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Like these posts? Follow us on Twitter or Facebook — this is the edited version of what we’re reading! (We also Tweet if we hear about a good sale through our CorporetteDeals Twitter feed.) You can also follow us on Pinterest.
– Angie at YouLookFab knows the secret to scrunched sleeves.
– Wow, I think this is the most-liked thing on the Corporette Facebook page, ever: an amusing essay at Jezebel from a woman tired of being told she “doesn't have to dress up” for work.
– SheFinds brainstorms how to make your clothes last longer.
– I'm not sure I can conceive of an office where shorts are OK (except a very creative one) but if yours is that rare exception, Budget Babe tells you how to wear shorts to work. (And they're all very short shorts!) Speaking of creative offices: Lucky Magazine advises how to dress for an interview with both a creative boss and a conservative hiring office.
– POPSUGAR Smart Living ponders when to accept a LinkedIn request.
– Lifehacker asks the age-old question: should you pay down student debt, or invest your money? (We had a similar discussion about when to save versus when to pay down debt.)
On to the survey! The survey is still open, but I am closing the giveaway today. Of 3,344 entries, the lucky number (chosen by was 2302 — I have contacted the reader whose email address appeared in that row of the Excel spreadsheet of survey responses. Thank you guys so much for reading and for taking the survey! Some fun factoids for you:
- 35.7% of you are ages 28-32; the next largest grouping is 25.8% of you ages 23-27.
- 51.3% of you are married or in a civil union, and 74.7% of you have no kids
- 83.1% of you work full time; of those of you who work full time 32.2% of you make over $100K.
- 50.2% of you have a JD, or are in the midst of attaining it
- On the satisfaction scale, most of you are really happy with your job on the intellectual/money/emotion/life balance fronts, with “it's great” being the most common answer.
- 35.4% of you spent $151-$300 on clothes last month (with 2.4% of you spending more than $1K).
On a personal note, to everyone who left SUCH NICE COMMENTS — I'm verklempt. I'm going to have to put those away for a rainy day. :)
Did we miss anything? Add 'em here, or send them to Thank you!
I would LOVE to print multiple copies of that Jezebel rant to distribute to the nosy idiots who dress like slobs, don’t have a life, and/or want to drag everyone else down to their level.
And may I add this goes for men, too? I am SICK TO DEATH of hearing the young guys get harassed by the Waddling Whiner about their ties!
Could be that the coworker is trying to warn Ms Fashionista that people are noticing what you wear & talking about it. You might be giving the message that your look is more important to you than your work.
Professional vs. Crappy
Sounds like we know which team you are on.
Please re-read the article. The point was professional dress garnering unwanted attention. From one judgmental person. A lot like you. “Fashionista” did not enter into it at all.
Not being judgmental, just realistic that there might be people judging her to be less competent because of the way she dresses, just like there are people on here who say things like that they mark down job candidates for things like not wearing a wristwatch, having their undyed roots showing, wearing (gasp!) peeptoe shoes that have nothing to do with their responsibilities at work.
I absolutely agree with you that as long as one is clean and not indecent, appearance should have nothing to do with how one is respected at work. Unfortunately, it probably does affect reviews more than we realize. At least that’s what I’ve gotten from reading comments here.