Interim Survey Results

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reader surveyHi guys — our survey is still open and you're still welcome to enter the giveaway (through June 24!) but I just thought I'd round up a few interim results (with more than 2000 readers taking the survey!). If these answers don't sound like you and you haven't taken the survey yet, please do so to make sure your voice is heard!

    • Age: 33% of you are 28-32, with 26% of you being 33-37.
    • Relationships: 60% of you are married, 18% in a relationship, and 18% single.
    • Kiddos: 44% of you don't have any children yet, and 20% don't plan to have any.
    • Salary: 45% of you make at least 6 figures.
    • Degrees: 45% of you have JDs, and 8% of you have MBAs.
    • Career: 41% of you say you've been working 3-8 years in the same career.
    • Office environment: 57% of you said you worked in a “business casual” environment, with 30% saying “business conservative” and 20% saying “California business.”
      48% of you have your own office, while 27% work in a cubicle or other shared office space.

  • Size-wise: 46% of you identified as a size M, 40% as small, and 30% as large. (Multiple choices were allowed on this Q and a few others so the percentages may be a bit screwy.)
  • Thoughts on Kat's style: 74% of you liked my choices “sometimes,” with the chief complaint (34%) being that choices were too expensive.
  • Visiting the blog: The majority of readers visit Corporette once a day (35%), 28% visit a few times a week, and 25% visit multiple times a day.
  • Blog comments: 37% of readers said they read the comments either “always” or “usually,” while 29% of readers said they read comments sometimes, and 26% said only if they were very interested in the subject matter of the main post.
  • Current blog content: In general most people thought the mix of current blog content was just right. 33% thought more beauty advice was needed, 37% thought more career/job advice would be good, and 35% wanted more financial advice.
    • The most loved features were the Hunt (67% loved it), Weekly News Roundups (50% loved it), Tales from the Wallet (49% loved it).
    • I also asked for readers' thoughts on a certain commenter in particular (rhymes with Shmellen): 37% had no opinion, 24% hated, 22% thought “it's fine”, and 16% loved it. (I'm kinda surprised by these answers!)
  • Expanding blog content: We had a lot of ideas for ways to expand the content that we swung by you guys — the most popular was “interviews with regular working women” (61%), while roughly 48% of people also liked the ideas for more posts from Kate, short interviews with Big Name businesswomen, or guest “house” bloggers for fashion or jobs.
  • 79% of people answering the survey had commented on Corporette 10 times or less, but 30% of people said they came primarily for the comments section.
  • Future Corporette projects (in addition to/outside of the blog): The biggest hits among our many ideas for outside projects were meetups, a podcast, a “Corporette Seal of Approval,” ebooks, a paper Career Planner, and Job Listings.

For some reason one of the projects I've started first was a paper Career Planner — I'm hoping to have a beta form available for download at least by the end of the summer. If you'd like to sign up to be notified of the planner when it comes out (and likely be offered a big discount on whatever initial price we attach to it), please sign up here.

Pictured: balloons, originally uploaded to Flickr by Ilario Prospero.


  1. This is such a great survey. I can’t beleive that onley 18% of the HIVE is NOT married. The hive is SO lucky b/c nearley all have husband’s and great job’s! One of these day’s I am goeing to land a HUSBAND and I to will help get the statistic’s down to 17% unmarried but lookeing. FOOEY!

    1. Done with Ellen. My survey response was “no opinion,” because I am not the comment police. But really I’m drifting into “Hate it” category.

  2. Ellen is great. Leave her alone. She adds a bit of lightheartedness that several of you could use.

  3. Over 70% of readers are in a business casual (or even more casual) work environment, yet suits & “you must wear pantyhose” type conversations dominate. What is up with that?

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