house ad reads "OUR TOP TIPS FOR WINTER BUSINESS CASUAL"; background image shows a young professional woman wearing winter business casual and walking in a snowy city
Polished but Comfortable: How to Look Professional During a Long Flight for Work
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Polished but Comfortable: How to Look Professional During a Long Flight for Work

You want to look professional during a long flight with colleagues, but you’re understandably not too eager to wear a suit for several hours of waking, sleeping, and eating. So, with your trusty flight outfit of a fleece + yoga pants staying in the closet at home, what can you choose that will be comfortable but still…

How to Pack for a One-Day Business Trip

How to Pack for a One-Day Business Trip

What are your best tips on how to pack for a one-day business trip? Today I’m excited to welcome back guest poster and blogger extraordinaire Road Warriorette, who’s been nice enough to give us helpful tips on traveling with coworkers and professional but small suitcases. We actually just met IRL not too long ago for…

young woman pulls a rolling bag behind her
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Tips for Traveling With Your Coworkers

Traveling with your boss and coworkers can be surprisingly difficult — the first time I took a flight with my boss I remember wondering how I should dress, whether I should “visit” her during the flight to check in/chat, and more. Thankfully, Road Warriorette has some great suggestions for how to travel with your coworkers…