Coffee Break: Edie Shoulder Bag

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I've always been a fan of the Edie line of bags from Rebecca Minkoff, which have quilted leather details (definitely reminiscent of Chanel). This pretty red shoulder bag is on sale at Neiman Marcus today — it was $298, but is now marked to $233. If you like the look but not the shape of this particular bag, there are crossbody options, backpacks, clutches and more. Of course the line is also carried at Nordstrom, Rebecca Minkoff, Saks and more. Edie Quilted Leather Shoulder Bag Psst: By the way, double points are on at Nordstrom! It's a great time to stock up on basics like these hose, these pants, this dress, this comfortable pump under $100, these reader-favorite block heels, these flats, or this line of awesome bags for work. This post contains affiliate links and Corporette® may earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post. For more details see here. Thank you so much for your support!

Sales of note for 2/7/25:

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
  • Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
  • J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
  • J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
  • Rothy's – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+

And some of our latest threadjacks here at Corporette (reader questions and commentary) — see more here!

Some of our latest threadjacks include:


  1. What is everyone’s preferred job search website? I’m not looking for anything specific – nonprofits, corporate, government, education – anything is fine.

    1. Indeed was the best option for me. In my area, Idealist rarely had listings and Ziprecruiter kept suggesting really awful “marketing” companies that were MLMs with corporate sheen.

    2. Depends on the region. ZipRecruiter is really big here (Midwest/South). LinkedIn was the best for the northeast.

    3. Indeed, LinkedIn, and the job board for the association for my legal specialty area.

  2. Two purse questions: I have an aunt who likes to “surprise” people with gifts from their Jeff Bezo’s megacorp wish list. She’s not super tech savvy and feels very clever and sneaky when she finds someone’s public list and buys something off it. It’s pretty sweet. I have a birthday coming, and she’s been hinting she’d like to get me a work tote. But I need to find said tote and put it on my wishlist for this to work out. I wanna keep it under $200 and the bag needs to be available on the site. Any suggestions?

    And another handbag question: are people still carrying bucket bags? Not to work, obviously, but run errands on a Saturday.

    1. So you can add “ideas” to your wish list. Maybe if you can’t find The Tote at A’zon, but can find it at Nordstrom or something, you could paste the link into the “idea” field and save it? She’d have to know how to paste the link into her browser to get to the page and buy you the thing, but it opens up possibilities.

    2. The Victorinox Divine tote is amazing. Seriously. I love mine and have used 2 daily for 3+ years with zero signs of wear. It’s light, it’s polished enough to carry to my most important meetings, has a million thoughtful pockets and a sleeve to go over suitcase handles. It’s my dream tote.

  3. Have people seen the story re a Rhode Island school saying that if a kid’s lunch tab isn’t paid up, he’s not getting a free lunch anymore — he’s getting a jelly sandwich. I consider myself a nice person, I donate to food shelters etc. I wouldn’t have a problem buying lunch for a few of these kids. And yet my reaction to this is — shrug? At least he’s not starving, if his parents are paying nothing AND sending no food, how can they demand what food he’s given. Yet most people’s reaction seems to be outrage. Anyone grow up in a similar situation – what’s your view?

    1. Didn’t read the article but it seems that an obvious drawback is that it singles out and punishes the child for something that wasn’t his choice or responsibility. In part because it signals to his peers that he’s bad/undeserving. It’s not just about the food itself. And regular school lunches bought and prepared in bulk are probably not much pricier than jelly sandwiches, so again it’s not about the food.

    2. In case you are not a troll, but just failing to process: the issue isn’t the quality of the food, it’s the public shaming of these children, in front of their classmates, for their families’ poverty (or other inability/failure to pay bills).

    3. I was not on an income-based lunch program, so my opinion might not really be relevent here. At the local elementary school, the cafeteria workers would provide the cheapest lunch option- generally a sandwich- to those who did not have money to pay. In addition to the sandwich, they stamped our hands with a reminder for our parents to repay the debt.
      I never felt any personal bullying because of the stamped hand. It seems like many families already qualify for a reduced or free lunch program at the RI school, I’m curious if the area has a particularly wide income disparity. Just food for thought…

      1. I would also like to add that the sandwiches offered in RI are also on the menu, and the school district claims that it is already a choice for many paying children as well.
        I don’t know if the sandwiches are the best option, but it is not much different from how my hometown’s school district has been doing things for 20+ years.

      2. I’ve been looking into it a bit more, and the headlines are a bit misleading. First, lunch for students with debt on their account includes the vegetable of the day, fruit, and milk in addition to the sandwich. Not the most healthy choices, but is certainly a more rounded meal than just the headline. Second, the students on the free or reduced lunch program are incurring these costs for picking up extras that are not included in the lunch program (i.e. cookies or extra milk).
        Again, I don’t think that the school’s choice is the most equitable way to handle the situation, but I don’t find it as outrageous as people are saying.

    4. Being poor is already very isolating and makes everything harder. To be given food that is very conspicuously not what everyone else gets draws attention to the fact that the child’s parents can’t/won’t pay for lunch. Poor kids already get made fun of for being poor (at least I did), and drawing attention to it in this way doesn’t help. It’s not the child’s fault if the parents can’t or won’t send money, and further isolating the child is not the solution to that problem. Further, a jelly sandwich isn’t filling or nutritious for a growing child. I can’t imagine the child would be that productive in school or be able to pay much attention after that lunch. For one, I’m happy for my tax dollars to feed any child who needs it at public schools.

      1. Right? JFC. I’d rather my taxes went to feeding vulnerable children than the military boondoggle du jour.

    5. I suppose I’m not outraged because this isn’t anything new. Growing up, my school district provided a separate very basic brown bag style lunch when the negative balance reached a particular level. I think kids deserve a meal at school, but a basic one is just fine. Bullying is a very real thing, however I don’t think it should be the primary outrage driver in this particular situation.

    6. I’m not a fan of the practice, but I’ll tell you it’s (a) not limited to RI, and (b) done without regard for income or being on a reduced lunch plan. It happens at my child’s school and my child has come close to it happening simply because I forgot to put more money on her account. We’re far from being able to qualify for a reduced lunch and it can still happen. Honestly, it would shame me more than her though.

    7. There’s something to be said for parental responsibility. If you’re leaving it to the government to raise your kids, you don’t get to complain about the kids’ feelings being hurt.

      1. This is such a yucky perspective. How is it ok to pick on the kid for their parents being poor? Teach that kid a lesson not to have poor parents? I hear this “personal accountability” argument a lot from conservatives and it always seems so smug I-got-mine to me.

        1. The parents are not shamed for being poor. They are shamed for not caring enough about their kid to enroll them in free or reduced lunch, send them with a lunch, or pay for their lunches. (Given that all kids in Rhode Island who are on SNAP or whose families receive cash assistance are automatically enrolled for free lunches, this is in fact NOT about being poor.)

          Do you better understand if there are clapping emojis between each sentence??

          1. Either way, those are failings of the parents, not the kids. Kids of irresponsible parents have enough problems. School doesn’t need to add to it.

            Also people’s financial situations can change suddenly.

          2. “The parents are not shamed for being poor.” That is correct. The parents are not shamed at all. The children receiving the sandwiches are shamed, hungry, and unable to concentrate at learn at school.

          3. Anon at 4:52 PM, you’re not allowed to use that language to describe me.

            I’m sorry that you’re an angry, hateful person who cannot establish a coherent argument and thinks that it’s okay to be a terrible person, but you aren’t allowed to call me swear words. Sorry!

          4. Lol what? Yes she is. She just did. I will too. Sorry precious no internet police is coming to save you.

          5. Um, what? That clapping hand emojis comment is way out of line. You can’t tell you what people are allowed to do or not when you clearly have no clue how to “establish a coherent argument” (lol) and also how to be a semi-decent human.

          6. Anon at 4:59 – I’m a different anon, and I’ll call you that too, because you are. #sorrynotsorry

          7. I don’t accept being treated that way. I also find it rather pathetic that none of you are capable of addressing the argument on the merits – you just choose to swear instead.

            But hey, you also think it’s okay for parents to starve their kids, so…..

          8. Hahaha!

            Thinks it’s ok to shame hungry innocent children in real life because their parents are poor.

            Thinks it’s completely unacceptable to be called an a-hole on the internet.

            We know who the real snowflakes are.

    8. When I was in school, they didn’t really let you have unpaid school lunch bills: you just didn’t get lunch.

      Frankly, I’m more angry with parents who don’t fill out the paperwork to get their kids a free or reduced lunch, don’t send their kids with a lunch, or don’t give their kids money for lunch. They are YOUR CHILDREN. Feeding them is not an optional part of being a parent.

    9. I don’t think that the kid should be singled out publicly like that, but I also don’t think the answer is just to shrug and say “oh well, guess the parents are never going to pay!” The responsible thing to do is to either figure out a way to get the parents to pay up (without shaming the child) or get the kid into the reduced or free lunch program. Honestly, it’s the parents’ job to do that work, but since many of them aren’t going to, the school should just step in and handle it.

    10. Personally, I strongly suspect that I would have gone hungry and not eaten rather than getting a different lunch that pointed out I was poor – and lunch was not often my biggest meal since it wasn’t like we had much food at home. But I actually qualified for free lunch, so this wouldn’t have been a problem for me

    11. I assume you’re a troll based on your inflammatory post and familiar writing style, but my view is that we do not punish children for their parents’ shortcomings. I especially believe that we should not do so in ways that malnourish and publicly shame them, ESPECIALLY during the school day when they are trying to learn. Hungry kids don’t learn well. Malnourished kids don’t learn well. You know what happens to kids who don’t learn? They’re negatively impacted all their lives. You tell me– is society better off when kids are healthy and educated and able to grow into healthy educated adults, or the opposite? (PS you’re not a nice person.)

      1. +1. I once heard a libertarian say “treat adults like adults, and take care of children” and damn if that wasn’t the most reasonable thing I’ve ever heard a libertarian say.

        I vote for school levies even though I’m childfree. I want ALL children in this country to have access to high quality education and not be distracted by hunger when they learn or be singled out and bullied for something out of their control.

        1. Yes to ALL of this. Childfree here too, but I absolutely believe that everyone benefits when kids are healthy and cared for and educated. I love that phrasing, and totally agree that’s the most reasonable thing I’ve heard a libertarian say!

    12. We live in an age of excommunication. OP – I don’t agree with you (shaming of children, etc), but I’m pretty shocked at the comments that suggest that your views on this single issue mean that you’re a bad person.

      1. It’s only shocking if you haven’t paid attention to the insane hatred these women express when they encounter a non-progressive opinion.

        1. Oh stop whining. These threads always follow the same pattern. Anonymous states something inflamatory. Inflamation ensues. Anon replies with just awful comments that may also belittle others for no reason. And so it goes. Then, inevitably toward the end, some poor conservative Anon starts squawking about the persecution of conservatives on here, which is a complete overreaction.

          I mean, come on. “Insane hatred”? Calm down, snowflake.

          1. OP, while your comment may in fact ring true, I always think it is more appropriate to stay “on topic”. I therefore choose to limit my own analysis and commentary to the subject matter@ hand, without delveing into the potential intent or motives of the other OP’s. I have always found personally that I am crankier in the late afternoon, as the some might think OP might have been, before I get home and eat dinner, so you won’t usueally find me posting at that hour unless I have had substantive protein to eat before posting.

    13. A jelly sandwich isn’t very sustaining. It’s basically sugar. That is not a substitute for the regular hot lunch.

    14. I read that article yesterday and it made me want to start a campaign to make all lunches at public schools free.

  4. Has anyone here ever had the lining of a purse replaced? Was it worth the expense? I have a Dooney bag that I love and the leather is still in great shape but the lining is shot.

    1. Yes. I had a Kate Spade bag that i had to cut the lining of to get a zipper that was stuck, open. At the time, they had a cobbler they suggested up north. I sent the bag in, they sent me an estimate, I gave them permission to charge my credit card, and they sent it back with a new liner intact. I would suggest it especially since you say the rest of the bag is still in good condition.

  5. I normally read this blog and others via Bloglovin but lately I’ve noticed that it automatically deletes unread posts from the feed after a week or so. Are there better options? I like being able to favorite certain posts to go back to later or just leave them unread and catch up on the different blogs after a vacation or when I have downtime.

    1. I’m using The Old Reader. Not sure if you can favorite posts on there, but I haven’t seen it delete old posts.

  6. This is so petty, but I have an otherwise very good friend who never acknowledges my birthday. I don’t think I’m one of those birthday-obsessed people and I definitely don’t expect a gift, but I feel like it’s weird that she never so much as texts or emails “happy birthday.” And often she happens to texts me on my actual birthday (we talk fairly regularly but not every day) but doesn’t acknowledge it, so it sort of feels like she’s deliberately ignoring it. I know she wishes other people happy birthday because I see it on a Facebook. I don’t know why this bothers me so much but it really does! I have to just let it go, right?

    1. Does she KNOW your birthday? There are friends whose birthdays I don’t know and they don’t know mine.

    2. Yes, you have to let it go. She is almost certainly not deliberately ignoring your birthday.

    3. Is your birthday on facebook? If so, maybe she doesn’t get on that day so she didn’t see it or notice it?

      But generally, yes, you do have to let it go. If she’s otherwise a good friend, she’s not ignoring it on purpose.

    4. Until you mentioned Facebook, I was pretty sure I am your friend. I put the effort in for a close friend who I know is really into birthdays, and for my husband, because they were a big deal in his family. Everyone else… I love and support you, but please don’t ask me to remember your birthday. Don’t take it personally! It is her, not you

    5. I mean…does she even know it’s your birthday? Just because she wishes other people happy birthday on FB doesn’t mean she sees its your birthday – she possibly never even looks at whatever little notification or wtv that tells you whose birthday it is and just remembers her other friends bdays.

      In the end, it really doesn’t matter if she’s an otherwise good friend – especially if you don’t do anything for your birthday for her to intentionally not acknowledge it.

    6. You know, I am a friend who sometimes misses birthdays and I feel bad about it but I think you have to realize that this is like a love language – I will always be here for my friends if they need me, I do care a lot about them, but my own birthday is not a big deal to me and I do not have a perfect system for keeping track of birthdays.

      (Also I do have that one friend who makes such a big deal out of her birthday that no one can ever do enough, but this is not the majority of my friends, thankfully)

      1. +1 I forget my family members’ birthdays because we never made a big deal out of them growing up, so it’s not something I consider important as an adult (especially as it relates to adult birthdays). I am happy to join in for a birthday dinner or whatever, but I am terrible with dates. Also, no FB, so I get no reminders that way. My friends don’t seem to care and that’s one of many reasons I love them.

    7. Do you do something to celebrate your birthday? Does she attend? If so, she might feel like that’s her way of acknowledging your birthday. I have many friends whom I adore but I just don’t remember everyone’s bday. I know that friend a’s bday is around April 18th but am not sure if it’s the 16th or 18th or 19th. But we always plan a dinner for the closest weekend. There are a few friends I’ll reach out to specifically, but usually, I don’t. I don’t expect my friends to know my exact bday and don’t get upset if they don’t text. That, to me, is not a marker of the strength of our friendship.

    8. If it’s important to you that she acknowledge you birthday, then when she texts you on your birthday you respond to the text and you add “Guess what? It’s my birthday!! Say ‘Happy Birthday!'”

      If she ignores it after that, I give you permission to be irked.

    9. I think it’s weird that you consider her a good friend that you talk to on a multiple times a week basis, and yet your immediate jump is that she ‘deliberately ignores’ your birthday rather than doesn’t realize/ forgets it’s your birthday. It does, honestly , seem petty and odd. I don’t remember all of my friend’s birthdays. I don’t expect them to remember mine. If I happen to be on Facebook (which I do not every day) and see “23 people wished Sally a Happy Birthday” I might go “Oh shoot!” and throw a Happy B day her way. But like…my friend group is all in our 30’s and 40’s. I expect my husband and my Mom to remember but I think it’s a little ridiculous to think my adult friends would really…care? *shrug*. I wouldn’t assume ill intent on her part at all.

    10. Just let it go. If she acknowledged your birthday and suddenly stopped that would be different. I’m the nicest way possible, you’re not 12. Get over it!

  7. This seems like a dumb question but is there an app/program where you can input your work location, gym, place of worship, etc and it will recommend a neighborhood for you to live in/shop for real estate?

    1. . . . Wouldn’t that just be the neighborhood where you work or go to the gym or go to church? For most people those things don’t tend to be *that* spread out.

      1. I know, I’m probably overthinking it, but I live in a city of six million people. My preferred place of worship is literally an hour drive one way from my current house in the suburbs. We’re planning to move back to the city center so I was just thinking about how I might optimize drive times. It’s the ultimate first world problem I guess.

    2. Venn diagram it. There are several “draw circles on maps” free sites that use google maps. Put all of them in a map and increase the radius until you have your perfect location.

    3. Also… you could ask around at your favorite place… your place of worship, your gym, etc. for a realtor that “knows the area”. People will happily recommend their favorites.
      Also if you use too much Google Maps like I do, you can see a map of where you drove to over the previous months. So maybe check that out and zoom in…

  8. The other day someone asked about jeans for a particular body shape and got great answers, so I’ll ask mine. A friend of mine has lost a considerable amount of weight and she’s now about a dress size 12. She doesn’t think that she can wear jeans, especially skinny jeans because she has “thick thighs” (her words). She’s not hippy and is apple shaped in general, although getting more waist definition as she loses weight. I told her that I think the matter is more about finding the right fit/cut for her and not using me (built completely differently) as an example. Anybody have ideas of what brands/styles she should try? I was thinking Rockstar, but in the curvy cut, maybe?

    1. I’m more pear shaped with ample thighs and booty, size 10. Wit & Wisdom, Articles of Society, and Joe’s from Nordstrom or Rack are usually good for me. Express jeans are also typically a decent fit. I’ve tried to like Old Navy jeans but they seem to lose their shape too quickly.

    2. They are expensive but Paige jeans have been my magic jeans for a few years. I’m guessing I am about the same size/shape as your friend, I think, and they work great for me. The only other challenge is that I imagine they would easily be too long without hemming for anyone less than about 5’7″, although they have “ankle” options as well that are longer than most ankle pants.

      I have also had good luck with “curvy fit” jeans at Ann Taylor, and those are much more reasonably priced. But have a somewhat limited selection of washes/styles/etc.

      1. Oh – also – I have learned that *some* brands interpret “curvy fit” pants to mean a bit of stretch and a slightly more generous cut, while others interpret it to mean a more dramatic ratio between waist and hips. As a curvier person in general, I have found that sometimes “curvy” cut fits me way better and sometimes way worse than “regular”, so she should not confine herself to that descriptor because it seems to be nearly meaningless to me – it’s just a slightly different cut.

    3. Thanks to both of you! Sounds like I need to take her to Rack. She lives closer to Rack than I do, so maybe I can get her there to try some things on.

  9. Thanks! I believe she’s 5’3″, so she would probably need the ankle version. Good to know. She lives very near Rack, so maybe we can go together.

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