Weekly News Roundup

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Liking these posts? Follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook — this is the edited version of what we’re reading! (We also Tweet if we hear about a good sale through our CorporetteDeals Twitter feed.)

Penelope Trunk has some interesting advice for overachieving chicks, including that we should all get plastic surgery, get married by 25, and milk maternity leave for all it's worth. The Harvard Business Review wonders if passion can ruin your career.

– Crying at work: Bloomberg says it's newly acceptable.

Elle Magazine reviews a book from a woman who pleads with smart women to put the tabloids down.

– Do you enjoy smelly foods at the office? The WSJ tackles the stinky issue.

– In personal news: Kat's son finally made an appearance on August 19, 2011 at 7:20 AM — 8 lbs, 13 oz, 22″ long. Welcome to the world, Jack! Meanwhile, the blog should be business as usual (at least with guest posts) if the Gods of the Scheduled Post cooperate.

Did we miss anything? Post 'em here.


  1. Congratulations, Kat! I can’t wait to see the TPS picks for Jack’s first business outfit! Aww.

  2. Congratulations Kat! Hope you’re getting some sleep!

    Should we call Jack our newest Corporet? :D

  3. Congratulations on the newest little edition to your family.

    IMO, the blog has been humming along with your guest posters; they are all providing a bit of a different taste, style – great idea.

  4. Congrats Kat! Looking forward to some “bundle of cuteness” pics to ooh and aah over at work.

      1. LOL. Love this. My brother and his wife are expecting, and my good friend just welcomed me to what we call the “Auntourage”… And Kat, congratulations!!! Best wishes to you and your new family :-)

  5. Yay! Congrats Kat and family. And thanks for planning ahead to keep the blog going during your absence. :)

  6. Congrats! The first few weeks can be totally insane but as the mother of a two and a half year old I can’t tell you how much fun it is.

    Also, I really appreciate the guest posts; at times they have a bit of a different tone than yours do but that sometimes creates new conversations.

    Best wishes!

  7. CONGRATULATIONS to Kat and hubby, and welcome little Jack. He’s going to be one stylish baby!

    Kat, I super appreciate how you’ve kept up with the blog so consistently during your pregnancy and are now introducing all of these guest posts. Fantastic job.

  8. Welcome to the world, Jack! We’ve been waiting for you all our lives ;-D And buckle up, Kat and Mr. Kat, and get ready for a ride that will bring you unimagined joy!!

  9. Congrats Kat! Enjoy your time with Baby Jack!

    The guest posters are doing a great job!

  10. Congratulations on the lanky one! Jack’s dimensions made me smile. 15 years ago I had a baby exactly that height and weight. . . who is now 6-3.

    Best wishes.

  11. Congratulations!

    No fair putting in good news on a post that would otherwise have me snarking (Penelope Trunk is trying for outrageous, and only coming across as obnoxious.)

    1. Seconded! Congratulations! Penelope Trunk’s post came across as dated and deliberately inflammatory. It’s difficult to take her seriously.

  12. Welcome to the world Jack! Congratulations Kat and family! I wish you every bit of marvel and wonder as you get to know your son, and he teaches you new things about life and love.

  13. Penelope Trunk – “I still think business school is stupid if you are using it to actually become qualified to do something.” There is where I lost it laughing. Congrats on the baby.

  14. Congratulations to all the Griffins!

    Jack, you’ve got one of the coolest moms in this country. Possibly the world!

      1. I love KG. And, I don’t think Huff Post’s biases, subtstantial or insignificant, have anything to do with liking this post — KG wrote it, it would read the same published on Fox or anywhere else.

        On a superficial note, I would just add that I love, LOVE, her style — she always looks super professional but also attractive and feminine. I would love to see a guest post from her!

        Also, on a somewhat related note — and this one probably does speak to Huff Post’s bias a bit — did anyone see the slide show on Michelle Bachman’s footwear? I think she dresses incredibly well, too (sign me up for a dream guest post from her, too), but her shoes are sometimes all sorts of wrong for her outfits (in Huff Post’s defense (?), they do credit MB’s otherwise impeccable clothing choices, and then, oddly enough, show Palin’s pumps as an example of “great footwear”)

  15. Congratulations, Kat, and how sneaky of you for putting your announcement in the end of the post like that! Don’t worry about your blog – the scheduled posts are all working well and your guest bloggers are doing great. We are all just so happy for you and your husband – take whatever time you need! I, for one, am not going anywhere…

  16. Is that Penelope Trunk post for real? Or just a bunch of provocative bullshit to drive up her page views?

  17. Congratulations, Kat & Family. What a wonderfully exciting adventure you’ve set out upon together :)

  18. Congratulations, Kat!

    Also, that Lisa Bloom book is going on my must-read-immediately list.

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