How do you organize your photos — and retain or delete the ones you want? Here’s my easy trick for deleting photos off my iPhone.
Kat's a fan of her iPhone and occasionally shares stories about how to use iPhones for productivity, better work-life balance, and more. Also check out our discussions on specific apps!
Great Apple Shortcuts to Help You at Work
These are some of the best Apple shortcuts that you can use to make your workday a little bit easier. (There are also shortcuts if you’re getting pulled over, and personal safety ones that just look like DoorDash.)
Coffee Break: Alarmy App
Trouble getting out of bed? This app can be a huge help!
How to Get Your iPhone Alarm to Play a Playlist
I was psyched when I recently figured out how to set up my iPhone so it wakes me up to a different song every morning.
Weird Organizing Tip: Use iPhone’s Camera Albums for Lists, Ideas, and To-Dos
I’ve recently discovered an easy new way to keep track of various lists, ideas, and to-dos, so I thought I’d share my latest iPhone organization tip…
The Best Siri Hacks to Boost Your Productivity
Since getting my iPhone 7, I have been shocked to find that I’m actually using Siri. I thought I’d look into some useful Siri productivity hacks to share, as well as ways to make Siri better (there has to be a way, right?) for a fun discussion today. Are you using Siri to boost your productivity? … Read More about The Best Siri Hacks to Boost Your Productivity
Gift Idea: Bluetooth Keyboard
I’ve mentioned my love for my Bluetooth keyboard a few times, but I don’t think I’ve ever done a whole post on it, so I thought we’d discuss. If you tend to do a lot of writing in your life (even just emails!), I highly recommend it. There are a ton of options out there; the … Read More about Gift Idea: Bluetooth Keyboard