Tech Problems?
Hi guys — I've noticed a few comments about replies ending up in the wrong place, and have gotten one email about caching problems (i.e. the home page does not always reflect the newest posts for you) — I wanted to hear from more people. Are the replies still ending up in the wrong place? Are you getting all of the newest posts in a timely manner? Please reply to this thread and tell us your browser (and version if you can) and any error messages you're getting, and if anyone is good enough, please email me a screenshot at editor at corporette dot com. Thank you so much!!
Update — On the caching side, please be specific if you're having problems with a) an outdated homepage (what is the last post for you? We had the usual 15 this week, 3 every week day), b) comment problems not solved by refreshing, or c) the comment/name issue (where your name doesn't “stick”)?
On the replies side, please let me know if you can think of any particular comments that wound up in the wrong place. Thanks…
I’ve been having trouble with the number of comments on the home page not matching the number of comments when I click through, and the comments not showing up when I click through until I refresh the page.
I have IE 9.
Same here, and the comment name doesn’t “stick” anymore – this just cropped up again this week. Using Chrome.
Same here, including name not “sticking.” Although the new posts generally show, the comment count/display gets frozen and I have to refresh the post to see them all (and sometimes also the main page, before clicking on an individual post). Again cropped up only this week – it had been fixed for some time prior. Using Chrome.
We recently implemented a caching plugin and finally decided to just remove it. If it’s okay can you please comment back if you still have these problems?
Thank you!
Same here. Using safari on iPhone.
Same issue with Chrome
Same, also on Chrome.
Yup. Both issues are back for me, too. It was resolved for a while and its back this week.
The number of comments gets stuck until I refresh and the name doesn’t stick. I just post under Anonymous and hope that everyone realizes that there are nice Anonymouses and snarky ones.
same – Safari on a Mac
We recently implemented a caching plugin and finally decided to just remove it. If it’s okay can you please comment back if you still have these problems?
Thank you!
I just tried to post three different replies on the open thread and only the first one showed up. I tried to repost the last one and it said it’s a duplicate comment but the comment isn’t showing up anywhere. I’ve hit refresh and it doesn’t change. Still says 90 comments on that thread. Using Firefox 19.0.2.
I had a new problem today where I received an error (didn’t take a screenshot, sorry – I will try to if it happens again!) when I refreshed a thread to see new comments that I was connected to the internet and the site but the site’s server wasn’t connected properly? It was explained in a confusing way, sorry. I then tried to go to the home page and received a thing at the top saying this was an old version because there was a problem with the server but because of something the site uses (cloud something?) I could view this version and then a link to the live version.
A half hour or so later, I tried again and had no trouble.
Sorry this is confusing, I don’t remember exactly what it said! This was all using chrome, but it said it was a server issue.
I find comments often disappear – especially later comments on weekend open threads will be there on Saturday and be gone on Sunday.
My machine seem’s to be working fine, b/c our teck guy fixed it after stareing at my boobies. The manageing partner yelled at him b/c I told the manageing partner what he was doeing. Yay! Sorry other’s are haveing problem’s.
When I was on the homepage just now the newest post (weekend open thread) showed 185 comments. When I opened the link 177 comments showed, until I hit refresh and then all 185 were up.
Earlier today I couldn’t get the site up at all, just an error message.
On the bright side yesterday the search bar worked, whereas last week the results were just blank.
I just had the reply problem for the first time in today’s weekend thread. I was replying to Jealousy, and the reply ended up attached to Paralegal, right above Jealously.
I’m using internet explorer.
In IE I have been unable to reply to existing threads–all comments want to appear as new posts.
Last week I tried to post a comment three times and got an error message each time. I tried once on my iPhone and twice on PC which was using Internet Explorer 8.
I commented on the open thread last night but its gone now, and I don’t see anything father 8 o’clock last night.
The Weekend Open Thread says it has 239 comments when I’m on the first page of comments, but when I click over to “Newer Comments”, the count goes down to 207 and all I can see is zora’s single comment on the second page.
Same here- I’m using Chrome
Me too, also on Chrome. The second page says 207 comments and only has one post from zora.
Noticed the same problem Sunday AM, using Chrome. Had previously seen additional comments on the second page of weekend post comments using Firefox on a different computer.
tons of comments have dissapeared- there used to be a bunch after zoras. Ive noticed this week it started doing the thing where on the main page it says one number of comments, but when i click on the post it says much less.
I’ve had the same inconsistent amount of comments issue in IE8 (I know…my work is not up with the times). It takes refreshing the page several times to display all the comments I know are there. Also, in Chrome, the search function hasn’t been working for me. I tried two different searches and just got a “Loading” message, but no loading was actually taking place.
Search should be working now :) can you please try again?
Thank you!
Twice I have posted comments that vanished after appearing to have posted.
Anyone still having problems?