Weekly News Update
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- Apartment Therapy tested the new $400 Dyson hair dryer to see if it's worth the price.
- Yahoo! Style reports that Jimmy Choo co-founder Tamara Mellon relaunched her luxury shoe brand as direct-to-consumer with two lines, “Collection” and “Lab.”
- Speaking of shoes, this is from Racked: “workers at one Chinese footwear factory that [makes Ivanka Trump shoes] describe being subjected to an array of workplace indignities, some that would potentially qualify as violations of local labor law” (ICYMI: our post on boycotting companies). Racked also shares “A visit to the Chinese factories that made Donald Trump's clothing brand possible.”
- Grechen's Closet rounds up more responsible, sustainable options to the Madewell Transport Tote.
- The New York Times looks into the “glass cliff” that often faces women in politics.
- “It's time to end the 9-to-5 workday,” writes Rebecca Greenfield in her opinion piece for the Chicago Tribune.
- Bloomberg reports that Irene Bergman, the longest-working woman on Wall Street, has died at 101. Her Jewish family fled Nazi Germany in 1942, and after arriving in the U.S. she took a job as a secretary to a banker.
- For your Laugh of the Week: SNL imagines what a day off looks like for Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway (NSFW).
On CorporetteMoms Recently…
- We talked about future planning and travel planning specifically.
- Kat shared some clothes for working moms, including some maternity basics and washable office clothes.
Did we miss anything? Add 'em here, or send them to news@corporette.com. Thank you! Also: Are you a mom or mom-to-be? Don’t miss this week’s news update at CorporetteMoms.
Can we take a moment to appreciate the hilarity of protesting a 9-5 workday? No one I know works a 9-5 workday. Why do we even call it a 9-5 workday? At the VERY best, it’s going to be 8-5, because employers don’t pay you for your lunch and 2 15-minute breaks, which you are required to take. And it seems like most of the women on this board end up working 10 hours a day anyway.
My husband works a 9-5 workday. It took a long time to get my jaw off the ground when I did the math and realized he does get a full hour long lunch and therefore only works 35 hours a week. He’s the only person I’ve ever met, aside from his coworkers, who actually works that kind of a schedule.
That’s my schedule.
Granted a lot of my coworkers work 8-5, and I’m technically supposed to, but I get my sh*t done and leave and DNGAF if anyone doesn’t like it.
This setup exists…it’s called being paid by the project, and not being paid when there are no projects. Aka a contractor. Also doubtful that private companies will ever be excited to have employees around less yet pay them the same. But really if workers are working all hours (even in 6 hour chunks), and you have to respond to an email within a reasonable amount of time, you end up expanding your working hours, and work takes over your life.
I work 8.30 to 5 and take nearly a full hour for lunch most days. In the UK though.
I work 8 hours a day with a full hour for lunch. I close my laptop at 4 pm and walk out the door wih very few exceptions.
EMERGENCY: at new salon – diff person does each step (color, wash, style) – tip each???
I wouldn’t. I will just add tip to the bill. Let them split the way they want.
Speaking of totes, has anyone ever heard of or checked out the bags at Sword and Plough? I like their stated mission a lot, and the [female] CEO seems to have gotten some pretty good press. The bags are pricey, though. I’d like to support them, but would like to know if anyone has every actually purchased one.
I have the green signature route and love it. It isn’t as light as a vinyl bag, but it is sturdy — I’ve had mine close to two years and it shows no wear. I use it for work and for weekend trips, and love it for both purposes.
I also love the idea of the company and its ethics, but that wouldn’t have been enough to convince me to buy if I didn’t like the rugged look of the bag.
Thanks – I love the look of the blue signature messenger bag, but I have never spent even half that amount on a bag. Good to know it lasts; a definite point in favor of splurging.
Just wanted to endorse the Dyson blow dryer. I preordered it unnecessarily but am incredibly happy with the purchase. If you have a functioning blow dryer, it’s not worth the $400, but if you’re in the market for a new one, definitely consider the upgrade. It’s cut my drying time probably 75%.
Thanks! I am going to spring for one. My current dryer is making wheezing sounds, so it is clearly on its way out, and the quietness of the Dyson appeals to me since I dry my hair every morning, and my current dryer often wakes up my kid before I want him awake.
Second thanks for the review. I’m really tempted- I’m also an every morning hair washer (work out in the morning, no way around that) and super fast dry time is really appealing.
The Dyson hairdryer sounds so good but James Dyson campaigned for Out so I refuse to support him.
Maybe we could keep politics out of fashion and professional work news, hmm? That’d be great. I’m not a Trump fan by any means, but three links in one post on a fashion blog is a bit much for my taste. I find it hard to believe that there weren’t other non-political options.
You must be new here.
This blog discusses the whole range of issues affecting women. That includes the current election. I consider a misogynistic, abusive candidate for President to absolutely be professional work news- especially regarding his comments about women and their worth (and his actions, actually). If all you want is fashion, there are many other blogs.
GiantMeteorForPresident2016, I agree with you. This is a stupid place to discuss politics, but it’s up to Kat to decide the future of her blog. If she insists on introducing politics into the discussion she’ll probably lose followers.
I agree. I don’t want the blog to get into politics, but if it does, where are the articles about Bill Clinton’s accusers? Why not talk about the $1M the Clintons received from countries that fund ISIS. I’m more concerned with the corruption in wikileaks than some words