Do You Have Too Many Tabs Open?
Quick quiz: how many tabs do you have open at this moment?
Quick quiz: how many tabs do you have open at this moment?
I recently started using Sanebox for my email, and I hope it’s going to be a game changer.
Have you even gone through an intense work period or other stressful time (personally or professionally) and, even after the time has passed, found that destressing was difficult for you? Readers have had some good conversations about anxiety hangovers or emotional hangovers, lately, so let’s discuss…
I’ve recently discovered an easy new way to keep track of various lists, ideas, and to-dos, so I thought I’d share my latest iPhone organization tip…
Whether it’s that end of the day feeling of “gaaaah I have so much more to do,” that “looming doom” feeling that always preceded finals or other big career events, or other forms of overwhelm, what do you do to calm yourself and move forward?