Tech Update
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Hi guys — I just thought I'd give you a little update regarding tech problems as we're finally closing in on some big changes thanks to some new tech help (hooray for Laura!). You should experience a much smoother, faster site — please let me know on this thread if you're still noticing a wonky site. Some of the changes we made required us to get rid of some features because they were mucking up the database, including the edit comment feature and the report comment feature (which was used correctly approximately three times for the two years we had it running)! (We kept the “subscribe to comments” feature — I need to investigate why that one isn't working.)
Two other notes regarding admin issues with the site:
- Video ads. I've given my termination notice to the company I was working with for below-the-fold ad space, so hopefully a lot of those autoplay video ads should stop soon — we're still in the thirty day termination window at the moment, unfortunately; let me know if you continue to see them and I'll do the best I can to stop them. (It is/was an incredibly long process with the company to stop the ads, which is part of why I terminated.) If you see/hear any audio ads ABOVE the fold (leaderboard, at the top of the sidebar, or that Garnier ad in the middle) please let me know asap — that is a different company and they're much better about responding quickly. Please also let me know if you have mobile-only problems as well, such as redirects to the app store (grrr) — in particular if you could forward me the long URL that you're redirected to, that would be amazing.
- Commenting problems. After we finish this project one of the next ones I'd like to work on is messaging regarding the comments; we may be able to find a way to tell you why your comment doesn't post. If a comment doesn't post immediately it could be because a) you're new to the site (or you're using a new computer) and you've gone to moderation, b) you're using a word that sends you to moderation, c) your IP address has been placed in moderation for violating our commenting policy, d) your comment for some reason got stuck in our spam filter (in which case it's unlikely to post ever because I almost never check spam unless you contact me), or e) it HAS posted and is just on page 2 of comments. There are also the annoying Wordpress problems with “duplicate comments” and “you're posting too quickly,” which both hopefully are much less of a problem than they were a year or two ago — please let me know if those two things are still cropping up all the time.
The “posting too quickly” has disappeared, fortunately. Thanks for the update!
My remaining tech issues/suggestions:
1. On some posts, I’m guessing it’s ad-dependent, the typing speed in the comment box is unbelievably slow – trying to type at normal speed doesn’t even register, and you’re lucky if you can go one letter per second. This isn’t an everyday or every post thing, maybe 2-3 posts per week, but when it does crop up, I abandon all hope of participating.
2. A link on the main page to the “bad words” that send people to moderation would be incredibly helpful. Perhaps it’s time to revisit the list – for example, s!te traps SO SO many people. What was the rationale on moderating it in the first place?
3. With the changes, I’ve been unable to use my standby G**gle trick to be able to search the comment archives (s*te:c*rpor*tte dot com searchterm) – this is horrifying to me as there’s many vacation threads and other bits of advice that I always relied on being able to find – alas, no more.
Yes, searching the archives is practically impossible now, which is such a huge bummer since they are such a wealth of information. If you search on the site, only the posts with that word in the main part come up, as opposed to a few years ago when all the comment threads would come up. Is there any way to bring this functionality back? Additionally the comment counts don’t even come up on the older posts in the archives any more.
I’m also surprised at what comes up under the “Top Posts” category – I understand Google Analytics is important for your own tracking, but I’d think the posts with the highest numbers of comments would really interesting to readers.
+1. I used this feature a lot in the past and it doesn’t work any more.
The only tech-y thing I’ve noticed is that my name and email don’t “stick” anymore – whenever I open up a new post the fields are blank. It’s easy enough for me to re-fill in, because as soon as I type the “M” my name fills in from my recently used fields, but I have to remember to do it or it posts as “Anonymous”.
Happening both here and the Moms s!te. (And sometimes AAM as well, if that’s relevant since I think you use the same tech people, but as of right now my name is “sticking” there but not here)
But now that I’ve commented on this post, my name stays, both here and the other afternoon another post. Not sure if it will stay if I close Chrome and come back though.
It did stick, after closing Chrome and re-opening. Not sure if it will gone again in the morning though.
+1. This happens to me too, but randomly. For example, my name is sticking on this post but not on the 8/11 main post.
I’m having problems on the moms site on mobile – none of the articles will actually open for me, just bounce back to the home page. Still having issues with app store redirects on both sites on mobile as well.
Not sure if mentioned in another thread – new Corporette posts aren’t showing up on Bloglovin’ anymore.
I just came here to say the same thing! The last thing to show up in my bloglovin’ from corpr*tt* is some weird advertisement about cell phone plans for seniors. I hope this isn’t permanent!