Three Women Share Their Experiences with Laser Hair Removal
Wondering about laser hair removal? Three women share their experiences with laser hair removal.
Wondering about laser hair removal? Three women share their experiences with laser hair removal.
We’ve been curious about the story on Gothamist, “Overachieving Women Will Drink You Under the Table,” in part because so many of you “liked” the story once we posted it to Facebook (and amazingly, not one of the six is one of our drinking buddies!) Looking more closely at the reports from the Telegraph, the…
Days at the office can be incredibly long — made only longer by the fact that there are still chores, errands, and other life issues to be dealt with. We thought we’d start an open thread by listing some of the things that we do to save time on life tasks, and then see what…
Today’s reader mail is a good one, and in lieu of a poll we’re going to run this as our open thread today… What is the best antiperspirant or deodorant to wear with a suit in these hot summer months??? Great question because, face it, on the days when it’s boiling outside everyone shows up…