Stressed About Filing Taxes?
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Stressed About Filing Taxes?

Ladies, we have a bit more than a month before (dunh dunh dunh) Tax Day. Are you done with filing taxes? (And, who is doing them?) Are you stressed about them? Are you looking forward to a refund? Are you nervous about how much you’re going to have to pay? For my $.02, I’m just starting to…

house ad reads "OUR TOP TIPS FOR WINTER BUSINESS CASUAL"; background image shows a young professional woman wearing winter business casual and walking in a snowy city
Tales from the Wallet: Retirement Savings
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Tales from the Wallet: Retirement Savings

Ladies, how much do you save for retirement? Why do you do it? There was an interesting commenter thread about feeling saving burnout and wanting to splurge a little — do you count retirement savings as something you can cut back on, absent a strong need?  We’ve talked about how much to save for retirement, what…