Cyber Monday Sales for Workwear

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Poking around today I'm seeing that most of the sales that started for Black Friday have continued today, with a few exceptions (some sales got better, like H&M went from 20 to 30%) TONS of great sales this holiday season, ladies — what are you buying? For workwear, these are the sales of note… my favorites are the Nordstrom sale (extra 20% off!) and some great deals at Zappos, surprisingly… see the full roundup, after the jump! Picture credit: Originally uploaded to Flickr by Tim Parkinson (modified slightly).  This post contains affiliate links and Corporette® may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support! cyber Monday saleLadies, what deals are you seeing this Cyber Monday? What have you already bought over the weekend?

One Comment

  1. Kat, you and I must be soul sisters, b/c we BOTH love NORDSTROMS and neither of us I think are Norwegeian, are we! I went with Rosa to Nordstrom’s and she capped out her credit line there and I used most of my monthly spending allocation from Dad just getting winter clotheing! But it is VERY high quality, and that is what we need to deal with the cold NY Winters, especialy in Chapaqua, where Rosa lives. There was this guy who was there in the store Saturday who kept stareing at me! I think he knows I make alot of money so he is always stareing at me when I come in with Rosa. He knows Rosa is MARRIED, but he knows I am not so I think he wants to date me! I think he is a littel young for me (I think he is just in his 20’s). He says hello to me and look’s me up and down, which I do NOT like, as I am NOT just a piece of meat on the rack for his perusal! FOOEY!

    If I could make a man of him, he would have a chance, as dad told me NOT to be pickey any more. I think he is right b/c I do NOT have so many men after me all the time any more. Dad says once we are over 35, we are NOT the “hot ticket” we used to be, and it is true. Men no longer nuzzel up to me the way they used to. FOOEY b/c I am just as clean as fresh as ever, and they would know it if they did continue there nuzzelling!

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