Frugal Friday’s TPS Report: Long Sleeve V-Neck Tee

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Merona Ultimate Long V-Neck Tee | CorporetteOur daily TPS reports suggest one piece of work-appropriate attire in a range of prices. This week's TPS reports come to us from Lisa of Privilege, who has guest posted with us before. (Thanks for sharing your picks with us this week, Lisa!) After reading today's post, take a peek at these work-appropriate t-shirts.

I never ever found a way around the need for tees in a casual office. Not that I'm complaining mind you, how much closer to PJs can you get at work? Target has often been the source of my favorite finds over the years, along with UNIQLO and Petit Bateau. The U and PB run small, however, while Target sizes more expansively. They've got these Ultimate tees in both wide and narrow stripes right now. Why wide reads holiday to me, and narrow professional, I couldn't possibly say.

Striped tees were the Most Worn Things of 2013, so just in case you're ready to move on, wrap a black and white paisley scarf at the neck (Target, $10.48 marked down from $14.99). Surely you're not ready to desert pattern-mixing too? This tee is $7.00 at Target, marked down from $11.00 (and only available online). Merona Ultimate Long Sleeve V-Neck Tee

Seen a great piece you'd like to recommend? Please e-mail



  1. Any recommendations for good eyebrow colours?

    I am naturally blonde but my hair is dyed brown, so my eyebrows are like non-existent and I need something pretty strong. I currently have Benefit Brow Zings, but I have very oily skin so if I accidentally touch my face, I end up with horns and it’s highly embarrassing (eg. partner I work for just pointing it out to me in front of colleagues). Previously, I had Bobbi Brown, but I found that it lasted all of about two hours before I was eyebrowless again.

    I’ve heard good things about the Anastasia range – any thoughts?

    1. I am blonde and anastasia works perfectly (tons of shades). I use the pencil and have absolutely no smudging. I color in my blonde eyebrows a bit darker for defnition (so I’m not drawing, more just darkening).

      Give them a try, they are not cheap but hte pencil lasts about a year for me.

    2. This might be crazy but could you dye them? Just have your hairdresser apply a bit of the hair dye to them.

      1. That’s what I do. They just put a bit of the dye on my eyebrows right before the shampoo. It’s been a real game-changer for me.

    3. What about coloring your eyebrows? Are there salons/spas near you that offer brow tinting? I’ve never done it, but it seems like an easier solution than daily maintenance.

      1. I have tried dyeing them before, but it didn’t really make a huge amount of difference as I would still need to fill them in as they are pretty thin and sparse. So even with the dyeing, I would still need an eyebrow colour on top.

        1. hmm. I’ve had good luck with Urban Decay 24/7 eyeliner staying on my lids. Maybe you could try that on your eyebrows?

        2. Okay, I spoke too soon. In addition to tinting my eyebrows, I put a little brown eyeshadow on my brows with a small brush to fill them in a little. It seems to stay put pretty well. I use the Stila “In the Garden” palette and use “Smoke” for the eyebrows.

    4. I use a NARS medium brown eyeshadow, and just apply it with an angled brush. I’ve never had it come off to that extent, although of course it will smear if I sweat a ton and wipe my brow carelessly. My eyebrows are pretty full, just transparent, though, so I’m not sure. Try an eyeshadow primer on your brows? Maybe try an eyebrow gel? M.A.C. has one, Sephora has a ton, and I have a Revlon one I use when I want something light. Layer it on top of or under the powder – not sure which would be better.

    5. So curious why you decided to dye your hair brown. I’m a naturally blonde too and would be interested in hearing if you think you look more professional in brown…

      1. I do this. I definitely think I look more professional. My dirty blonde needs to be either lightened or darkened to look good and I think brunette looks more grown up.

        1. Wow. There is nothing unprofessional about anyone’s natural hair color. You might prefer how you look with a different color but this : “brunette looks more grown up” is just plain offensive. Let’s please not start arguing that any woman looks less professional because of the coloring she was born with.

          1. I think that my hair looks more professional when I dye it brown and that my hair looks less professional when I dye it blonde. That’s my opinion about my hair on my head and I am allowed to have my own opinions about my body.

          2. I took WildKitten’s comment to mean that was worked for her and how she felt about it – not a blanket statement about All Women.

      2. For me it was just for a change. I was blonde for almost all my life (except for a brief foray into brown/black in my teens), and originally I went red. However, red was impossible to maintain, so as much as I loved it, I moved on to brown instead.

        I never thought about the professional angle, actually, but I prefer it brown because of the contrast to my skin tone. I have a high hairline and the dark fixes that to a degree whereas blonde always made me feel a bit washed out.

      3. Yay! Fruegel Friday’s!!!! I love Fruegel Friday’s and this long sleeve v-tee shirt,– great pick, Kat, tho I DO wonder if Frank will start peereing in at my boobie’s thru the v-neck, and if my bra would show, b/c that would look very dumb. FOOEY on that if it show’s!

        As for the OP, I have the same issue’s, though I would NOT color my blonde darker. Yes, men do NOT think I am as smart as I would be if I had brown hair, but the manageing partner told me that he would NOT have noticed (and hired)me if I had brown hair. I think he knew he needed a svelte blonde workeing in the office, and he knew the WC judge was very partieal to blond’s, and Madeline was neither svelte or blonde. So I literaly was a NATURAL when I bumped into him and he found out I had LEGAL skill’s and was a JD. He has also warned me alot of times NEVER to color my hair brown or any other color b/c I would loose the special cachee I have as a duly admitted NYC lawyer who is both smart and blonde.

        So even tho we probabley would get more recognition among the academic’s if we had dark hair, most of us blonde’s keep our hair as it is b/c in the long run, we do better then we would if we had brown hair. That is my story, and I supose it could be the same story for other sucesful women like Marisa Meyer, Gwenneth Paltrow, Sallie Crawchuck, Shereyl Sandberg, and Mark Zukerburg’s wife. Yay!!!

        1. Um, not sure why I am choosing to respond to this, but isn’t Mark Zuckerberg’s wife Asian?

      4. I changed my color once to a reddish brown and it was really difficult. It changed my whole pallet. My regular make up didn’t look right or the color clothes I was wearing. I went from looking best in cool colors like blue, gray and green with black to looking better in warm colors, like browns and reds – none of which I had in my wardrobe.

        Going back to the “you pick and choose what you are willing to do and not do for your career” bit – I refuse to jump on the band wagon that blonde = dumb or unprofessional. I have natural ombre and wear it even if it sometimes it looks like I need to touch up my roots. That’s just winter and come summer it will be blonde again.

    6. I got the Anastasia brow powder from Sephora which was recommended to have more staying power than pencil, but on my dark brows it just disappeared. It might work well on lighter brows to fill in color.

      1. I’m blonde with combination skin (more oily in warmer months) and I love Anastasia brow powder. My eyebrows look kind of patchy without anything – the root of my hair is very blonde but the tip is darker, if that makes sense. The powder helps to even out the brows and make them a bit more defined. It stays put all day and doesn’t smudge.

        I tend to agree with Barb, though, that the powder might not be dark enough for what you’re after. I’d suggest stopping by a makeup counter to try it before purchasing.

      2. I love Anastasia brow powder, I have dark black eyebrows and go with one of the browns. I have the full kit that is the powder + clear brow gel and then a brow highlighter. I think you are in the UK so not sure if you have this availability, but if you can make an appointment with an Anastasia brow bar [Nordstroms has them] they can teach you how to use the powder. I found this extremely helpful.

        1. That makes sense. I got the powder on my lunch hour so I didn’t have time to linger for training on how to use it effectively. They did sell me a nice angled brush and I still have the brow powder so maybe I’ll see if I can get more information on how to use it effectively. User error I guess…

    7. I use and like YBF eyebrow pencil. I like that it can be really light or pretty dark depending how hard you press it in.

      1. +1. And I make sure to set it with translucent powder. Also you can do the lipstick blotting trick; blot your eyebrows then dust with powder and add more pencil then do a final powder dusting.

    8. I am blonde and am lucky to have slightly darker/more visible brows… but only on the front inch or so and only in winter. A brow pencil helps me achieve normalcy.

      I like the Anastasia line and use the pencil in soft strokes, brushed in throughly. Normally, it stays looking good all day. If I’m in a situation where I am afraid it might budge, I start with an oil absorbing primer and then top my whole face with loose powder. Then, I take a small brush and actually sorta outline both my the line around my eyeliner and brows with transluscent powder. It sounds much more complicated than it is, but the powder keeps it from melting down.

      When I used to dance and do theatre, we actually used either makeup setting spray or hairspray. Get a big ‘ol can of Aquanet and nothing is going to move.

    9. I like the Rimmel Brow Pencils but the Hazel is pretty warm. What I’ve found works suprisingly well is their waterproof eyeliner pencil (Scandaleyes?) in taupe.

    10. Dior Powder Brow Pencil works well to darken/define my extremely blonde eyebrows. Pricey, but I don’t use it every day, so it lasts me quite a while.

    11. I have full, but very light, brown brows and blonde hair. I use the lightest shade of pencil Wet n’ Wild offers (taupe?) and just fill in the edges in after brushing them into place. The pencils are $0.99 and I’ve had the best luck with that brand over every other pencil I’ve tried. Sometimes I use eyeshadow if I want to go for a more dramatic look, but that’s never ever on a work day. Never had an issue with them moving, but I do set them with clear mascara most days.

    12. I use Gimme Brow made by Benefit and it works okay if I use a light touch and don’t overdo it.

    13. Makeup Forever makes a really great liquid eyebrow filler that is waterproof. I use it with a brow brush from bare minerals that is very stiff. I love it because it stays all day, unlike most powders. You just have to sort of hand smudge it with your fingers when you first apply so it’s not too harsh. One tube has lasted me over 4 years.

    14. I use Borghese brow “mascara” in Bionda. It’s a dark enough blonde that helps my blue eyes appear bluer. Bobbi Brown also makes a brow “mascara,” but I found its blonde color was a little too dark.

    1. I’m not an attorney, so I have no personal experience with bar association events… but to me, gala means floor-length gowns are in order. That dress is very pretty, and if you already own it and don’t have another option, I’d probably throw on some fantastic jewelery and call it good, but it really doesn’t say “gala” to me.

      1. Agreed. Is the tie on it removable? If you could swap it with a blingy belt that would help a lot.

    2. What kind of venue is it? I don’t think the word “gala” really means so much anymore – I go to many ranging from slightly-nicer-than-work-dresses to floor-length gowns. The venue will say a lot – if it’s a super-fancy hotel with a sit down dinner and cocktail reception, I’d lean towards something much more formal. If it’s more of a mix-and-mingle thing in a museum or something, I think this dress is fine if you dress it up with accessories.

      1. I think you could make it “gala” with a pair of highly bejeweled shoes, a great updo, and red lipstick. The ankle is such a fashion focal point these days, an shoes are often the point of any outfit. But I’m in California, so if this is some place like DC or the South or really anywhere but California, my opinion expires.

    3. I went to a work gala once and it was weirdly formal – everyone was wearing floor-length, matronly dresses. I am not an attorney, though. I think the dress you posted will most likely work, especially with fancier jewelry. Maybe you’ll get luck and there will be pictures from last year’s gala online you can refer to.

    4. I’d add super-blinged-up shoes and accessories, and maybe an extra-fancy wrap of some kind, but with those changes, I think it should be fine.

        1. +2. Also not a big fan of spending money on wear rarely items and you can reuse this if you don’t have it already. Perfectly five for optional – that means floor length not required and you’ll probably see tons of LBDs

    5. It is “black tie optional,” venue is a ballroom. I’ve gone to this event for the past several years and it is usually business casual/cocktail attire but this year they made it a gala. I have a long dress that will work if nothing else (I bought it, don’t love it, would rather return it). But I might try to find a bling-y necklace to dress this up and see how that works. I think its time I buy myself a nicer gown for events like this!!

      1. I think the dress you linked to is fine. I’ve also been to “gala” events (in the Upper Midwest) and people are mixed on it. But this is the same area where people wear jeans to the theater and orchestra concerts, so its usually a mixed bag. Especially if it’s been less dress-up formal in the past, you’ll have bleed over from that.

        But, I think the knee length one you linked to is fine. Would definitely trying to bling it up, but I think it’s a good blank canvas.

  2. I find that Uniqlo runs surprisingly large. Could they size their things for American markets differently? I haven’t tried their pants, but I’m a size down in shirts and dresses.

    1. Interesting. In San Francisco I was surprised to wear an M in tees, since I’m almost always an S in most American brands. Their shorts ran more true to American sizing, I agree.

        1. Yes, I loved the idea to pair stripes with paisley. And thanks for engaging in the comments too!

    2. I think they do. I bought two Uniqlo tops in NYC last November and I was a size XS, but when I went to visit relatives in Asia last December and bought Uniqlo tops there, I was a size M.

    3. In Asia, uniqlo carries nothing larger than size 28 jeans. I assume 70% of American women would not fit into uniqlo pants. I’m a size 10 US and can only wear their tees in L.

      1. Actually I find Uniqlo has sized up since going global. I have 10-year old M-size Uniqlo Ts from when they were pretty much only available in Japan and they are clearly smaller than the new XS or S ones.

  3. Two questions:

    1) Any recommendations for a gentle exfoliating scrub for fairly sensitive skin? Preferably not something too expensive?

    2) I know people have talked about this ad infinitum but I’m having issues with a site search. What are people’s favorite personal finance resources, particularly around retirement investing? (Feel free to link to previous threads; really not trying to be annoying.) I just accepted a job offer (yay!) and will be making more money and getting more benefits than I ever have before (even more yay!), so I want to make sure I’m getting everything started right as I transition from only having a Roth IRA to also having crap like a 403(b).

    1. for (1), baking soda! Mix into a paste with water. Don’t let it sit too long on your skin, but it’s a great gentle exfoliator.

    2. Mix baking soda with cleanser (I use Cetaphil) into a very loose “paste.” Massage gently into the skin. I do this in the shower since it can be kind of messy and it’s easy to get a good rinse in the shower.

      1. +1 – I was just going to post the same thing! My skin has never looked better since I started adding baking soda to my cleanser!

    3. Where is your Roth IRA invested? I would probably call up Vanguard or whatever brokerage you’re using and ask them for advice. If you’re planning to do a rollover, for example, they will know what to do and make it as painless as possible for you.

    4. I like the Dr. Brandt microdermabrasion exfoliator. It’s really light and not particularly gritty.

    5. For exfoliation, I use Paula’s Choice 2% BHA liquid. It works amazingly well on my sensitive skin.

    6. Don’t use baking soda – the ph is far too high and messes with the acid mantle of your skin. You can read more about it here:

      I switched to chemical exfoliation a year or so ago and have been blown away by how effective it is. I use Stridex pads in the red box, but Paula’s Choice AHA/BHA liquids are also really great. My pores and sebaceous filaments are much less visible and my skin texture has evened out significantly. I also use the pads on my legs after shaving to prevent ingrown hairs and those silly red bumps on my legs.

    7. For 403b plans, your employer picks out the provider for you (e.g., Vanguard, Fidelity, Wells Fargo). The issue that I have with this is that these programs often have high expense ratios for very simple funds and they hide these fees in the fine print.

      Personally, I am of the “stay with the market and dont try to beat it” investing philosophy. Vanguard invented this philosophy and index funds that implement this philosophy. So I strongly recommend going through the educational materials on the Vanguard site to learn about expense ratios, choosing funds for the long term, allow action ratios, etc. Yes, it is basically advertising but it is a proven investment strategy. Then I would check out what is available in your 403b and try to mimic the Vanguard strategy as best you can.

      Target funds can be a really great tool but, in my experience, can charge incredibly high fees and, even worse, some providers actively hide what those fees are. So I am very careful about blindly picking a target date fund anywhere other than Vanguard.

    8. I use low-fat, plain Greek yogurt. Yup. Spread about a tablespoon on my face, massage it in, and leave it for about five minutes. Wash it off with tepid water and a washcloth. The fat in the yogurt moisturizes, the enzymes exfoliate. My skin glows, and my pores shrink, and it’s $1.49 for 3-7 applications, depending on how frequently I use it (and before it goes bad). Win win!

  4. Anyone feel like doing a little virtual shopping?
    I am going to a family wedding outdoors in northern california in late June- and I still need to find a dress! I’m hoping to be somewhere in the turquoise/aqua family, or in a coral maybe? I have this one already but I’m not sure its formal enough

    I’d love any help, if you have any suggestions!

    1. That is a GORGEOUS dress. Wear gold, with a low bun to the side. Strappy heels.

      Now I want your dress.

    2. That looks plenty formal enough to me for this neck of the woods. What is the venue? There are only a few that might ask for something fancier. A very few. It’s beautiful, BTW.

        1. This is pretty but I like the first dress better. The first dress is just stunning and more classic.

        2. I prefer the Ann Taylor dress, this one seems just a tad short for a wedding, but I’m 57 and perhaps old-fashioned:). One thing to note – in Carmel it’s quite possible you’ll have a lot of evening fog. Be sure to bring a wrap you don’t mind spending a lot of time wearing. Something festive. Beautiful spot.

          1. I also like the first dress better. It looks more formal and much more wedding appropriate.

  5. What do you guys do when you’re having a bad time at work? There have been some serious issues in my organization related to our leadership, and I’m (sadly) dusting off my resume and getting into the hunt for a new job. I say “sadly” because I have a wonderful team and colleagues, but the bad choices by those in charge mean I can’t stay here indefinitely. In the meantime, I’m having a hard time coping at the office — lots of disappointment and an increasingly toxic environment.

    I know I just have to get through this and it will all end eventually, but in the meantime I’m looking for tips to compartmentalize a little better. Suggestions?

    1. I’m going through this too. I try to keep my head low and just focus on the work. It also helps to make your outside life even better so you have things to keep you happy and take your mind off work. Really throw yourself into the job search and plan fun things with friends and family. For me, the bad times (being at work) make me appreciate the good times that much more.

      1. I am going through something similar. REALLY bad leadership, making the work place and workday unbearable. I compartmentalize by focusing on my efforts to move forward( and out) and reminding myself that the situation is only temporary. I also try to minimize physical contact with the people that I find most toxic ( emailing rather than face to face, etc). It is not easy but gets me through the day.

    2. Are you me? I’m so demoralized, I’m finding it difficult to work up to par. NOT good. Management’s new trick: create impossible goals, then let go people for not “meeting expectations.”

  6. My assistant just got engaged last night- I want to give her a little engagement-something, to say congrats, is that weird? Suggestions?

    1. Not weird at all! How about a ring holder? I got a cute one from Anthropologie but I know Kate Spade makes some really cute ones that were on sale recently

      1. Someone here recommended a ring-holder as a present for a work friend and she loved it, so I definitely second this!

        1. I generally store my rings in a drawer each night, but I have gotten a lot of use out of the ring holder on the kitchen counter when cooking. Enabling you to buy a cute ring holder.
          I also put one in the guest bathrooms.

        2. The baby giraffe is precious. I have a similar one that is a dog – got it at Bed Bath and Beyond, I think. It holds the two rings I never wear but looks cute on my dresser. My wedding ring never comes off and it’s the only one I remember to wear.

    2. Maybe a little note pad or something like that with her “new” last initial for inspiration and future dreaming?

      Or run to the nearby newsstand/drug store and get the latest issues of the very best “bridal” magazines…again, for dreaming.

      There is a collection of “sweet something” Butter by London nail polish at Ulta and Nordies … apparently set for brides…nudes, sparkle, blue … less than $50.

      1. I wouldn’t suggest the note pad unless you know for certain that she is changing her name.

        If you know that both she and her fiance drink it, I think champagne is a great suggestion.

        1. Please do not get your assistant a ring pop. I would honestly take that as sarcastic. Like a dig or something.

    3. After seeing the suggestions here and reading it myself, I’ve been giving all my engaged friends the book A Practical Wedding.

      1. I like this one the most- I’m running out to pick it up now, and it definitely suits her. I’ll probably toss in a bridal magazine too…

    4. I’ve gotten 4 ring holders since I’ve been engaged–go for the manicure or a bottle of champage!

  7. I think I need to distance myself from a very close friend of mine. After a breakup a year ago, she developed a serious drinking problem that has gotten worse instead of better. She has always been a relatively heavy social drinker, but this is something else – she’s blacking out at least once a week (including, on occasion, spending the night with men and not remembering whether or not she slept with them); leaving work in the middle of the day to drink; drinking to the point of getting very drunk every time I see her – whether at brunch, dinner, middle of the day, whatever. I’m not sure if she’s an alcoholic, but if not then she’s somewhere close. Sometimes when she drinks she lashes out at people. This past weekend, it was me. I care about her and I really want to be there for her, but it seems like nothing I say or do is helping at all, and being around her is emotionally draining and scary. She recently started seeing a therapist, but I’m not sure she’s being honest with him about her drinking so who knows if that will help. She’s *incredibly* defensive about any comments on her drinking, so I don’t think confronting her about it is going to do anything other than result in me getting screamed at. After the things she’s said to me recently when drunk and rage-y, I just don’t know if I can do it anymore. I think the best thing for me and for our friendship is for me to take some space. The issue is I can’t get over the guilt of feeling like a terrible friend. Years ago, before she started having problems, she was there for me during a tough time. I feel like I should be doing the same for her. How do you know when it’s okay to just step away for a while? :(

    1. I think the circumstances you have described are the very definition of “when it’s okay to just step away for a while.” You’re being abused, your friend is not willing to listen to reason, it sounds like there’s nothing you can do at this point.

      I think I would, though, have one conversation in which I said something like “Friend, you know I love and adore you. I want to be there for you but it seems like there is nothing I can do to help, and frankly I’m not willing to continue to have you get drunk and rage at me. I know you don’t think you have an alcohol problem, but I think you do and I can’t watch it any more. When and if you decide it’s a problem and you want of need help, I will absolutely be there for you. But for now I think the best thing for our friendship is for me to take some space.”

      1. +1

        She is an alcoholic. Senior Attorney’s response is perfect.

        Thank goodness she has a therapist now.

      2. This is exactly what I was going to say.

        You’re not “not being there for her” by refusing to support her in her alcoholism – you’re doing her a favor in the long run by not pretending her drinking is safe, or healthy, or “normal,” and by saying “hey, you’re abusive and I’m not down for that.” Overlooking what sounds like heinous behavior from someone who isn’t willing to listen to “hey, you are exhibiting signs of having real problems and I am worried about you” without lashing out at you is doing the badly behaving friend no service.

        By establishing healthy boundaries with her in the way that Senior Attorney suggests, you’ll be demonstrating true support, by being someone who will be safe for her to reconnect with if/when she makes her way to recovery. Enablers generally do not get invited back into the recovering addict’s circle (or, at least, they darned well shouldn’t be).

      3. I was the friend having issues, except they weren’t alcohol, they were eating related. I too had just started therapy and my therapist and I had a plan. My best friend then made the “I can’t watch you do this anymore.” Except — I was already in therapy, it just apparently wasn’t going fast enough for my Best friend. She wanted faster or more drastic improvement, or hospitalization, or I don’t know what. The “I can watch you do this anymore” came off controlling and selfish to me — really? YOU can’t do this? Try being me!
        We didn’t speak for quite a while. So from my perspective I lost my best friend while trying to work on therapy. We are close again but I didn’t like how that speech came across when it was made to me.

        1. I’m sorry that happened to you. It must have been awful.

          However the OP says she was verbally abused by her friend “this past weekend,” which I think is absolutely something that justifies the “I can’t do this” speech (where “this” is “be verbally abused by you while you are drunk”), whether or not the friend is in therapy.

    2. If she is leaving work in the middle of the day to drink and getting drunk at all meals, she is definitely an alcoholic. You can’t be there for her until she recognizes there is a problem – otherwise, in her mind, there’s nothing to support her through. If I were in this situation, I’d write her an email saying that she really hurt you with this last outburst, and that her drinking is making it too hard to be her friend for the time being. Offer your support if/when she chooses to get help for her problem. Don’t feel the need to re-engage her if she attacks you in a response; maybe send one email back re-iterating your position, and leave it at that.

      I’m sorry that you’re going through this with her, but remember, you have to put your own well-being first.

    3. Never been in a similar situation, but perhaps you can step back from her in the social, hangout sense, but if and when she really needs you, you can still be there? I.e. stop hanging out as much, but when she calls you needing advice or to talk, you’re still there?

    4. Agree with all of the advice given. I think it’s important to have that last conversation or email to make it very explicit that you believe she has a problem and should get help, and whenever she makes that decision, you will be there for her. But (and I say this having gone through it with a family member) until she makes that decision for yourself, it won’t get better and you are absolutely right to distance yourself. For me, it was important to make sure I told the person I thought they had an issue so that, god forbid, if something did happen, I would know that I did my best to try to prevent it.

    5. All of this advice is spot-on, however, I think you should try to talk to her in person rather than send an email. In this situation, I wouldn’t take any chances with the tone of the email being misconstrued (especially since she’s not in the most positive place right now). I also think connecting in person might have a better chance of yielding a positive outcome. Best of luck to both of you.

    6. I’m replying a week late, so I don’t know if you will see this. I would def talk to her about lashing out at you. However, I would be wary about bringing up drinking in general. Chances are that she knows she is drinking too much. If she doesn’t realize this, your comments won’t make her realize it. You already know what her reaction will be– she’ll be defensive and it won’t help. If you don’t want to be around her when she is drunk, I think that is completely fair. But I would still make an effort to be a friend– check in via text/email on a regular basis. Meet up with her but only stay for a hour (or some period of time that allows you to see her but stay around for the drunkeness).

      I’ll also say, if she has an addiction, no amount of poking or prodding from you will change her actions. (This is part of the reason I advocate for not bringing up the issue). I’ll also add a warning that for many people addiction is a life long struggle and there will be relapses.

  8. With a beautiful weekend in the forecast, all I want to do is sit on my porch and drink sangria. Does anyone have a good recipe?

    1. WOW I did not mean to post that request right under an alcoholism post. Whoops.

    2. Google Bobby Flay Red Wine Sangria – it’s delicious. Everyone I’ve made it for loves it.

    3. Check out Capital Hill Style – I made the citrus style sangria Belle posted a while ago, and it was a big hit.

    4. My all-time favorite is White Peach sangria – 1 bottle of white wine, 1/2 cup of brandy, 1/4 cup peachtree, a litre of ginger ale, cut up peaches and whatever other fruit you want to add (I usually also do raspberries and orange wedges). Usually, I marinate the fruit in the brandy, peachtree and wine for awhile, and then add the soda just before serving. You can add sugar to taste, or a splash of lemon juice if it’s too sweet (depending on what wine and fruit you choose). Yum!!

  9. Wedding Attire Question (I know, I know – but it’s the season)….

    How much do you pay attention to cultural norms when attending someone’s wedding when you don’t subscribe to the same customs yourself? I have been invited to go to a Persian Jewish wedding for a couple from relatively religious families. Traditionally, as I understand it, women from this culture don’t bare their shoulder/wear strapless dresses, which rules out pretty much 80% of gowns out there. At the same time, it’s not entirely conservative at these events as everyone wears very tight long dresses, 6 inch heels, loads of makeup, etc. So it’s not entirely “modest dress” either.

    To further confuse matters – it’s a “black tie” wedding which traditionally in NY Metro Area means sparky c*cktail dress but I think here it means long gown. I don’t have any long gowns that would fit all these parameters. Do you think I actually have to go and find something for this occasion that I will then never wear again or can I wear either (a) sparky c*cktail dress I already own with cap sleeves that is relatively conservative or (b) a sleeveless, one shoulder type long silk dress that exposes my shoulders but is long and otherwise not revealing?

    Disclaimers: I looked into Rent The Runway and they didn’t have much that would work and that I liked. I’m friends with the groom, so he is of limited help with this. As a last resort, I know I can bring a wrap but I’d rather not just rely on a pashmina if I can.

    1. If you are in the market for a dress –

      To answer your question – I figure that I can wear anything for 1 night, provided I’m not being asked to reveal more skin than I’d be comfortable with (so I’d be miffed if a wedding invitation requested miniskirts). But otherwise , I’m fine wearing sleeves, longer hemline, a potato sack, whatever – I’m just happy to celebrate with my friends.

      1. Thanks – that’s a good point. Usually I do dress for the environment, I just rarely have such a hard time figuring out what is actually appropriate. The thing is I would never wear that dress again as I really have no use for sleeved black tie gowns in my life so I wouldn’t want to spend more than $100 on anything and even then I’d want it to be something I could wear somewhere at some point. I keep thinking maybe I’ll find a long silk dress somewhere I can dress up with a sparkly belt and then wear as a maxi, but it’s hard to find.

    2. Do you have a nice evening wrap you can wear with your one-shoulder dress? That’s what I’d do.

      And also? I LOVE Persian weddings because it’s, like, impossible to over-dress! Plus, the FOOD!!

        1. Yeah, I will do the wrap if I can’t find something. I’d just rather not have to.
          I also thought of wearing a tuxedo blazer I have but not sure how it will look. But you’re right about the food!

      1. Trying to redeem myself and thinking outside the box… is there any way you can get a fancy top with sleeves and pop it over your one-shoulder gown to create a “long skirt” kind of look? Then you’d have the top to wear with pants or whatever in the future.

      2. So there are three issues here (1) should you spend money on buying a covered shoulder dress just for this occasion (2) should you respect and observe their custom/reasonable dress code and (3) should you wear a wrap or pashmina though you’re not a huge fan of them (I’m just inferring from your last line).

        I’d answer these as (1) no and (2) yes.
        So that leaves (3) – I’d suggest a wrap or pashmina or a cardigan or a shrug that you already own. Sorry, I know you’d rather not, but I wouldn’t advise answering questions 1 and 2 any other way.

    3. Black tie traditionally means long gown and I think you should go with that. I don’t think you need to make sure you’re 100% covered up but RTR has lots of options, I’m not sure what you’re not liking?

      For example:

      These are all fancy, and reasonably modest. I don’t think you’re expected to meet the same requirements as a member of the community.

    4. One of my best friends is Persian (although not Jewish) and I’ve seen plenty of wedding pictures where women are wearing sleeveless dresses. Some of her relatives are very religious (Baha’i) and even at that wedding it was fine. Long gowns are pretty common but I don’t think you’ll be out of place in a fancy c-tail dress. Wear what you have – either option sounds appropriate.

      1. I will say, though, that the Baha’i Faith has no particular requirements for modestly in dress, whereas the Jewish Faith does. So I’d be cautious about generalizing from what’s appropriate at a Baha’i wedding to a conservative Jewish wedding, even if everybody involved is Persian.

        1. Agreed, here. I’d ask friends who are gonig to the wedding, and plan to conform to the standards of the religious. You dont want to be the one person who’s inappropriate. I think you might also not want to be the only one in a) a short dress and b) showing too much shoulder skin.

          I’d get a rent the runway dress- this is exactly the kind of occasion they’re perfect for.
          Something like this with a lot of blingy jewelry could be perfect- and you can rent the jewelry from them too.

    5. I’m always more comfortable under-dressed than over-dressed, so I would probably go with the cap sleeved c’tail dress, myself.

    6. I would wear the cap-sleeved, sparkly cocktail dress. Sparkle is appropriate for this kind of wedding.

    7. I always try to conform as much as possible to the culture of the setting. At work, I wear work appropriate clothes. Sames goes for religious places and social gatherings. I would not show up all blinged out to a Western style wedding because it would be so out of place.

      As someone who has way too many wardrobes, I find the idea of covering up a shorter dress with sleeves not bad actually (I’ve worn a sari over a salwar kameez top because I couldn’t be bothered to make the blouse – it matched perfectly). If you have a sparkly body-con dress with sleeves that you’re happy with, you can find a fancy-ish maxi skirt to wear on top. A deliberate look with intention – lace vs. sequins or whatever.

      I’m sure you’ll look amazing. Pile on the makeup and ice. Be comfortable and have fun.

    8. To me black tie in metro NY actually always means floor length dress. I love some of the rent the runway dresses linked

  10. this is the perfect post for me today. I just ordered this amazing necklace from a friend and need a simple white vneck to wear it with to a bbq tonight with jeans. any ideas on cute stable short sleeve vnecks?

    1. For me that’s UNIQLO’s sweet spot. Their cotton tees have a little stretch, look super polished, at least for the first few months I’ve worn mine.

    2. For casual ts, I love the Old Navy v-necks. They are heathered and really soft. Not really work approrpiate because they are thin, but great with jeans.

    3. I like the Gap v-necks; they are fairly cheap, not too long, not too tight and hold their shape fairly well.

    4. Usually not a Banana Republic fan, but love their white Timeless V-Neck Tees for weekends. They are pretty substantial, so it limits the see-through factor.

    5. My favorite t-shirts of all time are the Lands End fitted cotton modal ones. (Be sure fitted style, or you’ll be headed to frumpville). I pretty much despise anything else from Lands End, but the modal t-shirts are amazing. They are flattering, not boxy. Thick yet soft. The white isn’t transparent. They don’t shirt or pill. I buy the scoop neck and own short and long sleeve in pretty much every color they have offered the past couple of years. I will never go back to Gap again.

  11. Lisa, just wanted to say how much I’ve enjoyed your recommendations this week. Thanks so much for guest posting. I will have to start regularly visiting your blog again!

    1. Thank you very much. Advance notice – I have begun to write about house and garden too, so I would not want to overstate the fashion quotient:).

      1. I’ve only just begun working on the gardens at my (recently purchased) house, so it sounds good to me!

  12. My only problem with Target tees, and I have quite a few (wearing a boatneck today) is that their v-necks and scoop-necks go too low in the larger sizes. I’m short, with boobs and I find that when I get a tee shirt that fits, I have way too much cleavage.

  13. I don’t much like Merona Tees. The fabric tends to be very flimsy. This is a complaint I have with a lot of tees lately. The concept of needing a camisole under a tee is funny. The manufacturers must save a lot of money with this level of fabric. Any suggestions for tees that can be worn without a cami? Somehting with the old Hanes beefeater type fabric but a bit more style?

    1. Lands End, but only their 100% cotton lines. The 1×1 rib is particularly thick, but has a very flattering fitted-but-not-too-tight fit.

      LL Beans unshrinkable are a very nice weight and most like the old Hanes, in quality and cut, IMO. I have narrow shoulders and usually their t-shirts don’t work for me. LE is a more feminine fit, IME.

  14. Any suggestions for work appropriate t-shirts that won’t rub holes? I typically wear Target, J. Crew, Loft, Banana t-shirts and they ALL get holes right where the button of my jeans hits them/the counter. I guess the tissue fabric is too delicate for my everyday wear. Clearly it is operator error, but would love suggestions on t-shirts that won’t end up with holes after 1-2 wears!

    1. Mine do the same! I never thought that it was the pants rubbing, I thought it was my washer ate them somehow! That said, Land’s End or LL Bean both have very sturdy t-shirts that hold up much better. Gap, Target, Wal-Mart, any of the cheaper brands get pin-holes the after just a few wearings and washings.

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