Updates from Readers / Threadjacks
Readers come here with a lot of questions, some of them personal — and there are often differing opinions on how the OP should handle the dilemma! If you posed your question here, we'd love to hear from you — how did it work out?
(We also have a lot of long-time commenters who've published under the same handle/nom de plume over the years, and have either gone anonymous, changed their handle, or decreased their involvement to lurking/checking sporadically. If this is you, we'd love to hear from you also with an update on your life or even just an “all's well!” kind of update.
(Readers, if you're on this page checking for a particular update — feel free to request one also! If you can drop any links to any previous threads for context, that would always be hugely appreciated.)
Latest Updates from Readers
- updates from a commenter who had asked for advice on dating and planning a future with a married man with two preteen girls
- an update from the commenter whose second roommate wanted to charge the first two for wiping down counters (lots of mini updates in that thread)
- lots of updates — parents demanding Thanksgiving be held 3 hours earlier, someone who had interviewed for a high level position (against other reader advice) and been ghosted, someone who wondered if she should go to a funeral for a friend's parent while deep in grief over a loss in her own life, someone whose jerky SIL's husband would fatshame her young teen nephew on Thanksgiving, telling the parents the younger brother is marrying the pregnant girlfriend, and someone who wasn't sure if she should buy a horse while TTC.
August 2022
- an update from a commenter whose husband nearly missed the honeymoon because of passport issues
- an update from the commenter whose SIL attended the wedding that was supposed to be “only parents”