When do you plan to retire, readers? How much do you want to have banked — and what will you do with your time?
Tales from the Wallet: Eldercare and Finances
Have you had to help care for a parent, grandparent, or other loved one? What do you wish you’d known about it ahead of time in terms of finances (yours and theirs)? What were the best resources you found?
Tales from the Wallet: Retirement
Ladies, how much are you saving for retirement? How large does retirement loom in your thoughts — and where does it fall in your priorities? Welcome to our next installment of our Money Milestone series, where we’ve discussed paying for grad school, wedding finances, home buying, financially planning for a baby, and financial strategies for divorce. I haven’t retired yet, obviously, … Read More about Tales from the Wallet: Retirement
Buying a Home: Tips and Tricks
Trying to figure out how buying a home plays into your bigger financial picture? Read this post!
Tales from the Wallet: Financially Preparing for Baby
These are some of our best tips on financially preparing for baby — both before and after you conceive!
Tales from the Wallet: Financially Preparing for Grad School
We had a great discussion a few weeks ago about wedding finances, and now it’s time for the next post in our Money Milestone series: financially preparing for grad school. We’ve talked about how to adjust your new student budget once you get to grad school, how to pay off student loans, how to juggle … Read More about Tales from the Wallet: Financially Preparing for Grad School
Tales from the Wallet: Wedding Finances
What are your best tips on how to get married without going broke, readers?