Weekly News Update

Vintage Luxury Items | CorporetteLike these posts? Follow us on Twitter or Facebook — this is the edited version of what we’re reading! (We also Tweet if we hear about a good sale through our CorporetteDeals Twitter feed.) You can also follow us on Pinterest and Instagram, or by our RSS feed.
  • The Coveted shows you nine examples of vintage luxury pieces — from Gucci to Halston — that can easily pass as current pieces.
  • Ever use dry shampooSheFinds tells you the best way to use it.
  • Kelly of Alterations Needed lists five items that she always has on hand (very different from what's in Kat's purse!). What do YOU always make sure to carry in your handbag/work bag?
  • Ask a Manager (via DailyWorth) gives advice on what to do if your boss just doesn't like you. (What if your mentor is not exactly your biggest fan?)
  • You've probably heard about Katty Kay and Claire Shipman's book and excerpt in The Atlantic on The Confidence Code, but if not, take a look — we'll be discussing the Atlantic excerpt this Monday here on Corporette.
  • Summer associates looking for fashion and career tips should take a look at Greedy Associates' resource roundup. Meanwhile, if your summer associate days are behind you, Greedy Associates also has some advice for being a good mentor to a newbie.
  • Want to get smarter? Farnam Street tells you how to use “The Buffett Formula.”
  • A junior partner at a Biglaw firm, quoted at Above the Law, has a message for associates who are moms: hang in there, because it gets better.
  • How are your charitable donations being used? The NYT ponders.
Did we miss anything? Add 'em here, or send them to news@corporette.com. Thank you! Also: Are you a mom or mom-to-be? Don't miss this week's news update at CorporetteMoms