Weekend Wednesday: Going Out Bags

Weekend Wednesday: Going Out Bags

This is an occasional feature where we take a deeper look at weekend wear for professional women. Ladies, which are your favorite bags (or types of bags) to carry when you go out on the town? Do you make an effort to switch bags when you’re going out, or do you often just end up carrying…

house ad reads "OUR TOP TIPS FOR WINTER BUSINESS CASUAL"; background image shows a young professional woman wearing winter business casual and walking in a snowy city
Going Out Clothes After 25
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Going Out Clothes After 25

Today was supposed to be part two of our suits roundup but, well, it’s taking too long and I don’t want to slap something up half-finished. So here’s an interesting question that came up yesterday in the comments — can you wear denim for going-out clothes after 25? Is there an age limit, or is it…