this yesterday but my question disappeared into the ether, so apologies if this comes off as a repost.

    Work is finally issuing me a laptop (hooray!) and I’m looking for a recommendation on a bag that will hold a machine with a 15.6″ screen. I’m a short-distance car commuter and will likely be bringing this home with me on most nights. I’ll fly with it roughly four times per year and use it remotely (in a coffee shop, hotel, on a car trip, etc.) probably another dozen times per year.

    If it’s under $100, work will pay; over that amount and I’ll probably buy it myself. If it makes any difference, I’ll be lugging this around along with a bre@stpump in late spring of next year. Thanks in advance for any recommendations!

      1. I love this, but it says it only accommodates laptops up to 15″ and I’m getting one with a 15.4″ screen…boo.

    1. Vera Bradley…I have the plain black tote, it’s got the bright green pattern inside, but professional everywhere else. I got it my second year of law school (in 2010) and it’s still going strong! Sometimes I carry my work laptop AND my macbook in it, and it never complains.

  4. Controversial and convoluted personal life TJ:

    OK. So, my SO and I used to be very unhappily married to other people who didn’t treat us very well. We had an affair and exploded both our lives, but are now very happily together for the long-term. Please don’t comment on here just to call me an awful person, I already carry loads of guilt and I know it was an awful thing to do. I take responsibility for my actions, and will feel bad about this for the rest of my life, even though I know that in the end, I had to leave and I’m glad I left.

    Here’s the issue: SO and his ex used to socialize regularly with SO’s childhood BFF and the BFF’s (now)wife. When he exploded his life, he didn’t have much contact with the BFF for a while, though we did go to their wedding in September – which SO’s ex wasn’t invited to, despite her friendship with the wife, because my SO’s relationship with his BFF goes back way further than hers with his ex.

    At the wedding, I talked for a while with BFF’s wife, who is really damned awesome. Thing is, it turns out that in the year and a half since the explosion, she and SO’s ex have become very good friends. In our conversation at the wedding, she asked if we could sit down sometime so I could explain what all happened. She said she would not talk about it to the ex, as she doesn’t want to cause her any more pain (obviously), she just wants to understand how it all happened, as she always liked SO and told me I seem awesome too.

    I know my SO would really like it if we could hang out with his BFF and partner. I figure the partner wants to understand so that this can happen, because she loves her partner and thinks it’s sad that he and SO don’t hang out anymore. But, I feel like if I become friends with her, and we all hang out, that will, by itself, be another blow to SO’s ex, who I already feel really guilty about. OTOH, I know SO is pretty sad about his lack of contact with his BFF.

    So: do I put SO’s wanting to maintain a relationship with his BFF over protecting his ex by not humanizing myself to the wife? So. Torn.

    1. While I appreciate the fact that BFF’s Wife wants to know what happened, I don’t think it’s really any of her business, at least about the details.

      I guess I don’t know what BFFW wants to know, but I would come back with something like “It’s a painful and somewhat touchy topic for all parties, and not something we are necessarily proud of. I love SO and want SO and BFF to be able to spend time together, but would rather not dreg up the past and put you in the middle of a past mess.”

      I do wish you the best of luck in navigating this.

      1. I 100% agree with this. I don’t think any of this is her business. While I can understand that she may personally feel somewhat invested in figuring out what happened (I don’t have couple friends who have divorced yet, but I can imagine it’s a somewhat difficult experience to go through as a friend and bystander), giving her details about this seems sort of like a recipe for disaster. And, really, what’s to say that she isn’t going to tell SO’s ex anyway?

        I also think you could add something along the lines of “I hope that we can be friends, despite how we were introduced.” (or something to that effect – perhaps not the best worded). Really, the point would be to close the topic and move forward.

      2. Yeah, I agree with the others that it is none of her business. And maybe I am just paranoid, but given that BFFW is “very good” friends with the ex, I would be worried she would turn around and tell the ex everything you said, and stir up sh*t that doesn’t need to be stirred up. In fact, I suspect that the ex maybe asked BFFW to go on a fishing expedition to see what you would say. Maybe that’s not the case, but in any event I think Mpls’s suggested wording is just about perfect for the situation.

    2. Wow. It sounds like you have been through the wringer but I am glad things are going well for you now.

      My personal view is that your duty is to your SO, not to his ex. BFF’s wife has made overtures to you and it seems to me like she wants to be friends, and this could really help SO’s relationship with BFF. You should do what you can to nurture that. I don’t think there is any harm in accepting her invitation, and if BFF’s wife truly is an awesome woman, you could have a new friendship there yourself. Just in case any part of your conversation with BFF’s wife does get back to ex, though, I would suggest keeping the conversation factual and non-controversial (to the extent you can).

      1. We really did go through the wringer. It was by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done, and your reaction really touched me. Thanks, Nonny. Plus, that’s wicked-good advice.

    3. “She asked if we could sit down sometime…” It’s none of her business what happened. Either she wants to be your friend or she doesn’t.

    4. In addition to the above, I would be concerned that the story can’t actually be told completely without painting/attempting to paint the ex in a bad light. If that’s the case, I’d definitely steer clear of that conversation for that reason and all of the reasons above.

    5. You guise ! So much good advice! I couldn’t really go to SO with this issue, as he is clearly too close to the whole thing, and my IRL friends are pretty happy that the drama is all mostly over, so I needed a good neutral sounding board :)

      I’ve been kind of ruminating on this for a while, but it’s kind of decision time because I am on a board of an organization the BFFW is now working for, and I will be seeing her tonight and then on a somewhat regular basis. I think I have a pretty good start on how to handle this now. HIVEFIVE to you all.

      1. I think what she really wants to know is if you really had the affair. Since you did, I think no good can come of the sit down. Some people don’t like to be friends with people who did that. I think she feels stuck in a tricky moral position, and is hoping there is an easy way out. (there was no affair! absolved!) but I think she will just have to make her peace with it if she wants to be friends.

    6. I don’t think the two issues need to be tied. Your SO and his BFF can have a friendship without you talking to the BFF’s wife about how you view what happened. If I were the ex, I definitely wouldn’t want people talking about it behind my back, even if the BFF’s wife is a friend. It isn’t anyone’s business but you, your SO, and his ex.

      And any issues of friendship and loyalty are really between your SO and his BFF. They can hang out without their wives (or with depending on comfort levels) without you needing to proclaim how you view things. I would give yourself a break from feeling so guilty. But I also would recognize that there are plenty of other women to be friends with. I wouldn’t focus too much on winning this one over. You can be friendly without being friends. It’s like the dating code of not hooking up with roommates. She should kind of be off limits.

      1. The problem is that the boys are stupid about getting around to seeing each other. Even before the explosion, it was the ex and the BFFW that would make the plans for socializing. Otherwise, yeah, I’d totally butt out.

        And “good friends” might be more accurate than very good. They didn’t used to hang out just the two of them, but now they do.

        1. Honey, I don’t mean for this to be snarky, but your SO is an adult, and he needs to make plans on his own. I think it is inconsiderate to put you in the driver’s seat considering that this woman is friends with his ex. It seems like your SO and his ex were couple friends with this couple, and maybe it is just time to move on, be cordial to her in your work situation, but otherwise let it go.

    7. Who is even thinking about this at their wedding? I get that you probably don’t see them very often so maybe that’s why she brought it up, but what a busy body. I think your guilt is affecting your judgment.

      Also, I think it is unusual (not impossible!) for friends to remain friends with both halves of a split couple and now she potentially wants to be yours and the ex’s as well? Sometimes it’s best to maintain some distance so other parties can heal and continue moving on.

  5. Hey TO Lawyer, if you see this and are willing to talk about your boutique experience, please send an email to ‘stereo r o s e s’ at the service Google provides!

    Everyone else, back to your regularly scheduled programming :-)

  6. I would love to hear your voting stories for the day. It would be especially interesting if you would share where you vote.

    I’ll start!

    I am in the San Francisco Bay Area. I was walking to the subway station, and I noticed a crowd outside of a large local theater. It turns out that people were gathering for a new citizenship ceremony. Right outside the theater, there were volunteers speaking a number of different languages explaining to new citizens that they could exercise their right to vote today! Made my day.

    1. Ha, you might have walked right by my office!! I don’t have any fun voting stories from today, because I walked to the County Courthouse last week and dropped my ballot in the big blue box. ;o)

    2. While dropping off my absentee ballot today to get my sticker, I saw a parent hand his 7-10 year old daughter his completed ballot so that she could put it in the ballot box. The poll worker gave them each a “I voted” sticker. Win.

      1. That’s nice! Things like that used to happen where I live and it made me happy but since now the act of voting is actually putting the ballot in the box it’s voter fraud to let anyone else do it… which makes me sad when people start overreacting to parents who try to let their kids do it. ( I also realize that’s completely trivial but it’s been a long day)

      2. When I was a kid, my mom used to let me push the voting buttons (that she pointed to, obviously) and pull the lever. I thought it was the Coolest. Thing. Ever.

    3. Uh… really? California’s Same Day Reg law doesn’t take effect until 2013.

      1. You’re right. The volunteers told people they could *apply to register* today. But, still, made my day. : )

        1. Whew – I was afraid someone was accidentally perpetrating voter fraud. :) Next year same day reg will be a reality!

    4. I voted via fax as my absentee ballot never made it. They expect that international absentee ballots got caught up in the storm. I appreciate my elections office keeping people informed and offering that alternative method.

      One of the interesting things for me was how engaged non-Americans were in the subject, even more so than when I lived in France in 2004. I live in an international building and we talked about it constantly. I also had people in stores hear my accent and ask me about the election. It was interesting to hear people’s interpretations of who they’d vote for and how they think these elections impact them. I’d imagine that many Americans would struggle to name the UK’s PM much less have an opinion on coalition politics although EVERYONE should watch Nick Clegg’s autotune ‘I’m sorry’ video.

      1. To illustrate my point, an email popped up in my inbox from a guy who I met on a train to Paris in 2008 (this sounds much more romantic than it was, although he did take me on la grande roue and to Laduree) asking me about the elections.

      2. Yes, I’ve gotten lots of questions and opinions from non-Americans too. Mostly questions about how our electoral system works and how I voted early.

      3. I have always take my kids to the polls, but my son was ill during the mid-terms. So we lived in a different state during the last Presidential election. He asked my why was I coloring instead of voting? (We have paper ballots and in our old state everything was electronic) Five minute break from 987678 judges that required voting to explain how a paper ballot worked… He was totally amused #techgeneration

      4. Yes, I’m in Australia and glad to be home sick so I can watch the US election coverage all day.

    5. Nanny’s daughter had a medical emergency today, so we took all 3 of our kids to vote around lunchtime. No line, no stickers, but there was a bake sale done by the kids (we vote at a school).

    6. 2 weeks ago, I snuggled up in my pajamas, grabbed my absentee ballot, researched some local candidates, and voted my heart out. Then I mailed it in before getting on a plane for a business trip. Yay for pajamas voting!

      1. I miss pajama voting. I recently moved and realize how nice it was to sign up once for absentee ballots and never worry about polling places again :)

    7. I voted absentee and hope I never have to go in person. I have no stories other than my desire to hide in the sand and pretend like the election won’t have results.

    8. My SO and I voted in our neighborhood in Florida. We got up early today and jogged to the polling place together 5 minutes before it opened (about 10 people in line when we got there), did our voting, and jogged home to get ready for work.

    9. I voted early this morning in a swing state. I always vote absentee…except for today. I’ve learned that some candidates “scrub” their mailing lists once you ask for an absentee ballot, and this year I wanted to see it all. I went to vote a half hour before the polling place opened. It was already full of about 100 people, and probably 150 more by the time the voting started.
      Yes it was crazy and full, two people in front of me were in the wrong voting place and being obnoxious, smokers were inconsiderate-but it was so great to see all these people up early ready to vote.

    10. Wrote this in the earlier thread, but why not repeat.

      Went before work in a “battleground” state (NC) and had no line. Walked right in, got my ballot, was escorted right to a cubby to fill it in. We have early voting in NC and apparently a record 2.55 million North Carolinians voted early– so I think that explains the no line situation.

      Will be watching the returns roll in tonight on the couch with some Maker’s and Apple Cider!

      1. My friend waited for an hour and a half on Saturday to vote early in Charlotte. He said that despite the wait, it was a great experience because everyone was so enthusiastic.

      2. Wait, Maker’s and Apple Cider? Mixed together? Is it good? This is relevant to my interests.

      3. I was one of the 2.55 million. I love early voting, and I haven’t been to an actual polling place on election day in about 5 years.

        BTW my husband will love the apple cider and Maker’s mixture! I’ll have to add that to my fall cocktail list.

    11. I live in a very very small New England town that everyone on the east coast has heard of, I voted later than I ever have because the polls where I live now open an hour later than where I used to vote in person, (I was usually the first or second voter) but in spite of being really crowded there was no line and it moved quickly. I was in and out in under 5 minutes with time to kill before going to work. Tonight I’m sitting at a local bar with my friends since we don’t have televisions.

    12. Just voted in person. There were fewer poll workers than usual and more election districts, so things were pretty confusing. I found a book to point us towards the right line. On my way out, I saw several people entering and looking confused, so I pointed them towards the book and ended up being a volunteer for 10 minutes or so. The whole thing took maybe half an hour, but others districts had longer lines.

      I must say that I miss the old voting machines. I know that “electronic” voting is the law, but these paper ballots that get scanned seem so flimsy compared to the old booths with their curtains and levers and the satisfying *clunk* when you pulled the big lever to register your vote.

  7. Another style help question: I have the J Crew origami dress in navy. I love it! But it’s a kind of heavy wool crepe so it’s not very summery. It, however, has short sleeves, so in winter I need something over it. The problem is that the gorgeous neckline doesn’t lend itself very well to jackets/cardigans. Any suggestions? Anyone else have the dress? How do you wear it? I have sucessfully worn it as a c—tail dress with an off-white pashmina and that, I thought, looked lovely. But not very daytime.

    1. I have worn mine with a jacket with a channel type collar, or with a crewneck cardigan and it looks great!

  8. And then for Hannukkah my parents got me this pair of REALLY expensive white gold hoops and I had to pretend like I didn’t even like them and it was SO sad. — Gretchen Wieners

  9. I love these earrings. I have some similar ones and I wear them a lot, either by themselves or with little pearl drops I had made to fit them. (the drops slide on via a loop at the top)

    1. Me, too! Macy’s has so many sales that I’m thinking I might pop by there on Saturday to check them out in person. I also have many 20% off coupons so that could bring them down more. Besides, I’m thinking about getting another pair of the INC straight leg jeans.

  10. Ok, so please do not belittle me further as I already feel like a huge doofus. Today our office door was jammed and a coworker who tried to walk through the door with a cup of coffee got stopped short by it and the coffee spilled all over their clothes. Otherwise, coworker seemed fine. I yelled out as a joke “worker’s comp!” (everyone heard) and was later given a talking-to by my boss that someone in my position should not be making such jokes, that such things were more expected from the peanut gallery staff who always clowns around. I played it off in boss’s office saying “come on, coworker was fine, not gonna sue us!” but perhaps my dismissive tone didn’t help. After consulting some friends, they think I was def in the wrong. So, foot meet mouth, and me feel stupid. Should I go back to boss (it’s been a half-day since incident) and apologize seriously or let it die a quiet death hoping people forget my gaffe?

    1. For my two cents, I think that it wasn’t a horrible gaffe, if it was a gaffe at all. Seems like Boss’ talking-to may also have been a bit over the top. I’d let it die a quiet death, as I’m sure people have already forgotten! And give yourself permission to stop worrying about it!! (That’s always the hardest part for me when I’ve convinced myself I’ve done something embarrassing/stupid/incorrect, whether or not someone scolds me for it).

      1. I should add that I made other little zingers such as “oh we wouldn’t have to pay anyway, our lessors would indemnify us” which may or may not be true. And the clown of all clown staffers even said in response “But you’re Legal, you can’t make such jokes!” Which made me all the more red-faced. And the notice sign posted on our now-opened door (so no one runs into it again) which now reads: “Danger, do not touch” serves as a constant reminder of my inappropriate joke. Boss mentioned it’s our job to keep people safe and here I am joking about liability. But yes, I guess it’s all over now and no need to rehash. I just hope my boss doesn’t think I’m too goofy or don’t take things seriously enough because the peanut gallery has rubbed off on me. Will go back to being serious sally again, womp womp.

    2. hmm…while I agree that what you said probably wasn’t a big deal, it may give you some points to let your boss know that you plan to heed his advice, especially if you have IRL friends saying so. Maybe a quick email saying something like, “Sorry I dismissed your concerns earlier. I appreciate your professional opinion and will remember your advice for the future.”

    3. I would have done the same thing you did and frequently make such jokes. Put me in the “no couth” club.

    4. People in my office make the worker’s comp joke every time they walk into my office (the floor is pretty much covered by redwelds. But I need them all!). Not a big deal.

    5. As a company lawyer, I generally don’t crack jokes about workers’ comp when I see stuff like this. On the other hand, it sounds like your boss is being VERY. SERIOUS. Sounds like he could chillax.

    6. Let it die a quick death.

      Put some flowers on its grave. Note the location of the grave– it’s right next to the gravestone marked: Your Boss’s Sense of Humor. :-)

      1. But don’t put the flowers in front of the door, someone could trip on them and then sue for worker’s comp.

    7. I wouldn’t make the joke if you are someone who is somehow involved in the workers comp process, because it makes it sound like its not a legitimate thing. like if i spilled coffee on myself and did get burnt, but the person i was supposed to talk to about workers comp made a workers comp joke, not great. Also that person def died of embarassment a little when they spilled it on themselves. its prob not the best time for a joke, which is why your IRL friends are saying taht. like if i did that and it wasnt my best friend yelling workers comp and drawing attention to my accident, id be a little annoyed. that said, this is really not a big deal. but I agree with violet that since you were dismissive of your boss, it might be a good idea to talk to just him about it.

    8. Personally, I think your boss overreacted. C’mon, even management needs a laugh every now and then! That being said, I don’t think you’re reaction to him was the greatest. Not saying he doesn’t need to lighten up, I’d just be careful about being dismissive of a someone higher-up. Anyway, let it die and be mindful in the future (i.e. just don’t make those jokes within his earshot).

  11. I just have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed the Firefly references on Castle last night (altho I have finished watching the entire episode yet). Time to rewatch Firefly, I think.

    1. Yes! It warms my heart every time that show makes a Firefly reference, and there were a bunch last night.

      1. Oooh, hooray! We’re backlogged on our tivo, but I’ll be extra excited to get to last night’s episode! The next best thing to Firefly is a Firefly reference.

  12. I’ve started wearing shirts with cufflinks. What do you ladies say? Yay or nay?

    1. A million yays. I love anything with a menswear hint to it, and I don’t think there’s way this could be considered inappropriate. If you have a link (oops) to your French-cuff shirts, please share. Managing my expectations since I know it probably won’t come in petites…

      1. Brooks brothers does french cuff shirts in petites! Woot! I have one in a pattern from a few seasons ago, so it may be worth checking back, if you don’t like the simple colors available now.

          1. Thanks, guys! Looking at the website, it looks like this shirt (and all others) are only available in non-iron. Unfortunately this is a deal-breaker for me. I’m kind of surprised that a brand as traditional as BB doesn’t have any, er, ironing-required shirts (at least for women’s petites).

    2. Yay yay yay! We have to wear shirts with french cuffs for the higher court in our jurisdiction, and I love my cufflinks. I intent to grow a nice collection as I get more senior and have to wear my robes more often!

      1. So exciting! What kind of cuff links do you wear? I bought a shirt with french cuffs but don’t have cuff links so have been sticking to my boring button cuff shirts.

    3. Heck yeah! I love Thomas Pink for french cuff shirts (bonus if I can get it at an outlet).

        1. The one I go to is in Orlando. It’s stocked with half-off stuff from last season, and IT’S AMAZING.

  13. Survey: what will be your media outlet of choice to observe election results? Will you stay up and watch tonight or just wait until tomorrow morning to see what happened? We will probably stay home and watch PBS or local news (no cable) while flipping between news sites online, but chances are I will go to bed before polls close on the West Coast. If there were local elecetions going on we’d go to the neighborhood bar to wait out the results with the candidates, but our city does local elctions in odd years. What are you election night plans/traditions?

    1. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always watched the results until they announced the winner (although in high school I did pass out during the Bush/Gore back and forth.) As I don’t have cable, my options are limited, and CNN streams these events online. I’ll be watching all night!

    2. We don’t have TV (we have TVs, they’re just not hooked up to TV, if that makes sense — more like Netflix/Amazon/Hulu viewing machines) so my laptop it is! If Mr. TBK were around, we might go to a bar to watch, but people have been so vicious this time if you don’t like their candidate that maybe we wouldn’t.

      Related question — how many of you are in a divided household/relationship (i.e., you and your SO did not vote for the same candidate)? Mr. and I wound up voting for the same candidate for president, but it looks like our votes for House and Senate canceled each other out.

      1. Ugg DH and I got into a heated discussion this morning re: election. We agree on 99% of things, but we do not agree on politics. Normal rules are that we do not discuss it because we get emotional and feelings get hurt. However, this election cycle has been SO hard. I just feel like there is so much on the line, and I really find his choice of canidate baffiling. I definately am going to need a drink tonight, and at this point I want it to be over so we can stop discussing/arguing about it.

      2. We cancelled each other on a lot of votes this year. It became a joke as we filled out our (mail-in) ballots together. Not heated at all, though. We’re both moderate. In fact, we had some good discussions and both changed the other’s mind on a vote or two.

      3. Mixed household here. We’re both technically independents, but are often on different side of the aisle. I think this year all of our votes will cancel for the candidates, and yet we are almost in 100% agreement on the (CA) propositions. Go figure.

      4. Me! Although BF actually voted with me on the Presidential race this time. We cancelled each other out on pretty much everything else except the local judges. It’s led to interesting discussions over the years.

      5. As I’ve chronicled here, my SO and I are on opposite ends of the fence. He said to me today that if Obama had been a good president (like Clinton), he would have voted for him despite his party affiliation. I don’t think he likes Romney much. So we cancelled each other out. But we did spend some time on the phone talking through the 10 or so Louisiana constitutional amendments, which are complicated. We agreed on all of those. We don’t live in the same area so we had different local elections for judges, etc.

      6. NBC. Mainly for the rink. Can I apply to be official ice painter next election? Yes, I am shallow.

    3. CNN, just to see what crazy holograms they come up with this year. I think their IT and graphics departments spend the off years just plotting what crazy new things they can have for election night.

      1. Ugh, please no more holographic “Help me, John King, you’re my only hope!”

    4. Probably NPR because my bunny eared TV only works if the wind is blowing in precisely the right direction. I plan to stream live the Daily Show/Colbert special at 11.

    5. We are going to a friend’s house to watch, so it will be her call. But if I were home, I would probably start out on PBS/CNN, and then, if things were going well for Obama (I am a strong supporter), I would switch to Fox (and also watch that for the next few mornings during my workouts), or if things were going badly, I would switch to MSNBC. But really I would probably be toggling between all the broadcasters since so much of the night is going to be killing time until OH (and FL, and, to a lesser degree, CO/VA/NH) totals are reasonable determinable. And while toggling, I would also be reading blogs/live chats, mainly at the New Yorker.

    6. Not on topic at all, but your screen name makes me smile every time. Love those books.

      1. Thanks! L’Engle is my favorite author and I am slowly collecting all her books, mainly secondhand, as I mostly read them from the library as a kid. Always loved the fact that Meg was into math & science – so few female protagonists characters are, and the fact that her mother was a world class scientist was kind of amazing to me, and may have been my first exposure to a female scientist. Now I want to go home and stay up all night reading all her books again!

    7. The big three networks still have newscasts and will be covering the election all night too. I will be watching ABC and missing Peter Jennings terribly.

    8. PBS, definitely. I love Gwen and Judy! And actual journalists / reporters always outnumber the pundits. I cannot stand the huge election panels of talking heads that are assembled by other networks. Ugh!

      1. I was watching NBC, but they kept jumping all over the place so I switched to CBS for now. I was hoping that I could live stream the MSNBC coverage like I can with CNN through the iPad app but it doesn’t look like that is an option.

    9. We’ll be flipping around, probably mostly on CNN, PBS, and Comedy Central. :)

  14. So excited about my upcoming trip to Napa! I have a few specific questions re: Napa that I hope some of you can help with.

    1) What is there to do at night? Any recommendations for specific places would be appreciated.
    2) Could we do a day hike in December? If so, any recommendations for specific hikes? My travel companion and I are in shape, but hiking experience is somewhat limited.
    3) We have French Laundry reservations for 9 p.m. and 1 p.m, and I need to pick one. I’m an east coaster so I’m afraid 9 p.m. would be too late to enjoy, but I’m afriad the 1 p.m. one would kill the whole day. What would you pick and why?


    1. 1) Not much to do. The area shuts down around 5pm when the wineries close and the restaurants serve dinner but that’s about it. Honestly, after a day of wine-tasting, I’m done. I just want to curl up in my hotel room, watch TV, and fall asleep by 9pm.

      2) Yes! I don’t know about specific hikes but they have a petrified forest I’m curious to see.

      3) I would pick 9pm if you want to see as many wineries as possible. If you go at 9pm, I’d schedule a nap or some serious downtime between your last winery and French Laundry. 1Pm if it’s the 3rd or 4th day in and you’ll need a break from all. the. wine.

    2. karenpadi’s right – when we’re up in wine country, we’re in bed and asleep by 10. Wineries close by 6, most at 5. People hang out at their hotels, maybe do s’mores and hot tubs.

      There’s not much in the way of hiking right in Napa – the land is way too valuable for a public access trail. Do you bike? The thing to do in Napa is to rent bikes and bike along the Silverado Trail or in the winding streets. You’ll get a great view of all the vineyards, though you should note it will be pretty darn cold in December, and potentially windy/rainy.

      I’d definitely go for lunch at TFL over dinner. It’s the same menu. In the daylight, you can tour their garden, be fully awake and energized for the food and wine, and enjoy views of Yountville. And “kill the whole day”?? Are you kidding? TFL is a three star Michelin international destination with an insane waiting list. Your meal for two is going to cost nearly $1k if you do the wine pairings. With love I ask you wtf else would you want to pack into that day?! Your TFL day should center on TFL – anything else is extraneous.

    3. Re TFL… if you go for the 9 pm reservation, you’re going to be there until some obscene hour of the morning. TFL is not to be rushed. My group took a stroll around the garden mid-dinner to help make room for the next courses. At some point, the sheer amount of food is demoralizing (BUT DELICIOUS).

      Go for the 1 p.m. res. Kill the day at TFL. You’ll be richer for it.

      Alternatively, cancel your TFL res, and do lunch/dinner at Bouchon, Ad Hoc, Auberge, or any of the other great restaurants so you can eat/see more of Napa.

  15. Thanks to all of you who gave me advice on my academically gifted middle-schooler a while back. Our school has since hired a new superintendent, and a group of like-minded parents had a meeting with her where we shared our concerns about our school’s lack of gifted opportunities. She asked us to send her some concerns in writing, so I am excerpting many of your comments to me to send to her. I hope it works! Thank you!

  16. A question for liberals-

    (Being a liberal myself) I think Obama has been a terrible president. I like him as a man, he is a shrewd politician, but I think he has been horrible. I voted for a third party candidate instead. Assuming he wins tonight, do you think it solidifies that the majority of Americans are now liberals and we (America) will always vote liberal? From what I have read almost no moderates/independents that they poll are voting for Obama. I think there are many people who will always vote party no matter who is the selected congressman, but I am wondering if I am right in my assertion that people who are voting for Obama again are voting for him despite him doing a bad job, or do some people think he did a fine job.

      1. the The 47,000 troop surge in Afghanistan, bombing campaign in Yemen, the illegal war in Libya. a kill-list including american citizens, drones, at least 5T in new foreign affairs debt. stating he changed his mind about gay marriage was a shrewd political move, but it was 1. a lie, which I dont care for, and 2. does nothing for actual civil liberties. the NDAA he signed is the scariest piece of legislation I have ever seen. the political maneuvering with the welfare work requirement was also very shrewd. inciting his base over birth control was I think the political move that will win the election. obama took away a protection from the church, and when the right protested to protect a right the church had always had, his campaign made it into a war on women from the right. (tho rush sure helped with that) he killed osama but also ordered killed an american citizen who is supposed to have constitutional rights. to name a few.

    1. Ask someone from Europe if they think an Obama victory means we’re liberals and always will be.

      1. And incidentally, I don’t think he’s done a terrible job, although I’ve been disappointed on a number of things as well. Regardless, I also think he will be a much, much better president than Romney and so I chose to vote for him because of that. A third-party vote might have been more “ideologically pure” for me, but I’d consider that cold comfort were Romney elected.

        1. I vote in a state where Obama will 100% win. If not, I would have still voted for Obama. Do you mind elaborating on the Europe comment?

          1. Not the OP but I took it as meaning that from the rest of the world’s perspective, Obama isn’t actually that liberal.

    2. I voted for him and I think he’s doing a good job. And while I’m definitely a liberal, I have – on occasion – voted Republican. In fact, he’s the president I feel the most proud about voting for…

    3. I’m more of an independent who’s been pushed into the Democratic party since the Republicans took a hard turn rightward after Clinton. The entire country, including the Democrats, has turned hard-right in some ways. Obamacare is, at its core, “Romneycare”. Nixon and Bush 1 (both Rs) were huge Planned Parenthood advocates–now Romney wants to “shut it down”.

      In a historical context, the political pendulum is swinging conservative. A truly Liberal president won’t be possible until the pendulum reverses course and gains some momentum. Frankly, I don’t know that our country will have another Teddy Roosevelt (R–if you can believe it), FDR, Kennedy, or Johnson for another decade (at least).

      I can see how dark-blue Liberals would think Obama has been a “not-great” Liberal President–drones, wiretapping, Gitmo, healthcare reform without a single-payer option, etc. But we haven’t had a truly Liberal president since Carter–before most of us could vote and before some of us were born. If you look at his work on welfare reform and balancing the budget, Clinton was pretty moderate.

      Given the hand Obama was dealt–worst recession since the Great Depression, two wars, hostile congress–I think he did what he could. I can see how it wasn’t good enough for Liberals but, as an Independent, I respect Obama’s decisions.

  17. I supported Obama the first time and think he’s done an amazing job given the hand he was dealt (on a number of fronts besides the economy, namely a lot of people who simply want him out in the House and Senate), and I think history will judge him very kindly.

  18. Interesting. I am also quite disappointed in O’s performance, but I attribute it more to his not being a “shrewd politician” at all. If he wins tonight, I will view the win as a triumph over (i) lies and deceit, (ii) hatred (of minorities, women, the poor, the list goes on), and (iii) racism. With respect to (iii), it saddens me to realize how different O’s presidency and election odds would be if he looked like Romney.

    1. 1) I think Obama lies all the time. about libya most recently. 2) I dont think Romney hates minorties, women, or the poor. I think it is kind of fanatical to say that. and 3) Im sure there are racist people voting against him, which is awful. But I dont like this new classification of republicans as hateful and liberals as the party of love and tolerance. I have found many liberals very intolerant, and lately a little brainwashed. obama is straight up murdering american citizens. its great he said he is for gay marriage.. but stating he supports gay marriage v taking away EVERYONE’s civil liberties (more than the right to marriage, people can be arrested right now, in this country, without trial, and detained indefinitely if someone suspects they are a terrorist) I mean thats crazy. But somehow he has got his base to care about 2 issues. gay marriage and abortion. he completely went back on his word on the work requirement for welfare, and trashed any bipartisan support. he is an excellent politician. but i dont think a good president.

      1. I agree that there is lying on both sides, but the RR campaign took it to a new level.

        And apologies, I should have clarified: I don’t think Romney hates minorities, women, or the poor. But I do think many of his **donors and supporters do**, and are voting for him because of it.

        Ditto on racism.

      2. That’s actually not accurate. I try to stay away from political discussions but your facts are a bit off.

        1. Obama did not actually lie about Libya. What are you referring to?

        2. No rational person says Romney hates minorities or the poor or women. What many argue and I think this is true is that Romney and the elected GOP have a lack of sympathy for minorities, women and the poor which results in policies antithetical to those groups. I agree that liberals can be intolerant but in comparison, they do seem the party that’s the lesser of 2 evils. It’s not as is the GOP is protective of civil liberties. The choice is much more of drones for all, and marriage for some.

        3. The loosening of workfare requirement for welfare is not based in fact. I don’t know how to address that one.

        4. Basically, I think he is a moderately adept politician, a better than average president, all things considered — repeal of don’t ask, don’t tell; abandoning DOMA; healthcare (imperfect, yes, but progress nonetheless); Osama dead; 2 great jurists on the SC; auto industry revived; student loan reform (partial but again it’s a start); Iraq pull out; Afghanistan on its way — I mean could someone be better? Sure. Could Romney/Ryan or McCain/Palin? Doubtful.

        1. He knew from the start it wasn’t about the youtube video. I agree with the good jurists. I don’t agree that abandoning DOMA did anything, since it still has to be enforced he is just not suing anyone over it. I think he has been terrible on civil liberties, except for being pretty good in the context of gay marriage. but as a huge gay rights supporter, I would take less than 5% of Americans being denied the right to marriage over 100% of americans losing their constitutional right to a trial and the circumvention of congress’s right to declare war. What do you mean the loosening of the welfare requirement is not based in fact? I shouldnt say he went back on his word. But he circumvented congress to relax the work requirement without consulting republicans and did a maybe illegal waiver allowance and violated the spirit of the law that clinton worked so hard on getting both sides of the aisle to get there.

        2. Get your facts straight: There are more elected hispanics that are Republicans than Democrats. Plenty of people would vote for a black president because he’s black regardless of who it is. His race matters both ways.

          Seriously, I am getting sick. and. tired. of being called a racist for being a Republican, as if there is no other reason you wouldn’t like Obama.

          1. Are you counting people of Cuban descent as Hispanic? Because otherwise, your numbers are BS. And no one is calling you individually a racist, so stop whining.

      3. Nope. You are wrong on “Obama went-back-on-his-work-for-welfare requirement.” That’s a Drudge report/Republican political ad position. Google or Bing any neutral news site and get your facts in order.

        1. How is washington post? I dont read any totally right wing publications. A more nuanced view comes from Ron Haskins, who was instrumental in crafting the original law. He told our colleagues at Wonkblog that the concept of the waivers is a good one, though the process used by the administration was unfair. “It might not be illegal,” he said. “But [HHS] didn’t even consult with the Republicans. They knew the spirit of the law, and they violated that.”
          In other words, we are mainly talking about a process foul and poor coordination with Congress.

          i dont think he “gutted” it. I think he sneakily got the waivers in. a shrewd political move. “the administration appears to have done this without much consultation with Congress, and it also asserted a novel waiver authority that took GOP lawmakers by surprise. (Essentially, work provisions are contained in section 407, which cannot be waived, but because 407 is mentioned in section 402, which allows waivers, the administration asserted waiver authority.)”

  19. My son was diagnosed with Autism this week. I’m having some trouble dealing with it, mainly because now everytime he does something weird instead of thinking “what a strange phase” I’m thinking “Holy f***, am I going to be dealing with this forever?” and I’m getting irritated. I know this thought pattern will shift in me, but its been a rough week. My husband is in denial, he thinks the diagnosis is bull.

    1. Im so sorry, that is tough. There are many support groups for this. also please dont feel bad for having a grieving period. please surround yourself with people who will understand. i will have your family in my thoughts

    2. Just saw this… first of all, allow yourself some time to feel however you need to about this. online support groups might be super helpful here, whether you participate in them, read old chats, or visit any message forums to learn. Remember, it’s well possible that your images and lack of info is scarier than reality. Also, know that autism is a spectrum. Until you know where your child fits, you can’t possibly guess what behaviors are short or long-term. Follow the diagnosing doctor’s suggestions and, if you can afford it, a second opinion might help, if only to help your husband to begin to come to grips and get on board with you so you’re not feeling alone.

      We’re here if you need us here too :)

    3. Hi, my reply should have appeared here but I obviously hit the wrong “reply” link. Scroll down several comments to see it.

    1. I voted Obama (yay) but don’t get how people can vote for warren. everyone always says they want a moderate, we get one, and then we don’t keep him. Warren has zero political experience. Its a first year associate applying for a general counsel job. I think this is a big MA mistake. I also think lying about the native american thing to qualify for affirmative action is a much bigger deal than it was made out to be.

      1. I’m with you, I really liked Brown and thought he was a very moderate conservative who’s done a great job. I think because MA is so blue the spillover effects hurt him/helped boost Warren. In a midterm election I think he would have done much better.

        1. Yeah a ton of her money came from out of state. She is not even from MA. thats the race i am like “what are people thinking?” we just dont know anything about her because she has no political record.

      2. I’d rather have a moderate than a conservative, but I’d rather have a liberal than a moderate. Warren hasn’t held elected office, but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t played a significant role in public life. And frankly, Brown is not exactly reputed to be a genius, political or otherwise.

        And while checking off the “Native American” box 20 years ago, was a questionable decision, I don’t think there’s a basis for saying, without qualification, that she lied to get affirmative action benefits (or that she received such benefits). Indian heritage is a complicated thing in this country, and there’re absolutely reasons that Warren might have checked that box that weren’t affirmative action related.

        1. She certified, during her years at Harvard, that she was the required amount of Native american to count as a minority professor. As soon as she got tenure, she took it off. And I believe she is incredibly smart. Her pedigree however, is much, much lower than any other tenured harvard professor. the faculty there did not go to rutgers. (i dont believe thats the right thing, but that is a fact) All heritage is a complicated thing. I know I am part scottish, irish, english and some other stuff. If I was applying to something where one of those backgrounds gave me an advantage, I wouldn’t just check the box without making sure.

          I’d rather a moderate than either side, so I guess that’s why I dont get it. But obviously it makes sense that people just vote party lines. I just think Warren has the potential to be a disaster. But Im sure she has a lot of support from dems that will help her along.

          1. And yet she probably turned out to be one of their best hires in decades, in terms of bringing prestige, donations, and quality teaching and scholarship to the school. I don’t think it’s inconceivable to think that someone managed to recognize that potential at the time.

            I also think it’s a little disingenuous to accuse people of “voting for party lines” just because they vote for a liberal instead of a moderate. Some of us actually do have liberal views; we’re not blindly voting for Democrats because they’re Democrats.

          2. em I was just referring to your line, I’d rather have a moderate than a conservative, but I’d rather have a liberal than a moderate. I don’t think thats blindly voting, its just not how I vote. I don’t have very strong party affiliations. Some people match up very closely with party positions. Wasn’t trying to insult.

      3. I think for many people (me included) he wasn’t moderate enough- he did reach across party lines but not to the extend that he promised he would and often voted on party lines for the things I really wish he would have voted across lines on.
        Do I think Warren is going to be phenomenal? No- but I would prefer someone who is going to be more of a democratic watchdog than someone who claims to be bipartisan and is only that way when it suits his party.

  20. So sorry to welcome you to this corner of the universe. I don’t want to offer you false hope but I also don’t want you to feel as if there’s nothing you can do. I also want to second everything that cfm said re lots of resources and taking time to mourn. The autism community has advocacy organizations, support groups in person and online, publishers, and specialized professionals. The public library is also a resource: the reference librarians can help you do research, and depending on what’s in your local branch library or available through inter-library loan you won’t have to buy every book on autism. Also, many organizations have state (or county) chapters; you can search for local branches on their web sites, and there are many folks who blog about how they live day-to-day with autism.

    If you want to discuss this further in private or just have me send you a quick, off-the-top-of-my-head list of resources, feel free to contact me at silvercurls18 at gmail dot com. I’m not a trained expert–just a mom who has learned more than she ever expected to know about this area of life. Best wishes to you. Oh, and find a few people who believe in you and can give you helpful advice. You’ll need this support to keep your balance. Onlookers can be really unhelpful in not understanding or implying that the problem is just your child misbehaving because of your poor parenting skills. Yes, there are questions of self-awareness and self-control (as a child gets older) but often a child with autism is just plain trying to express that they are completely overwhelmed with sensory stimulation even if the situation seems totally ordinary to a neurotypical person. (Neurotypical = person who does not have autism.) Sorry this got so long!

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