Coffee Break: Maxi Montreal
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Hat tip to the reader who shared this DeMellier tote — the last time I looked there weren't any large enough to fit a laptop and carry it comfortably for a city commute! All of their bags look beautiful and luxe, but many are better as handbags instead of work bags because they're too small to fit a magazine, let alone a laptop.
Yet! This one is 13.4″W x 10.6″H x 5.9″ deep, which seems nice and big.
As the brand notes, the bag features multiple compartments and inside pockets, and is roomy enough to host a laptop up to 15″. Nice! It's $735 at DeMellier London.
Sales of note for 2/7/25:
- Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
- Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
- Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
- Boden – 15% off new season styles
- Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
- J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
- J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
- Rothy's – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
- Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
- Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+
My kid tested positive for COVID after coming home sick from school. Home test. Since we have a + home test, no doctor in our area wants to see her, but I need a doctor-administered note to get refunds for air travel / AirBNB we had booked for this weekend. The travel insurance company wants this — they said that there are zoom doctors who will watch you do a home test (all 15 minutes of wait time?) and write a note. Has anyone navigated this? I haven’t until now.
Can the travel insurance company give you names? Seems like they should because they’re the ones demanding it. My other suggestion would be a CVS “test to treat” site (g—gle search for the CDC locator site) or a county/local testing site. They won’t turn away C+ patients because their whole business model is C+ patients.
Thanks — they didn’t seem to know anything local; possibly because pediatrics practices are usually separate? At least I talked to a live person, which is really rate at our health care places locally. Usually it feels like the texting is with an AI robot that is struggling.
But if it’s zoom doctors then presumably they wouldn’t have to be local? A doctor’s appointment that’s 15 mins long is pretty normal. I suspect the travel insurance does this as a way to limit claims so I can’t imagine they will flex on the requirement.
Also EMED dot com, Michael Mina’s company, might work here.
We used eMed proctored (virtual) tests for travel. I’d look at that. I think you can also get drive-thru tests at Walgreens and CVS, but you have to pay because the free testing program ended.
Sorry about your canceled trip & hope your kiddo feels better very soon!!
CVS minute clinic? Urgent care? eMed video-monitored if you can get your hands on them fast enough? (The latter is what we used to get home from international travel several times in the post-vax world in 2021 and 2022.)
My health insurer has a tele health option on their website. Did you try that?
Urgent care clinics see COVID patients all the time. I don’t think you need a pediatrician specifically.
The pediatrician won’t write you a note anyway?
I think it’s pretty common that a doctor can’t write a note without seeing a patient at least virtually.
My doctor’s office absolutely writes notes like this. I just have to call to explain what I need and they send it through our online patient portal same-day.
Same. I’ve done this with my oncologist and PCP to get a note for jury duty exemption before (chronic diarrhea due to past surgical procedure).
I’ve done the online certified test back when you needed a negative test to board a plane (late 2021?). It works pretty conveniently from the consumer side, it’s 0% effective in ensuring a reliable result. I connected to a friendly call center worker in India, they watched me do the swab, then went away (probably watching other callers do the swab), also my call briefly dropped and I had to reconnect, and in the end I held a negative strip up for them to see, and they emailed me a certification. I could have easily faked it but whatever.
Just take her into urgent care because she is sick. They’ll do a test and there you go.
No, stick to online. Don’t expose others unnecessarily.
This. Or at least call urgent care and follow their advice. The last thing they want is someone walking in off the street positive and exposing a whole waiting room and their staff. For a while, ours would have someone come out to your car. Not sure if this is still the case. Personally, I’d try for a telehealth appointment through my local health system or insurer first.
My local urgent cares don’t let people sit in a waiting room anymore. Do others still do that?
Our urgent care had you wait in the car in 2020, but it’s been back to the normal waiting in the waiting room since 2021 and the mask mandate was dropped in early 2022.
yes, take her because she may need anti-viral. She is allowed to be treated and it is up to urgent care to protect her and others.
Healthy children don’t get anti-virals for Covid, and OP gave no indication that her child is immunocompromised or needs special medical treatment.
Thanks all — our mom and pop pharmacy would come out to the car and send documentation, so crossing my fingers that this is documentation enough. It is done at least. Kiddo is still + on their test.
Curious what supplements everyone takes.
I currently take
a women’s daily
fish oil capsules
a separate vitamin D + K gummy due to a blood test that said I was low,
and a probiotic gummy. I know it’s a crapshoot (sorry for that unintentional pun) whether they have the probiotics you need for your particular gut, but I do notice things are better in the bathroom when I take them.
I’m 58 and don’t take additional calcium, but I do consume enough high calcium foods regularly, and just had a normal bone scan.
What do you take?
A women’s multivitamin daily, separate Vitamin C and D when sick, and melatonin when I have trouble sleeping. I’m 38. I should probably take separate calcium because I don’t like milk, but I haven’t been very consistent about it.
Two fish oil capsules — for cholesterol management (so far, so good)
Mega-100 B Complex — started to try to cure nerve numbness in lower leg, and it has worked (somewhat)
Calcium Citrate — started when I was about 30, on advice of a general practitioner; no osteoporosis, so far
Vitamin D — started when a blood lab showed I was deficient; now no longer deficient
I’m thinking about adding Vitamin C (for general health) and Magnesium (for stress relief/aches and pains)
None. I have taken Vit D in the past. I don’t take any other medication and have no routine so I can’t remember to take stuff and it seems fine.
Same. Shower, brush teeth, comb hair is about all the routine I can manage.
Omega 3 for eyes per my optometrist’s advice at least 2200mg
Prenatal multivitamin (in my 40s but I feel better on these vs regular multivitamins
Vitamin D October to April (live in Canada)
Should probably be taking calcium as kid is dairy allergic and I don’t have dairy as much as I used to.
i only take vitamin D every morning, but in the past have taken fish oil, magnesium, B12, and evening primrose.
in fact I just remembered I wanted to start taking B12 again. now hunting for the bottle…
A women’s multivitamin (gummies), zinc (for immunity, have a baby in daycare so lots of bugs in the house), vit d (have tested low so this was doctor prescribed), l-theanine (for anxiety), magnesium at night (for sleep) and recently started taking lion’s mane hoping it will help me with some brain fog. All of these may just be placebo, who knows. (Except for the doctor prescribed vit d.) My uncle used to take a lot of different vitamins and my mom would say he had the country’s most expensive pee. (He was a professor of biochemistry though, so perhaps he knew something?)
I take Thorne Basics 2 a Day as a multivitamin. My doctor doesn’t love multivitamins in general, but I have had so many test confirmed deficiencies w/my GI condition that it’s wildly cheaper to take a multi than to take a separate supplement for each individual deficiency (and they’re not covered by insurance even when medically necessitated where I live).
Daily multivitamin gummy and a B12 gummy because if I don’t, I’m deficient in it.
OP here,
Lots of people have mentioned magnesium and various forms of vitamin B.
Do you mind sharing why? I’ve read various things, but I want to know how it’s helping you…
I take Vitamin B12 because I have a history of some B12 deficiency in my family and my doctor thought it would be a good idea since my bloodwork shows my B12 as being on the low end of normal range. I don’t think a regular vitamin will solve an actual deficiency but the idea is that I can avoid getting one by taking a supplement proactively.
I also take a regular multivitamin daily.
If you ever get relevant symptoms, I learned the hard way that taking B12 can sometimes make levels look normal after it’s gotten to the point of needing B12 shots, but they’re really supposed to go by symptoms over levels anyway.
Yep, had a family member whose levels looked normal but who had it based on symptoms and felt better immediately after starting shots.
Magnesium is the only thing I take. I forget frequently, but take it 3-4 times/week so it’s regular enough, in my book. My doctor suggested it during a bad episode of sciatic back pain, because it is believed to play a role with nerve functioning, although it seems to me that the scientific consensus only goes as far as “sometimes it helps with pain!”. It may have been a factor in resolving the back pain, or it may just have been a good placebo. Who knows!
You can only get B12 from animal products, so people who are vegetarian and vegan must supplement or get very ill. Its a very, very well-known issue. If you don’t supplement, you’re fu$#ed, your body will no longer handle oxygen well. You cannot have a healthy body with a B12 deficiency, and you cannot get B12 without supplements if you don’t eat animal products.
Magnesium is a very important mineral. It often shows up as a common supplement for women because of cycle benefits, but everybody needs enough.
B12 – I’ve heard it’s good for fatigue/brainfog/perimenopause – have also recently heard I might be deficient in it as a longtime drinker.
Magnesium – there are different types that do different things. I’m primarily taking b/c I’ve had a few optic migraines, but other forms are good for calm, sleep, and pooping. Also recommended for perimenopause.
I take magnesium, a B vitamin mix, and D. The magnesium and B2 are for chronic m*graine, per doctor’s recommendation, and B12 and D are because I’m mostly vegan and avoid the sun.
On my doctor and dietician’s recommendation I take a daily vitamin, fish oil, and Vitamin D with K in the mornings and magnesium at night. I also usually have a smoothie with whey protein powder and collagen powder.
Vitamin D3 (live in not cloudy place, my dr wants me to take this with my rx)
Marshmallow root & aloe vera (for managing my interstitial cystitis)
probiotic heavy on lactobacillus (keeping yeast infections at bay)
Super B complex
planning to add calcium at some point soon.
I am 27. I take the following every morning: 5,000 IU vitamin D (I live very far north and have tested low in the past), a B multivitamin from Costco (I am vegetarian, so want to make sure I’m getting enough B vitamin), two Olly Prenatal gummies (TTC), a woman’s probiotic (at the recommendation of my OB since I am TTC, she cited studies that probiotics taken by mom during pregnancy may decrease autism rates in children), and chelated magnesium (muscle health, I cramp occasionally).
I also take iron with dinner 2-3x a week because I suspect I am anemic.
Do you have links to those studies by any chance?
I don’t, my OB just discussed the study with me in an appointment. I generally think taking a probiotic is a good idea regardless, so I didn’t do more follow-up research, but several articles came up when I googled, including one discussing a study that found prenatal exposure to ‘good bacteria’ prevents autism-like syndrome.
Iron because I’m borderline anemic and it makes a dramatic difference in how tired I feel. And fiber gummies to deal with the iron 🙃
No supplements, but I’m an omnivore who eats grass-fed, oily fish and ridiculous amounts of leafy greens.
If I were vegetarian, I’d supplement for sure. Bs, especially B12, D, Ks, keratin etc.
Only what my doc tells me to take which is vitamin D, Blood Builder iron supplement, and a zrytec, plus 2.5 mg of melatonin 14 hrs after I wake up. I have pernicious anemia so I also self-administer a B12 shot every three weeks
I’m so surprised no one has mentioned fiber! I started taking a fiber gummy on the recommendation of a nurse practitioner friend. That and a Gas-X once a day. That midafternoon bloat that makes my clothes uncomfortable? Completely gone. The sluggishness around the same time of day? Much better (if not totally gone). It’s life changing. I never thought a “magic pill” to end all ailments was a thing but this is pretty darn close. I wish I’d known this all my life.
Debating on whether or not to try a “healthy” meal delivery service like Thistle or Sprinly. I have a busy month and don’t feel like cooking. Has anyone tried something similar? How was it?
I do Thistle on and off when I feel like I have been eating a lot of junk. I find that I prefer their meals that you heat in a pan (like their curries and other grain bowls) over their salads (quickly got bored eating salads). The taste and quality is good.
If you want meals that are fully cooked and not frozen, look at Factor. My husband has been doing those for several months and he love it.
I liked the flavor of the Factor meals. They didn’t seem super healthy though, and there was so much plastic waste.
Waste part is relative. I find that it has less plastic waste than other services that send all the ingredients in little packages to make the meal. We also get it as an alternative to getting take out because husband isn’t good about cooking and doing meal prep so he ends up getting food from restaurants. I think we get some of the leaner meals (some are pretty high in calories but the fish and chicken seem to be lower).
I like Thistle for this, particularly for lunch. I know it’s not recommended, but if using and cleaning a skillet will be too much during a busy time I suggest investing in some big microwave safe bowls you can use to heat/warm the Thistle meals. Some of their lunch salads have a heating suggestion which I agree enhances the meal, and putting it all in a huge bowl in the microwave gave me the same results I would have expected from the stovetop. Also easier to eat a giant salad out of a huge bowl :)
does anyone know how to find an iphone that has zero battery?
No, but it’s in between your couch cushions. Maybe deep, like between the seat and the arm of the chair.
Signed, have found phones there twice.
Or between your car seat and the center console, or under your car seat.
That is where I found my prescription glasses, after I bought a new pair.
9 out of 10 times mine is on a shelf in my closet. Otherwise it’s in the coat pocket or purse I most recently used.
We one time found the phone that had not just fallen behind the cushion in the recliner but somehow had fallen into the little under chair upholstery liner (google tells me this is called the cambric) and we had to cut it open to get the phone off.
Find My iPhone should still work at least as of last known location.
It took me a super embarrassing amount of time to find my phone in my own living room, where I knew I’d left it, because it was sitting on top of our similar-color-and-finish TV speaker.
My teenager left a cell phone at a vacation rental for the same reason. Find my iPhone just said it was last in the house, but it was dead and we couldn’t ping it. The cleaning service found it and he had to drive back 2 1/2 hours to get it!
Do you know if it is nearby and just can’t see it? Even if the battery is dead, you can use Find My from another device to tell your MIA one to play a sound. You can also log in to icloud online if you don’t have another device connected.
How is the dead phone going to play a sound with no battery?
It doesn’t. This is bad advice.
The phone will sound if plugged in and recharged sufficiently to make a sound, but there’s no way for it to make a sound when the battery is dead.
Does anyone have a recommendation for a men’s warm coat or puffer with extra long sleeves? Everything DH has tried on has been too short in the arms. He’s skinny with a short waist so the big and talls are just way too big. It’s making me crazy that he’s planning his (and my extension our family’s) weekends around the weather because he doesn’t have appropriate clothing. TIA!
Idk how tall he is, but how about a Patagonia puffer? All the fall lean guys in my life wear them.
Also…sweater + puffer vest.
Sweater + vest is such a good combination. I wear that a lot while WFH because my home office is somewhere between walk in refrigerator and walk in freezer.
I love this combo for driving. I hate being cold but I also hate feeling like my arms are restricted.
My beanpole husband wears a M Tall at LL Bean. You could also try tall sizes at Eddie Bauer, stuff like this:
I’m tall and skinny and can personally wear normal North Face coats, but I have no idea what their men’s sizes are like.
My beanpole brothers swear by LL Bean tall sizes.
You can also try stretchy down jackets if he’s really skinny. I wasn’t sure if they still made them, but it looks like Eddie Bauer does:'s-microtherm(r)-freefusetm-stretch-down-hooded-jacket?sp=1&color=Sprig&size=M&sizeType=Tall. Costco sometimes had similar ones or down jackets with stretchy panels on the side which had the effect of making the body more narrow.
My 6’6” husband finds LLBean tall sleeves too short but Eddie Bauer tall sleeves are long enough.
Does anyone have a link to the letter from law firms to law schools related to students who support Palestine/support Hamas/support antisemitism/support anti-Israel causes (not trying to be vague – I haven’t seen the letter, so I don’t know what it says)? TIA.
Supporting Palestinians is not the same as being anti-semitic. The commenters here have been really, really skewed on this topic.
I don’t think she was implying that supporting Palestine is antiemitic and I don’t think anyone here has said that. It was confusingly worded but I think OP was saying she doesn’t know the details of the contents of the letter, but it was related to one of the topics she listed.
They have been! OP may not have meant it, but the slashes make it seem like all those groups can be lumped together. I know there are some extremists, but people who support an independent Palestine are very often not anti-Semitic, anti-Israeli, or pro-Hamas. When did this become a black-and-white issue? Have we lost the ability to understand nuance? You can hate a terrorist organization while still feeling empathy and support for everyday Palestinians and believe they are facing discrimination. You can criticize choices of the Israeli government and actions of the IDF while supporting safety and security for Israeli people.
So the law firms are doing their very best to quell free speech? Wow.
For the thousandth time, free speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences. It means you won’t go to jail.
what are the 5 things you eat most frequently? i’ll go first:
fat free greek yogurt
diet coke
apples, maybe
Apples (honey crisp)
Peanut butter
Siggi’s yogurt
Ezekiel bread (breakfast every morning)
Maybe eggs (weekend breakfast?)
If not eggs then probably chicken. We rotate the veg we eat so nothing that would rise to the top 5.
Peanut butter
Olive oil
Where are the vegetables on people’s lists!
It differs from season to season, due to what’s growing.
Leafy greens (lettuce, rocket, kale, herbs in salads)
Snow peas/sugar snap peas
Pumpkin/Sweet potato
I think a lot of people rotate veggies so no one vegetable makes the top 5. It doesn’t mean their diets are veg-free.
Right, that’s also why I didn’t list a protein other than eggs. I don’t really like eating chicken more than say once a week so I mix it up with fish or beans and rice or occasionally beef. None of them would make the top 5 for this reason.
I notice a lot of people have breakfast on auto pilot like me, so breakfast items become the things you eat most frequently.
This is me. I grow my own vegetables and also get them from a CSA, so I eat a lot of different vegetables and fruits, whatever’s in season. I would say a top 10 for me is salad greens (also grapes), but I don’t eat one vegetable or fruit consistently enough to make it into my top 5.
I didn’t include vegetables (or fruit) because I eat a lot of different fruits and vegetables and so there’s no one that I eat all that often. I eat oatmeal or toast for breakfast every day, but I might have berries, apples, pears, bananas, peaches, broccoli, tomatoes, avocado, spinach, peppers, pesto, or something else on it depending on the season. So oats and bread make the list (my bread recipe includes oats), but no fruits or veggies.
Chocolate: you are my people.
Just being honest!
Full fat or 2% greek yogurt
some variation of bread
full fat Greek yogurt
Sourdough bread from a local bakery
Some kind of seasonal fruit, daily
Earl Grey tea
Dark leafy greens
(not counting ingredients like butter, olive oil, kosher salt etc)
kefir or 2% yogurt
kimchi or romaine
I drink my coffee with cream.
I’ve cut back on cheese.
Diet coke/coke zero
Parmesan cheese
grape tomatoes
Avocado on a seeded cracker w chili flakes and sea salt
Protein shake
Flat white with soy milk/coffee w soy milk
Dark chocolate
Chicken + veg
Salad (it varies widely based on season so I will be generic)
My company is sponsoring an industry conference and has a table at the dinner. I will be hosting the dinner and have been reaching out to invite people. I work in a fairly niche sub-specialty of this industry and decided to invite others that work in this sub- specialty. I invited my closest contacts first – all responded quickly if they could attend. I still had a couple spots to fill at the table so on Tuesday I invited two people who I don’t know well (have spoken to once before), but would know others at the table and it’s a small community. It’s been over two days and I haven’t received a response from either. The dinner is under two weeks away so if they can’t join I need to find people to fill the seats at the table. While it’s only been two days, I am guessing if they haven’t responded yet they’re probably not interested. Should I follow up to check or if I don’t hear back by tomorrow, assume they’re not coming and start inviting others?
I know I’m overthinking this but I am feeling a bit self conscious that maybe they thought it was strange that I invited them. I am a woman in a male dominated industry, and both are men, fwiw.
Follow up and just say that you need to know by x time. You don’t want them to respond that they’re coming after you’ve given away their spot.
+1, I would follow up either tomorrow afternoon or Monday morning, and then if you don’t hear back by x time you can move to your c-list guilt-free.
Don’t assume, definitely follow up before giving away the space. But 2 days isn’t that long. For future ref when it’s something like this with a fixed number of spaces available, even if you think they’ll probably reply quickly, include in the original invite something like “since space is limited, please let me know by XX date if you are interested in attending”. Here, I’d wait until Friday afternoon and ask them to let you know by COB Monday.
I’d hold the seats until a deadline you specify in a follow up, and have some of your coworkers on alert that they may need to fill a seat last minute.
For the future, give a deadline/negative notice in your initial outreach. “We’ve set aside a ticket for you, please let me know by COB Monday if you’d like to join.” That way you’ve outlined expectations and you’ve freed yourself of cat-herding duties.
Also I find it a bit annoying if someone emails me a question with no deadline and they follow up days later to say, you need to get back to me rightthissecond (or within ~24 hours). If you needed a response within a short, non-obvious-to-me amount of time (ahem, within 48 hours for a dinner 2 weeks away) then you should have told me that. Now you’re making this an emergency when it didn’t need to be. It can be an emotional lift to figure out dinner and childcare issues, it’s not that awesome to let someone think they have weeks to figure it out and then spring it in them that no actually you need to know rn. At this point, follow up but give them a couple of (week)days.
I’ll be in Zurich for 1.5 days before heading to Lucerne in a few weeks. Any recommendations for what to see or do or eat in Zurich for a day?
Eat: Fondue
See: the art museum
Bemoan: your phone bill
+1 to the first two comments, but I don’t get the phone bill reference. My US phone plan has free data in a bunch of countries, including Switzerland. Is there something special about Zurich?
If your phone plan is European you’ll pay through the nose in Switzerland, they’re not part of European roaming plans.
PSA – I got my flu shot yesterday and I am completely wiped out today. I’ve not had this reaction to a flu shot before so maybe plan to work from home after you get yours, even if you’ve soldiered through before.
I had the same experience with this year’s flu shot and it’s normally a non-event for me.
I got it together with the COVID booster so I don’t know which knocked me out, but I was definitely knocked out for a full day and not 100% the next day.
I got the COVID booster in spring 2023 (recommended for high risk people) and it barely affected me, just a sore arm, so something was different this fall for sure!
Same experience here
Everyone I know who has gotten this year’s flu shot has been wiped out by it.
My vent for the evening:
I just heard the Uqora commercial on TV again: “This inspired my husband and *I* too . . . . “
Why can schools not teach grammar properly? Why do ad agencies not correct improper grammar? Why do workplaces not encourage employees (including my boss) to use proper grammar?
If you have an advanced degree and are a native English speaker, presumably you know the difference between a subject and an object – yet you still regularly say “between you and I” and “X told Y and I that” and “he had come to the office.”
Then there’s this:
People using “I” when it should be “me” is one of my biggest pet peeves.
Another one that I’m seeing more and more is the omission of “to be” e.g., “it needed done.” It feels like everyone in my area talks like this and I hate it! It makes you sound so uneducated.
I suspect that they think it makes them sound more sophisticated. But they are wrong.
are you in western PA? That is such a Pittburgh local thing…
Also Central PA!!
Nope, Illinois!
I immediately thought the same thing! It is definitely a western PA/Pittsburgh way of speaking.
I mean, with so much being outsourced to other countries, it’s entirely possible that none of the people working on the ad spoke English well enough to even notice…
I hear you, though, it bugs me too.