Weekly News Roundup

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Corporette's News Roundup: Sexist stock photos, how a blazer should fit, #breadmoms, and more!Like these posts? Follow us on Twitter or Facebook — this is the edited version of what we’re reading! (We also Tweet if we hear about a good sale through our CorporetteDeals Twitter feed.) You can also follow us on Pinterest or Instagram.

  • Sheryl Sandberg's organization, LeanIn.org, is partnering with Getty Images to have more realistic stock photos — Time has an amusing before/after collection. (What? I always laugh by myself while eating salad.)
  • Already Pretty ponders blazer fit, something we've talked about here (we've also talked about general suiting alterations to talk about with your tailor).
  • What's your eye shape? SmashBox has a new tutorial that's actually quite helpful (I'm “downturned eye,” joy.)  (Hat tip: Curvy Fashionista.)
  • Working Mother looks at the breadwinning moms (and starts the cool hashtag #breadmom).
  • I looked at this Washington Post headline and thought, oh no they didn't: “In a new study, nearly a third of science and tech leaders think a woman can't reach the top.”
  • Greedy Associates has four simple tips for how women can be liked AND be successful.
  • Above the Law is killing it this week, first with a fascinating profile of two young, smalltown lawyers who just happened to get to go to a state dinner (and sit next to the President!), as well as a charming profile of a bankruptcy lawyer who is beloved by rappers.
  • PopSugar Smart Living has some tips on how to catch the recruiter's eye in your cover letter.
  • Finally: Felicia Sullivan rounded up a ton of apps and streaming videos to help you get fit — not all are free, but they're all pretty affordable. Meanwhile, SheFinds gives you the 411 on a ton of new(ish) dating apps and services like Coffee Meets Bagel, Tinder, Down, and more.

Reminder – Corporette is hiring! We're seeking an editor with 2-5 years experience.

Did we miss anything? Add 'em here, or send them to news@corporette.com. Thank you!

One Comment

  1. “In a new study, nearly a third of science and tech leaders think a woman can’t reach the top.” Only one-third? That stat seems a bit too low to me.

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