Poll Results! How to handle workouts near the office

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how to handle workouts near the office
Tip: maybe don't wear these outfits.

2018 Update: We still think this is a fascinating discussion on how to handle workouts near the office — but you may also want to check out some of our more recent updates on office to gym issues, including gym near the office etiquette

So, a week ago we asked WHEN you change into things to go to a nearby office gym — in short, how to handle workouts near the office in terms of changing into gym clothing. (As opposed to this week, when we suggested WHAT you should wear to the gym.) Preliminary answers are in:

Pictured above: 20 minute workout, originally uploaded by 416style.

After hours: change at the gym. 64% of you said that if it's after hours, you should continue wearing your working duds until you get to the gym, when you should change into your workout duds, workout, and head home as you please.

Working out on your lunch hour. 50% of you scoffed at the notion of a lunch hour. Of those who attempt to get in workouts during the day (fight the good fight, people!), 66% of you thought you should change and shower at the gym.

If you haven't taken the poll yet, you can do so here. The poll is now closed.

Do you guys have any suggestions or tips for how you fit in exercise during a hectic day? Head out for 20-minute walks on your lunch break? Do lunges in your office? How do you handle workouts near the office? Tell, tell.

Social media images below via Stencil.

How can you handle workouts near the office? Do you change at work and THEN go to the gym? Do you have to shower before you go back to work or can you leave that only for super sweaty sessions? If your gym is really close to work should you choose more conservative gym clothes than you might otherwise and, for example, wear a shirt instead of just a sports bra, or leggings instead of shorts? Interesting discussion with the readers.

One Comment

  1. Hi! Love the blog. I keep trying to do little stuff during the workday, without much success. Stuff I’ve tried:

    a) walking for 20 minutes on my lunch hour — gets too hot out, don’t want to go in heels or switch to sneakers or flipflops

    b) bringing in weights to do 15-25 minute toning workouts on DVD (Jari Love, Kathy Smith) — it’s all right but still takes lots of initiative and leaves me slightly sweaty

    c) doing the 20-minute Winsor Pilates DVD — not bad but it’s hard to see the computer screen from my floor, and my office floor was last vacuumed sometime in the early 2000s, think.

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