3 Super Easy Ways to Donate to Charity
How do you donate to charity? Do you give regularly?
How do you donate to charity? Do you give regularly?
Which charities do you give to, and why? How do you determine which charities are “good”? Do you have pet causes, are you more of a generalist, or do you just give to whatever your friends are fundraising for? Do you have a set amount that you give away every year?
Whether or not the current issue of separating immigrant families at the border has contributed to your outrage fatigue or spurred you into taking action (and/or brought you to tears, as it did even for an on-the-air Rachel Maddow), you may be looking for small political actions to take each week to make your voice heard…
Charitable organizations need more than just your money — here are other ways to help charities.
Reader D wonders about being under pressure to give money to charities at the office.