Weekly News Update
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Like these posts? Follow us on Twitter or Facebook — this is the edited version of what we’re reading! (We also Tweet if we hear about a good sale through our CorporetteDeals Twitter feed.) You can also follow us on Pinterest or Instagram.
- POPSUGAR Smart Living has some fun office decor DIYs if you're feeling crafty.
- You Look Fab offers their advice on what to wear to an interview, something we have (mais oui) talked about here as well.
- For all of you doing closet purges and other cleaning: SheFinds rounds up which brands sell the fastest on resale sites, while Alicia Kan guest posts at Privilege about how to sell on eBay. (Once you've purged, check out our suggestions on closet organization, as well as our discussion on what to buy on eBay.)
- Ever pondered the link between productivity and working mothers? The Careerist looks at some new research.
- The New York Times has an op-ed from Audrey S. Lee, who had to learn how to stop apologizing for everything at work.
- Greedy Associates ponders the rise of the house husband (and the fact that it's often kept a secret by the women with one). Meanwhile, Above the Law has a hilarious quote from a pregnant BigLaw associate.
- This Business Insider headline says it's about avoiding becoming “skinny fat” while working on Wall Street, but I thought it was interesting for the junior male perspective on what's expected of you (drinking/staying late with clients, eating out, etc).
Did we miss anything? Add 'em here, or send them to news@corporette.com. Thank you!
The greedy associates link dosn’t work for me.
Sorry for the early TJ: can anyone recommend any books on home buying? I’m a total novice and don’t even know where to start! Thanks!
I bought Nolo’s Essential Guide to Buying Your First Home . It’s okay, but seems a little basic. Haven’t actually bought a house yet, so I can’t say how helpful will be.
Thank you Kat! Have a wonderful weekend everyone. I’ll be over here, photographing Freed pointe shoes;).
I saw that ATL post from the pregnant lawyer and was stunned at how offensive it was. She is making fun of, cruelly, mentally disabled people. How is that funny?
I had to read it a couple of times to figure out what she was talking about. Definitely not funny.
Its obnoxious and horrible and I cannot even believe that anyone would think it was funny.
Thank you so much for agreeing! I was beginning to think I was nuts because ATL thought it was funny, and then I saw it here.
that thank you was from me–forgot to enter name
This. I for one am disappointed in you, Kat.
Idk why I can’t comment on that ebay post. Anyways, I sell stuff all the time. My best advice: if it’s a newer item, try your hardest to find the original store image of it online. Like an Ann Taylor blouse. Try to find the image of the model wearing it from the website. You can take all the pictures in the world but a blouse is going to look like crap on a hanger compared to the website image. This can be hard to do, but this is why I put all of my online shopping order confirmation emails in a folder in Gmail so I can go back and search when I get tired of something and want to sell it. Then google the exact item name and the original image usually comes up.
Using a photograph that you didn’t create to re-sell an item is probably a copyright violation if you don’t have permission from the copyright holder. Also, what you’re describing is specifically prohibited by ebay policy. http://pages.ebay.com/help/policies/image-text.html